On January 08 2013 16:54 Inflicted_ wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2013 13:20 arb wrote: is not getting a point in w on ADC Ezreal good? Robert Lee doing it on stream, looks pretty good(lower cd escape too).
also is PFE auto attack smoother than the regular ones? really looks like it I completely skip on W until level 13 now. I find it completely useless in terms of damage, and the only useful time the AS% is helpful is when doing dragons (but still not worth it). Same here. W used to lower enemy AS, obviously making it very useful... nowadays though, it's just some extra minimal damage and a buff to attack speed which probably won't lead to much more damage in the laning phase (where you AS is kinda crap anyway and engagements are short so you will probably only get one extra attack in anyway).
R>Q>E>W ftw, poke and escape is what makes Ez so strong IMO.
I'm playing as ezreal and it seems like I do shit for damage with tri force, did something change? I can't kill anyone, especially a support like taric with a ton of armor. Should I get armor pen runes?
I was thinking about this...
What do you guys feel are the strongest lategame AP carries? I'm talking like near or at 6 item.
I mean we definitely have like Ryze Veigar is pretty damn scary late
but what do you guys think of this?
It came up because I was playing a bunch of AP Ezreal, and realized his scaling is just madness if you get fully geared up. His Q ends up with a .95 ap ratio on a 2.4 second CD at 1100 range. Then his .8 on W, and hes impossible to catch because he has blink on a five second cd that also happens to wreck shit with a .75 on it as well. And he destroys teamfights with his ult as well as that being on about a 40 second CD. He's just an absolute monster if you can get to that point who fears nothing because nothing can catch him and he can dodge anything.
Korea (South)11232 Posts
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On January 08 2013 14:37 thenexusp wrote: Does Thresh's autoattacks count as melee or ranged for the purposes of pickpocket/tiamat/hurricane/phage? He's ranged, it's probably a mistake on Riots part that he's classified as melee.
On January 08 2013 17:35 IMoperator wrote: I'm playing as ezreal and it seems like I do shit for damage with tri force, did something change? I can't kill anyone, especially a support like taric with a ton of armor. Should I get armor pen runes? Triforce is still good on Ezreal (so weixiao says) but personally, even before the nerfs, I almost never got it first item. I used to go phage or sheen > BT into triforce. Somebody did some math and found out that BC/TF provides a good mid game. The build I personally like most is BT > Shiv, but I think phage > BT or TF > BT is still very good. I'm honestly not sure what your problem was, I never feel like I don't have enough damage with Ezreal. TF > IE can still also be pretty good but I haven't seen much people use it. Some people swear by Muramana. Basically there are many many possibilities on Ez right now.
Anyway, Taric is like the tankiest motherfucker in the game, so doing no damage to him isn't very surprising. I think you either built wrong when you weren't ahead or simply didn't get enough gold. Just remember to get LW or BC as 3rd item or earlier.
Baa?21242 Posts
On January 08 2013 17:46 sob3k wrote: I was thinking about this...
What do you guys feel are the strongest lategame AP carries? I'm talking like near or at 6 item.
I mean we definitely have like Ryze Veigar is pretty damn scary late
but what do you guys think of this?
It came up because I was playing a bunch of AP Ezreal, and realized his scaling is just madness if you get fully geared up. His Q ends up with a .95 ap ratio on a 2.4 second CD at 1100 range. Then his .8 on W, and hes impossible to catch because he has blink on a five second cd that also happens to wreck shit with a .75 on it as well. And he destroys teamfights with his ult as well as that being on about a 40 second CD. He's just an absolute monster if you can get to that point who fears nothing because nothing can catch him and he can dodge anything.
No utility, lots and lots of damage, hard to farm.
Veigar late game is trash BTW contrary to popular belief. Infinite Q farm sounds good on paper, but in a real game, I'll be impressed if you're rocking above +120ap from Q farm. Free AP is cool and all, but when everyone has Mercs/Cleanse/QSS/Scimitar/Crucible/GA/shitton of tank stats and you can't one shot people safely anymore life sucks since you're made of paper and have crap effective range without full duration stuns.
On January 08 2013 17:46 sob3k wrote: I was thinking about this...
What do you guys feel are the strongest lategame AP carries? I'm talking like near or at 6 item.
I mean we definitely have like Ryze Veigar is pretty damn scary late
but what do you guys think of this?
It came up because I was playing a bunch of AP Ezreal, and realized his scaling is just madness if you get fully geared up. His Q ends up with a .95 ap ratio on a 2.4 second CD at 1100 range. Then his .8 on W, and hes impossible to catch because he has blink on a five second cd that also happens to wreck shit with a .75 on it as well. And he destroys teamfights with his ult as well as that being on about a 40 second CD. He's just an absolute monster if you can get to that point who fears nothing because nothing can catch him and he can dodge anything.
