On February 02 2011 02:25 barbsq wrote:Show nested quote +On December 29 2010 03:55 Odds wrote:On December 28 2010 12:47 nyxnyxnyx wrote: Loco is a good player but taking his word on Teemo builds is a little stretching it. The only thing I 'took his word' for was the rings, which do work extremely well with the rest of the build. Most of it is simply me changing my mind. do u think ring first will still be ok with the dorans change? Probably not. I think my new build is pretty vastly superior- it's sort of a fusion of one of my original setups and a talk with Spud, as well as the new patch. I haven't played since the patch, obviously, and won't be playing for probably a week or two, but I used this quite a bit before it got buffed by the patch to incredible success.
-9/21/0 -Ghost/Flash (may change to flash/ignite post-patch... jesus move quick looks op now) -RUNES I will probably get laughed at for this. I don't really give a fuck, because it's probably OP.
AS reds Armor yellows Mp5 blues (swap to mp5 yellows and mres blues if you expect to lane against a caster)
I've been considering running both armor yellows and mres blues for an even more ludicrous early game, and just getting an earlier meki pendant.
hp/5 quints!
These things are amazing, especially after the nerf to flat HP quints. Combined with SoS, your Armor runes, and defensive masteries, they basically give you a free dshield at the start of the game, allowing you to open Boots and harass constantly.
For skills, open Q for the level 1 lols, then max R > E > W.
-Boots/HP pots -Zerks -Nashor's Tooth (Prioritize meki pendant and Stinger) -Hextech Gunblade
The problem I had before with the Nash/Hextech build was that I just didn't have enough AS to do the DPS I needed. The Berserker's Greaves and AS% reds are huuuuuge for correcting this problem. Nashor's Tooth gives you just enough CDR and mana regen to spam shrooms fucking everywhere, as well as boosting your DPS and your abilities by significant amounts. Hextech gives you a massive DPS boost, some much-needed sustainability (because you'll be solo-pushing a lot), and an enormous slow.
Assuming you're shrooming properly, people will be stepping on them a lot. If you are close, and the enemy is somewhat isolated, it is extremely easy to follow up with a combo as such:
Mushroom -> Autoattack -> Hextech -> Autoattack -> Q -> Autoattack -> ignite if you have it. A squishy hero [i]will[i] die, and the rest will take a huge amount of damage.
If there is enough demand, I will make a shrooming guide with pictures.
Just run HP quints, AS red/yellow/blue with rejuv bead and mass health pots
21-defense masteries
Don't even bother with blind shot. Just max toxic shot and get quick move and auto-click enemy to win.
On February 02 2011 03:41 Juicyfruit wrote: Lol....
Just run HP quints, AS red/yellow/blue with rejuv bead and mass health pots
21-defense masteries
Don't even bother with blind shot. Just max toxic shot and get quick move and auto-click enemy to win. Not taking blinding shot is probably fine.
But your runes
are inefficient
It's not suppose to be efficient, it's suppose to be annoying :D
On February 02 2011 03:47 Juicyfruit wrote: It's not suppose to be efficient, it's suppose to be annoying :D But if they hit you, you die
Also regen bead wtf at least show some self respect and get a Pendant.
Especially on Wednesdays.
Oh please, there's no soloer that's going to be doing more damage than teemo with toxic shot and mass AS runes, nor be able to burst him down anytime soon.
Rejuv bead + 6 health pots >>> health pendent + 1 pot if you're going to be right-clicking to win your lane. This works on teemo strictly because he can move fast enough to land several attacks in a row (works on Ashe as well, except it takes Ashe way longer to do enough damage and she'll get ganked by the jungler if she zoned aggressively).
holy crap movequick looks sooo op
incoming teemo fotm
Oh my god I've been playing so much teemo already and now he got buffed. With this new move quick buff I'm going to be more annoying than ever! Whooo!
But ya Loco is right. I'm kinda worried Teemo becomes FotM and then gets nerfed to oblivion. ):
Isn't AP build superior than AS/AP? I feel i'm more useful if I stack AP and max my Q instead of E.
On February 02 2011 03:58 Juicyfruit wrote: Oh please, there's no soloer that's going to be doing more damage than teemo with toxic shot and mass AS runes, nor be able to burst him down anytime soon.
Rejuv bead + 6 health pots >>> health pendent + 1 pot if you're going to be right-clicking to win your lane. This works on teemo strictly because he can move fast enough to land several attacks in a row (works on Ashe as well, except it takes Ashe way longer to do enough damage and she'll get ganked by the jungler if she zoned aggressively). Why not open Dagger if AS is so valuable?
Doran's change wasn't that big to Teemo in my opinion. I always get boots first plus three health pots with Teemo. Some may disagree, but I've had a lot of success with it. Of course, I'm not super pro or high leveled or anything so there may be people who think that this build is really stupid but yeah. You have to get boots anyway, one of Teemo's biggest asset is his speed, so why not open with it?
I also like the idea of getting a rejuv bead that was mentioned earlier. Dagger first could work but I feel like boots or the rejuv bead might be better.
Will be really pissed though if these changes cause people to bitch about Teemo being OP and result in an unneeded nerf.
I don't get this whole nashor's on teemo thing. It just don't make sense. It's like the worse DPS item in the world, why would you get it, and if you wanted CDR why didn't you go AP teemo with the DFG or something.
It's not like I haven't tried it. It just feels totally weak compared to malady+madred's, which can still put down shrooms for map control in any case. Most of your shroom damage comes from levels too rather than items.
On February 03 2011 02:55 phyvo wrote: I don't get this whole nashor's on teemo thing. It just don't make sense. It's like the worse DPS item in the world, why would you get it, and if you wanted CDR why didn't you go AP teemo with the DFG or something.
It's not like I haven't tried it. It just feels totally weak compared to malady+madred's, which can still put down shrooms for map control in any case. Most of your shroom damage comes from levels too rather than items. People get nashor's on AD teemo? Never heard of that.
Wit's end can be really nice for AP teemo too. Since you're likely already stacking magic pen, the extra flat magic damage is fantastic.
That said I still swear by malady as my first big purchase, and the two seem to have a lot of synergy.
Nashor's doesn't make sense to me whether you're going for AP or pure DPS. If you wanted CDR on AP teemo DFG makes more sense, though I'd rather grab Ionian boots/golem and then stack AP/void staff. If you wanted DPS you can go Madred's/Malady and be more efficient obviously.
If you wanted to go hybrid Nashor's is still bad because it's just a horrible item, you can get nearly as much AP from an uncharged rageblade and the attack speed is useless without real damage (toxic shot is good but doesn't completely subsitute for damage on hit).
Again, I think the CDR on nashor's is way overrated and there are a million better sources of AP and attack speed.
malady wits #1
sogut, after u can build whatever the hell you want
On February 03 2011 04:00 barbsq wrote: malady wits #1
sogut, after u can build whatever the hell you want
I played a normal today and decided I wanted as many numbers over my enemies as possible. I went zerkers,malady, wits, sotd, madreds, I couldnt find any more items that would give numbers After that i went frozen mallet cause karthus ult was almost instagibbing me and banshees seemed too tryhard for normal. Pretty fun build if you like seeing them numbers, not very efficient though, hit the AS cap.
I go malady wits end frozen mallet usually... nashor's is retarded, that item isn't even good on kayle and I can't imagine a hero better suited for it. Total trash item