She's weak at pushing and has difficulty dishing out damage if she isn't allowed to focus a target for silver bolt (8% true damage after 3 consecutive hits) to take effect.
[Discussion] Patch Notes - Page 94
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Canada5484 Posts
She's weak at pushing and has difficulty dishing out damage if she isn't allowed to focus a target for silver bolt (8% true damage after 3 consecutive hits) to take effect. | ||
Chile4253 Posts
Anyone else noticed that this latest patch is called v1.0.0.118, but the last one was v1.0.0.116? On the first post of this thread, Neo has a heading calling it "Patch Live on May 11th, 2011", and if you check out the spoiler just below, the first line from the actual patch notes says "League of Legends v1.0.0.118" :p | ||
Poland366 Posts
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Russian Federation4235 Posts
At the first glance, she is very friendly to Sheen because of a 2sec CD spell that also deals bonus damage. However, her Q doesn't deal bonus flat damage, it basically makes her next auto deal 175% of her current AD. With just Triforce the damage on your Q is base * 1.75 + base * 1.5 (sheen proc) + bonus * 1.75 where bonus is 30 AD from Triforce, so in the end you get: base * 3.25 + 52.5 damage. Without sheen-based items your damage is just (base + bonus) * 1.75. Substract base * 1.75 and you get the following equation: base * 1.5 + 52.5 = bonus * 1.75, which describes the bonus damage from other AD items needed to match Q's damage with just Triforce. It, of course, depends on level, but here are the select few: Level 9: 98 Level 12: 106 Level 15: 114.5 Level 18: 120 So at level 9 Triforced Q deals as much damage as you would deal with a charger Bloodthirster, and generally the cost of AD needed to match the damage does not exceed the cost of Triforce itself. Sure thing, Triforce gives a ton of other stats (including AP which is 100% wasted), but AD also boosts your autos and your E which is essentially a physical damage nuke with 1:1 bonus AD ratio. So think twice before incorporating Triforce in your build because just Sheen procs are not enough and your total DPS is much greater with pure damage items. That is if her Q actually includes bonus AD in the damage boost, if it doesn't, these calculations are worth nothing, lol. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
She's pretty much spending the entire time rolling around instead of just standing still and autoattacking. I'd go with triforce on this one. How abusive is tumble with 40% cdr btw? 1.2 second ftw? There's probably an ideal amount of attack speed and cdr that vayne can have without wasting any of either stat while spamming tumble on cooldown. | ||
United States6862 Posts
i'm pretty bad though so ![]() | ||
Poland5551 Posts
On May 12 2011 03:38 BluzMan wrote: (some stuff about triforce proc) You don't actually build triforce with triforce proc in mind, it is a free bonus. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States17077 Posts
Especially to the slow + proc, not so much to the MS. dat phage proc. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
Get MPen Mastery in offense, full movespeed in utility. Ignore MP5. DSword vs easy lanes or at bot lane Boots+Pots for solo top. Rush Bloodrazor -> Wits End OR SotD ---> Banshees -> Phantom Dancer/Triforce (starting with zeal) --> GA You can thank me later. =P | ||
United States12679 Posts
On May 12 2011 05:39 r.Evo wrote: 14 0 16 Get MPen Mastery in offense, full movespeed in utility. Ignore MP5. DSword vs easy lanes or at bot lane Boots+Pots for solo top. Rush Bloodrazor -> Wits End OR SotD ---> Banshees -> Phantom Dancer/Triforce (starting with zeal) --> GA You can thank me later. =P I wasn't aware Vayne does any magic damage at all. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
On May 12 2011 06:27 Ryuu314 wrote: I wasn't aware Vayne does any magic damage at all. Bloodrazor/WE/SotD are all magic damage procs. Dunno if it's worth the runes though...I'd probably use AS reds. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On May 12 2011 06:31 WaveofShadow wrote: Bloodrazor/WE/SotD are all magic damage procs. Dunno if it's worth the runes though...I'd probably use AS reds. I'm running ArPen, I'm pretty sure it's the strongest for runes since most of your early damage is physical and I itemize AS all day later on. I prolly write some short guide on her in a few days, I feel that theorycrafting with LP (+Locodocos comments what he wants to try out) made me figure her out pretty quickly. =D | ||
