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United States2131 Posts
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6170 Posts
On October 27 2011 10:48 AwayFromLife wrote: Please, try to rationalize to me a world in which Zilean makes any fucking sense and isn't completely broken in every aspect, k? q.q its hard playing zilean. You have to chose between ulting the guy who will rage the most when he dies and the guy who will do the most damage... but idk i guess you can play zilean as a support if you want o.O his speed buff / slow is damn useful and his ult-boting is so good... | ||
United States2131 Posts
On October 27 2011 10:56 AwayFromLife wrote: You don't. Fucking 700 range spell targeted that can hit for 20% of the target's health each time. Have fun trying to stay in lane against that. bet you think you'd win every game if not for your teammates am i rite loooooooooooooooooool | ||
United States1817 Posts
On October 27 2011 10:56 AwayFromLife wrote: You don't. Fucking 700 range spell targeted that can hit for 20% of the target's health each time. Have fun trying to stay in lane against that. Hey, Sir RageALot Magic resistance deals with the bombs very easily and can be purchased with the starting gold, runes, and masteries afforded to all sumoners when they enter the Rift. Please stop bitching in the general discussion thread. Sincerely, The Association of Competency and Knowledge | ||
United States9109 Posts
On October 27 2011 10:48 AwayFromLife wrote: Please, try to rationalize to me a world in which Zilean makes any fucking sense and isn't completely broken in every aspect, k? well if you're talking about arranged 5s or competitive play, where there are very few deaths and zilean can negate even more of them, then i agree with you, fuck zilean, ban his ass if you're talking about solo queue then there are tons of ways to deal with zilean. if he's playing support bottom lane, just grab janna to counter. shield is a lot more mana efficient and you'll eventually negate enough of zilean's damage that his mana:damage ratio won't be worth it any more. if you cant manage to get janna, then just walk into creeps every time you eat a bomb. he'll push the lane and eventually starve his own carry of creeps while you can last hit under tower. he can be a pain to gank, yes, but with smart play you can negate his ability to escape. his speed boost is much greater than the slow from red buff, BUT if you can hold your stun ability until during his speed boost (effectively wasting half or all of it) you can apply red buff afterwards to destroy him. alternately in a gank you can wait til he applies the speed buff to himself then go for his lane partner or vice versa. if you're talking about solo queue, solo lane zilean, you can just essentially pick someone that can farm from range and scales better than zilean. kennen is essentially a hardcounter to zilean (but then again kennen is a bitch in his own right and if you pick kennen then someone on the other team will be posting on these forums saying "who the fuck designed this piece of shit rat") because he outputs enough AOE burst that zilean's ult won't be enough to negate it in a teamfight and kennen lanes spectacularly against zil. karma is also strong against zil, as is ryze. in teamfights you just need to make a conscious decision to either (a) focus zilean down, forcing him to ult himself, then jump on his teammates; or (b) focus someone down UNTIL they're ulted, then switch back to them after the ult has worn off. it takes discipline which is something a lot of players lack. the thing about zilean is that he's very front-loaded. he does massive damage in 2 bombs and throws down his ult and a speed boost.... and then has really long cooldowns and is ineffective in a teamfight for a while. like i said, in arranged play, fuck that, he's OP. but in solo queue you just need to surge on his team when his burst is down. i hope that helps a little | ||
United States11285 Posts
On October 27 2011 10:56 AwayFromLife wrote: You don't. Fucking 700 range spell targeted that can hit for 20% of the target's health each time. Have fun trying to stay in lane against that. You realize thats like... his job right? Just farm what you can and then when he gets retarded kill him. After about level 14 he can't really do anything useful except ult people. | ||
United States496 Posts
