Teemo, the Swift Scout
On February 02 2011 01:39 locodoco wrote: teemo has been more than viable since forever idk why riot is stacking buffs on him,one day some1's gonna show the community the viability of teemo than he becomes fotm than teemo gonna get put in a worse spot that he was before :S
Arguably one of the cutest champs, Teemo is now actually useful!
I play him Hybrid / Aurawhore, depending on my mood.
Runes: Red Mpen (I run 8 Mpen + 1 Arpen) OR Red Aspd Yellow Armour/Dodge Blue Flat MR / MR/lvl ??? Not sure yet for quints, used to be HP but not sure how new patch will change things
Masteries: 9/0/21 OR 0/21/9
Summoner spells: Ghost/Flash (with 9/0/21), Ghost/Exhaust, Ghost/Ignite
Items: Doran's Blade x 2-3 , Boots 2, Malady, defensive item (optional, usually Banshee's / Randuin's / Thornmail), Guinsoo's Rageblade (optional) , Phage->Mallet/Revolver, Madred's Bloodrazor (bring forward the MBR if you know you'll need it ASAP)
Playstyle: Teemo's actually all about playstyle. I'm not really sure how to put it into words, but the motto generally is this: Be a dick. Ask me more.
I usually take solo top. From Level 1-2, focus more on last hitting and only sneak in a few attacks on the enemy every now and then. At level 3 you're almost guaranteed to have the better poke and will always win the harass war unless your enemy is really super pro or playing Vlad or some other mega healer. (even Vlad fails at Level 3) Still, remember to last hit and don't get too carried away with harassing. The ideal situation is you hit Level 6 with ~1250g, recall and pick up 2x D-blade, Boots 1, and a HP pot. Waiting till you hit 6 before you B lets you spawn additional mushrooms while making the fountain trip. Once you return, place the mushrooms wherever you think the enemy jungler might come from and in your retreat path. This changes when you're on Blue/Purple team. Try to keep the enemy solo low HP. This keeps him scared and more importantly functions as insurance against an enemy jungler gank, since you can revenge kill the enemy solo should shit hit the fan. Continue farming, get Boots 2 then Malady parts etc etc, keep mushrooming wherever. Mid-game soon rolls around. Usually the top turret is down by this time, so you're free to roam around and shroom up more important objectives such as Dragon/Baron. If you expect a teamfight to develop at location X (be it Baron/Dragon/bot turret) then you want to be ready way beforehand by planting shrooms in the general vicinity. As a rule of thumb, always put shrooms in Brush when you can. It makes them way harder to destroy, even with Oracle's and as an additional benefit prevents your team's champs from losing vision of enemies in brush. If you have Guinsoo's Rageblade, always try to be at full stacks if you can help it. If you have red buff/Phage and are chasing someone with normal attack, try to Dart as late as possible for slightly higher damage from Malady debuff. Red buff on Teemo is pretty wicked.
Same runes/masteries/skills as ^
Summoner Spells: Ghost/Heal (I like this one), Ghost/Ignite, Ghost/Exhaust
Items: Doran's Shield, Boots 2, Aegis of the Legion, Stark's Fervor, Banshee's/Thornmail (depending on which you need), Phage, MBR
Playstyle: Aurawhore Teemo's actually the tankier of the two, used when you know Aegis/Stark's will help your team a lot or there's too much burst on enemy champs. General motto is slightly different: Be a tough dick. Ask me more.
*I'm not trying to be an ass but I'm really not sure how to express Teemo's playstyle in words. Teemo plays a lot different from the typical champ. I'd really hope that people ask more specifically if they wish to learn more.
The Rain Man got to 2402 Elo, USA rank 1. His Teemo build goes something like x/21/x with defensive runes, max E first, get Phage->Mallet and Madred's Bloodrazor. Not so different from the Hybrid build outlined above, except he doesn't go Malady and instead opts for faster MBR.
Also, the recent buff to Move Quick *finally* made it better than MF's passive. I used to advocate only 1 level of W, but I'm not sure if it's worth levelling now. I'm guessing not though, due to diminishing returns on movespeed. Also, Q levelled up hits pretty hard and the longer blind always helps.
A decent starting point to explain Teemo is that you should always be acting in a way which is both annoying to your opponent and advantageous to your team. Lay Mushroom traps with the new Noxious Trap charge mechanics so that your opponent can't push the tower they want to / retreat from a fight / chase you without dying. Get redbuff and just run around poking people to death. Blind the melee whenever it's up. Quote Teemo in all-chat after scoring kills. You are Captain Teemo, and you are on duty.
One thing people always forget (at least in regular games) is that mushrooms give vision. Put them at the dragon, baron, buffs, etc.
On November 04 2010 11:33 Niton wrote: A decent starting point to explain Teemo is that you should always be acting in a way which is both annoying to your opponent and advantageous to your team. Lay Mushroom traps with the new Noxious Trap charge mechanics so that your opponent can't push the tower they want to / retreat from a fight / chase you without dying. Get redbuff and just run around poking people to death. Blind the melee whenever it's up. Quote Teemo in all-chat after scoring kills. You are Captain Teemo, and you are on duty.
It's key to this strat to piss off your friends in vent as well.
Do your best impression: captain teemo reporting for duty!
The best part about Teemo is that (if you read his background story) he is actually a half-retarded yordle assassin I also find he plays best when you attempt to mimic this.
