On January 17 2013 05:38 Ketara wrote: As far as I know, the SC2 ladder system was one of the best parts of SC2, and worked really well.
Ha, look at me, I talk about SC2 in past tense. I'm mean. What? I hated it. Give me Elo over that any day. (The matchmaking change can be implemented in any system)
On January 17 2013 05:47 Doctorbeat wrote:Show nested quote +On January 17 2013 05:40 Cloud9157 wrote: I like the Udyr buff, but doesn't solve the problem that he has. You don't do anything late game except slap people in the face. Simple solution: When Bear Stance is activated Udyr ignores unit collision and movement reducing effects, and maybe increase mana cost at early ranks so that you can't combo Bear stance at early levels to balance. Can still be stunned/snared/silenced/moved, not slowed. Tadaa, Udyr can catch people and slap them. If this is too strong either remove the ignore unit collision or just have it ignore movement reducing effects partially (as in the slows are weaker, not like tenacity that they last shorter). Right now Hec (E), Skarner (W), Malph (Q) have better gap closing tools without blinks/jumps which is pretty damn pitiful. I think he was referencing the fact that you don't have a big initiate (Hec/Malph) or a single target fuck you tool/permaslow (Skarner), or an AS debuff to shut down the AD carry (Malph), but all you can really do is spam Turtle/Bear and hope to stun something and not die instantly.
Sure you're tanky as shit, but you're not Shen who's going to save someone with ult and taunt 3 people, or Darius, who's presence is a full on death threat to anyone under half health. Udyr doesn't have that... je ne sais quoi that makes a scary champion.
On January 17 2013 05:21 jalstar wrote: People should be pretty excited about # of (ranked) wins being a factor in matchmaking
I am very excited. I hope it impacts people who duo, because I get these really horrific duos where one is just awful and shouldn't be at his elo and the other is unranked and has like 10 games. Really sick of them wasting 30+ minutes of my time.
Also, I'm a big fan of the new ward displays on the minimap. And the recall/teleport display on the minimap. Nice little visual upgrade.
United States23745 Posts
Hard to say, this guy has taken the whole anonymous thing to the extreme. Anonymous source and anonymous poster.
I hate the fixing weaknesses approach to balance. If Udyr gets kited easily and struggles to close gaps then that should be his weakness. If he is too weak then quadriple his damage or something, I don't really care. It's like saying Caitlyn is too good in lane so we dropped her range to 575 and Vayne is too good late game so we took away silver bolts. Champions should have niches. Udyr's should be "stupidly strong but easily kited", if he isn't good enough then thats stupidly strong's fault, not easily kited.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On January 17 2013 05:45 Milestone wrote: Uninstalled League for now just putting this out in GD for dudes in PooPractice to know (and other buddiez). C u soon fknoobs.
dw neo i'll still make TF guide soon(TM). Oh oh any questions on TF (any position any items) ask me right here so I can also talk about it in the guide for future reference. :DDDD
i lub u ruffles wai milo ilu wai u brake mai <3?
Udyr can do silly damage, but he has no way of getting there to do it. He can't jump in like monkey/Riven/bug/rango and insta burst someone. They all have jumps, AND silly damage. I mean, what is monkey's weakness in his kit? His only problem is early laning, and he snowballs incredibly hard off of one kill. He builds ONE item and proceeds to kill the entire enemy team.
Udyr's weakness is like 66% of the game. Great early game, but starts to fall off pretty fast unless fed. Hes just like Garen in all honesty.
On January 17 2013 05:59 Cloud9157 wrote: Udyr can do silly damage, but he has no way of getting there to do it. He can't jump in like monkey/Riven/bug/rango and insta burst someone. They all have jumps, AND silly damage. I mean, what is monkey's weakness in his kit? His only problem is early laning, and he snowballs incredibly hard off of one kill. He builds ONE item and proceeds to kill the entire enemy team.
Udyr's weakness is like 66% of the game. Great early game, but starts to fall off pretty fast unless fed. Hes just like Garen in all honesty. DPS. Wukong has weak dps because his kit is burst based and his steroids are pretty short (3s duration) so he has to trade in bursts and is vulnerable if you don't let him disengage/catch him with his cooldowns down (W can't be used to disengage every time or it significantly decreases the frequency of your trades and eats into your mana pool). His killing power unless fed early relies entirely on his ult. He also has no innate sustain or damage mitigation (shield, heal, etc.), and no true disengage (you can easily follow him through W as it's short, and doesn't boost his MS, he has to rely on jukes).
