One of the biggest things that triggers me is watching my top laner go 0/3 to someone while they're both building triforce (or any other item), and yet they continue to race toward the same item with the person 3 kills of gold ahead of them.
The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 684
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United States11944 Posts
One of the biggest things that triggers me is watching my top laner go 0/3 to someone while they're both building triforce (or any other item), and yet they continue to race toward the same item with the person 3 kills of gold ahead of them. | ||
Belgium4600 Posts
Also cleaver mallet combo has very few champs that build it ![]() | ||
United States11944 Posts
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Germany4194 Posts
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United States11944 Posts
Today's quote of the day was getting told that I shouldn't play ranked anymore. For context, our team was 9/15 and I was 8/1 but apparently I'm the issue. | ||
United States11944 Posts
My Mid laner telling me (the support pyke) that I "don't want to play with Pyke, he doesn't play support correctly". I ended the game 3k-5k gold ahead of all 9 players in the game, 15/6/14, 3rd highest damage in the game behind both adcs, and an S while said Cassio went 5/2/10 and built Rage Blade | ||
United States11944 Posts
Literally un fucking believable | ||
United States2515 Posts
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Germany4194 Posts
Imo anyone who writes ggez or ez in the last minute of the game should be picked up by the system, and if you do it too often you get placed in lower priority queue, preferably with a big warning that scares them like 'you're account has been flagged for unsportsmanlike behaviour'. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
What the actual fuck? I did more damage solo than both my solo laners and my support combined. I've never had such bad teammates before. Not once. | ||
Belgium4600 Posts
It's very annoying, but that's extremely rare. I've - once again - uninstalled the game after I just couldn't be arsed any longer to care about not flaming. Everything irked me. The way adcs are unwilling to follow up on cc, the way they miss cs or go ham for no reason and die, or just get caught for the most stupid shit or die 2 v 1 because overextension or how they don't take your lantern. The way supports don't help you cs under turret or the countless times a Nautilus thinks he's a tanky boy but just gets blown up because he doesn't realize he's NOT tanky or people who picked squishy champs (like Lux or Zyra) just endlessly feed because they can't respect the cc on the enemy botlane or how the support stands behind you for most of the laning phase but then blames you for not being able to cs. The way midlaners just get clapped mid over and over and then the enemy mid comes bot or top to snowball lanes and when you check the enemy turret it's STILL higher hp than your own mid tier 1. Like, what have you been doing if you're not mid getting plates? The way jungle gets vastly outjungled (like 2-3 lvls and 30+ cs for no apparent reason), or when you perfectly set up ganks, ping for help, and then they blatantly ignore you. Same critique for top as for mid basically. I just couldn't stomach all those things anymore. I just started flaming the shit out of people the second things went wrong because all those little things happened so many times before this same exact thing. It's like watching one of those fail compilation vids and there's one of those vids of people sitting in swings (or merry-go-round) thinking they won't fall, but fall anyway because of physics. Or the one where people hang onto a rope that swings over water and they instantly fall when they lift their feet off the ground because they underestimate their grip strength. | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
In what world does it make sense to turn Akali and Leblanc into assassin+tanks. The reason their win rate was "low" was because people that suck at them played them, not because the champions are weak. Like wtf. ARAM in high MMR has almost become who has the most ARAM giga buffed champs, it's so fucking stupid. | ||
United States4029 Posts
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Germany4194 Posts
- The 2 highest winrate champs (60% wtf), Cait and Ez, are also top 5 playrate, but aren't nerfed. Cait has 70% winrate in the first 15 minutes of the game, 65%+ in games longer than 35 minutes. - The Dark Harvest Ludens combo, often with Liandries, is giga broken and the reason why Morg is so strong (not her binding, that's the second reason). Being able to harass someone for 1/5 to 1/4 of their health just from hitting a minion and then Ludens procing DH Liandries has no real counter play except afking. This is reflected in her winrate, Ludens into Liandries has a 5% higher winrate than anything else, but only 10% of players build them first. - People don't understand how broken Presence of Mind is: anyone who goes Muramana or Arcane Comet or Lethal Tempo on Varus should be reported. I haven't lost a Varus game going full Lethality DH Varus with Presence of Mind in weeks, you kill the enemy team so often you don't need mana regen. - People not understanding that Qiyana can one shot tanks with her full combo, squishies with just two abilities. And she can tower dive from the very start of the game. You're completely right, winrate for most ARAM champs is a result of people being bad on them. I have seen so many bad LB players who try to kill people with chains instead of double jumping or are afraid to use double Q to harass. Or they run snowball and think using W to run back to land one Q is a legit form of harass. if you play her properly, you can blow up anything with a full combo, and end the game with most damage. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
My support first picked Janna. Next round top locks in lulu to counter pick Quinn, and mid locks in their OTP Karma. So me and ADC last pick both see our comps lack of damage + overload and take carry Champions in Jax and Kog. Great we have an awesome comp with two carry threats and big support pressure / peel. Obviously, our win condition is me and Kog getting big, so I played that way. I farmed heavily and made sure bot won with warding pressure and counterganks. Mid and top got ganked a lot by Olaf, and lost lane... But at 20 minutes me me and Kog both have 5 kills and the most farm on the game. Games free because we have a free farmed Koh and Jax with triple support. 23 minutes there's a Baron fight where they manage to lock down Kog and kill him, but I 1v2 Quinn + Ashe in the back line and score a Pentakill, win the fight 5 for 2, we take Baron and reset... But Lulu just starts hard flaming in chat about how I'm a worthless jungler that didn't play for the team and I don't deserve to win, and he AFKs. I mean... I didn't gank top and he took a ton of pressure... But like... What the fuck look at our comp. What kind of jugger-Maw comp is reliant on Lulu winning top lane?! Meanwhile we get 4th and 5th drakes for free. Meanwhile, Karma buys into what Lulu was saying and just stands in fountain flaming me for not having solo Lane and playing around Kog all game while Olaf solo won top and mid. I let Olaf get the first three drakes and traded for free rift heralds and personal farm. They flame me for using rifts to give tower/ plate gold to just me and kogmaw. But like... Who cares that top and mid lost?! Lulu ult + sheep / shield, plus Karma shield & speed with Janna peel and triple ardent... Game is free. And so despite having two fed hard carries and a full support composition that can't lose lategame being ahead 4k gold at 25 minutes, we lose the game... After the Jax Pentakill. Games 3v5 at this point and the event team still can't end or win because they can't get through towers without me and Kog shredding them. We finally lose at 43 minutes to a baron'd up enemy team with Elder drake. Even then, if Karma and Lulu get their head out of their ass we win the game easily. My mind is fucking blown. I don't understand man. How do you lock in such support Champions and then get mad when the game isn't played through you? It. Doesn't. Make. Sense. I fostered the compositions win condition perfectly. We were in a position to never lose a fight again and steamroll through the enemy base. This fucking community dude. What the fuck. | ||
United States11944 Posts
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Germany4194 Posts
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United States11944 Posts
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United States11944 Posts
Gotta love the good old ranks you 1st and the rest of your team 7-10th for your final promo game. Fuck this game | ||
Canada10660 Posts
![]() It's literally impossible to lose these games.... I hate it. I'm trying to lose for a lower queue time. My last game I laned against an MF & Morg, double kill at level 1. Made a pact with myself to no-rush 20 minutes it. Literally didn't trade once. at 20 minutes MF had 44 CS to my 188. I won the last teamfight with a quadra kill by literally A-clicking and alt tabbing. 16 - 1. I just want to play fair duo lane games man. What the hell Riot. | ||
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