On December 25 2013 08:54 Scip wrote:
why would you wish the holy wrath upon Teut Sponkz?
why would you wish the holy wrath upon Teut Sponkz?
The sig explains it all <3
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Denmark4564 Posts
On December 25 2013 08:54 Scip wrote: why would you wish the holy wrath upon Teut Sponkz? The sig explains it all <3 | ||
United States19143 Posts
On December 25 2013 16:26 Gahlo wrote: Show nested quote + On December 25 2013 16:07 Ryuu314 wrote: Yea iunno why Trundle isn't picked up more in competitive play. His kit is like...tailor made for this meta. Huge steroid on W, R basically destroys tanks like Shyv, Mundo, Rengar while making Trundle tanky as all hell. He doesn't really have mana issues either. I was watching Phreak's stream shortly after worlds and he was talking about how he thinks competitive top players have poor champion pools. He cited how Jax was a problem that nobody seemed to know how to deal with, then listed off a handful of strong champions that would have been fringe picks that could have easily taken care of him. I don't really think that was the case at all, I'm not saying pros don't have horrible champion adaptation (because they do) but Jax really wasn't that big of a deal at worlds outside of the grand finals, at which point he was used as a counter pick to a baited Shen pick. To say that "nobody knew how to deal with him" is kinda revisionist history. I don't know mabye I'm the one remembering it poorly but Jax was hardly a standout champion at worlds for me. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On December 25 2013 17:17 Ryuu314 wrote: Show nested quote + On December 25 2013 16:49 Sufficiency wrote: I think you can make that argument about Syndra and Fizz, which took a very long time to develop due to their high skill ceiling, but honestly Annie is not that hard to play. If you have to spend a ban on Annie every game regsrdless blue or red I feel it is your team's support player's fault to choose to not learn something new. Eh. I'm not sure I agree. Syndra was unplayed because she was weak on release. After a few buffs and qol changes she was very strong, but was not a good pick in the assassin heavy meta. Fizz went unplayed competitively for the longest time because of a HUGE bug with his E which would occasionally do no damage. I think Syndra was definitely playable on release... or at least onr patch after her release. All the buffs were just incentives for the players to give her a chance. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
My only worry is that he has basically no AOE whatsoever. | ||
United States35093 Posts
On December 26 2013 00:47 Sufficiency wrote: I do agre with the Trundle thing... I will try to play him a bit today. My only worry is that he has basically no AOE whatsoever. Hooray for Hydra! | ||
United States19143 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On December 26 2013 01:01 Gahlo wrote: Show nested quote + On December 26 2013 00:47 Sufficiency wrote: I do agre with the Trundle thing... I will try to play him a bit today. My only worry is that he has basically no AOE whatsoever. Hooray for Hydra! Dunno if he can get away with building hydra first against fotm champs that build sunfire. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On December 26 2013 02:22 wei2coolman wrote: Show nested quote + On December 26 2013 01:01 Gahlo wrote: On December 26 2013 00:47 Sufficiency wrote: I do agre with the Trundle thing... I will try to play him a bit today. My only worry is that he has basically no AOE whatsoever. Hooray for Hydra! Dunno if he can get away with building hydra first against fotm champs that build sunfire. Yeah played one game and I see the problems already. I think his trade is really good and his sustain is obviously godly, but seriously, he has 0 waveclear, so you either need to get a tiamat first, or you get something defensive and get shoved to your own turret 24/7. Probably not that viable in competitive play. His R's CD is way too low lol. You can just use it to sustain yourself. | ||
United States10796 Posts
Edit: Anyone been messing with Yasuo jungle? What runes/masteries have you tried? His base AS is so ass.... | ||
United States60033 Posts
On December 26 2013 02:39 Diamond wrote: Off topic, but Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone! Edit: Anyone been messing with Yasuo jungle? What runes/masteries have you tried? His base AS is so ass.... WodX has very specific crit masteries for him, so he maxes out on crit with IE+Shiv timing. But, tbh, Jungle Yasuo blows without having knockup/displacement lanes, and even if you do, none of the jungle items are any good on him. | ||
United States20754 Posts
On December 26 2013 02:39 Diamond wrote: Off topic, but Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone! Edit: Anyone been messing with Yasuo jungle? What runes/masteries have you tried? His base AS is so ass.... I've been playing it non fucking stop. It's absurdly fun, and you have a massive amount of hidden damage. For runes I run Armor yellows, MR per level blues, flat AD quints, 6 flat AD marks, and 3 flat AS marks. Masteries are 21/9/0, details are here. Go to the mastery page One-Winged Angel (geddit cuz hes like Sephiroth). You have really high damage ganks, but only dash on the enemy champion as a last resort. You should dash to minions and proc your slows with the AOE from your Q. Don't get Wind Wall until level 4 (unless you're ganking someone like Lux or Annie, who have projectiles that can end ganks with roots or stuns). Right now I've been rushing a Shiv and then building a Sunfire from that, then Youmuu's and Merc Treads. After that I've been experimenting with tankier builds like Spirit Visage and more damage-based builds like Infinity Edge, sometimes even using Atma's because Avarice Blade is so good on Yasuo (he waveclears with Shiv like a motherfucker). Edge is great when you have a consistent and strong gold flow, if you're not so sure build more tanky, because Shiv alone keeps you relevant in teamfights damage-wise. Don't get jungle items, just always have an Avarice Blade and push lanes 24/7. Btw this character is fucking fun. 10/10 very omnislash huehuehue | ||
