On July 01 2011 01:39 Ryuu314 wrote: I get that rageblade is efficient, the problem is that it doesn't really give all that much benefit. There's a reason why you never see nidalee get rageblade in high elo tourneys like DH and such. It's, imo, kinda like a super-expensive Doran's item. Shitty stats overall, but priced so damn cost-effectively that it's a good item. The only difference between GRB and Doran's items is that GRB costs 2k, which is better off spent on a NLR + boots.
You get rageblade on 2 champs at this point in time that I can think of:
Nidalee and kayle.
Rageblade nidalee is an entirely different playstyle from deathcap nidalee.
Kayle benefits fully from rageblade and it's literally the perfect item for her. Why you wouldn't get it is beyond me.
On July 01 2011 01:39 Ryuu314 wrote: I get that rageblade is efficient, the problem is that it doesn't really give all that much benefit. There's a reason why you never see nidalee get rageblade in high elo tourneys like DH and such. It's, imo, kinda like a super-expensive Doran's item. Shitty stats overall, but priced so damn cost-effectively that it's a good item. The only difference between GRB and Doran's items is that GRB costs 2k, which is better off spent on a NLR + boots. The reason is that she doesn't actually use the AD or AS all that effectively in high level play. The difference with Kayle is that Kayle does use all the stats effectively.
Kayle hasn't been remade yet, right?
arpen, mpen or aspd marks?
I used to get GRB every time when I play Kayle, but I just found rushing that triforce or even gunblade was more useful and I had better results with it. It's also pretty hard to maintain rageblade stacks at the early levels, since Kayle has a bit of a mana issue if you try to spam her spells.
On July 01 2011 03:04 nyxnyxnyx wrote: question:
arpen, mpen or aspd marks? Flat AD
I run AD on Reds and Yellows, Scaling AP Blues and Flat AP Quints. It's kinda hilarious how hard Q -> E hits at the early levels with this.
On July 01 2011 04:01 Mogwai wrote:Flat AD I run AD on Reds and Yellows, Scaling AP Blues and Flat AP Quints. It's kinda hilarious how hard Q -> E hits at the early levels with this. are you sure it wouldn't hit harder if you went mpen instead? Actually, I'm certain your Q would hit for way more if you went for mpen marks.
I honestly just copied some Kayle who did really well in one of my solo queue games and have not fully theorycrafted it out. There is currently a popular line of thinking about Flat Penetration on carries being an uphill battle that you're better off ignoring and just favoring AD. I mean, obviously the Q itself would hit harder with mpen than AD, but whether your complete burst package would be better with MPen is a lot trickier.
Nayrt was going full ad items on her. Why not get started early with runes?
Especially if you go full AD items it's much more efficient to go for apen or even aspd, normally if you only stack one stat it's much more efficient to go for a complementing stat rather than stack that stat even more.
Yes, but Kayle also double dips on AD/AP stat bonuses. Meh, I dunno, I just like seeing 300/500 for my AD/AP, that's literally the only reason I like playing Kayle right now :p.
So Regi is going AP kayle right now on HSGG's stream. Granted, it's a troll game, but full on AP seems pretty damn strong and will only get better with kayle remake.
Valhalla18444 Posts
I hope they don't change the AP ratio on Q, 1:1 ratio makes laning fun
anyway i've been greatly enjoying playing Kayle recently. I had a solo queue game where the rest of my team picked AD-based melee bruisers, and no one would take mid, so Kayle to the rescue and carry that shit fucking hard. there was an ezreal mid who had no idea what to do when my Q took 1/3 his hp at level 1 hahaha
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
before they remade kayle, when she was considered absolute trash, she was one of the strongest early game champs in the game, straight ap + mejai's was a fun build on her. basically like ap tristana where you had to end it early but instead of having to wait for your ult you just spammed Q for absurd burst
AP Kayle is crazy. I've been playing her almost exactly the way I play AP teemo.
Couple D-rings and super early sorc shoes, rush DFG then deathcap. Early game obviously just start Qing ur opponent in the face at lvl3 over and over again. Q->E swoosh swoosh swoosh! You are sooooo fast with your W, it's awesome. With ignite and your ult you can dive the crap out of people very often.
Late game you're an ult-bot and assassin. DFG+Q+swooshswoosh and you do ridiculous damage. Though honestly almost any champ can rush DFG and AP and do hilarious single target burst.
Can you get stats for GRB + Wit's End and GRB + Stark's?
Kayle owning up troll games on ESL streams is quickly becoming fotm. All because of one skill :X
I'm curious about the runes, I would go mpen reds mp5/18 yellows ap/18 blues and mpen quints but I'm hoping for some funky op runeset for her to show up.
I'm running mpen quints, arp marks, mp5/lv seals and ap/lv glyphs. It's pretty sick, just don't show them that you're leveling q until 4 and then all of a sudden BOOM start slapping them for 1/2 their hp per nuke-auto.