[Champion] Jarman the Fourth (aka Jarvan ok) - Page 13
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Sweden5901 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On May 25 2011 00:24 Senx wrote: Uhm.. you write in your original guide that you get mana regen yellows, is that really worth it over flat armor when you open 2 philos? nope, just haven't updated the first post in awhile. Guess I should do so. | ||
Sweden5901 Posts
Standard situations for me: * I ult a carry and block out my teammate from helping to kill it * I ult a xin/ww, i trap my teammate to his death * I ult in the jungle, i block my entire team out of the fight like a massive anivia wall. I guess i'm just awful, but I often find his ult to do more dmg than good in team fights. Like as soon as I use it in a teamfight i'm like "ehh that didnt really help, i'll toogle it off so my olaf can reach this ashe". It it just me? lol Maybe using it more as a nuke rather than an actual CC spell is the better and safer application, for team fights atleast. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
On May 25 2011 00:36 Senx wrote: Also I just gotta comment on ultin in team fights, holy shit this feel so akward. Standard situations for me: * I ult a carry and block out my teammate from helping to kill it * I ult a xin/ww, i trap my teammate to his death * I ult in the jungle, i block my entire team out of the fight like a massive anivia wall. I guess i'm just awful, but I often find his ult to do more dmg than good in team fights. Like as soon as I use it in a teamfight i'm like "ehh that didnt really help, i'll toogle it off so my olaf can reach this ashe". It it just me? lol Maybe using it more as a nuke rather than an actual CC spell is the better and safer application, for team fights atleast. Your ranged DPS stay back. Your brawlers get in. Ulti so that your brawlers can hit everything important. This means, don't ulti the tank + the melee DPS if your brawler would also get caught, ulti their carry or squishy AP if you have your teammate there or can burst them yourself, if you won't have any teammate in your ulti you should ulti a tanky dps or a tank or an anticarry in with you(Or their squishy if you have enough ranged support but don't block an Olaf out for instance when you do this) | ||
United States13274 Posts
Using the ult well is difficult and the right way to use it is extremely situational. You're gonna fuck up a lot but eventually you'll figure out when it's a good idea and when it's a retarded item. | ||
Korea (South)1615 Posts
On May 25 2011 00:14 Mogwai wrote: I just don't think you can play the same sort of lane dominance game with 21 utility that you can play with 21 defense. 1. Flat pen is more effective the lower your opponent's armor is. It can be "late" to miss the point when it is most effective. Sidenote: can you cut the crap with talking about game mechanics like you know something I don't? I know all the reasons brutalizer is good on him, I know why flat pen has positive synergy with Jarman and % pen has negative synergy with Jarman. I've been building brutalizer on Jarman since before you even knew he was worth playing. 2. You're just so adorable, everyone must fucking love you. I buy 2 because the extra sustainability allows me to be more aggressive in lane by constantly spamming my nukes at people and I'm typically looking to spend bare minimum 8K gold before looking to sell philos which mean they have plenty of time to pay for themselves. This also means that when surprise teamfights show up, I'm never out of mana considering that I don't spec jack-shit in the way of other mana/mana regen and Jarman can chug through mana like a boss when he wants to. I've played this character so fucking much, I've been through no-warmog's phases, cloth -> boots -> straight warmog's phases, 1 philo stone -> boots -> warmog's phases, 2 philo stone -> boots -> brutalizer -> warmog's phases, and pretty much everything in between. Here's the thing, delaying your warmog's isn't the end of the world because the fact of the matter is that in a typical game 75+% of your warmog's charging is going to come from kills/assists in teamfights and not from sitting there farming 100 more CS in lane. Even in a passive game, you can pretty easily hit double philo @ 8:00 and warmogs before 20:00. Builds should be malleable and change from game to game and if you don't need to use your skills that much, go right ahead and build only one, I'm just saying that my typical build consists of double Philostone. 3. The only "wasted" stat on Triforce is the AP. Literally every other stat on it is very very good on Jarman. He has relatively low CDs to proc sheen, he likes movespeed and slow procs, he needs mana when he starts selling off his philosopher's stones, HP is always good, AS, AD, Crit, all always good. Does it do less sustained DPS when Ghostblade has it's active up? Yes. Does it perform significantly better all the rest of the time? Yes. There are pros and cons to both items, but the simple fact of the matter is that if I skipped over Brutalizer and went straight Warmog's -> Atma's -> FoN and can afford Triforce, I'm going to get triforce over ghostblade every time. Loco, I don't wanna dislike you bro, but don't be a condescending asshole about a character that you've probably played in 5 games to someone who's play several hundred at roughly the same level of play. People