This is usually where I get to write something informative about product features, shipping and availability. But since you probably clicked the buy button midway through the last sentence I just want to share a couple of things, concerning your already placed order. You will receive one of the 300 jackets made in this batch. The best esports jacket will be delivered to you in the next couple of days. If you live in the US or EU the shipping was free for you. If you ordered internationally from the NA store the shipping charge is all well worth it because we are using Fedex International which is super fast and as reliable as a wood burning stove.
In case you were not able to get a jacket from this batch this won't be your last chance - we have a big batch in the works which should be done sometime in the summer.
The team shirt is back in the NA store too! The special thing about this batch is that it doesn't have any sponsor logos, it's the purest TL experience.
The team shirt is back in the NA store too! The special thing about this batch is that it doesn't have any sponsor logos, it's the purest TL experience.
Wow, this is the best part. I feel like you can wear it anywhere now.
I want one so badly but I'm not paying $130. Thanks, though, and good luck. I'm sure they'll sell out again. They look nice, but it's over my price point.
That's about the quickest I've ever thrown £74 at someone - perfect timing for them to come back in stock too, as my 2-year-old blue TL hoodie has just given up the ghost! :D
On March 04 2015 04:13 Inertiaddict wrote: I want one so badly but I'm not paying $130. Thanks, though, and good luck. I'm sure they'll sell out again. They look nice, but it's over my price point.
I dont know about prices in USA but here in Germany is ~89.99€ the most used price for Jackets.
Does anyone know how big the Small sized one is? Compared to the Small sized TL hoodie, maybe? I'm 5'4" and a skinny Asian male :O
Edit: Because the S TL Hoodie is listed as 34-36" chest (86-91 cm) but the S TL Jacket is listed as 54 cm chest (which if you 2x is 108 cm which is a Large in TL hoodie size). Confused :O Although when you zip the S TL Hoodie up it is super tight, I guess.
On March 04 2015 04:24 Jacmert wrote: Does anyone know how big the Small sized one is? Compared to the Small sized TL hoodie, maybe? I'm 5'4" and a skinny Asian male :O
Edit: Because the S TL Hoodie is listed as 34-36" chest (86-91 cm) but the S TL Jacket is listed as 54 cm chest (which if you 2x is 108 cm which is a Large in TL hoodie size). Confused :O Although when you zip the S TL Hoodie up it is super tight, I guess.
I'm 5'6" with short arms. The chest fits me well and the sleeves are a bit long. It zips up well and snug.