Inb4 idra streaming LoL becoming a new icon of soloq rager xD
[Patch 3.06: Lissandra Patch] General Discussion - Page 141
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Germany24009 Posts
Inb4 idra streaming LoL becoming a new icon of soloq rager xD | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
On May 10 2013 18:06 AsnSensation wrote: Noticing news of eg releasing idra through lol gd thread bc i have no tl sidebar on my iphone gg Inb4 idra streaming LoL becoming a new icon of soloq rager xD Idra wouldn't be able to survive against the tribunal, he would be banned almost immediately. And if he ever somehow managed to get pro status, Riot would ban him from the LCS. In sc2 you can only blame the game, but in League you can also blame your allies, and we all know how easy that is. I don't think team games are for Idra. | ||
France45622 Posts
On May 10 2013 15:59 ketchup wrote: In case people haven't seen it yet. Another incoming change to Jax lore most likely: The other stuff I noticed is that Jax is associated with Ionia now, I'd have expected him to be "independant". Since we're supposed to ignore who he really is... Also why is Taric associated with Demacia? ôo Actually, I guess it's because it's a beta, but they didn't mention it lacking content, just that dual associations weren't displayed properly. + Show Spoiler [Dual list] + Cassiopeia - Noxus/Shurima Corki - Bandle City/Piltover Heimerdinger - Bandle City/Piltover Kennen - Ionia/Bandle City Poppy - Bandle City/Demacia Udyr - Freljord/Ionia Urgot - Noxus/Zaun Xin Zhao - Demacia/Ionia So... Zilean is associated with Piltover but not Shurima? Janna is associated with noone rather than Piltover, despite her lore? There's a bunch of strange stuff there. Also Sivir associated with Renekton, and rivals with Xerath, Renekton and Cassiopeia. Oh, my... just how much do they intend to do with her rehaul so that she's affiliated with Shurima? ôo (And yes, I'm never satisfied.) On May 10 2013 13:21 Kouda wrote: Why do i see so many Talons on streams right now o-o WHERE On May 10 2013 07:57 Sufficiency wrote: % based is REALLY awkward though - because the more health you have, the less effective (flat) health regeneration is. ZAC doesn't really have this problem because his passive essentially refunds all of his health costs. But if you give % cost to, say, Mordekaiser, it will be doom to him. %current health: you can spend it to store a bunch of health into your passive before fights, heal with his innate sustain and lifesteal back to full, and then during the fights it isn't as crippling because the incidental AoE and initial burst will put you lower anyway. Overall I'm not a fan of the champ's kit, though his ult granting him range can be a pretty good way to alleviate the risks of the melee fighter while not making is laning phase as obnoxious as, say, Jayce's (esp. since his W being one very 3rd attack should give him less burst and more dps-oriented). His passive is pretty interesting though, but the thing that'll make people hooked to him is how his ult will behave visually (c'mon, everybody knows what it is). | ||
Canada10567 Posts
On May 10 2013 18:05 OutlaW- wrote: Dota has many, many mechanics that haven't even touched Lol yet. League simply doesn't have the freedom to be creative because the power levels are so low and similar to each other. Not to mention that hard things are "toxic", "anti-fun" and a "burden of knowledge". Most recent example would probably be lissandra. Very obvious that they intentionally didn't allow the E->ult self->port combo. Puck has basically the same mechanic, but it's not allowed because for whatever reason, Riot design team didn't want lissandra to be able to do it. It's somewhat of a problem though because to make new and useful champions, at this point every new champion pretty much always has an escape/gap closer, utility and damage(increasing bit by bit with every champion release, only to be rectified with later nerfs) that all fits within the "balanced" region of champion power. | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
On May 10 2013 17:57 Shikyo wrote: ^While they are at it, just remove the AD removal while his E is on cooldown and maybe buff E and R in other ways as well. Yi really should be a viable AD instead of AP, it makes no sense. If they buff it too much he would become way too strong - you'll understand why if you ever see Shakraam play Yi. | ||
Netherlands2569 Posts
I don't feel like I can ever play again. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
Q gapcloser with the best disable in the game as AoE added in. Seems like Sejuani Q with point cast instead of line cast. W seems really boring. Xin / Vayne. E A line slow... Nothing special. Main farming tool it seems. R Riven ult with aspd instead of AD. I guess the main thing you do as him is Q -> R -> E -> hit people. Probably built tanky. Doesn't seem exciting at all. I like the artwork though and I have 6.5k IP so I might buy him. | ||
France8572 Posts
OP OR NOT OP ? | ||
Finland33997 Posts
To be serious his poke's really stupid and acceleration gate is incredible. | ||
France45622 Posts
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10417 Posts
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France8650 Posts
On May 10 2013 18:03 wei2coolman wrote: Make a team, blame everyone but himself, kick whoever disagrees with him. Continue to lose lane everygame. Wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility We're talking about HotshotGG ? | ||
United States8519 Posts
On May 10 2013 20:00 Keniji wrote: so i have exactly 5000 IP. I don't feel like I can ever play again. I had exactly 6300 IP before I ruined it. >_> | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
I don't think you know hotshot if you say that | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
On May 10 2013 20:50 OutlaW- wrote: I don't think you know hotshot if you say that Most people who don't know Hotshot like to think they know Hotshot. He's still the weakest player on his team atm. | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
On May 10 2013 21:32 Zdrastochye wrote: Most people who don't know Hotshot like to think they know Hotshot. He's still the weakest player on his team atm. I think he's a little better than Chauster. If you look at CLG's last games, hotshot was arguably CLG's most solid player with link. I won't deny the fact that he's a problem, however.. | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
And Chauster needs to realize that his jungle isn't even close to how good his support was, especially with the synergy he had with Dlift. I wouldn't be surprised if they boot Aphro, switch Chauster back to support, and pick up a jungler to improve. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
On May 10 2013 19:50 EquilasH wrote: If they buff it too much he would become way too strong - you'll understand why if you ever see Shakraam play Yi. Does Shakraam play the same way Funny Style Bro does? That is, farming till about lvl 7/8, getting 1 big item and then when lanes get long from towers dying chase people and kill them -> snowball? | ||
France45622 Posts
That thing looks... pretty bad. Do people really rely on it? | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
On May 10 2013 22:10 Scip wrote: Does Shakraam play the same way Funny Style Bro does? That is, farming till about lvl 7/8, getting 1 big item and then when lanes get long from towers dying chase people and kill them -> snowball? It's largely the same playstyle, Shakraam is just better imo - sometimes he ganks a little earlier as well but in general there's a lot of farming going on early levels. | ||
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