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On July 06 2019 04:40 Acrofales wrote: I'm a bit confused what's going on over there. You seem to be getting the human mop as Prime Minister and he is bad enough, but he says he wants to dissolve parliament if they don't cooperate. He can't do that, but the Queen can. Would Queen Elizabeth actually go along and dissolve parliament if BoJo shows up and says "make it so"?
In any case, wouldn't that just trigger general elections, something the Tories seem dead set on avoiding?
On July 06 2019 04:40 Acrofales wrote: I'm a bit confused what's going on over there. You seem to be getting the human mop as Prime Minister and he is bad enough, but he says he wants to dissolve parliament if they don't cooperate. He can't do that, but the Queen can. Would Queen Elizabeth actually go along and dissolve parliament if BoJo shows up and says "make it so"?
In any case, wouldn't that just trigger general elections, something the Tories seem dead set on avoiding?
its tough talk that right wingers like. One could easily draw parallels to certain regimes concerning fascism.
This is probably wrong, but I associate the dissolve of Parliament with elections. It would make sense that as a undirectly elected PM (as all PM is UK actually are), much in the vein of Theresa May to try to claim a mandate, but I consider that unlikely. But it's Borris Johnson, so who knows what he means or what he is thinking. He is a carefully crafted public image of buffoonery, a tightly scripted Donald Trump, and that is his public appeal.
I hope someone can help me with particular question, or at least describe a coupe of possible outcomes.
I'm using a payment system based in UK, should I think about moving cash away before Brexit/no Brexit happens? The whole situation around British politics just makes no sens to me.
On July 06 2019 08:56 Dav1oN wrote: I hope someone can help me with particular question, or at least describe a coupe of possible outcomes.
I'm using a payment system based in UK, should I think about moving cash away before Brexit/no Brexit happens? The whole situation around British politics just makes no sens to me.
Depends on the service, but probably not. I'm assuming you're banking in euros, but using some London-based service to do so. You'll have to check that they have gotten banking credentials in another EU country though, or they may not be allowed to trade in Euros anymore after Brexit, but most of the more serious services have done this.
On July 06 2019 04:40 Acrofales wrote: I'm a bit confused what's going on over there. You seem to be getting the human mop as Prime Minister and he is bad enough, but he says he wants to dissolve parliament if they don't cooperate. He can't do that, but the Queen can. Would Queen Elizabeth actually go along and dissolve parliament if BoJo shows up and says "make it so"?
In any case, wouldn't that just trigger general elections, something the Tories seem dead set on avoiding?
The only interesting thing in here is the hypothetical about the Queen. Boris exists as a mouthpiece for stupid things he thought of that morning while jacking off and didn't think about a second time. It's best to assume that if he said it, he won't do it.
The Queen in general just does as she's asked to, but she has put her foot down a time or two. I suspect in this instance she might.
So Labour seems to have agreed with the Unions on their Brexit stance. A second referendum on any Brexit deal, deal vs remain. Labour would campaign for remain unless it's a GE first and they get to negotiate their deal. It would still be put to a referendum though.
I like this TED talk about how spending in the election and the targetting ads used in the campaign. Discussing if elections can really be held in the current format in the new IT sphere. Personally I think it can if you start training the populations.
If there really is a grand conspiracy to undermine/cancel brexit, Boris seems to be the only one in a position to do so. My ignorant impression is that people would know if Boris cancelled brexit, it needed to be cancelled.
On July 23 2019 22:43 KwarK wrote: Boris has never once but public good ahead of personal ambition and I doubt he’s going to start now.
The conspiracy in my head is that brexit is bad for the UK 1% and they are forcing Boris to cancel it. But maybe it's just that I can't accept the fact that this really is a total disaster.
Still, I have a hard time with the idea that the 1% wouldn't do all they can to prevent their wealth from being decreased. Cancelling brexit would help the 1% right?