On August 22 2020 08:57 iCanada wrote:It's literally impossible to lose these games.... I hate it. I'm trying to lose for a lower queue time. My last game I laned against an MF & Morg, double kill at level 1. Made a pact with myself to no-rush 20 minutes it. Literally didn't trade once. at 20 minutes MF had 44 CS to my 188. I won the last teamfight with a quadra kill by literally A-clicking and alt tabbing. 16 - 1. I just want to play fair duo lane games man. What the hell Riot.
I'll trade you, I literally couldn't buy a teammate with a braincell
What level is your account right now? If you're close to lv 30 and have a decent winrate, you get placed in normal games, I expect queue time will shorten then.
That account is level 12 at the moment. Thinking about just duoing with a level 30 friend account and playing in level 30 normals.
Honestly though, with how obnoxious Riots made leveling a smurf I'm kind of just considering buying one for 3 bucks. My morality says don't support the bot trade... My mental says fuck Riot for making it so difficult.
I checked the wiki and also a lvl21 account I have and you should get 90% exp for intermediate
On August 22 2020 22:58 iCanada wrote: That account is level 12 at the moment. Thinking about just duoing with a level 30 friend account and playing in level 30 normals.
Honestly though, with how obnoxious Riots made leveling a smurf I'm kind of just considering buying one for 3 bucks. My morality says don't support the bot trade... My mental says fuck Riot for making it so difficult. You've gotten placed in smurf queue, it's close to impossible to get out of. I leveled my alts in ARAMs to at least have some fun while doing it without getting stuck in loooooong queue timers.
I started with ARAM and after three games I had a 30 minute queue time.
Also I literally get zero bot have xp.
I've finally had a game where I legitimately feel terrible for utterly stupid my team is. Usually they just troll and its no big deal, but I just sat through 45 minutes of abuse from all 4 of my teammates as they inted repeatedly and blamed me for their loss. Meanwhile I was Tank Karma top (which is free as fuck btw), blasted the enemy top laner, and got ranked 1st of all 10 on OP.gg with an 8.7/10 while my team was 5th,6th, 9th, and 10th. Yet I had to listen to them for 45 minutes unironically believe that I was the issue. Like the anger of losing promos for the second time today after losing nearly 200+ lp to trolls is just pity.
For a fun example, I got berated by my adc because I did "only" 26k damage with Iceborn, Locket, Athens, Randuins. and a Forbidden Idol. Which was still higher than 3/5 of their team including 10k damage on the enemy adc. As a TANK
Yes, ARAM has an MMR system too, and it probably takes into consideration some other factors at the start (low level account, normals MMR). The games are incredibly bland, and queue times are super long, so it's incredibly grindy to try to level up that way.
Are you ending bot games too quickly? Last time I played bot games (any game mode really) it's something like 12 minutes before you get any exp, then it's based on game time.
4 1v9s in a row and I get demoted back down from the promotion I had to do twice in one day. This game is truly insufferable. You'd think that after you spend years significantly higher ranked AND have completed the same promo 5 times this season, it MIGHT be possible that you don't belong in the rank you're in.
I'm sure it definitely isn't the mid laner who left 10 minutes into the game, or the the jungle maokai who started Q and flashed under tower to give your laner first blood before minions spawned.
I gave up leveling smurf, decided to record and see how long queue for draft for sublvl 30 draft queue is on a second PC.
Answer; infinitely long.
I find soloqueue so frustrating right now. Its obvious to me that the best way to play right now is with strong lanes and a high pick potential. Like pro play everywhere is exactly these teamcomps. Like every game in pro is basically Galio + Shen + Ashe + Thresh + Hecarim / Lillia vs TF / Panth + Neeko / Renekton + Jhin / Senna + Nautilus / Ali / Braum + Nidalee / Olaf / Graves... Guaranteed CC all over the place, and then whichever jungler has best matchup wins.
But then like soloequeue is all just shit like Fiora, Teemo, Akali, Quinn, Zed, Yasuo, Kass, Jayce, Kha, Sona, Yuumi, Ezreal, Lucian and Lulu... and its just like.. How do you expect a jungler to influence these lanes when you have no CC + escape, and the guy you're laning against has CC + escape. Then when they start losing lane its just pure spam pings and shit when like... Dude, doesn't matter what jungler I pick, I can't kill Ezreal + Pyke that have twice your gold when you're playing Aphelios + Lulu. Or the Quinn thats getting beat up by a teemo with a mushroom field, sorry I actually can't get to him to kill him because he's got priority and vision and will run away. Sorry Yasuo, i actually can't kill that Zed thats pushing you in, because again... He has priority and vision, and just presses W even if I go.
You just can't pick shit like that and expect your jungler to be able to help you, no matter how much you flame him or tell him to pick a different champion. If you have zero gank assist its your fault that your jungler isn't listening to your beck and call. He just can't do anything unless he's hard fed, the other jungler isn't there, AND the other laner either has zero map awareness OR fucks up really bad and hard engages when the jungler just happens to be there... and no jungler ever in the history of LoL has gotten hard fed by going to lanes with no gank assist, so unless you're legit the only win conditon on the team (say Twitch ADC, or Tryn when the other team has no mobility / ability to match the split push), guess what, the jungler is going somewhere the fuck else.
You pick Quinn and lose 1v1 then flame your jungler? You should honestly have to play 15 games as a jungler and have to answer a quiz about the jungle role before you can pick anything other role.
So dumb.
Anyone have thoughts on my Spellbook Amumu's Cinderhulk -> Blade of the Ruined King -> Witt's End -> Stoneplate -> Sanguine Blade build? Because I tried to express my thoughts in the game, but realized toxicity reports exist
I'm starting to consider anyone that doesn't build DD on a melee champion as borderline griefing regardless of what they play. That item... is... so... fucking... broken.
It really is. I had a DD Shyv tank my Draven AA like a full Armor Malphite, was doing less than 100 dmg per AA with BT and IE, which she healed every DD proc. The comparison was easy because the game really did have a tank Malphite, and I found it easier to kill him once I had ArPen. Ended the game doing about 25% more dmg than the next person, but that wasn't enough to kill Shyv, apparently Mercs/DD/Deadman Plate/Steraks/Magic resist lets you tank for over 15s Draven with Q buff Greaves/IE/BT/Dominik ArPen/RFC for only half health.
The only counter to melee DD users is to kite them to infinity, and not let them do dmg. This is also the counter to any champion...
op.gg ranks me 9.6/10, lose a 1v9. The enemy top was afk for 5 minutes and was still more valuable than my entire team
Verbally abused by my team for 30 minutes straight as I 1v9, I really should just uninstall this trash game
I'm so glad Riot allows you to report someone for intentionally feeding your game for going 0/14, then also lets that person get in your immediate next game so they can go 2/10
Riot has decided I'm not allowed to win anymore. 2-8 in my last 10, with 4 OP.gg 1st place finishes (a 10/10 and a 9.9 in there), 3 2nds, 2 3rds, and a 4th. Nine of those 10 games I've had one or fewer teammates in the top half, and if I don't count barely skating into 5th, only 4 of those 10 games do I have a fellow member of the top 4. Only TWO games did I have a single teammate join me in the top 3.
I hate it when the matchmaking gives me either 20/80 or 80/20 win rate. I want to have my fun normally instead of suffering every second week and stomping people league below me every other week.
I fucking hate the junglers I get in my team who always pick one of Kayn Yi or Ekko and proceed to run it down in the most idiotic ways, even when they get ahead all they do is try to 1v3 and throw
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