I smoked weed every day for about 5 years. For the last year of my smoking I was up to about 2/grams a day.
Withdrawal was definitely something I dealt with. It took about a week for me get my sleep schedule normal again, and about the same for eating. I found myself getting nauseous pretty frequently, had some headaches, and generally was in a shitty mood altogether. The thought that marijuana doesn't give withdrawal is just inherently wrong. Most information like this is based on decades old research, and pot is much, much strong today than it was back then. You're not going to have the same effects as opiate withdrawal, but if you smoke fairly regularly for an extended period some manner of withdrawal isn't uncommon. The drug counselor I had been seeing said it was usually about 10% of pot smokers can't quit the habit without some form of effect.
I'm coming up on 5 months sober, and though I do miss the occasional bong hit, I truthfully feel a lot better now than I did while smoking. The only place I really miss it is when I'm laddering SC2, I don't get "in the moment" the same way I used to, and somehow seem to have gotten much worse in my sober state haha
You obviously cant use your brain (hence the decision to smoke 2 grams a day for 5 years) enough to realize that if u were eating only french fries for the last 5 years and u suddenly stopped, u would feel the same way.
Well weed is different than French Fries as it have much more effect on the body and the mind.
Smoking weed everyday renders your neurological pathways into a messed up track. Regularly, you can feel happy. With weed, it accelerate the neuron reactions up. So when you do stop `getting` high, since your brain would already be used to the usual stimulant to continue on with your daily life, your mind won`t be able to bring its dopamine up in check at regular circumstances.
The idea response to this is go workout man, working out produces seratonin and just plainly ignite neurons to fire it up. You must work out to the amount of days you were high to mitigate the effect so that your brain would resume regular connections. Weed is a very nice drug but if you are currently smoking it everyday, you have 2 options. First being to stop that type of lifestyle, or to keep on assimilating the substance.
And the most irratating fact about the `withdrawals` is that it is a delayed effect. Every single time you smoke weed, it just stores a bit of the residues that your regular feedback system wouldn`t usually pass out of your body through the digestive tracts or respiration. It get stores in your fat, skins, nails, hairs, and etc. Your body will still process the remains of the THC, and only once the cells felt a drastic drop of THC, it will begin to react negatively. Well if you smoke 4 years, guess what. Your body is majority made up of THC, you won`t feel the effect in first week or the second one, but it will get worse as worse until your body re-train itself for adaption.
The bottom line is that of course anything to stimulate your body will have some form of negative effect once abstinence starts to take place. So it is important to know the appropriate amount of usage. You either continue the lifestyle unvoluntarily, or get ready for the whirlwind ahead.
I'm an oilhead. If you don't know what that means it means I smoke a lot more hash oil than most. Hash oil is a concentrate with THC values from 40%-90% usually. I can sit and take dabs like they are nothing and this was on a daily basis... ~3/4g to a g a day.
I've cut back to the point where I don't really smoke since classes have started.
With the amount of THC I'm normally consuming a sudden stop would have some withdrawals right? Well here it is, the almighty result of stopping my habit.
I shit less. Probably due to eating less since I'm not always hungry lol.
Granted being high to me wasn't special. It's not really more fun or anything since I never got more than a nice buzz. I smoked purely for pain relief (why I got a card =P) but being on campus has made this kind of hard to maintain. This may be why I don't really feel less happy or different that everyone talks about cause I never got much "social" fun or whatever out of it. Except this pain is kind of not fun.
I've also taken up quite a bit of cardio. That might be helping with any negative feelings too.
My 2 cents and smoke on TL.
On September 20 2012 10:26 ParkwayDrive wrote: also refering to the lsd discussions, what the tab look like? itll be easier for me to tell you what its worth or if its even lsd at that point
LSD is virtually always in liquid form, so it's often dropped onto things that can absorb it. Blotter papers are somewhat popular, though I've personally never seen one. They are little stickers with designs on them. It's also often dropped onto little candies or sugar cubes. When you take it this way, you let the item sit on your tongue and basically dissolve. I've had it dropped directly into my mouth a few times, which is the best way to take it really. You need to know someone with an entire vial, though.
Question: why do people drop it on candies and such if you can drop it straight into your mouth? Does it change the effect you get or something? They... just like candy? o.O
On September 22 2012 16:18 Grobyc wrote: Question: why do people drop it on candies and such if you can drop it straight into your mouth? Does it change the affect you get or something? They... just like candy? o.O
It's so individual doses can be stored. like if you want to buy 5 doses from someone and then give them to your friends later.
Ohh I see.
I almost think there should be a quakenet IRC channel for the high thread. I mean the ABL thread has one right?... #tl-high :D
On September 22 2012 16:24 Grobyc wrote: Ohh I see.
I almost think there should be a quakenet IRC channel for the high thread. I mean the ABL thread has one right?... #tl-high :D Dude definitely. Hoooly shit that'd be sick.
Anyway, I'm gonna be doing this LSD on Wednesday, woop! We're gonna ask for four tabs for fourty (so many 4s wtf). And I think today I'm gonna try and pick up some weed, been too long since I've smoked.
I made the channel, if you guys wanna join.
Sucks when you accidentally knock over your last bowl of weed and it goes all over the place. I just narrowly avoided this scenario.
cant be quakenet
try freenode
anyone baked and playing late at night like right now? looking for some chill sc2 practice while smoking some bowls lol hit me up
Drunk and high. I love beer farts so much.
just did some sunday toking. I was already pretty slow, before I even started, now the clock runs backwards. I am already pumped up for saturday tomorrow
EDIT Cool, I am now a zealot, thanks to the high thread
On September 17 2012 02:29 N3rV[Green] wrote: So if I get "addicted" to doughnuts and get depressed and sad and won't eat cause suddenly I'm fat and can't eat them anymore.....that's a withdrawal?
Sugar causes addiction you know? And you get withdrawal symptoms if you eat sugar every day and then suddenly quits.
Some people might get weed withdrawal symptoms and some might not - just as some people can drink caffeine every day for a year and then quit without withdrawal.
ANYTHING YOU DO regularly causes withdrawal symptoms. Even picking your nose.
Now on a side note, when did this thread turned into a debate? Have you ever tried playing ping-pong while being high? I'm having a blast right now.
On September 24 2012 04:04 tertos wrote: ANYTHING YOU DO regularly causes withdrawal symptoms. Even picking your nose.
Now on a side note, when did this thread turned into a debate? Have you ever tried playing ping-pong while being high? I'm having a blast right now.
omg i suck at pingpong when im high have no idea why, it is a hell of a lot of fun the first 20 minutes though
then im like fuck this lets go sit and smoke a bowl lawl
That irc channel would be so nice. Looking forward to play with some like minded people. I feel like my games are a lot better when I just smoked up?
I am a stoner. I smoke a couple joints a day on minimum, but yet I live in a society that does not slow down just for stoners. My goal everyday is to be the best functioning person and getting stuff done while still being able to smoke weed
Now im high, now things are fine. How can I be low when im high? This hasch is melting my hates and fears.