Finland4559 Posts
* Fiddlesticks: The update for Fiddsticks pushes him in an AP direction and makes him more consistent, which we like, but the numbers are wrong. You'll see a buff to at least AP ratios, perhaps more. I expect this in the patch after next. * Garen: Again, there's a lot of hyperbole that Garen is trash or unusable, and from all the data we see, that's not the case. However, he could still use a little nudge. We want to make his ult castable during Judgment, and probably a small AD ration increase on it. * Lee Sin, the Blind Monk: Lee Sin has come into his own as an amazing jungler, but does fall off too early. No details on changes yet, but we're looking to add better late-game scaling without improving jungle speed. Annie: Disintegrate Ability power ratio increased to .7 from .6 Damage reduced to 80/125/170/215/260 from 90/130/170/215/260 Incinerate Ability power ratio increased to .8 from .6 Damage reduced to 85/135/185/235/285 from 85/145/205/265/325 Mana cost reduced to 80/95/110/125/140 from 80/100/120/140/160 Summon: Tibbers No longer gives experience on death gold bounty increased to 50 from 15 Now gains health per rank: 1200/1600/2000 Now gains armor per rank: 30/50/70 Now gains magic resist per rank: 25/45/65 Lowered the duration to 45 seconds from 60 seconds Area-of-effect burn damage is now 35 at all ranks from 40/60/80, but now has a 0.2 ability power ratio | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
I didn't think annie was bad per say but there was a certain caster who built tank items and ended up with more damage. | ||
United States3977 Posts
On May 20 2011 04:01 Slayer91 wrote: Straight up buff for Annie after about 100 AP, so basically catalyst deathcap became more obvious of an opening to go on her. Nerf to early game and incinerate meaning stacking magic pen is slightly less efficient so haunting guise might lose some popularity. I didn't think annie was bad per say but there was a certain caster who built tank items and ended up with more damage. MUNDO! | ||
United States47024 Posts
On May 20 2011 04:01 Slayer91 wrote: Straight up buff for Annie after about 100 AP, so basically catalyst deathcap became more obvious of an opening to go on her. Nerf to early game and incinerate meaning stacking magic pen is slightly less efficient so haunting guise might lose some popularity. I didn't think annie was bad per say but there was a certain caster who built tank items and ended up with more damage. I still think Annie's biggest issue is how easy it is to anti-carry her--low spell ranges + no inherent escape + poor kiting ability + low baseline survivability makes life hard for her when tanky anti-carries are the name of the game. | ||
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
On May 20 2011 04:48 TheYango wrote: I still think Annie's biggest issue is how easy it is to anti-carry her--low spell ranges + no inherent escape + poor kiting ability + low baseline survivability makes life hard for her when tanky anti-carries are the name of the game. If you build like a rod of ages of something before deathcap all you need to do is initiate with your combo and if irelia burns everyone on you to kill you she's wasted her time because 75% of your damage is already done. Rod of ages is 1710 from catalyst for 80 ap + mana/hp so it's not a bad investment. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On May 20 2011 06:38 Slayer91 wrote: If you build like a rod of ages of something before deathcap all you need to do is initiate with your combo and if irelia burns everyone on you to kill you she's wasted her time because 75% of your damage is already done. It's only "75% of your damage" because of how likely you are to die so early in a fight. A 4 sec CD single-target nuke and an 8 sec CD AoE nuke have the potential to put out strong additional damage throughout a fight, not just as part of her initial combo (especially when both spells are getting a ratio buff), it's just that she can't expect to be able to do so, which is why Annie falls behind casters with similar damage numbers that ALSO have the ability to stay alive for a second or third round of spells (such as the "certain caster" you mentioned previously). | ||
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