On March 21 2015 10:43 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote:Show nested quote +On March 21 2015 10:36 sob3k wrote:On March 21 2015 09:50 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: How do you play against Sion mid-lategame when he's unkillable, does magic and physical damage, and wrecks you even after he dies? Honestly I just ban him every game now because he never seems weak. Last He never does that much damage, ideally you would manage to stun him out of his Q, ignore him and take out his backline. Then kill him later. I always see Sion do most/second most damage in game with full tank build though. How can you just ignore him?
Most of that damage is in lane spamming E. If you avoid/cancel his Q his teamfight impact isn't that great. If you can get somone to bodyblock or trundle his ult, all he has is 2-3 single target E's and autoattacks.
Also I think you're exaggerating that damage number a bit.
Not really, I've mained Sion for a while and in the games I carry I'm definitely up there in top damage done to champions.
Same, even games where I go even I'll usually out-damage either my adc or midlaner.
Huh, well I guess I just suck, I never do that much damage. I have pretty fantastic winrate on him though.
Sunfire/Cinderhulk might be a factor here. Also buy IBG most games.
I actually think Sion is pretty great right now. Not only because of his flexibility between going top or going jungle. The inherent tankiness he gains from is W is pretty huge in combination with Cinderhulk.
On March 26 2015 10:40 geript wrote: I actually think Sion is pretty great right now. .
This is like the understatement of the year
I like how they nerfed his E damage because they felt as a full tank he shouldn't be doing all this damage, but they only nerfed his q versus monsters. I haven't maxed E first in any matchup since I started playing him, max Q first is soooo much more fun. If you land a full charge q in lane, something which I'm usually capable of at least once in most games due to my superior footsies, that's half their hp gone. And then they are stunned forever so if its not a kill they at least gotta back and its your lane.
Best one I managed was against a top Annie, she was full health but no flash when she blew her stun in a trade and I flashed in afterwards and landed a full EQW and all her health disappeared. It's so rewarding to land the finishing blow with Q :p
if you can land a full charge q without the opponent being slowed or otherwise cc'd they're bad anyway and what you max first isn't the biggest factor of who wins the lane
On March 27 2015 03:33 cilinder007 wrote: if you can land a full charge q without the opponent being slowed or otherwise cc'd they're bad anyway and what you max first isn't the biggest factor of who wins the lane To be fair you have a slow in your kit. I always maxed E but haven't played since patch.
Jungled him, ended up missing my ult like 4/5 times finished 12/4/9 lol
His passive is also hilarious. If early on an enemy laner pushes hard at all, you suicide gank them and guarantee that your lane wins because they have summoners and 2+ waves. Its even better when you don't die, or the enemy jungler shows up and you get a double.
Sorry but are you me? After seeing his ridiculous winrate in the jungle I figured I'd give him a shot, despite never playing him. Won 4/4 games, dealing way more damage than I had any right to while building full tank.
I don't think the 5.6 nerfs hit him too hard, I'll farm him up for LP this weekend :D.
How are his jungle ganks? On paper I'd imagine its difficult since you have no gap close besides ult and need to land E to get the slow.
On March 30 2015 22:10 DrunkenOne wrote: How are his jungle ganks? On paper I'd imagine its difficult since you have no gap close besides ult and need to land E to get the slow.
Not too bad from my admittedly limited experience. Your laner likely has some sort of CC which helps with chaining your E and Q, and chilling smite really helps closing range. I typically do something like run into lane with shield, chilling smite, close gap, E, charge and kill with Q. I have yet to successfully gank with ult.
I've used ult to secure kills if the laner flashes/dashes out of your Q. Once the mobility skill is used it's another cc+dmg to get the kill.
I always ulti into lane, it's pretty easy to land it close enough to get the slow/damage, and once you get that it's usually game over. I usually stop my ulti prematurely even if it seems I'll hit just to be safe.
Yeah, you just have to not be scared and just go for the ult ganks, sometimes you miss but its totally worth. If you are running at them in the same direction they have to ecape (ie through the lane) its also a lot easier to hit them, as if they dodge really parallel they lose distance to their tower and get caught by laners.
If you land it its basically guaranteed flash or kill if they dont have flash. I just use it literally on CD, some of the times it will hit and the CD isn't too long.
Without ult you just walk in and lay down Q over their escape path, they have to blow something to get over it.