On February 03 2011 02:55 phyvo wrote: I don't get this whole nashor's on teemo thing. It just don't make sense. It's like the worse DPS item in the world, why would you get it, and if you wanted CDR why didn't you go AP teemo with the DFG or something. %AS %CDR Mana regen (shrooms) AP (increases DPS and shrooms)
The way I build teemo, I desperately need all of these things. Nashor's is perfect.
And no, DFG is terribad on teemo because he doesn't have followup burst- he needs to kill people after they step on a shroom.
On February 03 2011 05:50 Odds wrote:Show nested quote +On February 03 2011 02:55 phyvo wrote: I don't get this whole nashor's on teemo thing. It just don't make sense. It's like the worse DPS item in the world, why would you get it, and if you wanted CDR why didn't you go AP teemo with the DFG or something. %AS %CDR Mana regen (shrooms) AP (increases DPS and shrooms) The way I build teemo, I desperately need all of these things. Nashor's is perfect. And no, DFG is terribad on teemo because he doesn't have followup burst- he needs to kill people after they step on a shroom.
It always puzzles me when people respond to 'this item is bad' with 'well it has stats x y and z.' Do you think we're illiterate? We know what it does and it still sucks.
Wooow, I love Teemo now!! I go 9/0/21 mpen red/mp5-lvl yellow/mr-lvl blue/and SUGAR RUSH quints. Teleport+Cleanse. Open dshield to compensate squishyness>boots 1>malady>zerkers OR boots 3 OR mercury> phage> mallet> recurve>BR >Wit's end OR SotD (SotD before BR if some1 has high dodge)> Banshee OR FoN OR GA. QSS as third or fourth item if there is ww or malza on the other team.
Kite 1v5 all day!
On February 03 2011 05:55 UniversalSnip wrote: We know what it does Apparently not, or you wouldn't claim that
On February 03 2011 05:55 UniversalSnip wrote: and it still sucks.
Either that, or you play Teemo sub-optimally, likely putting AD or something on him. the simple fact is that Teemo is not an ad carry, and requires an entirely different playstyle and itemization. Teemo's jobs are the following:
1. Shut down his lane (Reasoning behind my runes) 2. Generate and maintain map control with shrooms 3. Initiate and help team escape fights with shrooms (requires excellent placement and a slightly functional team) 4. Provide moderate hybrid AD/magic DPS in fights 5. Blind 6. Pick off runners with his ridiculous movespeed and DoT 7. Solo push
A lot of people like building Malady -> Madred's -> Frozen Mallet on him. This is an effective build, but it is not optimal, because it only helps him perform task 4, which any 'real' ranged AD carry can do much better.
Nashor's Tooth helps immensely with 1 (meki pendant), 2, 3, 4, 5, AND 7. AS% is huge on teemo, because it procs his poison more: he needs AS far more than AD. The CDR and mana-regen allows you to put down a truly obnoxious amount of shrooms, which helps incalculably with solo pushing in addition to map control. The AP bonus increases his DPS (About 10 extra damage per shot), his Q damage (about 50 extra damage iirc), and his shrooms' power (by 50-60).
It is also a flawless complement to the Hextech Gunblade, which helps a lot with 4,5,6, and 7. The %AS from your Zerks, Nashor's, and runes scales with ALL of the following: AP AD Passive E So Hextech, in addition to raising your DPS to absolutely massive amounts (about 250 mixed damage per shot, iirc) also helps greatly with solo pushing because of the lifesteal and lolololshroomspellvamp. The AP results in more powerful shrooms, which is obviously nice, but the most important component of Gunblade is this:
Active: Slows a target by 50% for 3 seconds, 700 range
If a squishy character steps on a shroom while you are nearby, you can walk up to them, proceed to hit them for your 250 damage until the slow wears off, blast them with Hextech, and quite often get a free kill. Even if it's a tank or whatever, if you are playing correctly, this slow allows you to set up a huge amount of kills for your team.
The obvious disadvantage to this build is that it does not have anything in the way of armor or magic armor penetration: and thus works vastly better against squishy teams, and teams which are already a bit behind (ie you are fed from your ridiculous laning power: this will happen often). If the enemy team is too tanky, there is no problem with adjusting the build accordingly, or using something entirely different.
I'm gonna try gunblade a few games before I talk about that, but as far as nashor's I don't have mana problems on teemo and tbh I think CDR is pretty shitty on him. There's an upper limit where it's simply not that useful to spam more shrooms and I think he's pretty close to it even with 0% cdr.