Anivia, Karthus because they bring absurd damage, zoning and teamfight control. Ryze because he`s just a monster. Oh and Rumble because his ult ridiculous.
I hate ezreal. Best ADC escape in the game, and with gauntlet is retarded to catch as well.
Guys. Hydra is sick as fuck on Lee. Scarra's mid lee build is da bee's knees
He isn't the best late game but Mordes 6 item burst with dfg is incredibly powerful.
On January 08 2013 18:14 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2013 17:46 sob3k wrote: I was thinking about this...
What do you guys feel are the strongest lategame AP carries? I'm talking like near or at 6 item.
I mean we definitely have like Ryze Veigar is pretty damn scary late
but what do you guys think of this?
It came up because I was playing a bunch of AP Ezreal, and realized his scaling is just madness if you get fully geared up. His Q ends up with a .95 ap ratio on a 2.4 second CD at 1100 range. Then his .8 on W, and hes impossible to catch because he has blink on a five second cd that also happens to wreck shit with a .75 on it as well. And he destroys teamfights with his ult as well as that being on about a 40 second CD. He's just an absolute monster if you can get to that point who fears nothing because nothing can catch him and he can dodge anything. No utility, lots and lots of damage, hard to farm. Veigar late game is trash BTW contrary to popular belief. Infinite Q farm sounds good on paper, but in a real game, I'll be impressed if you're rocking above +120ap from Q farm. Free AP is cool and all, but when everyone has Mercs/Cleanse/QSS/Scimitar/Crucible/GA/shitton of tank stats and you can't one shot people safely anymore life sucks since you're made of paper and have crap effective range without full duration stuns.
While I agree that Veigar isn't the be all end all of lategame AP, he is certainly not trash. He does massive damage but more importantly his stun is absolutely absurd. I've played a ton of veigar, and while he needs his team to be backing him up lategame, his ability to pick people, end teamfights with one skill and kill the enemy ap instantly with one spell puts him leagues above trash status. A solid teamcomp with a lategame veigar is completely unnaproachable.
On January 08 2013 18:49 Kouda wrote: Guys. Hydra is sick as fuck on Lee. Scarra's mid lee build is da bee's knees I build hydra as often as I can on melee champs, just because the visual effects of it are AWESOME looking.
Baa?21242 Posts
Veigar's only good late against people who aren't familiar with Veigar - as in, people who don't just get a QSS and completely negate all of his utility and a good chunk his damage =\
When mid and adc both have a QSS, and bruisers have a GA, wtf are you gonna do? Drop your load on the support? The amumu/maokai/mundo and take like 40% of their hp? What do you do after that? There's a reason Veigar is not really played competitively, because his kit is just leagues behind the good AP carries.
There's also zero reason to build a team comp around Veigar when you can build a team comp around any other ap carry...
On January 08 2013 17:35 IMoperator wrote: I'm playing as ezreal and it seems like I do shit for damage with tri force, did something change? I can't kill anyone, especially a support like taric with a ton of armor. Should I get armor pen runes? Dawg you need that BT -> Frozen Fist its op
Korea (South)11232 Posts
Was chatting to my brother the other day about champs that can single handedly carry 6-item (when basically everyone has 6, generic fed bruisers don't count). Agreed on: 1. Ryze 2. Nasus 3. Swain 4. Mordekaiser 5. Irelia 6. Kassadin
I'm talking about like 1v5 kind of levels here. Obviously someone like Vayne is sick in team fights but we're talking ultimate retarded solo-queue carry when everyone is maxed. Maybe some of the newer bruiser assassins like Rengar/Zed too.
I only agree with Ryze and Kassadin. With Morde it might be viable if they have no CC, same with Swain. Irelia will never deal enough damage to out damage 5 people while surviving, remember that she's melee and all of her damage is from melee. Nasus is shit 1v5 because you die without touching 1 guy if everyone has 6 items.
On January 08 2013 19:18 qanik wrote: Holy shit xj9 is so ridiculously good. I was just watching his stream for 2mins and he did an insane baron steal, aced enemy team and didn't die while tanking all of them. He litterally has the best score in almost most of his games.. just wow..
I've been watching him without sound for weeks now. He's legit.
Holy shit xj9 is so ridiculously good. I was just watching his stream for 2mins and he did an insane baron steal, aced enemy team and didn't die while tanking all of them. He litterally has the best score in almost most of his games.. just wow..
Woah woah woah, no-one told me Thresh looks like an awesome support. :D just looked at his kit and the whole thing is crowd control and shields. Gonna have so much fun with this guy, even gets to farm his passive without actually last hitting right?