On January 31 2013 06:48 cLutZ wrote:By the way, who is : Show nested quote + One story Riot will be pushing includes the founder of a team whose parents stopped talking to him when he decided to pursue “League of Legends” as a profession. His franchise is now worth more than a million dollars, according to Riot.
I though HSGG's parents were managers and Regi is obviously not the answer (unless they also disowned Dan).
Doublelift maybe?
He was kicked out of his house and I remember the reddit post about him needing a place to live. Along came Travis.
United States37500 Posts
On January 31 2013 06:48 cLutZ wrote:By the way, who is : Show nested quote + One story Riot will be pushing includes the founder of a team whose parents stopped talking to him when he decided to pursue “League of Legends” as a profession. His franchise is now worth more than a million dollars, according to Riot.
I though HSGG's parents were managers and Regi is obviously not the answer (unless they also disowned Dan).
Focus on "founder", there's only so many LoL teams that are their own brand and not backed by some orga (e.g. Dignitas). HSGG's mom helped run CLG at one point, so it's not HSGG.
I don't know the dynamics of the Dinh family but it's Reginald that the ESPN interview is referring to.
Doublelift is also disowned by his parents (mom).
Poor doublelift Q_Q
Either way, I find it strange that Dan and Andy would both be in deep water o.0
Why would you disown/not talk to your kid because he's doing something out of the box,jeez
On January 31 2013 07:00 TheKefka wrote: Why would you disown/not talk to your kid because he's doing something out of the box,jeez
Don't try apply reasoning to human behaviour. It only hurts your brain.
United States37500 Posts
On January 31 2013 07:00 TheKefka wrote: Why would you disown/not talk to your kid because he's doing something out of the box,jeez Asian upbringing.
United States15536 Posts
On January 31 2013 07:05 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On January 31 2013 07:00 TheKefka wrote: Why would you disown/not talk to your kid because he's doing something out of the box,jeez Asian upbringing.
Which is unfortunate, because he's top tier for what he does.
United States37500 Posts
On January 31 2013 07:09 AsmodeusXI wrote:Show nested quote +On January 31 2013 07:05 NeoIllusions wrote:On January 31 2013 07:00 TheKefka wrote: Why would you disown/not talk to your kid because he's doing something out of the box,jeez Asian upbringing. Which is unfortunate, because he's top tier for what he does. Success matters a ton in Asian culture. That said, I hope Andy's able to reconcile with his family. His brash, online persona aside, he is a nice guy IRL.
On January 31 2013 07:12 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On January 31 2013 07:09 AsmodeusXI wrote:On January 31 2013 07:05 NeoIllusions wrote:On January 31 2013 07:00 TheKefka wrote: Why would you disown/not talk to your kid because he's doing something out of the box,jeez Asian upbringing. Which is unfortunate, because he's top tier for what he does. Success matters a ton in Asian culture. That said, I hope Andy's able to reconcile with his family. His brash, online persona aside, he is a nice guy IRL. I know that feel all too well. Thankfully I'm good asian child, trying to get MD.
On January 31 2013 06:16 Gorsameth wrote:Show nested quote +On January 31 2013 05:31 sylverfyre wrote:On January 31 2013 05:28 Gorsameth wrote:On January 31 2013 04:53 kainzero wrote: i've been playing elise a lot since release and now she's almost permaban status =\
i feel like she gets countered in lane by negatron and sustain
Opening with Sorc shoes and Guise means that building MR isnt going to work against her. Q spells makes building HP not work And sustain? She can do 8% of your hp every 6 seconds. Thats some godly level of sustain you need to achieve. No. Elise Opening Sorc Shoes and Guise mean that MR is MANDATORY against her. Flat MPen is less of an increase in damage on a high MR target compared to on a low MR target. She will WRECK you if you only have your innate + runes/masteries MR. Redo your math, realize MR is the correct option, then buy null mantle/Negatron (whichever you can work into a useful item on your character) Im not saying you shouldnt be building MR. i was responding to the argument that bying a Negatron would counter Elise in lane. and since she builds a lot of mpen its not going to counter it. Ofc you need to buy it to not get destroyed but simply buying it wont stop her from having excellent harass. i wouldn't say it's a hard counter, but it does prevent her from landing 4 neurotoxins and then you have to go home.
i did mention vlad as a counter but someone else here said that elise can all-in at early levels. (speaking of which, i haven't seen much vlad in pubs, has he dropped off or something?)
i had trouble against a lee sin, because after neurotoxin it was difficult for me to CS. i was down like 40 cs even if i did have two kills, his trading seemed to be better.
i used shen as example because i played against him, then he bought warmogs and i loled
i dunno, just trying to think of potential counters for her instead of whining about it and banning her.
still i think elise is powerful in jungle and as support so even if you think you can counter her in lane she could choose another place to go.
Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure dlift wasnt kicked out of the house by his parents,he left on his own because living with them was a pain or something like that he said lol
On January 31 2013 07:25 TheKefka wrote: Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure dlift wasnt kicked out of the house by his parents,he left on his own because living with them was a pain or something like that he said lol He was kicked out, i'm pretty sure. He doesn't even talk to his family much either.
I know Elise is bs in lane, but I feel like the team with Elise always loses, and it can mostly be attributed to the Elise. Am I crazy? I think it comes down to the fact that post laning you don't have many opportunities to sit around and pelt people with her q, so that only leaves volatile spiderling for long range poke. Which is great, except a lot of champions have two long range poke spells and even though the AP scaling is good, most Elise's don't build a lot of AP. So if you're not absolutely crushing your lane or landing really clutch stuns, chances are you're not going to win.
Same thing with Pantheon, he's not great at 5v5 even though he has fantastic laning. or Yorick. Except Elise is particularly nobrain so you they don't get to learn much while playing her, so they lack "real" experience of teamfighting with her.
United States37500 Posts
On January 31 2013 07:29 zer0das wrote: I know Elise is bs in lane, but I feel like the team with Elise always loses, and it can mostly be attributed to the Elise. Am I crazy? I think it comes down to the fact that post laning you don't have many opportunities to sit around and pelt people with her q, so that only leaves volatile spiderling for long range poke. Which is great, except a lot of champions have two long range poke spells and even though the AP scaling is good, most Elise's don't build a lot of AP. So if you're not absolutely crushing your lane or landing really clutch stuns, chances are you're not going to win.
We talking about solo q or 5s? In solo q, Elise suffers from the same situation as Nid. Incredible laning phase but unorthodox team fighting. I say unorthodox because it's not very intuitive (for your average user) to what Elise's job in a 5s situation is. It's largely to poke and attrition, then when the enemy is low, execute. But if you overplay your position too early, then Elise can hinder her team because her kit isn't as effective when your team is mobbed.
Pantheons teamfighting is kinda strong if you know what you're doing. His E is crazy, and his ult lets you set up an initiate as well.
Elise has a kit thats great for harassing down and then finishing off targets, but for straight up fights she doesn't really work that well.
It's dumb to compare nidalee who has massive scaling on a huge range nuke to elise with a shitty short range current hp based nuke and a skillshot stun. She has her homing spider tho that's kinda annoying
I noticed that most elise players harass well but really suck at cs'ing, played only 1-2 games with her and her auto attack animation is decent but her waveclear sucks and she is like one of the worst to cs under tower unless you wanna spend all your mana on Q. Is there any good waveclearer early that doesnt really care that much about Elise harass? Maybe Irelia, Auto Q auto Q pushes the lane really fast, then base and repeat maybe dunno.
I just make sure shes banned currently xD
crazy how is alex playing with consistent 110+ ping, when i have lagspikes to 100-200 ping its usually unplayable, or is it any different if you have consistend 100 ping instead of just lagspikes.
United States15536 Posts
The best solution to Elise in lane is to buy MR. The argument that 'buying MR is bad because she gets Mpen' is not an argument, because the best counter to flat mpen is to purchase MR. Even if it wasn't a %HP spell, consider what happens if you have 2000 HP and 80 MR. You have 2800 EHP vs 40 magic pen from runes, guise, and sorc shoes. A giant's belt gives you 560 more EHP. A negatron gives you 900 more EHP. Obviously these numbers are pretty general since I didn't count the 8 % pen from masteries, but it will be even more effective vs % health damage, as alternatives to MR are health, making the spell deal similar relative amounts of damage.