On May 10 2013 23:00 Alaric wrote: There's a dude putting Elophant links in every champ select he gets into; At least it gave me a good laugh, the site pretends that Viktor is my best champ just because I got a nice kda one or two games, despite a ~35% win ratio and the site itself pretending top and jungle are my best roles.
That thing looks... pretty bad. Do people really rely on it?
Looked fairly accurate for me, but I only play like 6 champions, and half of them are Lux.
It's sort of accurate. It thinks I'm a better Karthus than I am a Gragas, because my kills/assists are through the roof with Karthus (even though I die like crazy because it's Karthus). But I die like 2.5 a game as Gragas, and like half of those death came from one game, and I'm 10-1 with him. My Karthus isn't bad, but I have no idea how on earth it thinks I'm better as him. Also my Lux is better than my Karthus.
The Lolking performance measure seems way more accurate.
It's decently accurate.
For me: Annie, Zyra, Viktor, Janna
It's not quite perfect (I obviously think Viktor should be higher than Zyra, if not also Annie, but based on S3 performance, it's fairly correct).
I need to work a lot on dying less. I'm not necessarily playing worse, but I haven't yet adapted to S3 meta, so things are a struggle sometimes. I die a lot more than I did S2
What about releasing champions with new cool mechanics passive: welcome to south america. All enemy oponents have their ping increased to 200 Ultimate: Target player gets a 5 seconds 3000 ping lag spike
I might be mad
Seems fine to me. It acknowledges my baller Vlad and Jayce, and shit everything else.
On May 11 2013 00:53 jcarlsoniv wrote: It's decently accurate.
For me: Annie, Zyra, Viktor, Janna
It's not quite perfect (I obviously think Viktor should be higher than Zyra, if not also Annie, but based on S3 performance, it's fairly correct).
I need to work a lot on dying less. I'm not necessarily playing worse, but I haven't yet adapted to S3 meta, so things are a struggle sometimes. I die a lot more than I did S2
I get first blooded way too much to jungle ganks that I know are coming. Does this happen to you?
Consistently even though I KNOW the jungler is going to 3 minute gank me I still have to burn barrier and flash to get away from it and it makes me feel like a really bad player.
Soraka is apparently my best champion by a large margin. Get@me h8rs
On May 11 2013 00:53 jcarlsoniv wrote: It's decently accurate.
For me: Annie, Zyra, Viktor, Janna
It's not quite perfect (I obviously think Viktor should be higher than Zyra, if not also Annie, but based on S3 performance, it's fairly correct).
I need to work a lot on dying less. I'm not necessarily playing worse, but I haven't yet adapted to S3 meta, so things are a struggle sometimes. I die a lot more than I did S2 10-1-4 last game o/ (I died when they ganged up on me because we semi-dove their fountain at the end).
With stats like that it'll think my Viktor was good, however... I put Lux at around half-HP at level 2 (yeah, come ignite that passive and eat a Q-auto) and despite that wasn't able to take her down again once she potted up (burnt through her 2 mana pots trying to push so I wouldn't run at her though), in the end I needed a Malph ult to take her down once. Lux is a goddamn pussy-out kind of champ that's a real prick to play against as Viktor, esp. once she gets her chalice/tear and does nothing but push from outside your range, but before the first back you should be able to dominate her. Which I failed, since she gave opeings (at least 2) and I wasn't able to draw fb. >_>
But elophant will look at the kda and think I'm hot shit (whereas, as he himself put it, Leona was a hero).
On May 11 2013 01:00 Ketara wrote:Show nested quote +On May 11 2013 00:53 jcarlsoniv wrote: It's decently accurate.
For me: Annie, Zyra, Viktor, Janna
It's not quite perfect (I obviously think Viktor should be higher than Zyra, if not also Annie, but based on S3 performance, it's fairly correct).
I need to work a lot on dying less. I'm not necessarily playing worse, but I haven't yet adapted to S3 meta, so things are a struggle sometimes. I die a lot more than I did S2 I get first blooded way too much to jungle ganks that I know are coming. Does this happen to you? Consistently even though I KNOW the jungler is going to 3 minute gank me I still have to burn barrier and flash to get away from it and it makes me feel like a really bad player.
Happens sometimes, but not too often. Depends on the jungler/enemy mid. Say they have ryze and shaco - that's a terrifying level 2. But if I know where the enemy jungler starts, I can position myself to be out of harms way most of the time.
Other times, I try to bait the gank. Not for a counter gank, but because I trust myself to survive more than I trust my teammates.
That happens to me more than it should top lane. I see J4 or some other asshole on my ward, and he walks into the river bush. I know he's there, but after about 15 seconds I start wanting to go for creeps, and of course he's still there.
You have to teach me your midways, Soniv.
He plays Annie. Noone would dare to harm a little girl, so they go gank the other lanes first.
So you just look at their list in which it's ordered and that's your best?
I guess I'm a support player now. Or at the very least a botlane player. Even though I hate bot lane.
On May 11 2013 01:05 Ketara wrote: You have to teach me your midways, Soniv.
A lot of playing mid successfully is just game sense. It's such a diverse lane in terms of viable champs and play styles.
Soloside and I have had this discussion quite a bit the last few days. We both have extremely different play styles (I'm usually hyper aggressive and like to establish my dominance early, he usually farms like a monster), but we're both successful because we can take advantage of different things on the map when we can. Map control from mid is crucial, and surviving/countering ganks is key in that.
Edit: soloside, not solitude (stupid phone)
On May 11 2013 01:07 Alaric wrote: He plays Annie. Noone would dare to harm a little girl, so they go gank the other lanes first.
Annie so good when you know the jungler is coming... save that stun, 2ppl stun and walk away like a baws
On May 11 2013 01:25 Duvon wrote:Show nested quote +On May 11 2013 01:07 Alaric wrote: He plays Annie. Noone would dare to harm a little girl, so they go gank the other lanes first. Annie so good when you know the jungler is coming... save that stun, 2ppl stun and walk away like a baws
Badasses never look back
Or you could play Brand, bait the dive, and get a double, weeeeeeee~ But noone plays Brand anymore. Dude's so cool. And one of the only champs for whom I'd put the French dub back.
On May 11 2013 01:29 Alaric wrote:Or you could play Brand, bait the dive, and get a double, weeeeeeee~ But noone plays Brand anymore.  Dude's so cool. And one of the only champs for whom I'd put the French dub back. The zombie brand skin is too cool for a champ that's never played.
Well, apparently Chogath is my best champ. I've played him... maybe 3 times in ranked? I never play outside of jungle/ support, so I remember one really good jungle game and another one top against a Tryn, dunno about the third. My KDA with him is like 19 though-- always nom never not nom.
Oddone2.0 incoming. Feel free to hire me CLG.
^Chogath is so stupid strong in the jungle I don't get why more people don't spam it. Oddone is intelligent.
On Annie what you do is get max CDR and then RQE -> QW and stun them again. Too bad this doesn't work.
Hmm you can stun with the second W I guess though it might be too late.