[Champion] Skarner - Page 5
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United States33802 Posts
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Canada349 Posts
solo lane, trifore into deathcap, weird but went 10-2, 13-4 and 9-1 quite solid actually | ||
United States1817 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
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France1905 Posts
The best thing pre level 6 is not to gank the ennemy lane but to counter jungle and gank the jungler, killed so many fiddlesticks, amumu, rammus at wraith or wolfs Rarely u will be able to gank pre level 6 but if you see one of your opponent is an idiot go for it and make them use flash but dont try too much, better to reach level 6 faster than to pull unsuccesful ganks And take MS quint absolutly, so good on him | ||
United States1817 Posts
On November 05 2011 02:01 sylverfyre wrote: So assuming rageblade is going to be your first core offensive item, what do you build the starting cloth into? Tabi doesn't seem great on him - aegis? Well-rounded defense is always nice, right? It's usually Wriggles -> GRB -> Responsive Tanking Items (i.e. build to counter their team). I personally like following a warwick-style SV/FH for the CDR but I wouldn't say that's ideal for every game. | ||
United States1817 Posts
On November 05 2011 02:23 trollbone wrote: well my jungle path with skarner is : wolf -> blue -> their wraith -> my wraith --> red -> their wolf -> golem -> wolf --> etc The best thing pre level 6 is not to gank the ennemy lane but to counter jungle and gank the jungler, killed so many fiddlesticks, amumu, rammus at wraith or wolfs Rarely u will be able to gank pre level 6 but if you see one of your opponent is an idiot go for it and make them use flash but dont try too much, better to reach level 6 faster than to pull unsuccesful ganks And take MS quint absolutly, so good on him How low do you get doing this? How often does their mid come to try and help their jungler? | ||
United States9109 Posts
i work from 5pm-11pm tonight and afterwards probably watching a rented movie with my g/f but i don't work til afternoon tomorrow so i'll probably be streaming some skarner games either late tonight or earlyish tomorrow i'll bump my stream thread when i do so if you want to watch, check there. also if you miss the games and want to see me play again, just post in there and i'll stream next time i play him | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On November 05 2011 06:56 gtrsrs wrote: ok finally got internet at my new apartment i work from 5pm-11pm tonight and afterwards probably watching a rented movie with my g/f but i don't work til afternoon tomorrow so i'll probably be streaming some skarner games either late tonight or earlyish tomorrow i'll bump my stream thread when i do so if you want to watch, check there. also if you miss the games and want to see me play again, just post in there and i'll stream next time i play him Fuck you, don't. I just realized that he stomps like a boss and am raping with him. Don't let him become fotm. thx, bro. <3 Also he's slightly slower than brodyr, but not by much. =P His ability to 1n1 shit is just insane as fuck. THAT Q BUFF OMGOMGOMG!!! | ||
United States176 Posts
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Canada908 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
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United States1817 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
Wriggles - Mercs - Trinity - Wit's - Defensive item of choice, usually Randuin's or GA. I don't think it's empirically better than TF, in fact I'd feel the procs and health are much better than the AS that Rageblade brings. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On November 07 2011 14:06 Requizen wrote: As a note, I've not been building Rageblade on him lately. Jungling: Wriggles - Mercs - Trinity - Wit's - Defensive item of choice, usually Randuin's or GA. I don't think it's empirically better than TF, in fact I'd feel the procs and health are much better than the AS that Rageblade brings. Eh... around which elo does that work for you? Sorry for bringing out "that" card again, but my experience is that Triforce/Wits is such a huge commitment to mostly offensive stuff that it's just not going to happen. Skarner is way closer to someone like Udyr who has to tank out very early because of his skillset. With Skarner I usually feel that I can BARELY get away with Wriggles -> Rageblade -> Tank, so I can't imagine getting wriggles, triforce AND wits end without being instaraped in teamfights. | ||
