i dont think mog + atmas isnt that good on jarvan
[Champion] Jarman the Fourth (aka Jarvan ok) - Page 15
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Korea (South)1615 Posts
i dont think mog + atmas isnt that good on jarvan | ||
United States13274 Posts
On June 22 2011 23:27 locodoco wrote: im gonna mess with builds for a while,but i wanna do a super offensive builds focused on armor pen and high armor/mr and cdr and i also wanna try triple gold/5(philo,hog,avarice) i dont think mog + atmas isnt that good on jarvan "don't think mog + atmas isn't that good"? Double negative = you like Atmog's in English, but I realize English isn't your first language so I'm just wondering if you're trying to say you like or dislike atmog's on him. personally, I still like Atmog's a lot on him, but I have been considering going back to my older sunfire/banshee's based builds and have been testing them on my smurf. I dunno, there's just something really nice about when you hit your Atma's + Negatron after Warmog's and you just feel untouchable. But it obviously takes a long time to kick in fully and probably is less impactful in the earlier teamfights when you're sitting on something like Warmog's + boots 1 instead of Sunfire + Merc Treads. I think in general that it's easier to drag solo queue games out since opponents are worse at grouping and forcing fights at relevant objectives, and thus building for the late game with an Atmog's centric build typically outperforms builds based around other tanking items in that scenario. But watching dreamhack has forced me to consider whether that's a worthwhile strategy in more organized play or whether you're better off going for higher impact single items rather than a synergistic set of 7-8K gold worth of items so that you have a more stable power growth throughout the game rather than your power spiking as you transition from mid game to late game. | ||
United States1980 Posts
In the example above does Sunfire + Merc add any more utility than warmogs + boots 1? Does it make you better at your job which is I THINK to lock down carries and draw aggro? I don't own jarvan but seeing people try out new builds is always fun. His skillset is so utility heavy you could probably go merc treads + 4 hogs and wardspam and still win. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On June 23 2011 00:56 rwrzr wrote: If you do a non-Atmogs build does the mid-game advantage translate into late-game power? It is what you make of it, just like any other game. There's no direct correlation, it's just a question of whether it's better to hit your "sweet spot" sooner or later. On June 23 2011 00:56 rwrzr wrote: In the example above does Sunfire + Merc add any more utility than warmogs + boots 1? Does it make you better at your job which is I THINK to lock down carries and draw aggro? Sunfire + Merc would dish out better damage and most likely be more durable and provide better mobility than a brand spankin' new Warmog's + Boots 1. As the game progresses though, Warmog's gives much better pure stat efficiency as you stack it and it synergizes better with other items like Atma's Impaler and Force of Nature. On June 23 2011 00:56 rwrzr wrote: I don't own jarvan but seeing people try out new builds is always fun. His skillset is so utility heavy you could probably go merc treads + 4 hogs and wardspam and still win. Hog stacking no longer works, but plenty of people ran 1-2 philo + 2-3 HoG -> big ticket items like triforce, FoN, Frozen Mallet, etc. prior to this patch. | ||
United States11761 Posts
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Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On June 23 2011 02:05 Southlight wrote: Incidentally it's why I opted for Giant -> Atma -> Warmog on Irelia, to try to hit power levels earlier. Did you try that order on Jarv? :x no because I wanted a brutalizer on Jarman anyway so I just got brutalizer pre-mogs to bolster my early damage output. On June 23 2011 02:07 MoonBear wrote: Randomly throwing this out here, but what do you think of running Gold Quints? Or is the loss of APen too much? I wouldn't do it. ArPen is too rare and valuable a stat to piss away on gold/10 on a champion who has no issues farming whatsoever. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
Since I've switched to running Philostone opening, Mana Regen specs are obsolete. This is subject to change if they ever nerf Philostone. Still philo or? | ||
United States4008 Posts
philo still feels pretty boss, atleast 1 | ||
United States13274 Posts
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Korea (South)1615 Posts
takes way too much farm right now i like philo hog brut giantbelt phage mallet i really dontl ike using mallet but i feel that jarvan really needs the hp and idk where-else to get it from gonna mess around a bit more 2moro when i wake up 21/0/9 with W over E seems pretty standard i think i underestimated how gud W is in a teamfight where u get the full 5 ppl bonus from shield | ||
United States4008 Posts
Also he is EASILY the easiest melee champion to last hit with. His beautiful animation and extra damage on the first attack makes it a breeze. | ||
United States37500 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
loco, mog's is still the most efficient way to get a fuckton of HP. I generally hate mallet because you end up paying almost the entire recipe just for upgrading the phage slow proc (stats bonuses aren't much more than the sum of the parts) and that just makes me too sad a panda to be able to justify it over mogs. the way I used to get my HP was to just buy giant's belt + cata -> sunfire + veil before I just said screw it and stuck to warmog's. Alternately you could just do exactly what you're saying you've been doing except say fuck the frozen mallet and the end and just turn the giant's belt into a sunfire cape with the intent to turn the phage into a Triforce if the game goes super retardedly late. Biggest problem I've had experimenting with non-mog's builds recently is that without mog's you have a hard time sustaining yourself in drawn out fights. | ||
United States1980 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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Germany14079 Posts
To put it into perspective, that's the same healthregen someone with Baron buff and 3500 total HP gets. Champions like Jarvan (similar to old renek and, to some extent, Irelia) are all about creating the issue of a) Focus him. Die to team. Trollolol. b) Ignore him. Get penta'd by him while you chase their squishies around his trollolol CC. Healthregen helps so much there because no one will really try to burst you down cause it's kinda retarded, however, you're going to eat all the random AoE stuff and skillshots thrown around. | ||
Chairman Ray
United States11903 Posts
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United States4008 Posts
On June 24 2011 11:52 Chairman Ray wrote: I just played a couple games of Jarvan, and that philo nerf is really noticeable. Gotta be really conservative with mana now. You dont really even need to spam his skills, i picked him up after the philo nerf and if you dont use them unless you need to he's fine. I don't even use mana regen runes | ||
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