Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. |
United States37500 Posts
On May 17 2013 05:33 Kupon3ss wrote: This patch is pretty solid and definitely in line with riot balancing patterns, the changes will have the western teams a better chance at the upcoming All-star match
Pretty sure All-Stars won't be on this current 3.07 patch.
On May 17 2013 05:40 KarlKaliente wrote:Show nested quote +On May 17 2013 05:33 Kupon3ss wrote: This patch is pretty solid and definitely in line with riot balancing patterns, the changes will have the western teams a better chance at the upcoming All-star match Why do you say that? Do the fixes benefit the western players' preferred champs? Or does a more 'balanced' game benefit the lesser skilled players that can't exploit strengths as well? Just curious why you think that, Nerfs to tf. Definite improves na chances.
On May 17 2013 05:42 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On May 17 2013 05:40 KarlKaliente wrote:On May 17 2013 05:33 Kupon3ss wrote: This patch is pretty solid and definitely in line with riot balancing patterns, the changes will have the western teams a better chance at the upcoming All-star match Why do you say that? Do the fixes benefit the western players' preferred champs? Or does a more 'balanced' game benefit the lesser skilled players that can't exploit strengths as well? Just curious why you think that, Nerfs to tf. Definite improves na chances.
So they don't pick it right?Damn riot always looking out for na.
On May 17 2013 04:29 onlywonderboy wrote: Edit: Also I'm pretty pleased Riot finally came out and said Pick order > Call order. They did it so late it's like they decided to wait for us to pick a side and then finally joined the winning side. Like the Lannisters Robert's Rebellion or the Italian in WW2.
Same conclusion I came to. Weaker early game, breaks even ~level 12 with zerks, and slightly better off at level 18 unless she has 3 AS items.
United States15536 Posts
On May 17 2013 05:47 obesechicken13 wrote:Show nested quote +On May 17 2013 04:29 onlywonderboy wrote: Edit: Also I'm pretty pleased Riot finally came out and said Pick order > Call order. They did it so late it's like they decided to wait for us to pick a side and then finally joined the winning side. Like the Lannisters Robert's Rebellion or the Italian in WW2.
The Italians were pretty definitively on the losing side for a very long time, iirc.
im so happy with cait nerfs, hope they will nerf draven too.
On May 17 2013 05:52 Lmui wrote:Same conclusion I came to. Weaker early game, breaks even ~level 12 with zerks, and slightly better off at level 18 unless she has 3 AS items.
Eh? With the changes, she will break even at lvl 10 without any additional AS.
It doesn't really matter. Caitlyn's still got one of, if not the, best lane phases in the game and her late game is essentially unchanged. So she'll still be completely fine for 99% of people who will play her. Any situations where I would've picked Caitlyn before, I'm gonna continue to pick Caitlyn in.
Maybe she won't see as much play in competitive but she'll still have a place there in siege or poke comps.
Rumble changes just reward good rumble players, he will dominate lane, 50% extra damage on Danger zone is too good
Since range is such an important stat and is impossible to increase by any means, Cait will pretty much always remain relevant unless they reduce it or utterly gut her in other respects.
On May 17 2013 06:01 Sponkz wrote:Show nested quote +On May 17 2013 05:52 Lmui wrote:Same conclusion I came to. Weaker early game, breaks even ~level 12 with zerks, and slightly better off at level 18 unless she has 3 AS items. Eh? With the changes, she will break even at lvl 10 without any additional AS.
I think its if you assume you have Zerks, because the AS on them is weaker because of the base AS change.
Also why would they not play on the new patch? It seems like tomfoolery to play on the old patch with Zac and Zed enabled. They made the nerfs for a reason. On the other hand, only Nunu would need to be monitored/disabled for the new patch, and no one plays him that much comparatively.
Trying out this as a custom item set for all my champs, thoughts?
+ Show Spoiler +
I'm gonna steal that idea, thanks!
That's exactly what I was going to do. I don't think there's really a need to have any other pages, honestly.
United States23745 Posts
On May 17 2013 05:08 kainzero wrote:Show nested quote +On May 17 2013 04:29 onlywonderboy wrote:On May 17 2013 03:43 Sufficiency wrote: This Lissandra doesn't seem to do any damage at all. When I play her she does damage >_> I'm not sure if you are doing this, but I think one of the reasons this might seem to be is a lot of people are tunnel visioned on using their E as an initiation. While that's cool and all, you're also removing .6 scaling AP ratio from your burst which is not inconsequential. If I can harras with Q through the creep wave until I hit six I find that ulting someone, throwing E at them, teleporting to it, using W and then Q does a pretty good amount of burst. Edit: Also I'm pretty pleased Riot finally came out and said Pick order > Call order. since i started playing lissy top i'm having a lot more success. there is a lot of temptation to initiate with E, ult yourself or someone nearby, then root and get out of there. but you usually never get out of there. instead, i've found a lot more success using E to either chase post-fight or escape, using ult as a second-initiate or counterinitiate, and then conservatively staying in the back firing Qs and using Ws defensively to kite or peel. if you play to burst, you lose your sustained damage through Q because you just die once you unload your cooldowns. I find her level 6 burst to be pretty good against other Mid laners but I agree with the rest of your points. Frozen Tomb is an excellent follow up initiation and I find ulting an enemy more useful than ulting myself 90% of the time. It's also really good against assassins. Oh you're diving me? That's cute, eat an Ice Tomb while I E away.
On May 17 2013 06:10 never_Nal wrote: Rumble changes just reward good rumble players, he will dominate lane, 50% extra damage on Danger zone is too good
Still weaker than the pre-nerf Q in danger zone I think. So...
So thinking about Diana shield nerfs some more, they make her laning a lot less scary but that shield is gonna be crazy in team fights. Assuming you pop all three orbs before taking any damage (fairly common in a fight that you're gonna initiate or that you second initiate on) you end up with what is essentially a 200 damage shield with a .6 AP ratio.
Although in skirmishes, 1v1s, and situations where you can't get all three orbs to pop before taking much damage you end up with a much weaker shield that also does less damage.
On May 17 2013 06:22 Diamond wrote:Trying out this as a custom item set for all my champs, thoughts? + Show Spoiler +
Your section headers need work.
Mine are:
BEST USAIN BOLT NA + Show Spoiler +
BEST JUNGLER NA + Show Spoiler +-machete (seriously, that's it. maybe i'll combine this and "BEST USAIN BOLT NA")
BEST SUPPORT NA + Show Spoiler +-sightstone -emblem of valor -rejuv/faerie -kindlegem -wards -oracles
BEST DLIFT NA + Show Spoiler +-vamp sceptre -pickaxe -bfsword -phantom dancer -bork
BEST NUKES NA + Show Spoiler +-amp tome -blasting wand -needlessly large rod -chalice -seekers
BEST BAITS NA + Show Spoiler +-warmog's -glacial shroud -warden's mail -nmm -negatron
the idea is that i can access basically every item with one or two clicks.
On May 17 2013 05:47 obesechicken13 wrote:Show nested quote +On May 17 2013 04:29 onlywonderboy wrote: Edit: Also I'm pretty pleased Riot finally came out and said Pick order > Call order. They did it so late it's like they decided to wait for us to pick a side and then finally joined the winning side. Like the Lannisters Robert's Rebellion or the Italian in WW2.
Riot is literally worse than Tywin. And literally worse than Mussolini.