q applies on hit effects so when ur Q hits 2 things with a fully stacked bloodthirster u heal for quite a bit as a mf if ur using ur steroid and right clicking,instead of being fluid in battle and moving back and forth as ur Q comes back on cd,using E to slow,using ur ult when u have the opportunity and only rightclicking when u have to why aren't u playing a diffrent carry such as kogmaw or trist,to take advantage of the steroid and the range i dont think ur way of playing mf is optimal
I'm kind of overismplifying things when I say press w and right click, lol. What you describe is what I do actually, moving in and out. I try to get an auto or 2 off with my q if possible, always, and that's where I like the crit. Plus if you have a team with good peeling it allows you to auto more and thus the IE benefits there a lot more.
I generally would do IE + LW and BT later on in the game though. Something like boots + IE->LW-> banshees/vamp-> vamp/banshee's->BT (I try to work in a vamp scepter asap after IE + LW). Last item dependent on the game. There are times in fights when you can press w and right click, although not always. What you do is all based on positioning but that's kind of the same with all ranged carries. Does that sound entirely bad? o.O
And kogmaw is way too squishy and has no escape. Real hard to protect unlike MF with her passive + e. Trist is a good choice I just suck with her for some reason. :D I'm no locodoco </3
i mean if ur doing what i just described bt is probably a better option
On April 16 2011 20:43 locodoco wrote: bt->cait,mf,ezreal,urgot carrys that have high ad ratios on thier spells and cannot crit or they dont auto much in teamfights ie->trist,ashe,twitch carrys that rely on thier auto to do damage cleaver->corki cuz corki has shit ad ratios and gattling + cleaver is real Cait: 1.3 on Q, 6 sec CD. 0.217 AD per sec Ashe: 1.0 on W, 4 sec CD. 0.25 AD per sec
Cait deals less damage for each subsequent target, Ashe always the same damage for multiple targets. How does Cait rely more on spells than Ashe?
Cait's ult scales with AD. Ashe's scales with AP.
IMO the best MF build is SotO Tiamat Tiamat Tiamat GA. If there are two enemies right next to each other, they each take 215% damage from your Q!
Imo, I.edge vs BT is more a question of how much your damage can land on their carry vs how much you are forced to deal with their tanks first.
Sivir: you damage squishies using ricochet Cait: your Q extends quite far MF: Double-up can hit backrows pretty well
Compared to
Trist & Ashe: most realistically you have to clear the front row before you can deal any damage at all to the backrow champs. This simultaneously coincides with the fact that they don't scale at all with AD except volley and scale particularly well with crit.
But say you're miss fortune and cait and you're up against a team of 5 really tanky champs and there's no backrow to begin with, I would build I.edge over BT because you need the bigger spike damage to raise your threat level.
Ashe's kit makes it better for her to auto. lololol frost arrows. Also, volley doesn't fuck your auto attacks over.
cait can't do that. Q has a cast time, and she doesn't have a reliable slow, so she's not kiting as much as she just needs to try to keep on the edge and poke.
it's nice and all to compare part of one spells to part of another spell, but you're really being silly when you aren't even comparing the entire spell, let alone their whole kit and playstyle.
On April 16 2011 22:54 locodoco wrote: q applies on hit effects so when ur Q hits 2 things with a fully stacked bloodthirster u heal for quite a bit as a mf if ur using ur steroid and right clicking,instead of being fluid in battle and moving back and forth as ur Q comes back on cd,using E to slow,using ur ult when u have the opportunity and only rightclicking when u have to why aren't u playing a diffrent carry such as kogmaw or trist,to take advantage of the steroid and the range i dont think ur way of playing mf is optimal pretty much the reason i love thirster on mf so much
Rumble, the Mechanized Menace
Even amongst yordles, Rumble was always the runt of the litter. As such, he was used to being bullied. In order to survive, he had to be scrappier and more resourceful than his peers. He developed a quick temper and a reputation for getting even, no matter who crossed him. This made him something of a loner, but he didn’t mind. He liked to tinker, preferring the company of gadgets, and he could usually be found rummaging through the junkyard. He showed great potential as a mechanic. His teachers recommended him for enrollment at the Yordle Academy of Science and Progress in Piltover, where he may very well have become one of Heimerdinger’s esteemed protégés, but Rumble refused to go. He believed that Heimerdinger and his associates were “sellouts,” trading superior yordle technology to humans for nothing more than a pat on the head while yordles remained the butt of their jokes.
