On May 10 2013 14:21 Dgiese wrote:Show nested quote +On May 10 2013 13:27 Simberto wrote: I think we have reached the point where any new champ ability in this top-down moba style game can be described as a combination/similarity to existing skills. There is really only so many different things an ability can do, and most of it has been done before in between 100+ LoL champions and however many Dota heros exist. Q - eject target target champions controller's DVD drive. Damage based off of how long before it is next closed. Damage scales based on number of, and manufacturer of drives. Sup?
I found the champion art for that guy. + Show Spoiler +
IMO riot needs to stop making champions and start balancing out the older unused ones. Like people have said theres only so many things you can do.
But cash cow is cash cow.
United States23745 Posts
On May 10 2013 14:36 Capped wrote: IMO riot needs to stop making champions and start balancing out the older unused ones. Like people have said theres only so many things you can do.
But cash cow is cash cow. There are separate teams for new champs and reworks, they work in parallel. On top of that the balance team is probably also its own separate thing if we are just talking number buffs. I guess my point is that new champs don't preclude old champs from getting fixes. Also they have slowed down the new champ releases significantly, I think it's in a much better spot than it was a new champ every two weeks.
Wow getting Janna in ARAM feels like cheating holy shit is this so ez.
On May 10 2013 14:43 sung_moon wrote: Wow getting Janna in ARAM feels like cheating holy shit is this so ez. It's actually impossible to lose with Janna. You don't even need to use your Q's to hit enemies. Pretty much keep the wave permapressed.
United States23745 Posts
On May 10 2013 14:50 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On May 10 2013 14:43 sung_moon wrote: Wow getting Janna in ARAM feels like cheating holy shit is this so ez. It's actually impossible to lose with Janna. You don't even need to use your Q's to hit enemies. Pretty much keep the wave permapressed. And then heal your whole team from 1/4 to full health.
United States23455 Posts
My best ARAM ever was Janna (me), Soraka, Sona, Olaf and I think a Master Yi. We weren't touched the entire game.
United States23745 Posts
United States47024 Posts
On May 10 2013 14:41 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On May 10 2013 14:36 Capped wrote: IMO riot needs to stop making champions and start balancing out the older unused ones. Like people have said theres only so many things you can do.
But cash cow is cash cow. There are separate teams for new champs and reworks, they work in parallel. On top of that the balance team is probably also its own separate thing if we are just talking number buffs. I guess my point is that new champs don't preclude old champs from getting fixes. Also they have slowed down the new champ releases significantly, I think it's in a much better spot than it was a new champ every two weeks. I still think the best thing for them to do would just be to simply to put champ releases on like a 3-4 month cycle and just release 3-4 champs at once, rather than releasing them sequentially. At this point there's no excitement to a new content patch or champion because they come too fast, we've been desensitized to them.
To be honest, there's actually a lot of merit to Icefrog's patching methods for DotA. With patches 6+ months apart and with enormous changelogs, every DotA player thinks every new patch is the best thing ever. It's always like "OMG 3 NEW HEROES! OMG 2 NEW ITEMS!". If you look at the major patch release threads for DotA, they're always overwhelmingly positive, whereas people tend to be far more critical/cynical looking at new LoL patches.
United States23745 Posts
On May 10 2013 15:12 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On May 10 2013 14:41 onlywonderboy wrote:On May 10 2013 14:36 Capped wrote: IMO riot needs to stop making champions and start balancing out the older unused ones. Like people have said theres only so many things you can do.
But cash cow is cash cow. There are separate teams for new champs and reworks, they work in parallel. On top of that the balance team is probably also its own separate thing if we are just talking number buffs. I guess my point is that new champs don't preclude old champs from getting fixes. Also they have slowed down the new champ releases significantly, I think it's in a much better spot than it was a new champ every two weeks. I still think the best thing for them to do would just be to simply to put champ releases on like a 3-4 month cycle and just release 3-4 champs at once, rather than releasing them sequentially. At this point there's no excitement to a new content patch or champion because they come too fast, we've been desensitized to them. To be honest, there's actually a lot of merit to Icefrog's patching methods for DotA. With patches 6+ months apart and with enormous changelogs, every DotA player thinks every new patch is the best thing ever. It's always like "OMG 3 NEW HEROES! OMG 2 NEW ITEMS!". If you look at the major patch release threads for DotA, they're always overwhelmingly positive, whereas people tend to be far more critical/cynical looking at new LoL patches. Riot wouldn't be able to deal with the community backlash, people are too used to patches coming out as quick as they do, there would be an uproar if they waited months and months to make balance changes. Sure, watching the meta game evolve around a long lasting patch would be cool for us, but it would just piss off a majority of the player base. Also Riot gets a lot of shit for being reactionary, but Dota fans are clamoring for nerfs on OP shit since it takes so long to patch *cough*PL*cough* I guess my point is you make a good point but it would never happen lol.
As far as the OPness of new champions go, an easy solution that would at least alleviate the problems would be to disable new champions for ranked for a certain period of time after they released. Say a champion is released and then two weeks later he is introduced to ranked. I really don't mind when a champion is released OP because IIRC that is the method Icefrog uses to balance and if the MOBA industry sees that is the best way to balance new hero/champions then so be it. The problem in League is that, I find, that people take ladder, specifically ranked, a lot more seriously then in DotA. Yes it might be "copying" from DotA but I really think that the upsides are worth the marginal downsides.
