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Canada904 Posts
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United States9965 Posts
On November 11 2012 10:42 cLutZ wrote: Why is dynamic still a "pro" team. All they ever seem to do is lose unimpressively against other mediocre NA teams. Really young team, so they aren't capable of committing the time CLG/TSM do. It's another team NA needs, I don't see why there needs to be negativity when their presence helps the scene. The last tournament they were in, MLG Dallas, I think the majority of teams in their position would have faced the same results. Azubu Blaze first round, followed with a meeting with CLG.eu in the losers. Pulse is a relative new team name. At one time though, 4 of them have played on AL together, with just the addition of a new top lane. So them beating other middle of the road NA teams shouldn't be surprising. | ||
France45622 Posts
Man, that cougar form is so awkward to use. D: And I felt like I didn't jack to the bots pre-6 with AD runes (well, was up against Fiddlesticks bot so it's not the best match-up for harassing). | ||
9871 Posts
On November 11 2012 09:57 petered wrote: This may work for you, but Neo has specifically stated his desire to see the LoL subforum grow. Anyone who is newer and looking for a champ guide isn't going to be able to sift through old pages to find guides, they will just look to the OP. I see what you mean, though. I don't think they need to be amazing productions, but a lot of the older guides really don't make much sense given how much the game has changed. I won't sugercoat this. As unfortunate as it is to inconvenience new readers, this isn't going to be a credible source of information if the guides suck dick. It's going to look to intermediate players like we endorse any old crap as long as our community produced it, mostly because that is exactly what we'd be doing. The new players will want quantity over quality because they can't distinguish bad advice from good, so you're not exactly doing us favors arguing for a structure that caters to them. It's not a soluble problem, there just are not enough good players who want to spend their time on this stuff here. If our community doesn't produce enough article format content to cover every champion people want to talk about, fine, let's not pretend it does. Let me give you an example. When I first started playing I liked to play shen, so I looked at the giant list of guide links in the OP of the lol megathread and found the player written guide for shen. The guide was, basically, "build leviathan, find people, kill them, when you are 20 stacks solo their nexus." However, unbeknownst to me, leviathan had been nerfed from broken to it's current garbage state since the guide was written so I would buy leviathan, get nothing done, feed and be like "man I suck." When I figured out what was up I was like "oh lol. guess that post was old." If it had been presented to me as Team Liquid's Recommendation for What You Should Build on Shen I would have said "these guides are fucking awful. I guess these guys aren't so good after all." Likewise if the guide had been updated, but I figured out it was bad. | ||
United States321 Posts
I also think that if we don't have an "expert" on a given champion, someone who's decent at that champion should at least be able to give a barebones outline of recommendations - nothing controversial, but just the basic things like what the common skill orders, items, and summoner spells are. | ||
United States9965 Posts
I don't think the guides would need to be written by high elo players, perhaps just approved by them. Basically you just need to find someone with the time who is willing to keep them updated when things change. Treat the respected thread like a sacred ground, no trolling etc. It's doable and there is no reason to not have them, simply because a top player didn't write it. | ||
United States15065 Posts
When you're in the 1100-1200 range, you sometimes play with people who are truly just bad. Very, very bad. Way worse than their rating. You also sometimes play with people who are way better than their rating. These circumstances are random and there's little you can do about them. The realization here is that a lot of the time, if you look up these people after the game, they are unranked, and are still being placed by the matchmaker. They do not actually belong at that elo and they are pulling you up or down with them. I do not understand why after 200 ranked games I'm still being put in games with people who aren't ranked yet. It seems like if they would just prevent unranked people from playing in games with people who have a certain number of ranked games played (lets say more than 20), it would solve a lot of the strange circumstances. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On November 11 2012 12:54 danana wrote: I think it would help a lot if we could go through the old OPs and add a line at the top of the thread saying this information is outdated. When I first started LoL I used these guides extensively, and I therefore really really appreciated that a certain old thread (Singed, I believe) was outdated and should be used only for discussion purposes. I also think that if we don't have an "expert" on a given champion, someone who's decent at that champion should at least be able to give a barebones outline of recommendations - nothing controversial, but just the basic things like what the common skill orders, items, and summoner spells are. Or the reader can check when it was last edited. | ||
