She's obnoxious in the right hands, though. Dunno how riot will "fix" invisible things without changing pink ward visibility or bringing back oracles....
[Patch 3.15] Yasuo General Discussion - Page 99
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United States735 Posts
She's obnoxious in the right hands, though. Dunno how riot will "fix" invisible things without changing pink ward visibility or bringing back oracles.... | ||
France45622 Posts
She's mostly good at drawing some fire towards her shield and ensuring initiations with the slow, in the late game, but Mundo/Shyvana/Nasus and other junglers like Rengar, Kha'Zix, Riven, etc. are much more powerful (if they reach 6-items, easiest for Shyvana, a bit less for Mundo, a lot less Rengar, etc. unless snowballing hard) because they maintain instagib potential or sport much higher dps while actually being tanky. | ||
United States19143 Posts
fuck even if you want to specifically deal magic damage I'd rather be Gragas please don't confuse me with saying she isn't good, she without a doubt A tier minimum but I just don't think she's op compared to jungles that can get off ganks and be much stronger individually on this patch. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
i rather play khazix or even shaco than eve. im sure in higher elo its np, but when i ping in my normal games, everyone just thinks i missclicked or something. | ||
United States19573 Posts
Edit, and that is how Eve has to be until they remove her stealth. Stealth is one mechanic that this game currently (and since I started playing) cannot deal with appropriately. | ||
United States60033 Posts
And top lane is a crazy bruiser fest, no way you'll be able to get a decent gank off unless your laner has some insane amounts of CC. Midlane hard to gank due to the popularity of safe laners such as Gragas/Ori/Ziggs. | ||
United States19143 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On December 25 2013 11:41 lega wrote: Is there any viable ap top right now? Just played several games with Swain top against 2 mundo and 2 shyvana.Feels like they are basically unkillable after negatron. I used up all my mana on harassing but still could not force mundos out of the lane before oom. Manage to kill shyv once each but when she finished cowl I cannot kill her anymore . imo SV is such a strong item against ap tops. What is the status of kennen, kayle or ryze top right now? I think Vlad is probably your best bet now... But honestly, cloak being built from negatron basically killed AP top laners. | ||
United States15977 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On December 25 2013 13:34 Sufficiency wrote: I think Vlad is probably your best bet now... But honestly, cloak being built from negatron basically killed AP top laners. going AP top is asking to lose lane against fotm imo. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On December 25 2013 14:35 wei2coolman wrote: going AP top is asking to lose lane against fotm imo. I think Vlad should be able to survive and farm decently. None of the fotm top laners are particularly strong early levels and Vlad's sustain power peaks about when the fotm actually start doing damage. I think he should be able to force a farm lane. Now whether that's advantageous for the Vlad is another debate. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On December 25 2013 14:37 Ryuu314 wrote: I think Vlad should be able to survive and farm decently. None of the fotm top laners are particularly strong early levels and Vlad's sustain power peaks about when the fotm actually start doing damage. I think he should be able to force a farm lane. Now whether that's advantageous for the Vlad is another debate. imo the sepctre's cowl timing too strong imo, also Vlad is so hard to last hit with, especially under turret. They'll force him to farm under turret all day. | ||
United States19143 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
However, now I have the issue that I have no jungler as both of those champions are banned almost all the time. Any suggestions? I have tried Vi, felt all right but she cannot farm as well... Warwick but his farming is horrible even though he has amazing ganks and the aspd aura invisibly freewins teamfights especially when paired with some bruisers... But something that can play a style that Mundo and Shyvana can? | ||
United States19143 Posts
On December 25 2013 14:51 Shikyo wrote: Okay, I need some help. I've had decent success with Shyvana / Mundo jungle, with the style where I farm almost all the time and gank pretty rarely and then am a large factor in teamfights(usually like doubling the other jungler's minion kills etc.). However, now I have the issue that I have no jungler as both of those champions are banned almost all the time. Any suggestions? Olaf? | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On December 25 2013 14:42 wei2coolman wrote: imo the sepctre's cowl timing too strong imo, also Vlad is so hard to last hit with, especially under turret. They'll force him to farm under turret all day. Spectre's Cowl needs a nerf. When top laners would buy this item first against other mixed damage top laners I think it's a really good indication that this item is broken. I am not sure how this can be achieved though. The best I can think of is to make Spectre's Cowl (it's called Cowl, not Cloak, damn it) build from NMM and Ruby Crystal instead, with nerfed regen starts, and have Spirit Visage require an extra NMM. | ||
United States5635 Posts
Master Yi? Phoenix Udyr? | ||
United States12679 Posts
Mostly I just play like a little bitch unless my jungle ganks for me. the Fotm top laners don't have that much kill potential if you play safe. Master Yi also has no problem farming under tower with Q+E. Then you just become super powerful later since teams don't draft that much hard CC nowadays. On December 25 2013 14:51 Shikyo wrote: Okay, I need some help. I've had decent success with Shyvana / Mundo jungle, with the style where I farm almost all the time and gank pretty rarely and then am a large factor in teamfights(usually like doubling the other jungler's minion kills etc.). However, now I have the issue that I have no jungler as both of those champions are banned almost all the time. Any suggestions? I have tried Vi, felt all right but she cannot farm as well... Warwick but his farming is horrible even though he has amazing ganks and the aspd aura invisibly freewins teamfights especially when paired with some bruisers... But something that can play a style that Mundo and Shyvana can? Vi's not really a farm jungler. She basically wants to hit 6 asap then just camp the living shit out of a lane. Heck, her pre-6 ganks are pretty good too if you can get a good angle with your Q. When ult is down, go farm a bit. Repeat. If you want a Mundo/Shyvana style I'd say probably Udyr. | ||
United States19143 Posts
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Canada5009 Posts
It's ridiculous: the other day I was playing Trundle top against Singed and once I had Cowl, it honestly seemed like Poison Trail was healing me... | ||
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