On May 17 2013 03:43 Sufficiency wrote: This Lissandra doesn't seem to do any damage at all.
When I play her she does damage >_>
I'm not sure if you are doing this, but I think one of the reasons this might seem to be is a lot of people are tunnel visioned on using their E as an initiation. While that's cool and all, you're also removing .6 scaling AP ratio from your burst which is not inconsequential. If I can harras with Q through the creep wave until I hit six I find that ulting someone, throwing E at them, teleporting to it, using W and then Q does a pretty good amount of burst.
Edit: Also I'm pretty pleased Riot finally came out and said Pick order > Call order.
On May 17 2013 03:47 Slayer91 wrote: why would you play league in a lecture? Surely if you're going to bother to show up you should be paying attention?
also so called "ugly girls" might not be that ugly when they're all done up and dressed up which is when the pictures get taken
A lot of lecture halls have sign in sheets, and 10% of your grade is just showing up.
Also I'm not sure how old he is, but in most first year, and many second year courses, the lectures are completely useless.
I'm in 2nd year of college, I think Murican's call it sophomore right. And yeah they play league for the same reason I see 90% of the people sitting there with a laptop surf facebook or play onlinepoker, or just straight up sleep. Would be a miracle if everyone in a 500+ lecture paid attention to the prof :D
This particular course doesn't force anyone to show up but I think it's pretty common everywhere for students to show up just because it's in their schedule and I blame it on the laptops, Ipads and Iphones which everyone seems to have at least one of, that less people are paying attention. Was actually pretty hard for myself to get rid of that habit and only show up with pen and paper and leave my laptop at home. Still sometimes check use my iphone to read TL/reddit of watch streams if there's some good games during class though hah (lcs eu,OGN)
Our lecture hall barely topped 30-40 students in a class. You couldn't get away with playing League unless you sat in one of the back two rows. Small school professors who know your first name = OP.
I browsed TL a lot during class time in-between note taking and my grades were fine, trying to play League would be almost impossible though, too much clicking lol.
League would be hard, but I leveled the shit out of my Warlock and Paladin. This was BC, so Paladins literally could just Seal and Judge and take notes while you auto attack. Locks could just dot up a field :D
Has this happened to anyone else:I place a ward in bush and enemy support lulu just kills it without any extra attack speed or vision?She seemed rather surprised it happened as well lol.
On May 17 2013 04:55 nafta wrote: Has this happened to anyone else:I place a ward in bush and enemy support lulu just kills it without any extra attack speed or vision?She seemed rather surprised it happened as well lol.
Does lulu have an attack reset? I know leona can kill a ward if shes right on top of it with cause of the reset on her stun.
On May 17 2013 05:00 overt wrote: I don't play Lulu but if Pix's attacks effect wards then that's the reason it died. Maybe it isn't supposed to but it borked in the patch.
It's not supposed to, pix isn't supposed to fire at all when attacking wards
i remember when i was in university, someone said "if you don't learn anything in lecture, why bother to go to lecture?"
so i just skipped class end result: academic probation for low GPA
just being in class is sometimes more valuable even if you just fall asleep.
but i also really hated it when people would bring laptops and play stuff. it's just really distracting. at least when you sleep you don't bother anyone.
On May 17 2013 03:43 Sufficiency wrote: This Lissandra doesn't seem to do any damage at all.
When I play her she does damage >_>
I'm not sure if you are doing this, but I think one of the reasons this might seem to be is a lot of people are tunnel visioned on using their E as an initiation. While that's cool and all, you're also removing .6 scaling AP ratio from your burst which is not inconsequential. If I can harras with Q through the creep wave until I hit six I find that ulting someone, throwing E at them, teleporting to it, using W and then Q does a pretty good amount of burst.
Edit: Also I'm pretty pleased Riot finally came out and said Pick order > Call order.
since i started playing lissy top i'm having a lot more success. there is a lot of temptation to initiate with E, ult yourself or someone nearby, then root and get out of there. but you usually never get out of there.
instead, i've found a lot more success using E to either chase post-fight or escape, using ult as a second-initiate or counterinitiate, and then conservatively staying in the back firing Qs and using Ws defensively to kite or peel.
if you play to burst, you lose your sustained damage through Q because you just die once you unload your cooldowns.
On May 17 2013 04:55 nafta wrote: Has this happened to anyone else:I place a ward in bush and enemy support lulu just kills it without any extra attack speed or vision?She seemed rather surprised it happened as well lol.
Its not an auto reset that did it.
Lulu must have had Pix attached to you or your AD, this grants vision of you, and due to how the game is coded she can see any wards you can see. Same thing happens with nid traps
whats a good ad kayle build? just got her in aram but forgot to change runes/masteries and totally don't know how to play her ad anymore after months of ap kayle only
On May 17 2013 04:55 nafta wrote: Has this happened to anyone else:I place a ward in bush and enemy support lulu just kills it without any extra attack speed or vision?She seemed rather surprised it happened as well lol.
Its not an auto reset that did it.
Lulu must have had Pix attached to you or your AD, this grants vision of you, and due to how the game is coded she can see any wards you can see. Same thing happens with nid traps
wat was this ever a discussion the guy who gets to pick first gets to pick first so naturally he has all the power the rest is just courtesy or are the people here complaining about trolls including people picking roles they themselves "called" first what is this 4th grade?
This patch is pretty solid and definitely in line with riot balancing patterns, the changes will have the western teams a better chance at the upcoming All-star match
On May 17 2013 05:33 Kupon3ss wrote: This patch is pretty solid and definitely in line with riot balancing patterns, the changes will have the western teams a better chance at the upcoming All-star match
Why do you say that? Do the fixes benefit the western players' preferred champs? Or does a more 'balanced' game benefit the lesser skilled players that can't exploit strengths as well?