United States13738 Posts
On November 11 2012 11:53 Alaric wrote: Finally bought Nidalee, hopped in a coop to get my win of the day bonus, I knew she wouldn't be too easy to use but since I improved since my pre-30 days I thought it'd be 'k. Man, that cougar form is so awkward to use. D: And I felt like I didn't jack to the bots pre-6 with AD runes (well, was up against Fiddlesticks bot so it's not the best match-up for harassing). Next time you go coop vs ai with nid take surge it makes everything crazy for nid. are you making your heal or what? if your going ad you should really max heal first. throw your spear and make sure that they get the effect on your trap both will make your dps really nice. in cat mode your q is fucking nuts for an execute move. It scales up your damage by 3% for every 1% that they're missing and adds an amount of ad to the attack as well. Also rageblade. | ||
Germany11324 Posts
On November 11 2012 13:05 Irave wrote: I think the issue was when you got your Shen advice, this sub forum was really a lightly moderated circle jerk. Its made a lot of positive steps since then. We do have ourselves a fair amount of high elo players that frequent regularly. With their opinions and slightly added moderation champ threads could be kept useful. I suppose to see if something is outdated you would have to be familiar with the site, to be able to take notice of when it was posted and last edited. I don't think the guides would need to be written by high elo players, perhaps just approved by them. Basically you just need to find someone with the time who is willing to keep them updated when things change. Treat the respected thread like a sacred ground, no trolling etc. It's doable and there is no reason to not have them, simply because a top player didn't write it. I personally don't think we really need guides for all the champions out there. We are a relatively small community, and it is a lot of effort to keep a guide up to date. Most people just write theirs once and then forget about it. Sure, it would be nice to have that, but i don't really see it happening for more then a few champions, just because you need someone dedicated enough to consistently take care of that thread, and i doubt someone can, or wants to, do that for more then 2-3 champions at once. The main problem as a new player is not that there are no guides around, it is that there are too many guides around, and most of them are utter crap. Thus, the next best thing to having a quality guide would be a thread that tells people which guides are good. This is a lot less maintenance than taking care of your own guide, and still very helpful. | ||
United States3721 Posts
On November 11 2012 13:11 Ketara wrote: You know, after doing like 50 ranked games this weekend, I think I've come to a conclusion as to the "elo hell" issues. When you're in the 1100-1200 range, you sometimes play with people who are truly just bad. Very, very bad. Way worse than their rating. You also sometimes play with people who are way better than their rating. These circumstances are random and there's little you can do about them. The realization here is that a lot of the time, if you look up these people after the game, they are unranked, and are still being placed by the matchmaker. They do not actually belong at that elo and they are pulling you up or down with them. I do not understand why after 200 ranked games I'm still being put in games with people who aren't ranked yet. It seems like if they would just prevent unranked people from playing in games with people who have a certain number of ranked games played (lets say more than 20), it would solve a lot of the strange circumstances. When I started playing ranked, the first 4 games were all with others with <10 games, but after that I started getting people with >200 games, even though my profile said I was still unranked (I won 3/4 so my rating was over 1250). I'm not really sure how the system works. | ||
United States17233 Posts
On November 11 2012 13:11 Ketara wrote: You know, after doing like 50 ranked games this weekend, I think I've come to a conclusion as to the "elo hell" issues. When you're in the 1100-1200 range, you sometimes play with people who are truly just bad. Very, very bad. Way worse than their rating. You also sometimes play with people who are way better than their rating. These circumstances are random and there's little you can do about them. The realization here is that a lot of the time, if you look up these people after the game, they are unranked, and are still being placed by the matchmaker. They do not actually belong at that elo and they are pulling you up or down with them. I do not understand why after 200 ranked games I'm still being put in games with people who aren't ranked yet. It seems like if they would just prevent unranked people from playing in games with people who have a certain number of ranked games played (lets say more than 20), it would solve a lot of the strange circumstances. While I don't disagree that the starting threshold should be lower, if you belong somewhere, you'll get there. | ||
