Frag, why can't it be quakenet? :O I personally use quakenet all the time, either way, I did some cool little device last night.
The only thing was, the one I smoked out of was for THC Oil, which the vial cost $100 for 2grams of oil, but holy shit, does it get you high. I got high as fuck with two hits. Only down side of it was the fact that those two hits only last like 3 hours, but you know what, it conserves a lot of Oil.
Been a good night I wonder if there's such a thing as listening to music too much. If there is, I listen to WAY too much music. Probabllyyyyyy......8 hours a day on average. Whenever I'm going anywhere I almost always have my earbuds in. What would you guys recommend listening to after toking?
On September 25 2012 09:50 ShoCkeyy wrote: Frag, why can't it be quakenet? :O I personally use quakenet all the time, either way, I did some cool little device last night.
The only thing was, the one I smoked out of was for THC Oil, which the vial cost $100 for 2grams of oil, but holy shit, does it get you high. I got high as fuck with two hits. Only down side of it was the fact that those two hits only last like 3 hours, but you know what, it conserves a lot of Oil.
1: it's called hash oil lol. 2: why in gods name would you waste oil smoking it through a vape? Use a rig man.
Last friday as I was driving my car a friend gave me some weed, it had been like 1 month since the last time I smoked but holy fucks, was I stoned or what? Felt like superman! Love driving while stoned, feel like Im flying and actually I drive better than most of the times.
On September 25 2012 09:50 ShoCkeyy wrote: Frag, why can't it be quakenet? :O I personally use quakenet all the time, either way, I did some cool little device last night.
The only thing was, the one I smoked out of was for THC Oil, which the vial cost $100 for 2grams of oil, but holy shit, does it get you high. I got high as fuck with two hits. Only down side of it was the fact that those two hits only last like 3 hours, but you know what, it conserves a lot of Oil.
1: it's called hash oil lol. 2: why in gods name would you waste oil smoking it through a vape? Use a rig man.
Stop making fun of me! This was my first try with this contraption. You young hooligans and your crazy new toys.
On September 16 2012 12:16 StateofReverie wrote: I have been fucked up for a very long time today, almost 12 hours. I get 45$/8ths though so I can smoke a lot more :D
I wonder how much you would smoke if you were getting the $25 8ths I was getting back in Oregon.
Im young though so I still might yet be able to find those kinds of prices
The only reason that is such a low price is because of the geographic location. Oregon has some of the best (and cheapest) weed in the US. Oregon, Washington, Colorado. Those are the three greatest states for weed. NOT California, the market there is flooded with mid-grade outdoor stuff and prices are way too high.
not if you have a card. buying weed from dealers is for rookies in cali
What's the greatest thing you guys have done while high? Like crazy, funny, awesome, whatever. Or where is the craziest place you've smoked(/whatever else you guys do)?
I've never really done anything too wild, nor smoked anywhere that wild either. One time I smoked in a forest while on the way to school, and came in while I was coming down. The world was still not the right shape though. Also one time, not too long ago, we went to a really old family friend's house. Like, I knew these people since I was two, and I only see them maybe once a year. They have this enormous yard though, and like horses n' shit, so my friend and I had some weed on us and we went off the road a bit into this clearing in the woods, and smoked up. Holy fuck. You have to understand that these people really didn't know me as anything but the little boy that has slowly grown up summer after summer, and the mere idea that I would do something like this was foreign. Which probably helped me out. Oh yeah, and this was during a fourth of July barbecue (this year), with shitloads of people and some other goody-two-shoe kids.
So I'm blazed as fuck and since I have synaesthesia (which is subtle when I'm not high), when I get stoned I get fucking whacked out as shit. Like. Like. I can't describe it. And then also I have ADD which wasn't getting treated at the time, so everything is like a symphonic blur of total incoherent shit. My friend doesn't get like that, so he kind of goes off and mingles with the people a bit, but I wait in the woods 'cause man, my eyes get super red and I get all stiff and other random shit. But eventually I go out into the party again and sit down with the "kids," who unbelievably have no idea we're blazed and just think we are two funny guys. And it's just kind of funny, we pulled it off, somehow. Was a pretty good time, though what I can remember is all dark and grainy and has the colors all... ah... contrasted? Hard to describe.
Then another time, we are walking around my neighborhood at twelve at night with the same friend, just chilling in the streets. You have to understand, my neighborhood has an eleven clock curfew. So we are truly high as Olympus walking around, and the at like one o' clock we see a fucking cop car. Oh shit! So we like avoid by taking another street, but then two minutes later he pulls up behind us and is like, "What are you guys doing walking around past curfew avoiding cop cars?" And my friend, who as I mentioned handles this shit better than I do, kind of explains we're like hanging out or whatever. I don't really remember all the details, but I remember he talks at us for like forever, and then takes our names down on a piece of paper. I just kind of chill at the back, looking out of it, and he looks suspicious but he doesn't have us on anything. Apparently there were some car vandals going around and he suspected us. I remember being fucking terrified though.
So what I have is pretty mundane, I'm sure you guys have some interesting stories though. And sorry for writing a lot of probably rambling shit, I'm a little hyped on amps.
On September 27 2012 09:41 CyDe wrote: What's the greatest thing you guys have done while high? Like crazy, funny, awesome, whatever. Or where is the craziest place you've smoked(/whatever else you guys do)?
