petered may be in love with quoting himself, but you need to know the truth about junglers:
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Fildun is a little bit hurt
petered I'm a jungle main and I feel insulted by you.
Also, why can't I trust Plat people to not go a combined 1/13 bottomlane in about 9 minutes?
Also, why can't I trust Plat people to not go a combined 1/13 bottomlane in about 9 minutes?
To which petered responds
Things junglers are good for:
1) Shutting the fuck up and gank my lane.
2) No seriously, stop circle jerking with the damn wolves and gank my lane, he is pushed to tower with no wards.
3) placing wards at dragon and baron and don't "accidentally" steal my blue.
Facts about junglers you should know:
1) # of games jungled is negatively correlated with penis length. For every game you jungle you lose approximately half an inch of dick.
2) That is why junglers spend so much time circle jerking with tiny dick creatures like wolves because it soothes their insecurity.
3) Junglers are too scared to go to war in lane so they go all rpg mode in the forest like they are playing fucking WoW or something. They are like people who got drafted for Viet Nam and fled to Canada. You are all fucking Canadians.
I hope this cleared everything up between us Fildun.
1) Shutting the fuck up and gank my lane.
2) No seriously, stop circle jerking with the damn wolves and gank my lane, he is pushed to tower with no wards.
3) placing wards at dragon and baron and don't "accidentally" steal my blue.
Facts about junglers you should know:
1) # of games jungled is negatively correlated with penis length. For every game you jungle you lose approximately half an inch of dick.
2) That is why junglers spend so much time circle jerking with tiny dick creatures like wolves because it soothes their insecurity.
3) Junglers are too scared to go to war in lane so they go all rpg mode in the forest like they are playing fucking WoW or something. They are like people who got drafted for Viet Nam and fled to Canada. You are all fucking Canadians.
I hope this cleared everything up between us Fildun.
The more you know.
Fildun QQs for science!:
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I sometimes think of LoL not as a game, but a psychologist's twisted experiment designed to tease out man's emotional, mental, and spiritual breaking point. Some days the malevolent scientist in the sky merely feathers the LoL rage throttle. A DC here, a feeder there, jungler talking shit every game. Stuff like that. We wring our hands and shake our fists, but for the most part we keep our composure and play on.
When that rage throttle gets cranked up, though, we find that we have, as Fildun says, a fucking limit. Maybe it was that guy going 0/14 and flaming you, or maybe it was that brain dead ADC with a runaans and no last whisper late game. For me it is usually just the existence of junglers.
Whatever the case, we reach our fucking limit and begin to lose our already tenuous grip on humanity. Your blood pressure skies so quickly that the room begins to spin as you scramble to translate your desperate anger into words directed at your nemesis. The words, however, become incomprehensible as any sense of consciousness gets crowded out by the force of your primal rage. The once calm summoner has transformed into a fount of molten hatred, banging his fists against his keyboards in a futile attempt to communicate even a fraction of pain you have been forced to endure.
Such is the nature of LoL, I hope the scientist in the sky can make sense of it all.
Fildun's poor teammate has been overtaken by apathy:
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Game pls
So we have this Varus on our team who gets camped a bit and then continues to walk into enemies (not attack! just walk) and more stupid shit, because "his motivation is gone" because j4 showed up bot 3 times. Meanwhile I (the jungler) got 2 kills top, forced flash mid and stole j4's red. But no, mister "motivation is gone" just throws like he is a pro baseball player or something, and then continues flaming the team.
Also, his build was: Botrk --> Hurricane --> PD. Then continues with not autoattacking in any teamfight whatsoever.
Somehow he was Platinum 3.
So we have this Varus on our team who gets camped a bit and then continues to walk into enemies (not attack! just walk) and more stupid shit, because "his motivation is gone" because j4 showed up bot 3 times. Meanwhile I (the jungler) got 2 kills top, forced flash mid and stole j4's red. But no, mister "motivation is gone" just throws like he is a pro baseball player or something, and then continues flaming the team.
Also, his build was: Botrk --> Hurricane --> PD. Then continues with not autoattacking in any teamfight whatsoever.
Somehow he was Platinum 3.
Oh shit, Riot caught wind of this and is designing a new resource system that really isn't a resource since you can't run out of it, but provides the illusion of having to make strategic choices.
It is called "motivation" and all your champion has to do to build it up is to literally do anything but stand in fountain and pout. Apparently promotes aggressive gameplay and counters anti-fun. GG riot.