United States15065 Posts
The problem is not the threshold, it's that when you're at 1200, a lot of your games you will be playing with people who it's their first ranked game, and they don't belong at 1200. This means that random chance can seriously skew what results you get. Changing where people start would not prevent that from happening, it would just make it happen at a different elo bracket. | ||
United States10536 Posts
On November 11 2012 13:12 Sufficiency wrote: Or the reader can check when it was last edited. The vast majority of readers are not, on their own, going to look for that detail. Labeling outdated threads as such isn't a bad idea. Attempting to creates guides for every last champion, however, certainly is. Maintaining a guide is a lot of work, especially now as we face the inevitable chaos that will follow with Season 3's release. The uncomfortable truth is that the vast majority of people who start guide threads quickly lose interest and do not maintain them. There simply aren't enough people in this community, let alone people with both interest and experience, to maintain champion guides. Even maintaining bare bones guides is probably more than one can ask of this subforum. There's a reason Neo made a push a while back for generalized role threads rather than champion specific threads. They better match the resources we have available, and are less volatile as the game changes. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On November 11 2012 13:55 Seuss wrote: The vast majority of readers are not, on their own, going to look for that detail. Labeling outdated threads as such isn't a bad idea. Attempting to creates guides for every last champion, however, certainly is. Maintaining a guide is a lot of work, especially now as we face the inevitable chaos that will follow with Season 3's release. The uncomfortable truth is that the vast majority of people who start guide threads quickly lose interest and do not maintain them. There simply aren't enough people in this community, let alone people with both interest and experience, to maintain champion guides. Even maintaining bare bones guides is probably more than one can ask of this subforum. There's a reason Neo made a push a while back for generalized role threads rather than champion specific threads. They better match the resources we have available, and are less volatile as the game changes. Then they will encounter similar problems with solomid, mobafire, lolpro, etc. | ||
United States10536 Posts
On November 11 2012 14:05 Sufficiency wrote: Then they will encounter similar problems with solomid, mobafire, lolpro, etc. That's sort of the point of suggesting we write our own guides/properly label those that are outdated. The idea is to avoid the problems plaguing said websites. | ||
United States2159 Posts
When I first started LoL, the sub-forum here was fairly young. There was still the weird "guide repository" thread stickied at the top, made up mainly of links to guides littered around thee olde general discussion thread from Sports & Games. So, a couple weeks into my LoL journey, I decided to focus on a free champion that had a guide on TL, in order to better myself. What did I find? Caller's Miss Fortune guide. I played Tiamat MF all week long. | ||
United States17233 Posts
On November 11 2012 13:51 Ketara wrote: Elo starts at 1200, it is a chess system. That's just how it's designed. The problem is not the threshold, it's that when you're at 1200, a lot of your games you will be playing with people who it's their first ranked game, and they don't belong at 1200. This means that random chance can seriously skew what results you get. Changing where people start would not prevent that from happening, it would just make it happen at a different elo bracket. The idea would be to push new players out at an Elo that represents the 50% mark. 1250 was (and probably still is) top 25% and I rather doubt (with a 99.9% degree of certainty) that 25% of players are between 1200 and 1250. It doesn't make much sense to start people out at an Elo much higher than "average." | ||
Peru1308 Posts
On November 11 2012 13:43 Craton wrote: While I don't disagree that the starting threshold should be lower, if you belong somewhere, you'll get there. It takes awfully long. it took me 4 days to climb from 1000 to 1250, and I've been stuck all day around 1250 'cause of random disconnects; people who only play 1 champion; people who say its their first or second ranked game, or people who have no idea what they're doing and who get carried to 1200s, from wherever they belong (I had a game where me and a draven carried a 1/18/12 eve who built ionic spark). teamcomps come into play a lot too, if you're trying to carry a bad team and the enemy team will outscale you there's only so much you can do before the inevitable. Now, I'm not saying i'm super pro and should be diamond or anything, but I think I should be able to reach at least 1400s and hoping I can make it to 1500s. | ||
United States9965 Posts
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