[Champion] Sion - Page 11
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Bulgaria4097 Posts
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Australia3856 Posts
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Bulgaria4097 Posts
Level the shield and the stun 1st with 1 point on enrage at lvl 4. Start leveling ulti when you are close to finish Lich Bane (without Lich Bane ulti is kind of useless on AP Sion). I go with AP runes (Glyphs and Quintessences) MPenetration Marks and armor seal, but you may go with mana regeneration there also, lvl 2 shield blocks creeps' damage decently and lvl 3 shield protect you more than enough against them. Masteries are for a standard AP 21/0/9 (if u want the buff extension mastery) or 21/9/0 if you prefer more survival potential and you are afraid from counter jungling. Items: machete->boots/spirit stone-> 1 or 2 doran rings for early gank pressure/damage -> boot of mobility ->Wraith Spirit -> Lich Bane/Aegis or -> Aegis/Lich Bane (depends on the case) Overall thats it:-) | ||
United States10467 Posts
So recently I went into lane 1-0, with half life, fought a Nasus at full life, cleansed wither, and still won the trade because I was healing for 50% of my damage to him and 50% of my damage to minions at level 9. My damage is weakened against champions, but I cleared his entire wave just by autoattacking him. I gained hp back equal to an entire minion wave. I think AD Sion has potential top. Just need to manage your mana well and play well against ranged champions. I don't think you should get Hydra first on Sion against ranged champions because it's too easy to get kited. Not me: | ||
Philippines399 Posts
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United States816 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
On November 26 2013 02:02 Artunit wrote: How do he play vs champions like Malphite, kennen or jayce on solo top? Vs auto attack harassers like Kennen I'd assume you'd want like a few points in W to survive the early levels and wait for jungle ganks. Not a winning strategy but what can you do? I'm not sure how any melee top laners beat ranged ones and I've never learned because I use Kayle and Jax as crutches. Jax has enough mobility that it doesn't matter. I just cede cs until 6 and hope that the wave isn't pushed to tower so I can all in later. I don't think Malphite can beat you without massive outplays or a gold lead though. I mean, you sustain so much, I feel like you could turn the lane into a farm fest at worst. I've been playing some AD Sion today and it feels like if your opponent knows to back off when you have your ult up and a few creeps you can't kill them. Also if you fight another bruiser 1v1 without creeps nearby, it's an even fight. And Sion sucks at teamfighting since if you build Hydra first, he's not THAT tanky. So he gets cc'ed, or focused, or grievous wounds gets applied, and he dies without contributing much. | ||
1757 Posts
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Bulgaria4097 Posts
On November 30 2013 07:34 TigerKarl wrote: Played a botlane today against a AP Support Sion + Darius. It's actually really hard to abuse your range advantage against that, if you get stunned by Sion you're likely dead. So flashed initiates by Sion have a really good chance of success. I don't know how viable he is in lategame though, as our other lanes had lost the game before that. I play Sion a lot, actually my main mid and I play him only AP, dont care what the hydra videos shows, he is just more useful AP. AD is maybe strong, is maybe even stronger than AP but its too situational. Anyway, to the question: Late game Sion is viable as an amount of damage he can cause, you gotta have Death Grasp and Lich Bane so you can utilize your ulti though, However, and this is However with a huge H its really fuckin hard to reach their adc/apc walking straight to them in a late game team fight without your shield being popped and losing half of your damage or even without you being popped and losing all your damage:-) On one side this, on the other side its not worthy to spend your damage on their front line, so it lead us to this: Sion can 1 shot late game adcs and apcs, so this makes him pretty viable in theory, However, most of the time it is simply impossible to reach them which makes Sion not that viable late game. I guess its situational, but most of the times as Sion I dislike team fights where teams just meet each other frontally in mid lane, nevertheless, team fights around baron, drake, in the jungle where you can sneak from aside/behind are completely acceptable, even satisfying:-) | ||
United States1291 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On December 19 2013 04:25 Ghost-z wrote: Played around with Sion jungle the other day and I was surprised at how well his shield and passive kept him sustained near full hp with very few pots. Does anyone have any good tips for jungle Sion? play a better jungle | ||
United States1291 Posts
Very constructive comment, Thank you! Obviously he's not meta and no one is claiming him to be but I would like to try new junglers. I just wanted peoples opinions about which jungle item works best for him since he fits with well with all three or if Sion is better off starting with doran's since he's not as reliant on pots for sustain when he has a shield. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On December 20 2013 03:47 Ghost-z wrote: Very constructive comment, Thank you! Obviously he's not meta and no one is claiming him to be but I would like to try new junglers. I just wanted peoples opinions about which jungle item works best for him since he fits with well with all three or if Sion is better off starting with doran's since he's not as reliant on pots for sustain when he has a shield. I'd probably still say machete, and then go golem stone. Realistically though I dont think youre gonna get enough farm to be able to go anything other than the standard tanky jungle build honestly. You wont be able to afford enough to burst people down with ap(unless you get retarded fed) and ad obviously wont work since youre going to need a million farm to do anything | ||
United States1291 Posts
After a few games I think Trundle does this better since his R makes bruisers nice and squishy so even if your ADC is under farmed you basically give them a free LW when you ult a bruiser. Not to mention Trundle gets a number of free stats, sustains just as strong in jungle, and has an all around better kit. | ||
Australia2003 Posts
On December 19 2013 04:25 Ghost-z wrote: Played around with Sion jungle the other day and I was surprised at how well his shield and passive kept him sustained near full hp with very few pots. Does anyone have any good tips for jungle Sion? I wrote up a Jungle Sion opinion/miniguide earlier in the thread. I played a fair bit of it in S3 but I feel like the fundamentals haven't really changed. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=184503¤tpage=10#181 | ||
3829 Posts
gonna miss dying 3 times in lane then 2 shotting the carries lategame. ad sion was my freelo top | ||
Bulgaria4097 Posts
On September 24 2014 00:58 catplanetcatplanet wrote: rip sion gonna miss dying 3 times in lane then 2 shotting the carries lategame. ad sion was my freelo top ??Why rip sion? Rework is coming or what? | ||
Bulgaria4097 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On September 24 2014 06:44 M2 wrote: Is Hybrid Sion viable, something like Nashor, Hextech, Guinsoo, Trinty.. Its somehow annoying that he uses only half of his abilities when played AP or AD probably not he's best as either a split push + duelist or a dfg shit on one person ap carry pretty much | ||
Bulgaria4097 Posts
On September 24 2014 06:53 arb wrote: probably not he's best as either a split push + duelist or a dfg shit on one person ap carry pretty much Actually I tried it and it looks like a inferior version of split pusher + duelist, you can't instagib someone, but you can certainly split and duel, just somehow weaker before you complete at least 3 items + boots. However if you reach late game with 4+ complete items you become almost as strong duelest as AD sion and much stronger than AP sion, since you can almost instagib someone together with having great split and duel power, also you get the perks of having all 4 of your skills useful :-) Reaching that late game though is pretty tough and if the team falls of early you are completely useless ![]() | ||
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