[Patch Ahri] General Discussion - Page 163
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United States693 Posts
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United States380 Posts
On December 24 2011 05:07 TheYango wrote: There's still the fact that Malz is squishy and immobile, and therefore easy to anti-carry. Most of the more common AP picks are either tanky (e.g. Ryze, Sion), mobile (e.g. Kassadin, Zilean), have a skillset conducive to kiting (e.g. Anivia, Orianna) or some combination thereof. Malzahar has none of these, and has to make up for it in pure damage--which means that using him demands a certain amount of protection for him during bans/picks, as well as coordination from your team. Plus there's still the fact that other purely damage-oriented AP carries have higher overall damage output (e.g. Cassiopeia) or have some other more compelling unique advantage than Malzahar's ulti (e.g. Karthus' global ultimate and passive). I agree that malzahar is a situational pick atm, I'm just saying that malzahar's ult isn't the only thing he can do in most situations. (Though he's still very strong solo queue IMO because people line up to get 5-man q'd.) | ||
Romania622 Posts
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United States27922 Posts
On December 24 2011 05:30 eagle wrote: i think malz beats cass in lane his minion jump and silence and ult super annoying He does give me a little practice as Cass, but that may just be because I don't play against him very much. Cass is strong in lane because she can be very aggressive. Malz sort of prevents that with his silence and the threat of his dot + pet. | ||
England6749 Posts
On December 24 2011 04:00 TheKefka wrote: About that Ahri argument. You don't counter pick ahri with just a ap you counterpick her with your jungler choice. Ryze,Xerath,Annie,Kennen,etc,any champ that has a insta stun or something like that coupled with Mao/Rammus(i.e someone that can hold her in place and deny her mobility) is a sure kill lane.I don't care how skilled you are if mao sits in your lane and your up against one of these aps your going to die mid unless they fuck up. Ahri can save her self once by burning flash pre 6 but than she is either too scared to move out anymore or she moves out and she dies.After she racks up 2 deaths she becomes the most underwhelming mid you can imagine. To quite honest this is how you deal with any mid that you find annoying,you just make a sure kill mid lane/jungler comp. I'm not a 2 k elo player but every time I see a Ahri dominate is because someone goes "LET ME JUNGLE" and picks Nocturne which can't really slam her down pre 6 or hold her in place after,which is what you want to do.So there is where the problem lies for people that have troubles with her,its your jungler imo. Mid lane is like a knife fight,if you fuck up slightly once your most probably going to get 2 shotted.You need the appropriate jungler for what the mid lane needs if you are having troubles against someone like Ahri. sit under turret last hitting while your jungler gets miles ahead of their? you talk as if getting camped means you have to just run out and die a few times i dont think ahri is the most farm dependant mid either, a leblanc in the same situation is completely out the game. ahri has decent aoe and a ranged taunt. | ||
United States1723 Posts
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Gabon6219 Posts
On December 24 2011 05:55 HeroHenry wrote: Did anyone else get free RP? My friends said they got free 400rp. Ya lots of people getting free rp :p Qss does shit vs malz if you have a decent teamcomp with stuns/roots. | ||
United States13132 Posts
On December 24 2011 05:28 tobi9999 wrote: WHOA WHOA WHOA When did we all turn into Phreak's I don't think Trinity first is ever a viable build except maybe on AD carries like ezreal/corki. Trinity is very strong as a 4th 5th or 6th item once you already have tons of tankiness, since it provides so much utility. Besides, to get kills on people early, a combo of wits end and wriggles probably gives more damage than triforce anyways. Trinity is a great item, but it doesn't scale off anything else you build. Getting it as a 6th item would be more for the fact that it's so expensive than that it's actually good in my opinion. Very few items in league are around the 4k gold range so when item space becomes scarce it's fairly obvious that the most expensive items are the best ones. In terms of raw stats, it's probably the best item in the game unless you're looking for a single stat like AD (BT), AP (Cap), or you don't have an IE yet. Building trinity on ad carries like Corki and ezreal is like going for a two base timing attack. You have to do something in the mid game with it or you'll fall behind anything that went IE instead. If you gained an advantage from it then it was worth it, but if nothing interesting happens then you're behind somebody who went IE in terms of raw damage output unless that phage proc is going to win you the game. Personally, I don't see the point in doing such things unless you never intend to auto attack, but it does give you a very strong mid game. I've never been good at or played ezreal, and I always play IE Corki so I can see huge numbers ![]() | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
Also people who say IE is bad on EZ cuz his Q doesn't crit are retarded. | ||
France8631 Posts
http://fr.twitch.tv/mr_tolkien?format=html :D | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
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France8631 Posts
On December 24 2011 06:08 JackDino wrote: So basically you're dropping down to 400? Since all elo is elo hell, only ~400 elo is elo heaven. I'm trying to go to 3k. The game doesn't find opponents for you then, so Elo hell is over then. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On December 24 2011 06:02 JackDino wrote: Trinity is actually a really cost efficient item IF you can make use of all the stats, it's just a lot of gold going towards other stats that are better spend on different stats earlier on. It's just that, why spend 3.8k gold that gives you a little bit off everything which you dont NEED when you can spend 3k on a bloodthirster and make full use of the ad/lifesteal(just an example). Also people who say IE is bad on EZ cuz his Q doesn't crit are retarded. IMO the real reason you don't get IE on Ez isn't because Q doesn't crit, but it's because IE doesn't really become good until you get a 2nd DPS item. Crit damage is a multiplicative damage stat, meaning you want another DPS item to really take advantage of it. The thing is, farming 4k, AND THEN farming another DPS item misses Ezreal's peak in power--if you wanted to play that way, then why would you play Ezreal as opposed to any other AD carry. Triforce is best the moment you get it, and is more in line with Ezreal's power peak. | ||