Wukong also pushes pretty badly, and his a "regular" duelist (good killing potential with ult up unless they flash/dash/other out of it, terrible at dueling without it) so he fits a teamfight comp better and doesn't deal very well with people shoving the lane and roaming, splitpushing, and later avoiding teamfights.
Lastly, Wukong has absolutely no ranged tool to harass or farm (E isn't harass it's a gapcloser so you commit since he has no escape either), which means if he falls behind, he's going to get wrecked, as in "potential to get utterly zoned, even from exp, and can't do much about a frozen lane past river".
He has weaknesses. Otherwise he would be much more popular than now where a lot of stuff beats him even in lane.
On January 17 2013 05:47 Doctorbeat wrote:Show nested quote +On January 17 2013 05:40 Cloud9157 wrote: I like the Udyr buff, but doesn't solve the problem that he has. You don't do anything late game except slap people in the face. Simple solution: When Bear Stance is activated Udyr ignores unit collision and movement reducing effects, and maybe increase mana cost at early ranks so that you can't combo Bear stance at early levels to balance. Can still be stunned/snared/silenced/moved, not slowed. Tadaa, Udyr can catch people and slap them. If this is too strong either remove the ignore unit collision or just have it ignore movement reducing effects partially (as in the slows are weaker, not like tenacity that they last shorter). Right now Hec (E), Skarner (W), Malph (Q) have better gap closing tools without blinks/jumps which is pretty damn pitiful. Udyr has really big problems. What I thought would actually make udyr viable would be either bear stance (or just the active buff) makes udyr immune to movement impairs and slows, and turtle shell (or just the active buff) makes udyr immune to stuns. This is obviously incredibly powerful, but it also means you can't be spamming, because it would leave you with a 5 second opening. To be honest, Udyr is completely unplayable because of how terrible he is.
On January 17 2013 05:53 onlywonderboy wrote:Hard to say, this guy has taken the whole anonymous thing to the extreme. Anonymous source and anonymous poster. Does make sense in a way. Steel Series did just recently cut ties with SK and EG.
On January 17 2013 05:53 TheLink wrote: I hate the fixing weaknesses approach to balance. If Udyr gets kited easily and struggles to close gaps then that should be his weakness. If he is too weak then quadriple his damage or something, I don't really care. It's like saying Caitlyn is too good in lane so we dropped her range to 575 and Vayne is too good late game so we took away silver bolts. Champions should have niches. Udyr's should be "stupidly strong but easily kited", if he isn't good enough then thats stupidly strong's fault, not easily kited. That would be fine if there weren't a dozen other champs that didn't fill the"tanky and high damage" niche but also weren't as easy to kite.
Look at Olaf. No one can argue that he's strong right now, and for good reason. Gets to build tanky like Udyr, has good base damage like Udyr, no instant gap closer like Udyr, can be played top or jungle like Udyr... but gets his ult and a ranged slow on top of it. Similar things on Darius or Rumble (or Irelia, at that).
Sure, you can start to argue exact numbers and how much higher Udyr's damage is if he gets to sit on a target (it might not be, I don't know exactly), but when other people do his job the same but better, you're starting to run the "play this champion because you like him, not because he's good" card.
United States23745 Posts
On January 17 2013 06:10 Irave wrote:Show nested quote +On January 17 2013 05:53 onlywonderboy wrote:Hard to say, this guy has taken the whole anonymous thing to the extreme. Anonymous source and anonymous poster. Does make sense in a way. Steel Series did just recently cut ties with SK and EG. Would certainly be an interesting twist to the ex-CLG.EU saga. Especially if SteelSeries outbid EG for the final contract.
On January 17 2013 05:49 sylverfyre wrote:Show nested quote +On January 17 2013 05:38 Ketara wrote: As far as I know, the SC2 ladder system was one of the best parts of SC2, and worked really well.
