On May 16 2013 05:09 Dark_Chill wrote: I think probably the biggest reason why I'm still in silver is my late game decision making and calling. On average, my support is alright, and sometimes my Lulu can win lanes. Come late game though, my warding goes down as I forget about it, and I don't really put any effort into trying to make people go to certain spots or do certain things, and sometimes I'll use my skills on the wrong target. Maybe instead of using my spells to protect the AD I use it on our bruiser so that he can get over to the other team, and that just cost us the fight. Now that summer's here I hope I can improve on these aspects a lot.
The key to late game warding in non-pro-level games is convincing a buddy to come with you. The reason is that "bad" players do "stupid" things like camp random bushes for inexplicably long amounts of time. My pet peeve is the "bush of death" around baron, because you can't ward it from over a wall, half the time there is a random Jarvan, or Diana waiting there, and even if you do a max range ward plant you still can die.
This is hilarious because it's so true. Classic late game maneuver in Bronze. Don't know what to do? Ping a bush and everyone piles up. The problem is it works half the time... XD
On May 16 2013 04:16 Ketara wrote: I think the biggest noticeable difference between high silver and low silver is that in high silver you don't see many people anymore who just make really moronic build choices. The people who are playing support but hate supporting still buy wards, people don't start mid/top with dorans items anymore, etc.
You still see junglers who have one predetermined build order they go, which is tuned for a jungler who's fed all to hell, and still try to go it even if they're like 0/4, which bothers me, but in general the build they're trying to go for makes some sense, just not for that particular game.
I think you're right about the decision making though. I'm just starting to feel like I have some semblance of understanding whatever the fuck it is I'm supposed to be doing outside of 20mins into the game. When I watch my friends in silver 5 play they get in these positions where it's 30-40 mins in and they have a clear lead and still just sort of wander around the map not doing anything with their lead.
Starting doran's items top is moronic?
Please enlighten me why, I'd be happy to climb from low to high silver. I do a fair amount of dblade starts for Quinn top/mid and dring starts for Nunu top if I know the enemy can't easily punish me for it. Nunu because of Q sustain and I often go tele anyway, Quinn because she outtrades certain melee champs so hard that they usually can't punish me for it. It's working well for me, but I also know that other low silver people don't know how to punish choices like this properly.
Why are they doing stuff with base attack speed. It's the worst thing to nerf, because when you're playing, it honestly feels bad to have that lower speed. I don't even see any reason to nerf Caitlyn.
On May 16 2013 04:16 Ketara wrote: I think the biggest noticeable difference between high silver and low silver is that in high silver you don't see many people anymore who just make really moronic build choices. The people who are playing support but hate supporting still buy wards, people don't start mid/top with dorans items anymore, etc.
You still see junglers who have one predetermined build order they go, which is tuned for a jungler who's fed all to hell, and still try to go it even if they're like 0/4, which bothers me, but in general the build they're trying to go for makes some sense, just not for that particular game.
I think you're right about the decision making though. I'm just starting to feel like I have some semblance of understanding whatever the fuck it is I'm supposed to be doing outside of 20mins into the game. When I watch my friends in silver 5 play they get in these positions where it's 30-40 mins in and they have a clear lead and still just sort of wander around the map not doing anything with their lead.
Starting doran's items top is moronic?
Please enlighten me why, I'd be happy to climb from low to high silver. I do a fair amount of dblade starts for Quinn top/mid and dring starts for Nunu top if I know the enemy can't easily punish me for it. Nunu because of Q sustain and I often go tele anyway, Quinn because she outtrades certain melee champs so hard that they usually can't punish me for it. It's working well for me, but I also know that other low silver people don't know how to punish choices like this properly.
Because the moment a good jungler sees that you started without a ward in the top lane they will camp you 24/7 until either you start warding or their solo lane has a 2-4 kill lead.
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On May 16 2013 06:23 Dark_Chill wrote: Why are they doing stuff with base attack speed. It's the worst thing to nerf, because when you're playing, it honestly feels bad to have that lower speed. I don't even see any reason to nerf Caitlyn.
I enjoy playing Cait but as an ADC main Caitlyn is the only ADC that is just fucking annoying to play against. She's the only ADC that can force me to go a different item build (sometimes you can get away with Dblade start against Cait but a lot of times it's just safer/guarantees more CS if you go with some sort of pots opening). She's just a super annoying cunt to lane against. I dunno if she needed a nerf or not but since they buffed her AS per level I doubt this will hurt late game Caitlyn as much as it hurts early game Caitlyn, which I'm fine with because Caitlyn is a giant cunt in lane phase. I think it's pretty telling that all of my friends who are bad at ADC default to Caitlyn if they have to play ADC since you don't have to be good to get a CS advantage in lane as Caitlyn.
So yeah, nerfs to early game Cait are fine in my book so long as they remedy it with buffs to her late game. If her overall AS is lower at 18 after this change then they should definitely fix that though.
edit: To clarify a bit more. I think that nerfing early game Cait and buffing late game Cait is fine because her early game is probably too abusive. But if this change resulted in an overall nerf to her early game and late game Riot should look into it.