don't ban Jarman when they see you on the other team, they do with me. Whether or not you're willing to accept it, I know a fuckton about this character and I would really appreciate it if you'd just give me a little respect. I'm willing to take your word on shit about ranged carries, the least you can do is the same for me when it comes to Jarman. zzz im not even trying to be an asshole ur just being overly defensive,how am i not giving u respect?by stating a build that's diffrent than urs?i don't ask for any1 to take my word on stuff about ranged carrys or anything,i almost always say something like "builds are guidelines" this is whats "most cost effective but feel free to try other shit" anyways 1.its never late to get brut,since as u stated flatpen is most effective on lower armored targets,but even later in the game when squishes start getting 80~100 armor no other item is gonna give more damage per gold than brutalizer->ghostblade 2.i hate getting double philo's on jarvan,i always try to cut regen out of any champs i play,be it philos,util masterys,runes w/e.if u accurately guess the champ ur going against in lane and u can pick whether to take armor yellows or mr blues,u can use the other one for regen and be fine in lane.philos are cost efficient no doubt but there's no reason to buy more than u need just cuz their cost efficient another example of regen talk long before season 1,nyx used to get fucking clarity+chalice on janna.his explanation for it was that if he got both he could spam all his spells all day long and be pro.i told him it was a fucking waste of summoners and gold and that he should switch to 2~3 dorans with mana regen yellows instead,he didnt change his mind till he saw zirun play janna with the exact setup i mentioned.zirun played janna very very very streamlined,he only ever used spells when he needed to. another big no regen ever player is mr.aggressive feedstyle himself reginald by some fucking miracle reginald plays ezreal and ashe(champs that most people would argue to get double sets of regen on,before the mana regen innate buff patch) w/o any mana regen runes. he does 2/7/21 and gets attackspeed blues and yellows for both.he doesn't even run mana regen on corki. before joining solo mid or playing with him in general, i always thought he was an idiot for having that setup and that he was in the wrong. but after joining solo mid and practicing solo laneing with reginald,he changed my mind. if u play aggressive at the right moments in lane and only use mana than and use that advantage u have to just farm,no mana regen was actually just enuff. i myself still run mana regen on most ranged carrys since im not as aggressive nor decisive as regi in lane,but i still think double philo on jarvan is overkill when u can do single philo + manaregen runes 3.none of the stats on triforce is "bad" on jarvan,but triforce it self is a very very very iffy item. the stats it gives for the gold it costs makes it inefficient. ill write more later | ||
United States4223 Posts
![]() obviously #1 way to play jarman, trap people in ur r and right click and they all die i'm negative because my shit team wouldn't let me farm enough to get my 5 tiamats so i wasn't as useful | ||
Poland8075 Posts
On May 25 2011 07:35 locodoco wrote: zzz im not even trying to be an asshole ur just being overly defensive,how am i not giving u respect?by stating a build that's diffrent than urs?i don't ask for any1 to take my word on stuff about ranged carrys or anything,i almost always say something like "builds are guidelines" this is whats "most cost effective but feel free to try other shit" anyways 1.its never late to get brut,since as u stated flatpen is most effective on lower armored targets,but even later in the game when squishes start getting 80~100 armor no other item is gonna give more damage per gold than brutalizer->ghostblade 2.i hate getting double philo's on jarvan,i always try to cut regen out of any champs i play,be it philos,util masterys,runes w/e.if u accurately guess the champ ur going against in lane and u can pick whether to take armor yellows or mr blues,u can use the other one for regen and be fine in lane.philos are cost efficient no doubt but there's no reason to buy more than u need just cuz their cost efficient another example of regen talk long before season 1,nyx used to get fucking clarity+chalice on janna.his explanation for it was that if he got both he could spam all his spells all day long and be pro.i told him it was a fucking waste of summoners and gold and that he should switch to 2~3 dorans with mana regen yellows instead,he didnt change his mind till he saw zirun play janna with the exact setup i mentioned.zirun played janna very very very streamlined,he only ever used spells when he needed to. another big no regen ever player is mr.aggressive feedstyle himself reginald by some fucking miracle reginald plays ezreal and ashe(champs that most people would argue to get double sets of regen on,before the mana regen innate buff patch) w/o any mana regen runes. he does 2/7/21 and gets attackspeed blues and yellows for both.he doesn't even run mana regen on corki. before joining solo mid or playing with him in general, i always thought he was an idiot for having that setup and that he was in the wrong. but after joining solo mid and practicing solo laneing with reginald,he changed my mind. if u play aggressive at the right moments in lane and only use mana than and use that advantage u have to just farm,no mana regen was actually just enuff. i myself still run mana regen on most ranged carrys since im not as aggressive nor decisive as regi in lane,but i still think double philo on jarvan is overkill when u can do single philo + manaregen runes 3.none of the stats on triforce is "bad" on jarvan,but triforce it self is a very very very iffy item. the stats it gives for the gold it costs makes it inefficient. ill write more later "a jean ur only going to wear once is probably the most expensive thing you can buy" thanks for the new catchphrase | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
