Iraq & Syrian Civil Wars - Page 319
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Please guys, stay on topic. This thread is about the situation in Iraq and Syria. | ||
Australia4315 Posts
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Canada11084 Posts
Just let Islam die. What a terrible idea along with all other religions. | ||
United States540 Posts
The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the the dog more than the non-Jew." - Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30 "The souls of non-Jews come from impure sprits and are called pigs." - Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b "It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile." - Sepher ikkarim III c 25 "It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah." - Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5 "Even though God created the non-Jew they are still animals in human form. It is not becoming for a Jew to be served by an animal. Therfore he will be served by animals in human form." - Midrasch Talpioth, p. 255, Warsaw 1855 Do they have believers today in 2015? Oh yes. Then comes ISLAM who loves to SLAM a lot. It is so long that i cant paste here, have look at it: // Then comes a dude who claims he is the god himself, who was there before Abraham and all the others. And he says: " And utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them," God says through the prophet Samuel. "But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey."" "When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are about to enter and occupy, he will clear away many nations ahead of you: the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. These seven nations are all more powerful than you. When the LORD your God hands these nations over to you and you conquer them, you must completely destroy them. Make no treaties with them and show them no mercy. Do not intermarry with them, and don't let your daughters and sons marry their sons and daughters. They will lead your young people away from me to worship other gods. Then the anger of the LORD will burn against you, and he will destroy you." Y'all believers give them this sick opportunity that benefits from you. BLAME YOURSELF FIRST. People should leave arguments like religion doesnt teach us to kill, lack of education and imperials cause this blablabla. Its actually religions ordering them to do many crimes. Education "sometimes" takes you out of the controlling hand of religions, you start to believe less eventually. Imperialistic states will always remain as they are now, and find good amount of people to do their dirty jobs. Destroy religions, there are still some right elements such as patriotism or nationalism, you name it that one man thinks he is superior the other thus the inferior must live a poor live compared to him. Take a test, you cant pick which one is Quran and which one is Torah or Bible. User was temp banned for this post. | ||
1364 Posts
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United States540 Posts
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Serbia6271 Posts
I at least want to read what you guys have to say about the war in Syria (even if it is blatant propaganda), not about religion or weather immigrants are good or not. | ||
Romania5277 Posts
i'm still expecting China to get in(posturing) if only to get some leeway in other areas/matters from US&allies. | ||
334 Posts Do you think kurdish and russian can make a deal too ? xM(Z, the USA move is just to buy time and china is already in mediterranean sea to help russia. | ||
Romania5277 Posts
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Germany24794 Posts
On October 24 2015 21:17 Cazimirbzh wrote: holly molly!! jordian and russia made a deal for south it's going so fast Do you think kurdish and russian can make a deal too ? xM(Z, the USA move is just to buy time and china is already in mediterranean sea to help russia. I am not quite sure what you are getting so excited about, your link says almost nothing about the nature of the coordination and nothing about South Syria. Russia and USA as well as Russia and Israel also signed an agreement to coordinate air force movements in Syria, does not mean they are allies now though. And I have no idea what you mean with China being in the med to help Russia. Any sources or anything? | ||
334 Posts
Jordan doesnt get a lot involved in this kind of deal, a deal with russia is huge in terms of political "affiliation". setting up a "special working mechanism" in the Jordanian capital Amman So russian military officials are going to be IN Amman. Also if you looks on a map you can see that jordan is south of syria google china warships syria = I think they're just here to prevent any kind of stupid actions from the USA. I'm "excited" because jordan being involved mean russian troops movements are going to be far to the south compared to what's was before the Daech war. It's huge shift of the geopolitical situation in MiddleE. | ||
Canada2252 Posts
I don't know when it will end, we all know Putin has de facto control over Russian media and the people are just victims of propaganda, so he definitely won't be voted out. People who strongly oppose him are killed. None of his moves are openly defiant, they are very subtle; i.e. 'we are taking out ISIS', when they are actually wiping out the rebel opposition as well. To top it off you have people who peddle pro-Putin propaganda on TL and on news sites, makes you feel a bit sick to your stomach. | ||