If you haven't noticed, I find Fildun's posts rather funny, two in a row! I wish you many dreary, feeder-filled games my friend. May we continue to reap the generous fruit of your tears.
Zizoz is just all rage:
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I want to complain about people using "dove" as the past participle of "dive". It's "dived". You can say someone dove you (using the past tense), but not that you got dove. You got dived.
Well, I know languages change and such, and "dive" as a transitive verb isn't really standard either, but I wanted to get that off my chest. It throws me every time.
Well, I know languages change and such, and "dive" as a transitive verb isn't really standard either, but I wanted to get that off my chest. It throws me every time.
I'd like to think that this thread is a sort of all-purpose forum trash can. That 0-10 jungler needn't be the only thing that brings you here, sometimes the colossal failure of modern american english should be enough to do it as well. This isn't a recycling bin, folks, this shit goes straight to the internet landfill.
That being said, the day that some genius mod starts directing the girl problem blog posts to this thread is the day I quit. Even we don't stoop that low.
GrandInquisitor doesn't post here often, but if this doesn't break your LoL heart I don't know what will:
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In nine games this weekend, I have had:
* 4 wins (with no disconnects on the other side)
* 4 losses where someone on my team disconnects
* 1 loss where I get first blood in my lane, but then a half-health no-items-other-than-machete jungle Rengar comes to my lane when I'm at base and gives my opponent double buff. I still end the game 3-3-8 but having my own jungler snowball the lane against me is depressing.
My favorite game out of those nine was where our Katarina mid is AFK at start. So Vi takes our blue buff, but then skips red buff and heads directly to lane at half health where Lissandra kills her easily (and the enemy Amumu takes our red buff). Then Katarina comes back, and together with Vi tries to gank blue-buffed Lissandra only to give her a double kill. And I still would have won the game for us as a split-push Singed if Vi didn't ult into their team 1v5 40 minutes in.
* 4 wins (with no disconnects on the other side)
* 4 losses where someone on my team disconnects
* 1 loss where I get first blood in my lane, but then a half-health no-items-other-than-machete jungle Rengar comes to my lane when I'm at base and gives my opponent double buff. I still end the game 3-3-8 but having my own jungler snowball the lane against me is depressing.
My favorite game out of those nine was where our Katarina mid is AFK at start. So Vi takes our blue buff, but then skips red buff and heads directly to lane at half health where Lissandra kills her easily (and the enemy Amumu takes our red buff). Then Katarina comes back, and together with Vi tries to gank blue-buffed Lissandra only to give her a double kill. And I still would have won the game for us as a split-push Singed if Vi didn't ult into their team 1v5 40 minutes in.
One of the rarest responses I ever have to a post in this thread is to actually feel bad for them, but this post made my heart hurt. I salute you, brave Inquisitor, for carrying on in the face of four 4 DC losses in one weekend. Your demeanor implies the stoutest of character.
Also, fuck those dumbass junglers who "help" their mid, not pausing to think about the ramifications of donating a kill and double buffs to the opposing mid in a volatile, snowbally lane. Hey shitface, that level 6 mid can blow up your level fucking 4 ass in two seconds, back the fuck off. For a more complete, but certainly not exhaustive, list of jungler sins, please consult Djagulingu's post below.
What was I talking about again? Oh yeah, self control. Commendable, GrandInquisitor!
I am trying to decide which activity Alaric spends more time on, losing games in LoL or writing about how he lost games in LoL:
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I don't care that you know how to click quickly or are first pick and Gold I. You pick TF after they fp Syndra, with your nifty MPen/AP/AP/AP runepage, you start dring+pots because...
That right there is literally the farthest anyone has ever read into an Alaric QQ post and yet the guy still writes a fuckin book every time. Mad props.
Shotcoder's friend lux gave it her all but apparently it wasn't enough for him:
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"Don't worry guys, at least we tried"
-0/10 Lux
-0/10 Lux
Let's put this into context. You just put 30-40 minutes into the inherently unproductive activity of making your digital guys beat up on other people's digital guys. One of millions of ultimately meaningless competitions that happens everyday. There is, undeniably, no greater purpose to playing this game outside of competing and winning, which leads to a temporary, unfulfilling sense of enjoyment that, however fleeting, is reward enough for most of us.
But our philosophical lux has managed to squeeze every last bit of possible contentment from this game. No longer is meaningless victory at a meaningless game required, simply the misguided, ill conceived attempt was enough for her.