United States60033 Posts
Damn, yasuo highlight clips make him look so good. | ||
United States19573 Posts
On December 26 2013 00:30 Slusher wrote: Show nested quote + On December 25 2013 16:26 Gahlo wrote: On December 25 2013 16:07 Ryuu314 wrote: Yea iunno why Trundle isn't picked up more in competitive play. His kit is like...tailor made for this meta. Huge steroid on W, R basically destroys tanks like Shyv, Mundo, Rengar while making Trundle tanky as all hell. He doesn't really have mana issues either. I was watching Phreak's stream shortly after worlds and he was talking about how he thinks competitive top players have poor champion pools. He cited how Jax was a problem that nobody seemed to know how to deal with, then listed off a handful of strong champions that would have been fringe picks that could have easily taken care of him. I don't really think that was the case at all, I'm not saying pros don't have horrible champion adaptation (because they do) but Jax really wasn't that big of a deal at worlds outside of the grand finals, at which point he was used as a counter pick to a baited Shen pick. To say that "nobody knew how to deal with him" is kinda revisionist history. I don't know mabye I'm the one remembering it poorly but Jax was hardly a standout champion at worlds for me. Yea, Phreak's perspective is seriously flawed. Jax was played (mostly) as a Shen counter, which he was pretty good at. Renekton was a strong anti-Jax, but when he was banned the other champs you would have prepared for worlds were basically: Shen, Rumble, Kennen, Vlad/Zac(maybe). Other than that, you could get lucky by having a legacy Malphite or Singed player who still felt really comfortable on those champs, but they would be playing a champion that had been basically out of competitive for several months. Although Malphite is kinda a total ass to play against as Jax, Royal probably could have tried that even if they dont play him much. | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States20754 Posts
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United States776 Posts
He's level 18 killing level 13's. grats bro. looked hard. 1.33 second CD on his Q and 0.1 s CD on his E when both are maxed(and with enough attackspeed). he's super fun to play, but you really need to build a team around him for it to be viable. like you said, it's instant. It does not require any targetting, aiming, or skill whatsoever. you push R, and it teleports you. if you're capable of recognizing an ally that has a knockup ability, you are equally capable of doing this. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On December 26 2013 04:36 ItsFunToLose wrote: they conveniently don't show items, kills, deaths, time into the game. i bet it's a 15-0 yasuo 1.5 items ahead of everyone. shiv IE BT LW wow, da plays. so good. yawn. He's level 18 killing level 13's. grats bro. looked hard. 1.33 second CD on his Q and 0.1 s CD on his E when both are maxed(and with enough attackspeed). he's super fun to play, but you really need to build a team around him for it to be viable. What I thought was amazing (or just luck, honestly) was his instant R that teleported him 1000+ units away. | ||
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
On December 26 2013 04:52 Sufficiency wrote: Show nested quote + On December 26 2013 04:36 ItsFunToLose wrote: they conveniently don't show items, kills, deaths, time into the game. i bet it's a 15-0 yasuo 1.5 items ahead of everyone. shiv IE BT LW wow, da plays. so good. yawn. He's level 18 killing level 13's. grats bro. looked hard. 1.33 second CD on his Q and 0.1 s CD on his E when both are maxed(and with enough attackspeed). he's super fun to play, but you really need to build a team around him for it to be viable. What I thought was amazing (or just luck, honestly) was his instant R that teleported him 1000+ units away. I really like your sig. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On December 26 2013 04:00 Alaric wrote: What da heck I had to rewatch the clip to get that he ult'd an offscreen target knocked-up by Maokai's Q. That's the camera, though, 1300 range isn't larger than a screen. Also 'sup short cd ult, and that 400+ HP shield at higher levels is pretty dumb. His shield passive is straight up broken at baiting people. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On December 26 2013 05:25 wei2coolman wrote: Show nested quote + On December 26 2013 04:00 Alaric wrote: What da heck I had to rewatch the clip to get that he ult'd an offscreen target knocked-up by Maokai's Q. That's the camera, though, 1300 range isn't larger than a screen. Also 'sup short cd ult, and that 400+ HP shield at higher levels is pretty dumb. His shield passive is straight up broken at baiting people. Man idk how his shield even works, I just played yasuo and I was going "oh god oh god I'm gonna die". Suddenly surprise shield and I just went "Oh I guess I'll turn around" and killed vayne. | ||
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