334 Posts
On October 25 2015 00:30 radscorpion9 wrote: I worry about how Russia is basically doing whatever it wants in these regions. If it decided to make a push to control them, who would really stop them? This is different from Germany before WW2 because this time Russia actually has nuclear weapons so no one is going to try to seriously oppose or provoke them. Putin has already taken over small parts of Ukraine, now it looks like he wants to continue to develop strong control of Syria and possibly other countries in the future. It doesn't matter that he will support a dictator who openly kills his people when they demand elections. I don't know when it will end, we all know Putin has de facto control over Russian media and the people are just victims of propaganda, so he definitely won't be voted out. People who strongly oppose him are killed. None of his moves are openly defiant, they are very subtle; i.e. 'we are taking out ISIS', when they are actually wiping out the rebel opposition as well. To top it off you have people who peddle pro-Putin propaganda on TL and on news sites, makes you feel a bit sick to your stomach. I worry about how USA is basically doing whatever it wants in these regions for the past 50 years which led to the current situation and the rise of "terrorism" in the world. About Ukraine, you can thank NATO for trying to cut russia from his harbor to mediterrean sea. Dumbest move ever. Also the syrian-russian alliance is not new aka tartus(1970?). and by the way dont forget that USA is the main support of dictatorship in the world and that putin was elected after bombing is own people and blaming chechnya to strat a nationalist war. | ||
United Kingdom13775 Posts
On October 25 2015 00:30 radscorpion9 wrote: I don't know when it will end, we all know Putin has de facto control over Russian media and the people are just victims of propaganda, so he definitely won't be voted out. People who strongly oppose him are killed. None of his moves are openly defiant, they are very subtle; i.e. 'we are taking out ISIS', when they are actually wiping out the rebel opposition as well. To top it off you have people who peddle pro-Putin propaganda on TL and on news sites, makes you feel a bit sick to your stomach. Let's not make stuff up and pretend that it's common knowledge. Hitting the other rebels (which are generally ISIS-to-be rebels judging by their tendency to defect into ISIS) is part of what it takes to actually bring stability to the region. And the fact that Putin has made large geopolitical enemies does not mean that all the BS you could make up about him is true. It really does amaze me that people can talk about others being victims of propaganda without realizing that they themselves are just that. | ||
Australia249 Posts
On October 24 2015 17:04 zeo wrote: The Russian bombing campaign has signaled the beginning of the end for this horrible war, Not even close. Even if the civil war somehow ended tomorrow there would immediately be a new insurgency starting the next day. If anything, Russian involvement has merely given more of an incentive to the Gulf crew to do more for their "allies" (which means more TOWs for everyone!). On October 24 2015 17:04 zeo wrote: over the last week there have been massive changes on the ground The SAA are retaking former territories that were lost a few months back while also simultaneously losing ground in other regions. Unless of course, you consider getting bottled up in Kweirs and the rest of your forces being bogged down in Aleppo's districts as being a sign of significant progress? And that doesn't account for whether they have the manpower to actually hold them without assistance from Hezbollah and the IRGC; which has its own problems as more and more Iranian advisers are being killed on a regular basis (with two alone being killed today actually). So unless the SAA manages to seize opposition strongholds like Aleppo (the entire city, not a small section...), seal the Bab al-Hawa border, retake key regions like all of Idlib and manage to hold them for more than a few days without creating a cauldron for themselves, then you can say that there have been "massive" changes. Until then, nothing significant has happened at all. | ||
Germany24794 Posts
On October 25 2015 00:16 Cazimirbzh wrote: @Redox Jordan doesnt get a lot involved in this kind of deal, a deal with russia is huge in terms of political "affiliation". So russian military officials are going to be IN Amman. Also if you looks on a map you can see that jordan is south of syria google china warships syria = I think they're just here to prevent any kind of stupid actions from the USA. Did you even read what you linked? The Reuters article says "China says not planning to send military ships to Syria". China is NOT here. | ||
334 Posts