Ha, look at me, I talk about SC2 in past tense. I'm mean. What? I hated it. Give me Elo over that any day. (The matchmaking change can be implemented in any system) What's the actual difference? I mean,don't get me wrong I guess it's nice to be able to say you have 50 more elo than the other guy but it's pretty irrelevant.From my experience there are huge ranges of elo where the skill of players is pretty much the same and that translates to something like the sc2 "league" system. Only people that are actually bothered by this are people that are pissy about elo in the first place so idk.
On January 17 2013 05:43 Alaric wrote: I see mostly Cait/Ez/MF too, sometimes a Vayne, but Graves is barely ahead of Varus/Ashe at this point (my last game had a Kog though, hadn't seen one in ages). It's making me feel a bit awkward when playing AD as I own Ez, Ashe, Graves, Draven, Sivir, Vayne. Draven and Vayne lack reach and have no escape on top of being mechanically demanding so I'm not too enthusiastic about playing them outside of premades. Ezreal I stopped playing with everyone and their sister playing him nowadays as I grew weary of it and didn't want to contribute to having one in every game. Sivir and Ashe are awkward, the former because of her range and the latter because her laning phase is pretty weak, so I can't pick them early if I want to play AD (or I eat a Caitlyn or Leona to the face, respectively). So that leaves me Graves. Maybe I could buy MF, she looked like the lane aggro could be my style but she has the same problem as Ezreal, too many everywhere. >> Cait is "cheating" because of her range, Tristana is particular too because of her E and I don't like Corki, while an early Varus pick is as risky as Ashe.
People need to switch the popular ADs around so I can get to work on my poor skills. :< there's something about Ashe that makes her seem really weak in S3. even with full build i feel like she doesn't do that much damage.
sivir has only 25 less range than graves so you can learn to deal with it.
United States23745 Posts
Or this entire Steel Series thing could be an elaborate troll by someone who is bitter about the entire anonymous sources thing. But the thing with Slasher is he is known to have connections, if this guy is trying to make a point it doesn't really prove anything.
Yeah I just feel way more miserable playing against a Caitlyn as Sivir than as Graves for some reason, maybe because his Q is better at bursting up the wave than hers, especially once it's spread out. Both of them can't get harass in anyway.
On January 17 2013 06:12 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On January 17 2013 06:10 Irave wrote:On January 17 2013 05:53 onlywonderboy wrote:Hard to say, this guy has taken the whole anonymous thing to the extreme. Anonymous source and anonymous poster. Does make sense in a way. Steel Series did just recently cut ties with SK and EG. Would certainly be an interesting twist to the ex-CLG.EU saga. Especially if SteelSeries outbid EG for the final contract. Yea which leads to more of the recent hot topic of esports journalism. Which annon source do we trust Slashers or random Reddit guy!
On January 17 2013 05:49 sylverfyre wrote:Show nested quote +On January 17 2013 05:38 Ketara wrote: As far as I know, the SC2 ladder system was one of the best parts of SC2, and worked really well.
Ha, look at me, I talk about SC2 in past tense. I'm mean. What? I hated it. Give me Elo over that any day. (The matchmaking change can be implemented in any system)
The SC2 ladder does use an Elo system but hides the number. The general consensus I found with the SC2 ladder progress system (the visible part with 100-person leagues) was that most people hated it as it gave no practical information to the user.
United States23745 Posts
On January 17 2013 06:17 Irave wrote:Show nested quote +On January 17 2013 06:12 onlywonderboy wrote:On January 17 2013 06:10 Irave wrote:On January 17 2013 05:53 onlywonderboy wrote:Hard to say, this guy has taken the whole anonymous thing to the extreme. Anonymous source and anonymous poster. Does make sense in a way. Steel Series did just recently cut ties with SK and EG. Would certainly be an interesting twist to the ex-CLG.EU saga. Especially if SteelSeries outbid EG for the final contract. Yea which leads to more of the recent hot topic of esports journalism. Which annon source do we trust Slashers or random Reddit guy! Yeah, that's why I said this. There really isn't any reason to believe this guy, but if this ends up being true I have a feeling whoever runs this account is going to use it regularly.
Vancouver14381 Posts
Let's just leave it as a rumour for now and not a leak since he deleted the reddit thread and someone else posted a SS rep saying they're not picking up a LoL team over in r/starcraft.