I've never really done anything too wild, nor smoked anywhere that wild either. One time I smoked in a forest while on the way to school, and came in while I was coming down. The world was still not the right shape though. Also one time, not too long ago, we went to a really old family friend's house. Like, I knew these people since I was two, and I only see them maybe once a year. They have this enormous yard though, and like horses n' shit, so my friend and I had some weed on us and we went off the road a bit into this clearing in the woods, and smoked up. Holy fuck. You have to understand that these people really didn't know me as anything but the little boy that has slowly grown up summer after summer, and the mere idea that I would do something like this was foreign. Which probably helped me out. Oh yeah, and this was during a fourth of July barbecue (this year), with shitloads of people and some other goody-two-shoe kids.
So I'm blazed as fuck and since I have synaesthesia (which is subtle when I'm not high), when I get stoned I get fucking whacked out as shit. Like. Like. I can't describe it. And then also I have ADD which wasn't getting treated at the time, so everything is like a symphonic blur of total incoherent shit. My friend doesn't get like that, so he kind of goes off and mingles with the people a bit, but I wait in the woods 'cause man, my eyes get super red and I get all stiff and other random shit. But eventually I go out into the party again and sit down with the "kids," who unbelievably have no idea we're blazed and just think we are two funny guys. And it's just kind of funny, we pulled it off, somehow. Was a pretty good time, though what I can remember is all dark and grainy and has the colors all... ah... contrasted? Hard to describe.
Then another time, we are walking around my neighborhood at twelve at night with the same friend, just chilling in the streets. You have to understand, my neighborhood has an eleven clock curfew. So we are truly high as Olympus walking around, and the at like one o' clock we see a fucking cop car. Oh shit! So we like avoid by taking another street, but then two minutes later he pulls up behind us and is like, "What are you guys doing walking around past curfew avoiding cop cars?" And my friend, who as I mentioned handles this shit better than I do, kind of explains we're like hanging out or whatever. I don't really remember all the details, but I remember he talks at us for like forever, and then takes our names down on a piece of paper. I just kind of chill at the back, looking out of it, and he looks suspicious but he doesn't have us on anything. Apparently there were some car vandals going around and he suspected us. I remember being fucking terrified though.
So what I have is pretty mundane, I'm sure you guys have some interesting stories though. And sorry for writing a lot of probably rambling shit, I'm a little hyped on amps.
yeah, this is the sort of shit that just smacks me in the face. it never fucking happens like this to me. i just roll out, super old because i've smoked so much weed, like when i was younger. and then it's like the winds of the world take me and guide my thoughts and my voice in a way that i could never experience while sober. it's like i'm not even me.
i know you can't relate because it's like, just, insane to even try and convey these stories to people. but i know what you're talking about.
it's like the world just vanishes, cascading off in the distance. it never happens when i'm not high on weed. i need something to carry my thoughts. i don't know where my creativity goes. it's just this artistic feeling that takes me and whatever i do is just so perfect. like, i know, you're thinking, nobody is gonna agree with you. that's cool. it's not about what other people think. i'm not trying to write some kind of memoire of like, these were my experiences. i'm just saying that, you know, when you put all that stuff behind you, it makes you climb to the clouds so quick.
that's what i love about weed. it just frees my soul and separates my mind from the convulsing problems of my every day life. i'm pretty poor, so there are a lot. i'm sure if i had money then i'd feel different. being just a regular guy, not really remarkable in anyway, and not growing up in some privileged neighborhood going to the best private schools, my expectations are pretty low. it doesn't show through much, i think i hang with most crowds pretty well. i'm happy to see people in general and no matter how they esteem me it doesn't get to me.
i'm just an all round chill guy and i get a long well with everyone. i think a part of that is growing up rough, you know like they say, let's me smoke weed and not give into the wacky temptations that other clowns succumb to. it just depends on your background, how you behave. i never snatch another dude's chick, or whatever. you know, most guys, they just have this kind of the world attitude as their ambitions blast and their inhibitions drop. you can just do whatever you want for the most part; just don't mess with other people. some guys are real manipulative.
i could never do anything subtle like that because if i'm just concrete you know. like, i need to be alone at a lake in forest. i remember one time i feel down like jesus on the cross, except i was on a two by four dock. the next day my friend drown. it really affected me bad. i warned him not to drink.
i stayed away from weed for a time, like a couple days after that. i wanted to stay in master's league though so not long. anyway, i recovered but i didn't eat well. it sucked.
i had to stop smoking out of glass after that. i don't know why. i guess the ashes really felt sick to me. like i could feel the guilt wracking me, because i cared so much about my friend. i really did. it's tough to tell you what i mean.
i love just toking up these days, mostly with a vape, or you konw, something with water to cool things. that's what i'm about. being cool. you know, growing up without any frustration, not much conflict. it's different on the bottom side of things. without much hope for the future it's easy to just let things slide. there's no pain when some chick you like goes for another guy. it's not like you coulda bought her anyway. that's the sort of thing that i just let go easy, and other guys really suffer for. in a lot of ways i feel like i've got a perspective that helps me feel how other feel, no matter where they come from. rich guys they get all the women, have tons of kids, some out of wedlock. then there are problems, politics, all sorts of stuff that makes them burn up.
me, i never have to worry about that. as long as i stay away from h it's all good. if i can get my hands on some of that good honey oil then i'll probably make GM next season. no pressure though. just gotta stay cool, stay focused, stay collecting, and i'll be at the top eventuallly. whatever pretty much, i know how to make a quick buck if i need to, if i'm down and out. and that's good because nothing can rattle me.