United States9109 Posts
Wits isn't terrible on skarner but you definitely can't get triforce from the jungle | ||
United States1966 Posts
On November 07 2011 14:44 r.Evo wrote: Eh... around which elo does that work for you? Sorry for bringing out "that" card again, but my experience is that Triforce/Wits is such a huge commitment to mostly offensive stuff that it's just not going to happen. Skarner is way closer to someone like Udyr who has to tank out very early because of his skillset. With Skarner I usually feel that I can BARELY get away with Wriggles -> Rageblade -> Tank, so I can't imagine getting wriggles, triforce AND wits end without being instaraped in teamfights. Honestly, I think it's just best to go wriggles, boots, philo, hog, mercs, shurelias, randuins. Sometimes aegis or some other cheap defensive items in there. Skarner is never going to be tanky enough if he jungles, the best thing to do with him is to just flash into the enemy team, pop shurelias and ult someone important on the enemy team and drag them into your team with ult. Also, you don't necessarily need items to do good because Skarner counters all melee range characters and does retarded damage if he can keep auto attacking. At some god awful ELOs, people will land 3 ults on you to try and instagib you, and you just have to pray that your team wins the fight, but most of the time people just try to ignore skarner (which they can do if you don't build damage/don't have ult up). In short, build aura/debuff items because a skarner attacking in a fight is a skarner not fucking a carry over with ult, and tank items such as fon/fh/warmog aren't really needed to survive | ||
United States9109 Posts
i just think guinsoo is your best cheap option for damage/AS/cdr wit's is acceptable i really need to be streaming my skarner games just had a game where literally the fight immediately after buying my rageblade and negatron i got a quadra which would have been a penta but zil accidentally got a kill with his bomb T_T speaking of which, holy catfish zilean + skarner is soooo good | ||
United States47024 Posts
On November 07 2011 17:02 gtrsrs wrote: speaking of which, holy catfish zilean + skarner is soooo good This is generally just a product of Zilean + pretty much any bruiser being amazing, and Skarner being really strong right now. On the topic of itemization, I agree you need to be building at least 1 damage item. Your baseline utility off being an ult-bot just isn't compelling enough, especially if people are smart enough to buy QSS--to fully take advantage of Skarner's kit, you have to abuse his good scaling. Rageblade is probably the most compelling choice on the basis of pure cost-effectiveness. Triforce is probably acceptable if you can somehow scrape together the farm for it, but it's unlikely that you'll be able to finish it in one go, as 6k before tank items is suicide unless you're decently farmed. I could see Sheen->situational tanky stuff->later Triforce possibly being OK, but it's still questionable whether it's compelling vs. spending 1k more on Rageblade instead of Sheen. I'm not a huge fan of Wit's because AD/AP is significantly better than the magic proc because you have abilities scaling off of both. I haven't done the math, but I have a feeling that Rageblade + Negatron is better DPS/gold than Wit's while also offering better survivability. On November 07 2011 14:06 Requizen wrote: As a note, I've not been building Rageblade on him lately. Jungling: Wriggles - Mercs - Trinity - Wit's - Defensive item of choice, usually Randuin's or GA. I don't think it's empirically better than TF, in fact I'd feel the procs and health are much better than the AS that Rageblade brings. A 4k gold item beats a 2k gold item on damage? That's surprising! Others have already pointed out the issues of building so much damage before survivability from the jungle. The other thing to note is that fully stacked Rageblade (and Skarner should enter ANY fight with full stacks already) is the most cost-effective non-Snowball item in the game--it beats Doran's items, Triforce (even applying generous gold values to the extra passives), and fully stacked RoA/Bloodthirster/Warmog's. The only issue is finding champs that can both fully use all 3 stats and keep it stacked, and Skarner is arguably the best champ for that in the game right now. | ||
United States37500 Posts
Edit: QEQW, 3:25 clear. Cloth+5 opening, uses 4 of them for first run. | ||
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