[Patch Preseason Balance Update 2] GD - Page 20
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United States10536 Posts
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Canada1530 Posts
On January 17 2013 06:59 Agnosthar wrote: Anyone know if Foxfire Ahri is due on sale soon? Not even sure when/if it was last on sale. I believe she was on sale within 0-2 months ago. | ||
United States19573 Posts
On January 17 2013 06:12 Requizen wrote: That would be fine if there weren't a dozen other champs that didn't fill the"tanky and high damage" niche but also weren't as easy to kite. Look at Olaf. No one can argue that he's strong right now, and for good reason. Gets to build tanky like Udyr, has good base damage like Udyr, no instant gap closer like Udyr, can be played top or jungle like Udyr... but gets his ult and a ranged slow on top of it. Similar things on Darius or Rumble (or Irelia, at that). Sure, you can start to argue exact numbers and how much higher Udyr's damage is if he gets to sit on a target (it might not be, I don't know exactly), but when other people do his job the same but better, you're starting to run the "play this champion because you like him, not because he's good" card. I think his point is that Udyr should be much stronger than Olaf when sitting on your face. Not slightly, MUCH. | ||
Netherlands21377 Posts
On January 17 2013 07:26 cLutZ wrote: I think his point is that Udyr should be much stronger than Olaf when sitting on your face. Not slightly, MUCH. The problem is that such things have there own problems. If you up udyrs dmg by a lot because he gets kited so much he becomes utterly OP if the enemy cant kite him 24/7. Its a problem champions like Xin Zhao have had for a long time where they get nerfed based on lower elo's while he isnt played at all higher up. | ||
United States10536 Posts
http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Cripple | ||
United States33802 Posts
However, he's kind of got the opposite problem of Lee. Lee has a kit that just has too much and seems like it was created for a system where every champion was on his power level. Udyr has a kit that feels like it was make for a game that has a much lower overall power level, which let's be honest, old LoL did outside of some exceptions. His kit is strong enough to the point that too many buffs make him a monster, and you can't really change it without changing his identity as a champion. Had the game kept the old level of CC, tools, and most of all mobility, we'd not even be having this discussion. But it's hard for him to exist in a game where almost everyone is expected to have a dash/jump, a powerful ranged CC, or huge burst damage. And if you give any of those to him, you have to fundamentally change other aspects of his design to compensate. To be honest, he's fine where he is right now. He struggles a bit in the current arena, but not enough to be called trash in my opinion, and not enough to not be a viable pick. | ||
United States13684 Posts
On January 17 2013 07:38 Seuss wrote: Guys, entering for "Cripple" on Lolwiki redirects to Lee Sin. http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Cripple He is blind. Although you would think it should bump to swain. | ||
United States2405 Posts
On January 17 2013 07:38 Seuss wrote: Guys, entering for "Cripple" on Lolwiki redirects to Lee Sin. http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Cripple holy crip it's a crapple! | ||
United States232 Posts
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United States15065 Posts
Not flask openings but like opening 1 ward and 8 health pots. It turns early lane phase into this really silly passive nobody can kill anybody-fest. I'd be happy right now if they upped health and mana pots to 40 gold each. Edit: Or maybe make it so you can't have more than 5 of an item at a time, since I imagine 40 gold health pots would kill junglers. | ||
United States496 Posts
On January 17 2013 07:58 Ketara wrote: Does anybody else feel like the all pots opening is still strong and really dumb? Not flask openings but like opening 1 ward and 8 health pots. It turns early lane phase into this really silly passive nobody can kill anybody-fest. I'd be happy right now if they upped health and mana pots to 40 gold each. Why stop at 8? Get that gold mastery and start with 9! Edit: I do think it's silly, but I'm ok with lane stabilization. More jungle gold buffs could help break the stalemates through ganks. | ||
United States47024 Posts
The key to playing vs. 11 pots is don't create scenarios where the guy gets to use his pots. Play pussy, take a CS disadvantage. The way to beat an 11 pot start is to make sure he never gets to use a single damn one of them, so that every pot he bought is wasted gold. Every pot you make him use is value toward his starting items. Every pot he doesn't use is a sunk cost he can't spend on items. People aren't adapting their play to 11-pot users, so they're getting crushed. But quite honestly, if you don't trade stupidly into an 11 pot start, you won't get behind by the 22 cs necessary for the other guy to make his pots worth it. Because being 22 creeps behind is a HELL of a lot of creeps. | ||
United States15065 Posts
I'm not saying it's overpowered or anything. It's strong but it's not broken. What it IS is boring. I don't like playing against it because it's like I'm not fighting the other player, I'm just CSing. And I imagine if pros start doing it I won't like watching it either. It doesn't promote interesting gameplay. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On January 17 2013 08:06 Ketara wrote: I feel like over the course of the game they're going to use the 11 pots. I'm not saying it's overpowered or anything. It's strong but it's not broken. What it IS is boring. I don't like playing against it because it's like I'm not fighting the other player, I'm just CSing. And I imagine if pros start doing it I won't like watching it either. It doesn't promote interesting gameplay. They'll use the 11 pots over the game, but having to invest 22 creeps worth of pots right at the start of the game as opposed to buying the pots in 2s and 3s is significant. | ||
United States15065 Posts
In fact, if you're a heavy mana user and they're a no mana champion with 11 pots, trying to kill them is exactly what they want. What you should do is not attack them and just CS. So when is it significant that they put 300 gold into pots that they would have bought anyway if you can't kill them when they make the investment? | ||
United States2968 Posts
On January 17 2013 07:05 onlywonderboy wrote: You can't stack Flask and potions if that's what you were thinking of. Yeah, thats what I'm thinking of. | ||
United States47024 Posts
You make that gap close faster by trading with him and making scenarios where he'd use his pots. | ||
United States5710 Posts
On January 17 2013 08:13 TheYango wrote: Because there's zero value in having 11 pots on hand. He hits every item timing 385 gold later. It's essentially tantamount to starting with -22 CS. That number lessens in scenarios where he would use pots, but it doesn't lessen by that much until the game goes quite long. You make that gap close faster by trading with him and making scenarios where he'd use his pots. Agreed 11pots is absurd, go 9pots and a ward. | ||
United States15065 Posts
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France45622 Posts
If at one point you have a component in your inventory for your next item while the othe guy only has pots, you can back as soon as you have enough money for it and rush back to lane: you'll have a big advantage, hopefully enough to offset is huge sustain (for example to all-in him as an assassin so his sustain is negated by the bursty nature of the exchange), and either he doesn't back and take it on, or he backs and then he won't be able to complete said item because he needs more money than you since he has to make up for your component that is pots in his inventory. So even if he backs at the same time as you, or after pushing the lane, you should be able to be ahead of him when you both come back to lane. On January 17 2013 08:16 Ketara wrote: If I'm starting flask and 3 pots, how is what I'm doing any different? It seems like the same thing, except my pots are slightly more cost efficient and I start with less of them. You don't have a ward. Doesn't matter if you have 1 or 6 pots when you get all-ined by a gank. (Of course if you survive and have enough pots you can use them to replenish to full without leaving the lane, but you'll be zoned till your health reaches a safe level, and nothing tells you they won't gank immediatly again). | ||
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