On October 27 2011 10:56 AwayFromLife wrote: You don't. Fucking 700 range spell targeted that can hit for 20% of the target's health each time. Have fun trying to stay in lane against that. If you're blindly going into a lane vs Zilean then it's possible that he can really hard-counter you into oblivion. If this is a normal game, that may happen- since your runes and masteries may not match up vs him. In leiu of rune/mastery preparation, or even counterpicking (morgana/sivir): Buy a ton of healing potions. 1 Healing potion outheals 2 lvl 1 bombs. It costs Zilean 60+60 mana to land 2 lvl 1 bombs on you. Add another 50 if he uses rewind. Healing potions will outlast a Zilean's mana pool in the long run. You may not win the lane, but you can make it an even trade. Even better: If he bombs you, let the bomb hit minions so his harass pushes the lane so he can get ganked. It usually takes more than 20% of his mana to do his "20% damage" to you. As long as you can stay ahead of that resource curve, you're fine. Most people get double-bombed by him and get scared. This is the wrong mentality. Right after a doublebomb is the best time to counterattack (same mentality vs most bursty chars). If you back off after his burst, then you're just letting him attack whenever his burst potential comes back. After a burst combo all he can do is autoattack, run, or slow you. Force him to use ONE HUNDRED mana on time warp to escape your retaliation. This is how you fight against Zilean, Sion, Gragas, Chogath- anyone with bursty combos that make you flinch. Don't flinch and you'll have won the mindgames. | ||
United States441 Posts
On October 27 2011 10:57 TieN.nS) wrote: bet you think you'd win every game if not for your teammates am i rite loooooooooooooooooool Fuck no, team work required always. Zilean nullifies whatever lane he's in. Period, all stop. Game is a 4v5 from there, hence why he's always fucking banned. | ||
United States2474 Posts
edit: On another note, since ability range was brought up and I'm not sure how well-known this is: Ability ranges are measured differently than autoattack ranges. Ability ranges are clearly centered on your champion; I think autoattack ranges measure from the front of your champ. In effect, your autoattack range is actually about 125 units larger than the game says it is (some easy examples: Ryze autoattack and Q have the same range; Zilean auto outranges his Q; Corki auto outranges the distance you can put the center of his Q). | ||
United States249 Posts
On October 27 2011 11:08 AwayFromLife wrote: Fuck no, team work required always. Zilean nullifies whatever lane he's in. Period, all stop. Game is a 4v5 from there, hence why he's always fucking banned. so do you think leblanc is broken also | ||
United States33802 Posts
Zilean's bombs really are annoying. You have to almost get a MR rune page, or get an early NMM. He's annoying, but not unbeatable. | ||
United States9006 Posts
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United States1817 Posts
On October 27 2011 11:35 overt wrote: He has some really serious mana problems. Like Zilean is gonna be oom before he can kill you if you buy three pots. And since like, almost every AP carry goes boots plus 3 pot... Or you just open NMM + 2 against Zil and win basically automatically with just MRes blues. It messes with his mana bar so much because he's doing like half the damage he expects to do to you and you don't really need the movespeed against him early on (early being defined as before you farm 350g to go buy the boots if you're playing a champ who's spells don't match or exceed Time Bomb range) | ||
United States5348 Posts
edit: just pointing it out kus i think running full mr page against him is a bit of an overreaction edit2: also galio is really funny kus he combines both. bomb me? *shields* lol ty for teh hp brah | ||
United States9109 Posts
On October 27 2011 12:04 barbsq wrote: zil also gets crushed by shields and sustain edit: just pointing it out kus i think running full mr page against him is a bit of an overreaction edit2: also galio is really funny kus he combines both. bomb me? *shields* lol ty for teh hp brah to be fair, galio's heal only procs on auto attacks, not spells but yeah you can eat the bomb and run out to the creeps to heal up | ||
United States5348 Posts
On October 27 2011 12:07 gtrsrs wrote: to be fair, galio's heal only procs on auto attacks, not spells but yeah you can eat the bomb and run out to the creeps to heal up u sure? i'm pretty sure its all dmg, and thats also what it says on the wiki's_Sorrow edit: ya, the more i think about it... i remember a specific case where a ww q would heal me more than it did him cause of how much ap and mr i had | ||
United States9109 Posts
On October 27 2011 12:09 barbsq wrote: u sure? i'm pretty sure its all dmg, and thats also what it says on the wiki's_Sorrow hmmm from the days that i played galio i remember it being only upon auto attacks otherwise how would DoTs work? like a constant heal back up to full? i guess i will test tonight to find out for sure | ||
United States1446 Posts
Shyvana Mechanics Preview. Seems nothing like DK from DotA :O EDIT: Fuck, got beaten to it last page. My bad guys. Hiding now. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
I wonder why he's releasing it today huehuehuehue | ||
United States11285 Posts
On October 27 2011 12:17 WaveofShadow wrote: Fiddlesticks Champ Spotlight. I wonder why he's releasing it today huehuehuehue I've already got the RP ready for this skin. It could pull a "Magestic" TF on me and I would still get it. | ||
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