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United States50 Posts
On May 25 2011 10:06 Mogwai wrote: if going into a little "girl talk" about jeans as an analogy for philostones on Jarman isn't trying to be a condescending asshole, I don't know what is. since locodoco moved to korea he only speaks in analogies, at least thats what it seems like from watching him talk on his stream | ||
9871 Posts
3.none of the stats on triforce is "bad" on jarvan,but triforce it self is a very very very iffy item. the stats it gives for the gold it costs makes it inefficient. the raw stats are worth 264 gold above cost + phantom dancer's worth of movespeed + super phage + super sheen | ||
United States1631 Posts
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Korea (South)1615 Posts
On May 25 2011 16:32 R04R wrote: Locodoco on stream right now playing Jarvan. Opened 2 philo boots. Respect. needed both armor and mr vs jax,otherwise i woulda taken 1 philo and regen runes,anyways my jarvan owned~ | ||
United States13274 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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Germany8679 Posts
On May 25 2011 23:10 Mogwai wrote: Poppy is a stupid hero. I hate initiating with Jarman only to have to 1v4 while the rest of my team inexplicably is chasing around a poppy who's ult is on our support. Fool, you should have trapped her with your ultimate. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On May 25 2011 07:35 locodoco wrote: zzz im not even trying to be an asshole ur just being overly defensive,how am i not giving u respect?by stating a build that's diffrent than urs?i don't ask for any1 to take my word on stuff about ranged carrys or anything,i almost always say something like "builds are guidelines" this is whats "most cost effective but feel free to try other shit" anyways 1.its never late to get brut,since as u stated flatpen is most effective on lower armored targets,but even later in the game when squishes start getting 80~100 armor no other item is gonna give more damage per gold than brutalizer->ghostblade 2.i hate getting double philo's on jarvan,i always try to cut regen out of any champs i play,be it philos,util masterys,runes w/e.if u accurately guess the champ ur going against in lane and u can pick whether to take armor yellows or mr blues,u can use the other one for regen and be fine in lane.philos are cost efficient no doubt but there's no reason to buy more than u need just cuz their cost efficient another example of regen talk long before season 1,nyx used to get fucking clarity+chalice on janna.his explanation for it was that if he got both he could spam all his spells all day long and be pro.i told him it was a fucking waste of summoners and gold and that he should switch to 2~3 dorans with mana regen yellows instead,he didnt change his mind till he saw zirun play janna with the exact setup i mentioned.zirun played janna very very very streamlined,he only ever used spells when he needed to. another big no regen ever player is mr.aggressive feedstyle himself reginald by some fucking miracle reginald plays ezreal and ashe(champs that most people would argue to get double sets of regen on,before the mana regen innate buff patch) w/o any mana regen runes. he does 2/7/21 and gets attackspeed blues and yellows for both.he doesn't even run mana regen on corki. before joining solo mid or playing with him in general, i always thought he was an idiot for having that setup and that he was in the wrong. but after joining solo mid and practicing solo laneing with reginald,he changed my mind. if u play aggressive at the right moments in lane and only use mana than and use that advantage u have to just farm,no mana regen was actually just enuff. i myself still run mana regen on most ranged carrys since im not as aggressive nor decisive as regi in lane,but i still think double philo on jarvan is overkill when u can do single philo + manaregen runes 3.none of the stats on triforce is "bad" on jarvan,but triforce it self is a very very very iffy item. the stats it gives for the gold it costs makes it inefficient. ill write more later I'm sorry bro's but since I'm a fanboy of you both I have to shit into your discussion about the regen part. If my following assumption is correct you both have the same manaregen: Locodoco uses Mp5 in EITHER yellow or blue slot depending on his lane whenever possible. That's why he's fine with one philo for mana. Mogwai uses flat armor and scaling mres, so he needs the manaregen from 2 philos for the same amount of spellspam loco can do with one. ggnore? | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States1892 Posts
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