On July 22 2012 22:56 gtrsrs wrote:i get only gp10 and never look back until i have 2,039,123,597,900 gold. if they buy real items and start making it a closer lane, i respond with real items too
so yeah i only buy gp10 in fringe cases where the lane is already lost or already won really
Gp10 will make you 30 gold/min. With 4 it will make 120 gold/min. That's 7200 an hour, 172,800 per day. To make 2,039,123,597,900 it would take ~11,800,484 days, or 32,330 years. You must be playing some really long games.
So... a lot of ults have seen the way they are "too strong" dealt with by cooldown nerfs (except Mundo's and Naut, who got—mostly overdue for Naut, I believe—other numbers nerfs slapped on top of it). Why didn't they touch Malph's ult cd then? Even though he's not the best ganker ever when it's not up, it's even more of a sure kill switch than WW or Naut's ults, with good range, damage, cd and the way it easily bypasses walls and a lot of wards spots. There's worse than being camped by a Malph early, but as soon as he approaches 6 I find it easily as abusive as a lot of other junglers.
maybe because its already insanely long?
On July 22 2012 23:43 Gorsameth wrote:Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 23:42 BluePanther wrote: is jayce any good? i've seen him once in ranked, and he wrecked everything... why isn't he played more often? As Solo top hes pretty good laning since hes melee/ranged and can dictate fights with his %hp knockback but hes pretty useless in teamfights since he needs to dive right in. Have u even played him? He has excellent poke excellent peel and extremely high damage kind of like kayle u are a second ad carry with utility. U don't even have to dive in ever lol.
Well idk about being "100%" subjective. It seems like in an elo system in a team game youre eventually going to hit the Eli's where you get the leavers/afkers that make a team game very difficult. While probabilistically you're just as likely to benefit as be hurt by these things, it can create a vicious cycle.
I'm not saying it 100% exists, but it seems likely that a person of a higher skill level can get stuck in a lower elo bracket than he belongs because of the luck of the draw being unlucky for him and not being so skilled/knowledgable that he/she can carry a 4v5 or a game where someone gives up 10 kills in 10 mins (probably people slightly above the bracket they're stuck in; ie a 1000-1200 elo player stuck on 800-1000)
On July 23 2012 00:24 Arisen wrote: Well idk about being "100%" subjective. It seems like in an elo system in a team game youre eventually going to hit the Eli's where you get the leavers/afkers that make a team game very difficult. While probabilistically you're just as likely to benefit as be hurt by these things, it can create a vicious cycle.
I'm not saying it 100% exists, but it seems likely that a person of a higher skill level can get stuck in a lower elo bracket than he belongs because of the luck of the draw being unlucky for him and not being so skilled/knowledgable that he/she can carry a 4v5 or a game where someone gives up 10 kills in 10 mins (probably people slightly above the bracket they're stuck in; ie a 1000-1200 elo player stuck on 800-1000)
Yeah I was stuck in something similar around 1k Elo and honestly it is just the fact that people have not played enough games, I kept playing and after 750 games or so I just broke out and am now heading up towards 1300. The RNG is just that, random and eventually Lady Luck is going to take a liking to you and you will get high.
United States47024 Posts
On July 22 2012 23:13 snow2.0 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 23:10 koreasilver wrote:On July 22 2012 23:03 snow2.0 wrote:
GP10s are worth it whenever you win a lane hard. When you can get away with buying something that gets you more money, why would you not do it. You win in CS, you win in kills, and then still get more from the gp10. It's like double-expos after you half-kill a zerg with 2rax, except theres no 4 teammates and towers to save the guy in sc... xD
Like, in your example, you offer me 10/year for 500, but i earn 4k a month and doctor's telling me i have 250 years ahead of me. Except LoL isn't a vacuum where there's only your lane and nothing else. Of course you wouldnt buy gp10s if your whole team is busy bending over for the enemy team, while you may have a shot at carrying NOW... doesn't mean gp10s are never viable/worth it. apply brain. That's not quite the point. Looking at it from a pure gold gain perspective ignores the fact that you're pushing back core item timings by 800 gold. Even when HoG has broke even on gold value, your item timings don't smooth out until either it pays for itself entirely (never happens) or you finish Randuin's.