When a group of human graduates from the Yordle Academy sailed to Bandle City to visit the place where their mentor was born and raised, Rumble couldn’t resist the temptation to see them face-to-face (so to speak). He only intended to get a good look at the humans, but four hours and several choice words later, he returned home bruised and bloodied with an earful about how he was an embarrassment to “enlightened” yordles like Heimerdinger. The next morning he left Bandle City without a word, and wasn’t seen again for months. When he returned, he was at the helm of a clanking, mechanized monstrosity. He marched it to the center of town amidst dumbfounded onlookers and there announced that he would join the League of Legends to show the world what yordle-tech was really capable of, without hiding behind a foreign banner.
“Ugh, it’s gonna take forever to scrape your face off my suit!” - Rumble
Flamespitter: Rumble torches the area in front of him with his flamethrower dealing damage to all units in a cone for several seconds. While in the “Danger Zone,” this spell deals additional damage.
Scrap Shield: Rumble creates a shield blocking incoming damage for several seconds and granting a short duration speed boost. While in the “Danger Zone,” the shield’s strength and speed boost increase.
Electro-Harpoon: Rumble launches a missile that deals magic damage and applies a stackable slow on the target. A second shot can be fired for no additional cost within several seconds. While in the “Danger Zone,” the damage and slow percentage is increased.
The Equalizer (Ultimate): Rumble calls down a line of rockets over the target location. Enemies in the scorched area take damage over time and are slowed.
Junkyard Titan (Passive): Rumble's abilities cost heat. When Rumble is above 50 heat, he is in the "Danger Zone," causing all his basic spells to have additional effects. When Rumble reaches 100 heat he overheats, silencing himself and causing his physical attacks to deal additional magic damage. Rumble loses heat over time.
The passive gives a strong best scenario where you keep yourself near 50 heat at all time, unload danger zone spells during fights and finish it off with empowered attacks when everything is on cooldown.
United States47024 Posts
Is Rumble supposed to be an AP caster? Because if so, I think Riot managed the extremely difficult feat of creating an AP caster with even LESS utility than Brand.
Sounds like a tanky dps to me.
From everything I've heard, he reminds me of Chipper from HoN; but I guess we'll see.
Lol what? I read the passive first and thought that it sounds cool, but the "danger zone" effects just... increase the spells without anything interesting? So unimaginative.
His ultimate sounds like make it rain.
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
Guinsoo wrote: One cool point that's not well documented in this preview:
His Equalizer uses drag targeting. You get to choose the start location (detatched from your champion) and then drag for the direction it fires in.
Here is a clarification for how his heat works:
He starts at 0 heat with a maximum of (I think) 120. So they have no cost and add X amount to heat from you when you use them. Once you're in the danger zone (at least 50% heat), spells deal bonus damage. The ideal play is usually to cast just enough spells to stay in the danger zone, but sometimes it's worth it to cast extra spells, overheat yourself, and gain bonus damage from the passive. http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=8133379#post8133379 http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=8133449#post8133449
So his R is an AoE Skillshot that doesn't start from you. You're supposed to use your skills in a measure fashion, but when you really need burst you can go all out but then can't cast spells for a short while.
I wonder if you could cleanse his own self-inflicted silence? That would be pretty cool.
really bad imo
tanky mage #2 after ryze
Is he a melee champion? He's got a big mace...
tanky magic dps
Just what we needed coughcough
Riot REALLY tries hard to make yet another champ without a passive. Karma, Renekton, Rumble - they all actually have no passive, just their spells work better under some conditions, unlike brand who additionally gets %based damage to his spells.