O how I pity and envy this beautiful Lux.
krdandaman seems to be having some trouble with his teammates. Your consolation prize is a place in the Hall of Infamy:
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1/5 fiddle on my team berating everyone for their play and trying to be the "shot caller".
golden quote:
"guys listen to me i watch LCS i know wat im doing"
golden quote:
"guys listen to me i watch LCS i know wat im doing"
If simply watching something made you good at it, well, lets just say that more than a few of us would be studs in the bedroom.
Djagulingu is feeling unfairly blamed for his sin of being a jungler:
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Jungler doesn't gank a pushed lane -> HOW MOTHERFUCKING DARE HIM!!!
Wukong feeds Singed -> Jungler's fault
Mid doesn't get ganks to his pushed lane -> Jungler's fault
Bad weather -> Jungler's fault
Mom screams at son to stop playing LoL and start studying -> Jungler's fault
You play WC3 and you're low on wood -> Jungler's fault
Blame the junglers guys, sure as hell it makes you feel pro
Wukong feeds Singed -> Jungler's fault
Mid doesn't get ganks to his pushed lane -> Jungler's fault
Bad weather -> Jungler's fault
Mom screams at son to stop playing LoL and start studying -> Jungler's fault
You play WC3 and you're low on wood -> Jungler's fault
Blame the junglers guys, sure as hell it makes you feel pro
Making excuses, typical jungler. I thought wood was your specialty (heh heh).
Kipsate has a new friend that he is still getting use to:
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Dear LoL forum
Please take Shikyo back
Yours sincerly
Dota forum.
Please take Shikyo back
Yours sincerly
Dota forum.
Aw, it is like a parent complaining about their two year old who is causing problems. You'll learn to love him Kipsate!
I heard he likes it when you name threads after him.
In a related note:
Shikyo was just temp banned for 1 week by heyoka.
That account was created on 2008-06-18 05:14:52 and had 18165 posts.
Reason: I'm not banning you for this specific post, but rather your entire history in this thread. Every time you make a post, ANY post, the whole thread gets derailed because you say things that are either misleading or blatantly wrong and then it becomes you against 10 other people trying to explain why it just doesn't work the way you think it does. You're constantly posting advice that makes no sense and then defending it when you clearly have no experience in it, which we often find out through looking at your game history.
Please just stop. Think through your posts in the future and stop posting nonsense. Listen to the thread when multiple people tell you what you're trying to advocate makes more sense. Actually contribute instead of talking just to talk.
Being a prat who doesn't listen and defends retarded shit.
That account was created on 2008-06-18 05:14:52 and had 18165 posts.
Reason: I'm not banning you for this specific post, but rather your entire history in this thread. Every time you make a post, ANY post, the whole thread gets derailed because you say things that are either misleading or blatantly wrong and then it becomes you against 10 other people trying to explain why it just doesn't work the way you think it does. You're constantly posting advice that makes no sense and then defending it when you clearly have no experience in it, which we often find out through looking at your game history.
Please just stop. Think through your posts in the future and stop posting nonsense. Listen to the thread when multiple people tell you what you're trying to advocate makes more sense. Actually contribute instead of talking just to talk.
Being a prat who doesn't listen and defends retarded shit.
Shikyo nooooooooooo.
At least he didn't get banned for complaining about teammates in the general discussion thread. I think he is maturing.
little fancy is LoL's Martin Luther King junior
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The amount of racism on the EU-W servers is too damn high. Being German is a reason to be responsible for everything that doesn't go well.
...(some generic QQ)...
So in the end, the french premade starts a surrender vote after Wukong left resolving it 3:1. No wonder the french never did too well in history's wars. That morale is just beyond underground.
...(some generic QQ)...
So in the end, the french premade starts a surrender vote after Wukong left resolving it 3:1. No wonder the french never did too well in history's wars. That morale is just beyond underground.
You are an icon for our generation, little fancy. Lead us to the promised land of racial equality.
Being on the NA server I miss the days of getting random Brazilian premades. jajaja huehuehue.
Bladeorade is directing his anger at exactly the right person:
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I hate everybody
Enki and his team seem to be having some trouble against bots:
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Just been playing coop vs AI games on my smurf to farm IP. Last game, trash Karthus disced all game, while the other idiots in game kept dying so they actually tried to fucking retarded do you have to be to surrender against easy bots? Holy fuck...morons.
I understand losing against beginner bots. When you are learning the game you have to start somewhere. I am still trying to wrap my mind around the thought of actually surrendering to a machine, though. Have some dignity. I imagine the chat in Enki's game went something like this:
Summoner2: I, for one, accept our new robot overlords
Summoner3: Annie bot OP (this is 100% true, actually)
I fear LoL isn't doing its part to raise up the next John Connors.