Heroes are strongest relative to each other when they've just finished a major item (due to how far ahead of the curve finished items are) and weakest relative to each other when they're sitting on a bunch of components and gold saving toward an item. If you've got Philo+HoG+Glacial, and your opponent has a finished Frozen, it doesn't matter that you're 500 gold ahead, his items are still going to be more teamfight-relevant.
It doesn't take that long till it pays for itself... remember you can sell it
I can think of two reasons why «Elo hell» might exist around 1200 elo. First, the abundance of new (to ranked) players increases the variance in skill levels. Thus, while if you deserve to be higher then you will be more likely to get the better team than the worse one, when you do get the worse team it might be hard to carry because they are more likely to be a lot worse than the other team. At other elos if you're similarly underrated you might find it easier to carry because the teams are more likely to be similarly skilled and thus even if your teammates are worse than the opponents, it's not by enough that you can't carry.
The second possible reason for «Elo hell» around 1200 is that people think they deserve to be higher because they're playing against new players, but in fact it is the new players who deserve to be lower. They will eventually fall but the 1200 elo player then has to deal with the next wave of new players.
You know you'd think that, but then just about any mid to high level player who picks up a new account immediately shoots up out of all the supposed "Elo hell" ranges.
I still think unranked players should start at 1000 Elo rather than 1200 (1250 was top 25% toward end of S1 as you may recall).
The real best way to gain Elo is duo queue. You cut down tremendously on the chance of ragers and whiners and have your confidence in your team bolstered.
on the dorans items discussion i agree with yango on getting real items on ADs. because the sheer strength of a BF sword vs 2 dorans blades the BF will win very extended exchanges, and the support (via sustain or peel) has the potential to keep these exchanges long. however, on mid and top lane, i think getting a dorans blade / ring / shield + boots vs a NLR or BF sword is a valid choice as the lanes being 1v1 tend to be much more volatile and there usually isn't the jungler just waiting to back your ass up at your beck and call whenever the enemy with his more cost efficient dorans rings + sorcs, say if you're holding a NLR, decides to jump on you. some laners have kits which allow them to hold on these large items (riven's ad scaling on shield, safer APs) but keeping your options open is never a bad thing. they still are some of the most cost efficient items in the game.
On July 23 2012 00:57 Craton wrote: You know you'd think that, but then just about any mid to high level player who picks up a new account immediately shoots up out of all the supposed "Elo hell" ranges.
I still think unranked players should start at 1000 Elo rather than 1200 (1250 was top 25% toward end of S1 as you may recall).
The real best way to gain Elo is duo queue. You cut down tremendously on the chance of ragers and whiners and have your confidence in your team bolstered.
You say that after having Duo queued with me. I'm impressed ;P
Moving new ranked players to 1000 would just move "Elo hell" down to around 1000 though, would it not?
Also, in things that will probably blow most of your minds: The scoreboard (top right corner in game) can be minimized by pressing a tiny x in the corner.
On July 23 2012 01:21 jcarlsoniv wrote:Show nested quote +On July 23 2012 00:57 Craton wrote: You know you'd think that, but then just about any mid to high level player who picks up a new account immediately shoots up out of all the supposed "Elo hell" ranges.
I still think unranked players should start at 1000 Elo rather than 1200 (1250 was top 25% toward end of S1 as you may recall).
The real best way to gain Elo is duo queue. You cut down tremendously on the chance of ragers and whiners and have your confidence in your team bolstered. You say that after having Duo queued with me. I'm impressed ;P Moving new ranked players to 1000 would just move "Elo hell" down to around 1000 though, would it not? You're an anomaly. A black hole for Elo, if you will.
There isn't an "Elo hell" in the sense of some Elo range you magically can't escape because other people are too bad. The reason you want to shift the starting Elo down is so that new players are starting right around the 50% mark of players overall so that they can move up or down appropriately. It simply doesn't make sense to have a mix of unproven players and the top 25% of players in the same games.
On July 23 2012 00:23 Vaporized wrote:Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 23:43 Gorsameth wrote:On July 22 2012 23:42 BluePanther wrote: is jayce any good? i've seen him once in ranked, and he wrecked everything... why isn't he played more often? As Solo top hes pretty good laning since hes melee/ranged and can dictate fights with his %hp knockback but hes pretty useless in teamfights since he needs to dive right in. Have u even played him? He has excellent poke excellent peel and extremely high damage kind of like kayle u are a second ad carry with utility. U don't even have to dive in ever lol.