United States4008 Posts
No but seriously. he doesn't lose a lane ever and still has a strong teamfight even if the opponents have QSS as he can just nuke a tank with his pool if he wants to | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
On December 24 2011 06:17 TheYango wrote: IMO the real reason you don't get IE on Ez isn't because Q doesn't crit, but it's because IE doesn't really become good until you get a 2nd DPS item. Crit damage is a multiplicative damage stat, meaning you want another DPS item to really take advantage of it. The thing is, farming 4k, AND THEN farming another DPS item misses Ezreal's peak in power--if you wanted to play that way, then why would you play Ezreal as opposed to any other AD carry. Triforce is best the moment you get it, and is more in line with Ezreal's power peak. I'm not saying you should rush IE on ez, just that there are a lot of people who say it's crap etc and never get it because Q doesn't crit, which is retarded considering he's still an AD carry and not an AD mage. On December 24 2011 06:19 Phrost wrote: Malzahar is still the best mage, you just cant be stupid aggressive and you have to be able to hit call of the void fairly often. No but seriously. he doesn't lose a lane ever and still has a strong teamfight even if the opponents have QSS as he can just nuke a tank with his pool if he wants to Same could be said about annie, not to mention 3+ tibbers ult can be gamechanging. | ||
United States4008 Posts
On December 24 2011 06:24 JackDino wrote: I'm not saying you should rush IE on ez, just that there are a lot of people who say it's crap etc and never get it because Q doesn't crit, which is retarded considering he's still an AD carry and not an AD mage. Same could be said about annie, not to mention 3+ tibbers ult can be gamechanging. Annie is strong too but her range isnt nearly as far as Malzahar. Even if you're way behind in lane you can farm from forever away with EQ | ||
United States17233 Posts
Malz is very weak against the current champs in the game. He's an extremely niche pick. | ||
10417 Posts
On December 24 2011 01:22 deskscaress wrote: cruzer is essentially a 1-trick pony and is definitely known for his lee, but you have to give the man credit, he is damn good at lee. he's had tons of experienced at the highest level of play owning with lee. i might not trust anything he says on any other champ but his lee advice is pretty solid. if he says no frozen mallet then i wouldn't get frozen mallet. and like yango said, the reasoning is there - in a game where you're not just crushing anyway, it's hard to set aside 4k gold for an item that gives you only 20 damage when you have such sick AD scaling, PLUS you don't really need the mallet to lock someone up thanks to OP E. wtf are you talking about, cruzer is an awesome player. i've been rolled by him more times than i can count. | ||
United States1966 Posts
On December 24 2011 06:19 Phrost wrote: Malzahar is still the best mage, you just cant be stupid aggressive and you have to be able to hit call of the void fairly often. No but seriously. he doesn't lose a lane ever and still has a strong teamfight even if the opponents have QSS as he can just nuke a tank with his pool if he wants to If winning lane mattered at all, solo mid soraka would be #1 since she has strong teamfight and probably the best laning phase. The first problem with Malzahar is that he is utterly terrible in 1v2 situations. He can push lane to enemy tower relentlessly, but so can Cassiopeia and Morgana. Guess what though, Cassiopeia and Morgana will literally 1v2 double kill, or at least force both off of them if they get ganked. Champions like Kassadin or Sion can get away pretty easily. Malzahar? dead for sure. The second problem with Malzahar is that he can't walk down and gank people in bot or top lane. He is simply not mobile enough, and flash comboing isn't an option on him since the animations for all his spells give time for the enemy to react. If you put Malzahar against Sion/Kass/ TF, even if you won your lane, you would lose game because your bottom and top would get wrecked, and your jungle would get outfarmed. The third problem with Malzahar is that his disable is not AoE and it's his ult. Obviously his silence is brutal if AoE'd but it's a silence which is far outclassed by stuns, and it's just a line that will probably never hit more than 2. Think about Morgana, who can easily stun more than 2 people, who can easily land several binds in a team fight, and most importantly stop people from being disabled. Think about Cassiopeia who has the most annoying AoE slow ever, has an ult with a very large radius that more often than not stuns. Or think about Ryze who can snare every 3~ seconds, brand who can stun every 5~ seconds, TF who can stun every 4~ seconds, Sion who can stun every 7~ seconds. Malzahars single disable with a long ass cooldown, that disables himself while he does it, doesn't really compare. Unless you literally flash in and suicide ult someone, and by a miracle don't get interrupted, Malzahar is outclassed in teamfights He just doesn't do enough damage either, Karthus and Cassiopeia both wreck him in this regard as well ![]() Overall, Malzahar has his uses in countering certain people in lane. However, he is probably the least mobile champion out of all APs as he is literally forced to be in certain positions to do damage, where as stuff like brand can hit from any angle. He can not disable people as most other AP carries, and he just isn't very strong outside of 1v1 situations. As long as people are careful playing against him, he will get very few kills and will not be as useful as many other picks. EDIT: I also want to point out, that among AP carries, there are gods, that are literally amazing picks always. Such as Xerath who does retarded damage, burst, and poke and the highest range. AND has a passive with free stats that lets him 1v1 AD carries. And also like Ryze, who is flat out retarded and needs to be nerfed, too tanky, lots of damage, and AoE + free spell vamp. | ||
Canada1349 Posts
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