Sorry but I've stopped smoking weed, friends and relatives have stopped smoking weed, none have ever said they've had "withdrawal".
Only that they aren't high anymore.
Whereas when a friend was on meth, he had fucking WITHDRAWAL when that shit ran out, puking all over, fetal position, couldnt get up to piss had to piss on himself for a whooooole day.
Sorry if I don't sympathize with your "I'm not very hungry and I'm slightly less happy than I was when I was stoned all the time"
I really don't like people talking about "weed withdrawal" >.>
On September 16 2012 23:41 N3rV[Green] wrote: Really guys? We're back to "weed withdrawal"?
Sorry but I've stopped smoking weed, friends and relatives have stopped smoking weed, none have ever said they've had "withdrawal".
Only that they aren't high anymore.
Whereas when a friend was on meth, he had fucking WITHDRAWAL when that shit ran out, puking all over, fetal position, couldnt get up to piss had to piss on himself for a whooooole day.
Sorry if I don't sympathize with your "I'm not very hungry and I'm slightly less happy than I was when I was stoned all the time"
I really don't like people talking about "weed withdrawal" >.>
Theyre talking about tobacco withdrawal I think. Weed withdrawal is at most psychological.
On September 16 2012 23:41 N3rV[Green] wrote: Really guys? We're back to "weed withdrawal"?
Sorry but I've stopped smoking weed, friends and relatives have stopped smoking weed, none have ever said they've had "withdrawal".
Only that they aren't high anymore.
Whereas when a friend was on meth, he had fucking WITHDRAWAL when that shit ran out, puking all over, fetal position, couldnt get up to piss had to piss on himself for a whooooole day.
Sorry if I don't sympathize with your "I'm not very hungry and I'm slightly less happy than I was when I was stoned all the time"
I really don't like people talking about "weed withdrawal" >.>
Well, it's real. It's more than I'm not very hungry or I'm slightly less happy. I know people who have gotten severely depressed and don't eat at all. Personally I have only had the major loss of sleep because of withdrawals. While weed withdrawal isn't physical like Tobacco or Meth(lol to you even bringing up Meth in a weed discussion) it's mental and very real.
Yes, of course withdrawal is real. Just like any psychological withdrawal. Just like you can get psychologicaly addicted to cannabis you can get psychologicaly addicted to ANYTHING, so there is no need to discuss that kind of withdrawal.
Mental addiction (and withdrawal) can not be an argument against cannabis.
On September 17 2012 02:29 N3rV[Green] wrote: So if I get "addicted" to doughnuts and get depressed and sad and won't eat cause suddenly I'm fat and can't eat them anymore.....that's a withdrawal?
On September 17 2012 02:29 N3rV[Green] wrote: So if I get "addicted" to doughnuts and get depressed and sad and won't eat cause suddenly I'm fat and can't eat them anymore.....that's a withdrawal?
On September 17 2012 02:29 N3rV[Green] wrote: So if I get "addicted" to doughnuts and get depressed and sad and won't eat cause suddenly I'm fat and can't eat them anymore.....that's a withdrawal?
I mean, yeah...I guess. But that's not what we are talking about with weed withdrawal. I know several people, as well as myself, that can't sleep for 2-3 days after they(I) stop smoking
On September 17 2012 02:29 N3rV[Green] wrote: So if I get "addicted" to doughnuts and get depressed and sad and won't eat cause suddenly I'm fat and can't eat them anymore.....that's a withdrawal?
Yeah. Psychological withdrawal can have physical manifestations, too. Just like being stressed out can cause your immune system to weaken, etc. Not being able to sleep or eat are common effects of weed withdrawal, and it makes sense given that the drug can make you hungry and tired.
On September 18 2012 18:33 Kuja wrote: Just came to say your all very dashing gentleman.
You're lookin' quite dapper yourself.
Goddamnit I wanna smoke so bad. This guy who I work with says he knows a guy who sells kush, I'm buyin' that shit soon. It's been like three months, and then once a week ago. I miss it, man. And I'm looking for some hallucinogens as well, probably shrooms, acid, and DMT. In that order.
Can't wait to be high as the stratosphere. I just don't know when it's gonna be, fuck.
On September 18 2012 18:33 Kuja wrote: Just came to say your all very dashing gentleman.
You're lookin' quite dapper yourself.
Goddamnit I wanna smoke so bad. This guy who I work with says he knows a guy who sells kush, I'm buyin' that shit soon. It's been like three months, and then once a week ago. I miss it, man. And I'm looking for some hallucinogens as well, probably shrooms, acid, and DMT. In that order.
Can't wait to be high as the stratosphere. I just don't know when it's gonna be, fuck.
Make sure you wait at least a week in between psychedelics to get the full effects. Also the one time I did DMT was the most intense drug experience of my life.
On September 18 2012 18:33 Kuja wrote: Just came to say your all very dashing gentleman.
You're lookin' quite dapper yourself.
Goddamnit I wanna smoke so bad. This guy who I work with says he knows a guy who sells kush, I'm buyin' that shit soon. It's been like three months, and then once a week ago. I miss it, man. And I'm looking for some hallucinogens as well, probably shrooms, acid, and DMT. In that order.
Can't wait to be high as the stratosphere. I just don't know when it's gonna be, fuck.
Make sure you wait at least a week in between psychedelics to get the full effects. Also the one time I did DMT was the most intense drug experience of my life.
Yeah, I'm excited. Anything I should know? How was it for you?
Also, what is a good price for a single tab of LSD around the Philly area? My friend has a connection, and she said that 10 per drop is standard, but because she lives far away and she'd have to deliver it'd be 15.
On September 18 2012 18:33 Kuja wrote: Just came to say your all very dashing gentleman.
You're lookin' quite dapper yourself.
Goddamnit I wanna smoke so bad. This guy who I work with says he knows a guy who sells kush, I'm buyin' that shit soon. It's been like three months, and then once a week ago. I miss it, man. And I'm looking for some hallucinogens as well, probably shrooms, acid, and DMT. In that order.
Can't wait to be high as the stratosphere. I just don't know when it's gonna be, fuck.
Make sure you wait at least a week in between psychedelics to get the full effects. Also the one time I did DMT was the most intense drug experience of my life.
Yeah, I'm excited. Anything I should know? How was it for you?
Also, what is a good price for a single tab of LSD around the Philly area? My friend has a connection, and she said that 10 per drop is standard, but because she lives far away and she'd have to deliver it'd be 15.
10 per tab sounds pretty standard. The cheapest I ever got tabs for was 5$ a tab and that was from a close friend. 5 extra for delivery doesn't sound bad either :D
look i am as big a supporter of cannabis use that you will find but the fact is weed withdrawal is real. some people experience it more or less than others or not at all, but i can attest that after my worst binges (like a qtr a week for 5 months straight) i will not eat or sleep for 2 days and be pissed off for another 2 after that. then back to normal no biggie. but still for 4 days it sucks
i mean when doing something so awesome as getting high suddenly stops for whatever reason there are bound to be negative consequences. whether its in my head or not, it exists for me and others. so cannabis supporters please stop losing your credibility by making these claims just because your body handles it better than most.
edit: and just because there is some minor withdrawal in some cases is not a negative. i mean my dad gets headaches if he doesnt have coffee that day. the key is moderation with anything and withdrawal helps me keep that in perspective.