You should also remember that W should be off in teamfights or when you think you will be attacked so that it isn't on cooldown when you need to escape. It's not exactly ground-breaking but I see so many players just keep it on then wonder why they died.
"Hybrid" and "Aurawhore" sound like the dumbest Teemo builds I could imagine. Can someone please put up a real Teemo guide?
On November 04 2010 21:39 Jazriel wrote: "Hybrid" and "Aurawhore" sound like the dumbest Teemo builds I could imagine. Can someone please put up a real Teemo guide? hybrid on teemo is suprisingly strong, try it.
Also, remember (everyone) to practice putting shrooms into movement patterns, you walking back and forth to determine wether you want a spotter shroom ( one which doesnt get blown up) or something you just wanna see and run awaaaaaaay, put it in a less likely movement pattern.
You head bot towards dragon, if you want a spotter shroom you put in in the middle of the river, you want a boomer shroom put it near the ledges or at the dragon entrances because they are more likely to be stepped on.
note; spotter shrooms dont have a particularly large vision, but at dragon fx you can put it in a place where it spots dragon being attacked without it blowing up.
Also, DFG, HGB, Rageblade is one my favorite hybrid builds, try it out yo =) (it has riddicolous burst and some sustained damage as well, especially since the poison damage refreshes with a new damage tick every time you hit them
mallet is a really strong option on teemo... just kite all day
On November 04 2010 21:39 Jazriel wrote: "Hybrid" and "Aurawhore" sound like the dumbest Teemo builds I could imagine. Can someone please put up a real Teemo guide?
You'd be hardpressed to find a better Teemo player than me. (SO MUCH BRAG LOL)
Ok but seriously, who the heck plays Teemo.
The Rain Man and TreeEskimo do~
Teemo is quickly becoming my favorite champ to annoy people with. Shroom farming and ambushes and just his general ability to kite people all day is just hilarious.
Captain teemo, on duty!
On November 04 2010 21:39 Jazriel wrote: "Hybrid" and "Aurawhore" sound like the dumbest Teemo builds I could imagine. Can someone please put up a real Teemo guide?
Jazriel #1 Teemo. I just use his Ashe build when I play teemo and it works! I won a game yesterday so it must be legit!
And yes, Hybrid build is good second choice. Teemo lays traps and kills towers. In team fights he's not so useful beyond blind, so play to the strengths.
ok, so why the hell would you start the champion thread if you have essentially nothing to say?
I know that sounds harsh, but seriously, this is exactly what should not be in the first post of a Champion thread.
On November 05 2010 13:29 TieN.nS) wrote: The Rain Man and TreeEskimo do~ The treeeskimo build used to be 2 doran's blades>boots1>3rd doran's blade>phage>start pumping elixirs>mallet>malady>boots2 iirc.
On November 07 2010 05:14 Mogwai wrote: ok, so why the hell would you start the champion thread if you have essentially nothing to say?
I know that sounds harsh, but seriously, this is exactly what should not be in the first post of a Champion thread.
idk but u sound mad....have something to contribute?
On November 07 2010 11:35 nyxnyxnyx wrote:Show nested quote +On November 07 2010 05:14 Mogwai wrote: ok, so why the hell would you start the champion thread if you have essentially nothing to say?
I know that sounds harsh, but seriously, this is exactly what should not be in the first post of a Champion thread. idk but u sound mad....have something to contribute?
If you're the original poster, it's on you to make your OP good. Why don't you mention what you should be doing early/mid/late game, how to effectively use mushrooms, etc.
On November 07 2010 11:56 H wrote:Show nested quote +On November 07 2010 11:35 nyxnyxnyx wrote:On November 07 2010 05:14 Mogwai wrote: ok, so why the hell would you start the champion thread if you have essentially nothing to say?
I know that sounds harsh, but seriously, this is exactly what should not be in the first post of a Champion thread. idk but u sound mad....have something to contribute? If you're the original poster, it's on you to make your OP good. Why don't you mention what you should be doing early/mid/late game, how to effectively use mushrooms, etc.
Because what I have provided thus far should serve as sufficient starting point for anyone looking to get into playing Teemo?
I would answer your questions (and I should), but really, if I were to write out sections for those questions, it'd be unnecessarily long and in the grand scheme of things, not very useful. It's probably better to watch other Teemos play and practise a little on your own.
Thoughts on going QEE as opposed to EQE then? I like Q early because, with all that mana regen, I think it's better for harass, since it does more than poison would when you're level 1 and has more range.
I like ghost/teleport too, just because I like pushing towers/farming with teemo.
But I'm also a noob so ^^
Teemo's E gives him a blood easy time farming - he's the easiest champion to last hit with, that I've played so far. His semi-carry potential is definitely there, though no outright [his passive, while a steroid, isn't really enough, imo] steroid rules him out from being a straight out hard carry.
I've been playing him: R>E>W>Q; Doran's Blade IE+Boots+Green Candy by 20mins. Snowball items++;
It's important to keep yourself alive, don't even show yourself until the fight's started. Keep yourself at the edge of the battle - ready to put additional space between yourself and anyone who doesn't like you at a moment's notice [leveling his W is important to make this easy].
Farming is stupid easy, you should be roaming mid/late game between the lanes to be farming as much as possible. If there's farm to be had, take it. Go via the jungle rather than river so you're killing mobs on the way.