Okay, I have a question that I can't seem to google. How do Kayle, Black Cleaver, and Runaan's Hurricane interact in one auto attack? Specifically, who receives how many stacks of the black cleaver debuff?
On May 10 2013 13:27 Simberto wrote: I think we have reached the point where any new champ ability in this top-down moba style game can be described as a combination/similarity to existing skills. There is really only so many different things an ability can do, and most of it has been done before in between 100+ LoL champions and however many Dota heros exist.
I guarantee there are at least 100 more heroes worth of unique ability concepts out there. Whether or not Riot will find them is another story.
I think it would be interesting to have a champion with persistent global presence. Not like GP or Shen that have an ulti with a long cooldown, but something more like an AP mid whose every skill has global range.
On May 10 2013 04:35 Djin)ftw( wrote:Show nested quote +On May 10 2013 04:19 cLutZ wrote: Yi is gonna be reworked for the same reason they are thinking about changing Nunu. To be honest, Yi's kid sucks. They should reduce the dmg from alphastrike so this all-in build with dorans ring, no mr/armor whatsoever, into rabadon/lichbane loses its viability. While I have no problem with high risk/high reward styles of play, with Yi it is just too much imho. You cant really punish him, beacuse even as a melee, he can farm so well with alpha strike. And thus you just hope that he doesnt get a reset in team fights. Just retarded, like techies in Dota. And while it is kinda the same with blitz who is more or less uesless if he doesnt land a grab, at least its a skillshot. Fucking lowskill Yi players all the time, all-inning you with their bullshit full AP gambles. That being said, what happened to fizz with ignite/barrier and 30-0-0? Incarnati0n went to #1 EUW with >1000 league points, then he was gone and fizz is now at 47.xx%. Did I miss something?
They should just reduce the AP ratio on Q and keep Yi as he is; he is still perfectly viable as AD in the jungle.
http://www.lolking.net/summoner/euw/19470300 http://www.lolking.net/summoner/euw/34027856
^While they are at it, just remove the AD removal while his E is on cooldown and maybe buff E and R in other ways as well. Yi really should be a viable AD instead of AP, it makes no sense.
On May 10 2013 11:19 ticklishmusic wrote: So if ya'll frequent the non-LoL part of TL, you may have heard that EG released Idra.
Imagine if he takes up lol. He'd probably play Tryn only for ENDLESS RAGE ENDLESS RAGE.
I speculated about this earlier.
It wouldn't work. He'd get 9 people to rage at and just one makes him already rage so hard. He couldn't keep himself from getting permabanned and he couldn't find a team.
On May 10 2013 15:12 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On May 10 2013 14:41 onlywonderboy wrote:On May 10 2013 14:36 Capped wrote: IMO riot needs to stop making champions and start balancing out the older unused ones. Like people have said theres only so many things you can do.
But cash cow is cash cow. There are separate teams for new champs and reworks, they work in parallel. On top of that the balance team is probably also its own separate thing if we are just talking number buffs. I guess my point is that new champs don't preclude old champs from getting fixes. Also they have slowed down the new champ releases significantly, I think it's in a much better spot than it was a new champ every two weeks. I still think the best thing for them to do would just be to simply to put champ releases on like a 3-4 month cycle and just release 3-4 champs at once, rather than releasing them sequentially. At this point there's no excitement to a new content patch or champion because they come too fast, we've been desensitized to them. To be honest, there's actually a lot of merit to Icefrog's patching methods for DotA. With patches 6+ months apart and with enormous changelogs, every DotA player thinks every new patch is the best thing ever. It's always like "OMG 3 NEW HEROES! OMG 2 NEW ITEMS!". If you look at the major patch release threads for DotA, they're always overwhelmingly positive, whereas people tend to be far more critical/cynical looking at new LoL patches. Can you get hired into Riot somehow, please? Why don't you take Morello's spot while you're at it? That would be heaven.
Anyway, it looks like wére getting another (manaless) bruiser. I'm very excited, yay!
On May 10 2013 17:57 Shikyo wrote:^While they are at it, just remove the AD removal while his E is on cooldown and maybe buff E and R in other ways as well. Yi really should be a viable AD instead of AP, it makes no sense. Show nested quote +On May 10 2013 11:19 ticklishmusic wrote: So if ya'll frequent the non-LoL part of TL, you may have heard that EG released Idra.
Imagine if he takes up lol. He'd probably play Tryn only for ENDLESS RAGE ENDLESS RAGE.
I speculated about this earlier. It wouldn't work. He'd get 9 people to rage at and just one makes him already rage so hard. He couldn't keep himself from getting permabanned and he couldn't find a team. Make a team, blame everyone but himself, kick whoever disagrees with him. Continue to lose lane everygame. Wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility
On May 10 2013 13:27 Simberto wrote: I think we have reached the point where any new champ ability in this top-down moba style game can be described as a combination/similarity to existing skills. There is really only so many different things an ability can do, and most of it has been done before in between 100+ LoL champions and however many Dota heros exist. Dota has many, many mechanics that haven't even touched Lol yet. League simply doesn't have the freedom to be creative because the power levels are so low and similar to each other. Not to mention that hard things are "toxic", "anti-fun" and a "burden of knowledge".