Wut. His damage is nothing like Kayle, his utility is nothing special, if he's a second ad carry you're building his really badly and not diving in as a bruiser eh.
So much gold/10 talk and I didn't even start it. What has the world come to?
Don't buy gold/10 items just for the gold/10. Don't buy HoG unless you need it for Randuin's, and I'd advise you to go Warden's first, or just a Ruby if you want some HP now and can't guarantee that you will be back with enough gold for Warden's even if you finished HoG.
Philo is still good. Ignoring the gold/10 too.
On July 23 2012 01:36 spinesheath wrote: So much gold/10 talk and I didn't even start it. What has the world come to?
Don't buy gold/10 items just for the gold/10. Don't buy HoG unless you need it for Randuin's, and I'd advise you to go Warden's first, or just a Ruby if you want some HP now and can't guarantee that you will be back with enough gold for Warden's even if you finished HoG.
Philo is still good. Ignoring the gold/10 too.
GP10 talks are like a monthly endeavor. It's the PMS of TL LoL
On July 23 2012 01:08 Navi wrote: on the dorans items discussion i agree with yango on getting real items on ADs. because the sheer strength of a BF sword vs 2 dorans blades the BF will win very extended exchanges, and the support (via sustain or peel) has the potential to keep these exchanges long. however, on mid and top lane, i think getting a dorans blade / ring / shield + boots vs a NLR or BF sword is a valid choice as the lanes being 1v1 tend to be much more volatile and there usually isn't the jungler just waiting to back your ass up at your beck and call whenever the enemy with his more cost efficient dorans rings + sorcs, say if you're holding a NLR, decides to jump on you. some laners have kits which allow them to hold on these large items (riven's ad scaling on shield, safer APs) but keeping your options open is never a bad thing. they still are some of the most cost efficient items in the game. I don't see why you are comparing 2 doran's to 1 bf. If you have 3 doran's it is quite possible to bully someone with just a bf. Of course if you and your support go even against the person with 3 dorans then the bf sword is better later on.
assuming elo hell is around the 700-900 range-ish, you can get out if your "true elo" is significantly higher, like maybe around 1400+. if your true elo is actually lower, than you're going to improve while playing and claw your way up.
i had a period where i played w/o a mouse. thought i was alright b/c i was playing non-skillshot champs mostly, but over time i evened out to around a 30% win. dropped down to like 900 which was getting a little close to elo hell. told myself to wait for a new mouse. got new mouse, carried myself back to 1200 in a day then it was ok to play support again.
i've been starting to jungle cho/ playing cho again. i'm thinking mpen, flat armor, mr/lvl and movespeed quints. for tanky i think i want rylai's, abyssal, fon, warmog, tread, fh, and maybe like nashor's,abyssal, rylai's, athene's, sorc and zonya's/triforce for ap bruiser? i'm kind of waiting for theoddone to do jungle cho, but it might be awhile.
On July 23 2012 01:48 ticklishmusic wrote:assuming elo hell is around the 700-900 range-ish, you can get out if your "true elo" is significantly higher, like maybe around 1400+. if your true elo is actually lower, than you're going to improve while playing and claw your way up. i had a period where i played w/o a mouse. thought i was alright b/c i was playing non-skillshot champs mostly, but over time i evened out to around a 30% win. dropped down to like 900 which was getting a little close to elo hell. told myself to wait for a new mouse. got new mouse, carried myself back to 1200 in a day then it was ok to play support again. i've been starting to jungle cho/ playing cho again. i'm thinking mpen, flat armor, mr/lvl and movespeed quints. for tanky i think i want rylai's, abyssal, fon, warmog, tread, fh, and maybe like nashor's,abyssal, rylai's, athene's, sorc and zonya's/triforce for ap bruiser? i'm kind of waiting for theoddone to do jungle cho, but it might be awhile.  My true elo is around 1300 I'm sure but currently at 1700, this game has some good matchmaking.
You're generally not going to consistently carry games alone until you're a few hundred Elo below your effective Elo. In a sample of players with a 55% win/loss ratio (which is higher than it sounds) at a certain lower Elo, you expect around 20% to go 50:50 or less in 100 games and hence float/be trappped at that Elo.