He rolls the hell out of squishies with pretty much any basic on-hit item (malady, wit's end, etc, it doesn't even matter), that's his job... he doesn't need to get a ton better at that
On February 04 2011 05:40 UniversalSnip wrote: but as far as nashor's I don't have mana problems on teemo Then either you aren't placing enough shrooms or your runes are suboptimal.
On February 04 2011 05:40 UniversalSnip wrote:and tbh I think CDR is pretty shitty on him. Then you're just plain wrong, sorry.
On February 04 2011 05:40 UniversalSnip wrote:and tbh I think CDR is pretty shitty on him. There's an upper limit where it's simply not that useful to spam more shrooms[/quote] No. There isn't.
On February 04 2011 05:40 UniversalSnip wrote:He rolls the hell out of squishies with pretty much any basic on-hit item (malady, wit's end, etc, it doesn't even matter), that's his job... he doesn't need to get a ton better at that Sooooooo why not do it with an item that comes with a huge number of peripheral benefits instead of one that just gives you a tiny bit more dps?
Fuck it, I'm going to carry to 1800 with teemo out of raw spite
Whatever you think DFG allways been the best thing for me to open on PURE ap teemo.
It gives CDR, mp5, things you need and it gives you burst. (which can be suprisingly high when paired with shroom + dart, and will kill if your opponent doesnt have MR)
but on normal teemo i agree, nashors definitly best, though idk about gunblade, i like mallet and bloodrazors too much for that i think
oh and I use sorc boots tell me why greaves are better than cutting opponents MR to 0 during early midgame
On February 04 2011 06:36 Iplaythings wrote: oh and I use sorc boots tell me why greaves are better than cutting opponents MR to 0 during early midgame
They are only better for my (rather specific) build, and I wouldn't endorse them in many other cases. Particularly if you are for some reason maxing Q, sorc boots will be better.
On February 04 2011 05:40 UniversalSnip wrote: There's an upper limit where it's simply not that useful to spam more shrooms and I think he's pretty close to it even with 0% cdr.
Wat. You can NEVER have enough shrooms.
I have always disliked nashor's tooth since attack speed and AP is a retarded combination, and even on teemo who actually uses all the stats well I don't think it's a good item to be investing in. If you want to cap CDR for practically no cost:
9/0/21, CDR boots, blue elixir, blue CDR glyphs.
Now if we tried to use the extra 2885 gold to get 75%AS (50% from nashors and 25% from zerkers) we could do:
Malady (1825) -> 25AP, 50% AS and a nifty passive that's well worth the 30AP difference with nashor's tooth
And you could be starting on your hextech gunblade 1000g sooner which is pretty huge. I don't know about you but getting hextech after completing a 3k gold item and then boots just doesn't sound like a reasonable idea given how the nuke it gives doesn't scale.
new teemo build
magic pen quints and reds flat armor yellows magic resist/lvl blues
cloth armor + 5 pot->boot->malady->serkers->recursive->pickaxe->bloodrazor
thank me later~
jiji opens dfg, 2bad4u
then again he has a hardon for lucky picks lol
United States47024 Posts
On February 04 2011 13:00 Navi wrote: jiji opens dfg, 2bad4u
then again he has a hardon for lucky picks lol He also builds straight AP.
2 different things entirely.
On February 04 2011 12:23 locodoco wrote: new teemo build
magic pen quints and reds flat armor yellows magic resist/lvl blues
cloth armor + 5 pot->boot->malady->serkers->recursive->pickaxe->bloodrazor
thank me later~
You faggot stop looking at my rune page.
In all seriousness, this is good build. Maybe lacking a bit of HP though.
EDIT: lol serkers+recursive gonna make u atak so fest
On February 04 2011 12:23 locodoco wrote: new teemo build
magic pen quints and reds flat armor yellows magic resist/lvl blues
cloth armor + 5 pot->boot->malady->serkers->recursive->pickaxe->bloodrazor
thank me later~
...New? This has been around forever
On February 04 2011 15:04 Odds wrote:Show nested quote +On February 04 2011 12:23 locodoco wrote: new teemo build
magic pen quints and reds flat armor yellows magic resist/lvl blues
cloth armor + 5 pot->boot->malady->serkers->recursive->pickaxe->bloodrazor
thank me later~ ...New? This has been around forever if by forever u mean since maladys been remade,than yea and also its my "NEW" build since i used to do 3 doran->bloodrazor rush on teemo
Told you Malady was good you noob.
I always went malady -> bloodrazor -> frozen mallet/survivability on teemo.
On February 05 2011 01:04 Mogwai wrote: wit's end #1 noobs I want to try a wits end 1st build. Should be mega boss in lane especially with zerks+atkspeed runes.