The generally level-headed jcarlsoniv gives us a lesson in literary reductionism:
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The Shikyo QQ thread has traditionally resorted to words strung together in the form of sentences to communicate our anger. jcarlsoniv has ditched such conventions in favor of a more primal outburst of anger. In the space of a single line of seemingly random letters, he has managed to communicate as much and more than the schmucks who post 500 word essays on the failings of their teammates (which no one else reads, lets me honest).
What injustice has caused this anger? We don't know. Who is his anger directed towards? We don't know. Do these things really matter? Deep down in your heart you know they don't.
We do, however, know the width and the depth of jcarlsoniv's anger. And let me tell you, internet, it is fierce. It is fierce indeed.
We have an interesting display of anger management from plasmidghost:
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He writes this message at 12:25 on August 10th
Fuck the majority of LoL players. Four games in a row my team has been terrible and done nothing but bitch amongst each other. The last game they all decided to bitch at me for being bad because I was ganked twice (no mias ever called, the idiots). Sometimes, I just want to find my teammates and take a fucking chainsaw to their faces
I can't even have fun anymore, it's gotten this bad...
And now I've uninstalled the game. Good riddance.
I can't even have fun anymore, it's gotten this bad...
And now I've uninstalled the game. Good riddance.
I am a big proponent of releasing your rage verbally in a non destructive manner. I welcome a host of FUCKKITY FUCKS and rage poems and bitching. Even so, plasmidghost is going beyond healthy anger. Any time an activity you partake in during your free time spawns a desire to chainsaw another person's face, some sort of perspective is needed.
Then, a mere 25 minutes later at 12:50 on August 10th, mr plasmidghost writes this:
Why can't people just enjoy the game and stop bitching? It would make it a much better experience. Sigh... I don't know what to do. I want to keep playing, but I am tired of dealing with the other players.
Oh the transformation! No longer does plasmid harbor desire for gruesome vengeance, he simply wishes people would stop bitching. No longer is he going to uninstall a game he has clearly spent a lot of time playing, instead he wants to keep playing. This, my friends, is the power of the Shikyo Memorial for QQ therapy thread. We make the world a better place, one chainsaw massacre prevention at a time.
Look, we have a similar situation with TheKefka. At 6:13 he posts:
And behold, after the Shikyo thread has worked its magic a minute later he posts:
....not everyone can be helped.
From little germany:
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They die several times typing while they wish each other a painful and miserable death and 4th pick even promises to pray to satan in a dark ritual right after the game so that he might revive Hitler to gas his team.
I am intensely curious as to why this individual thought it necessary to revive hitler to do the gassing. If you are already praying to the most evil being and convincing him to enact your will, why not cut out the middle man and just have satan himself do the gassing? It is questions like this that keep me up at night.
The ever hopeful aRyuujin:
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I just wish I had some reason to post in the LoCicero memorial
petered's comments: This is why we play. Getting wins is merely a byproduct of the process of becoming greatness. The LoCi thread is everything we hope to be.
Of course you could just read it and realize that half the posts are: I won with champion Y, my score was 2X-X-1.5X. Feels good man.
In response to VirgilSC2's hesitancy towards hitting 30 and playing ranked petered posted this:
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And yet we continue playing, don't we?
We are all like Sisyphus, carrying our boulders (teammates) uphill for eternity. There is anguish in our toil and the inevitability of the boulder's descent to the bottom of the hill. Yet great satisfaction in making it to the top (check the Locicero thread).
We are all like Sisyphus, carrying our boulders (teammates) uphill for eternity. There is anguish in our toil and the inevitability of the boulder's descent to the bottom of the hill. Yet great satisfaction in making it to the top (check the Locicero thread).
petered's comments:
"Is it vain to quote yourself? Yes. Get over it."
- petered
From Gaslo
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Privi: with 0 kill and 11 deaths i give no meney
Privi: so i was not the problem
Our 0/11 soraka, when someone complained that she lost us the game. Dat logic.
Privi: so i was not the problem
Our 0/11 soraka, when someone complained that she lost us the game. Dat logic.
petered's comments: When I was first learning to drive, I accidentally backed into my grandparents car when driving to school. My grandpa later told me, "Well the car is already damaged so you might as well get out there and get some more practice backing out of the driveway."
