On July 14 2011 05:03 calgar wrote: Is there any difference between 'legendary' and 'regular' besides RP cost?
In theory legendary skins are supposed to have higher-quality stuff like new voices and re-done models/effects. In practice, there are both shitty legendary skins without the aforementioned things (like Magnificent TF) and really good non-legendary skins with them (like Urfrider Corki), so no.
I'm pretty sure that's the only legendary skin that doesnt have one or more of the following:
Significant model changes new voice over new animations new particle effects
Most of the 975 rp ones have one of those except voice over
Can we please agree to wait 48 hours after the release of a champion before a thread is created about it? Failure to do so should result in closure and an automatic 2 day ban. Same for any champ thread that has no actual guide in the op and is just a copy paste of the lol wiki.
And kind of tagging along with the suggestion thread, we need to limit champ creation to those of us who are on a lot. If I do not recognize the name of the op of a champ thread, we have a problem.
yeah i must say, jarman thread is superb but where is love for galioshen threads? i poured my soul into the galio one too bad no one plays the gargoyle
On July 14 2011 05:38 gtrsrs wrote: yeah i must say, jarman thread is superb but where is love for galioshen threads? i poured my soul into the galio one too bad no one plays the gargoyle
They nerfed him so much it made me sad. I can't long range poke anymore because the missle for his Q is so slow
yeah back in the golden age of lol snowster and i would run galio + twitch and just wreck everything regardless of either teamcomp. i honestly think galio is a bit of an underused gem right now. he's my ideal tanky AP solo top, especially if you can get amumu as your jungler and/or MF in bot lane. you won't dominate top but teamfights should go superbly
Watching Jiji play Leona on stream. The base damage on her skills is actually REALLY low. That said, her 1.5 second stun has a pretty low CD, seems like tank/CDR (sorta like Cho) might be a good thing to try.
EDIT: Actually, watching Chauster play her in an actual game, I might have overstated how low her base damages are.
On July 14 2011 04:30 Shiv. wrote:Edit: I've been trying to get Tristana again and I really think something's messed up. I followed the official forum link and this is what happens:
It's a bit hard to get her yeah. You have to go in your Facebook options, delete the link with "Tristana Facebook" or something like that. Then, be sure you like the LoL official page. Then go back to the page to get her and it should work. I just played a game with her this afternoon and see I underestimated her. With good items she's just destroying. And with Q, she's like a gatling rocket launcher. :D And her E's passive is just freaking great to clear lanes. :O + Show Spoiler +
You can see here how low level players are bad at farming, they end the game not even being lvl18
Considering this pic above, I died 6 times because of fiddle. I was laning against him and he got me a few times with his skill that affraid me or something like that, and since I was building only AD he always had enough time to kill me. Any idea how I could avoid this situation ?