I see this soraka is wise beyond her years.
eits says
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the fucking reading comprehension in the LoL communinity is absolutely atrocious, everyone is fucking retarded.
petered's comments: I completely agree that the tribunal system sucks and we should revert to the old jungle. We need to stand together as a united communinity. Well put eits.
Per Slaughter
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Twitch "I won't take smite so they won't know im jungling"
petered's comments: Other brilliant ideas this twitch has had:
- I won't buy wards as Sona so they won't know I am the support
- I won't buy AD on vayne so they won't know I'm the AD carry
- I won't buy armor on rammus so they won't know I am the tank
A new meta is taking the LoL scene by storm.
From the prophetically named BeFree (e.g. from QQ)
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The irrational, simple-minded players who will so foolishly whine and cry about their teammates like stupid children will always annoy me infinitely more than those players who make mistakes in games. The mistakes of players in the game are not important. Usually they just come down to the player's lack of effort and ignorance on the video game. Not really a problem and it doesn't really say much about them or their intelligence in general.
petered's comments: QQ about QQers is still QQ bro. Besides, you take the high road now but we all know you are going to get some hotshot singed going 0-8 in the first 5 minutes of the game and then you will be down here in the slime with the rest of us.
Check out the rest of his intellectual rant (crying) on page 63.
(the singed story is from my last game, QQ)
Courtesy of 0123456789 (seems to be called numbers by many in LoL threads)
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I need this thread right now
Playing this game makes me mad or sad
and I am not calm, so I don't play so well
When I am calm, I do well
but it's hard to be calm
Playing this game makes me mad or sad
and I am not calm, so I don't play so well
When I am calm, I do well
but it's hard to be calm
petered's comments: QQ manifests itself in many forms on the internet. CAPS LOCK rage, sputtering indignation, or in the case of our brave numbers, poetic melancholy. Yes, suffering inspires the most beautiful artwork. Let us hope that we can all be so productive in the time of our despair.
The interestingly named iGrok (fan of Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land, I suppose) gives us this gem.
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playing with a friend today who just got LoL, his second game ever, so naturally i'm in a game with a large noob quotient. The other players on this team are all terrible, and one (Maokai) delights in telling me its his first game ever. First thing he does is bumrush their tower. Before minions even get there. QQ Why don't people play the tutorial before playing a damn game? IT FUCKING TELLS YOU DON'T BUMRUSH TOWERS
petered's comments: Real QQ about < level 30 teammates is silly in general, but this one made me nostalgic for the days when I was just learning LoL. I would pick heimer and just keep setting turrets closer and closer to their tower until the tower was shooting me and I would die. Also I died to every gank ever but it didn't occur to me until level 15 or so that I shouldn't auto attack and spam abilities in lane. Also funny is that I saw a tournament game where someone did this exact thing (bumrush tower with no one there) in order to get free damage on tower. Maybe this noob was in fact a visionary?
From longtime TL LoL poster, Southlight:
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The fuck, jungle GP is still ridiculously strong. Man, this QQ thread is more like the "look at me complain and actually embarrass myself" thread. How can you complain about hands down the most ridiculously OP char in the game at the moment jungling with his free frozen mallet passive and say he has no gank potential?
petered's comments: Southlight is kinda like that teacher you had in middle school. You give perfectly legitimate reasons for not getting your homework done and he tells you to try harder and do better next time.
Original Post:
Teammates are at the same time one of the best and one of the worst parts of LoL.
Teammates add strategy, communication, and community. MOBA's probably wouldn't be that much fun if it was a single player game.
Teammates also dc, moan and whine, lose you the game, and generally work their hardest to convince you that most people are straight up stupid.
As much fun as LoL is, you can't play any significant number of games without raging at your teammates. After the game is over, most of us have a burning need for someone else to see our side. To realize just how bad those teammates were. Posting your stories are a form of therapy, a balm to the anger that builds up inside of you.
Posting your grievances on the general forum, however, is looked down upon. We've seen it all, seen worse in fact. We don't care that your level 10 friends are bad and they have horrible builds, probably because they are level 10 and what did you expect?
One brave soul, though, chooses to disregard the social norm. Immune to our derision, he courageously to lets know how bad those noobs were time and time again. I expect that Shikyo is a well adjusted person IRL, since he has a release for his LoL anger that so many of us hold inside to try to be popular on teh internet.
I wish for all of us to have such a place for emotional soothing. I invite you to post it all here. In this oasis, you are actually encouraged to let it all out, not ridiculed. Let us hear your stories.