next time you should read all the article not only the title and dont be naive^^ "At this time the Liaoning is in a phase of carrying out technical training and military exercises." lmao XD They dont denied that warships are in the area they're just denying it's for military actions in syria. It's speak about Liaoning but i really doubt it's really this warship. So china has a(more likely 2 or 3) warship in the middle of a war zone and docks time to time to tarsus but sure china doesnt send military ship to syria...China is already involved to support russia in case USA does agressive move toward russian forces ps: maybe it's bullocks i dont have satellite to check if it's true or not. it's hard to have decet intel on the topic but if there is a chinese warship next to syria it's not here for "military exercises"^^ I found this article which has a good analysis and support your claim However seems the propaganda is coming from israeli and russia at the same time so... ^^ | ||
Australia4315 Posts | ||
Germany24794 Posts
On October 25 2015 02:27 Cazimirbzh wrote: @Redox next time you should read all the article not only the title and dont be naive^^ "At this time the Liaoning is in a phase of carrying out technical training and military exercises." lmao XD They dont denied that warships are in the area they're just denying it's for military actions in syria. It's speak about Liaoning but i really doubt it's really this warship. So china has a(more likely 2 or 3) warship in the middle of a war zone and docks time to time to tarsus but sure china doesnt send military ship to syria...China is already involved to support russia in case USA does agressive move toward russian forces ps: maybe it's bullocks i dont have satellite to check if it's true or not. it's hard to have decet intel on the topic but if there is a chinese warship next to syria it's not here for "military exercises"^^ I read all of it.^^ I just dont take the Chinese denying that the carrier is near Syria as confirmation it is near Syria.^^ If it was in the med and went through the Suez canal dont you think there would be photos?^^ | ||
Serbia6271 Posts
On October 25 2015 02:06 sgtnoobkilla wrote: Not even close. Even if the civil war somehow ended tomorrow there would immediately be a new insurgency starting the next day. If anything, Russian involvement has merely given more of an incentive to the Gulf crew to do more for their "allies" (which means more TOWs for everyone!). I said we were in the final faze so to speak. Russia has done more damage to the Islamic State and other terrorist groups in two weeks than the US lead coalition has done in 13 months. Al Nusra and ISIS are throwing everything they have got into beating off the Syrian Army and yet they are still losing significant ground, at the same time their infrastructure lays in ruins and no amount of '50 tons of ammunition air dropped for moderate islamic extremists has suddenly gone missing' is going to change the fact that within 4 months most of Syria will be under the control of the Syrian people and their government. Any ISIS or salafi wahabi insurgency is going to be destroyed and the ground that they pop out of will be salted. In any case Syria has already started rebuilding itself in the areas that have been freed and the country can at least start to heal after the civil war ends. Yes, it has been ruined by war. Yes, the industrial heartland of the country has been a military front for years. Yes, a large chunk of the university educated population has gotten out of the county or been killed but Syria will survive and they will rebuild. A small insurgency is better than this war in every sense. The SAA are retaking former territories that were lost a few months back while also simultaneously losing ground in other regions. Unless of course, you consider getting bottled up in Kweirs and the rest of your forces being bogged down in Aleppo's districts as being a sign of significant progress? And that doesn't account for whether they have the manpower to actually hold them without assistance from Hezbollah and the IRGC; which has its own problems as more and more Iranian advisers are being killed on a regular basis (with two alone being killed today actually). So unless the SAA manages to seize opposition strongholds like Aleppo (the entire city, not a small section...), seal the Bab al-Hawa border, retake key regions like all of Idlib and manage to hold them for more than a few days without creating a cauldron for themselves, then you can say that there have been "massive" changes. Until then, nothing significant has happened at all. The Syrian Army up until a month ago was completely written off, as I've said earlier in the post al Nusra and ISIS are throwing everything they've got at defending their positions and they are still being pushed back. Kweires air base has been under complete siege for 3 years now and its going to be lifted. The 'moderates' and ISIS are coordinating attacks to cut of SAA supply lines to Aleppo and they still couldn't break it. ISIS and al Nusra are just losing too much infrastructure and supplies to afford losing so much at the front lines. Many times in past wars you see an army spend itself on a front and then the whole thing just collapses. ISIS will be beyond saving within 4 months. News sources that take what one guy in his flat in Coventry that hasn't been to Syria in 15 years, who gets 'facts' from random people called 'activists' with no kind of fact-checking whatsoever.... well they don't really show the reality of the situation on the ground. Once they mop up the pockets in Hama ect. the Syrian army will have more than enough manpower to take Aleppo and the rest of Syria, there are more than 4 million internally displaced refugees which will want to go home and we see people who are very happy to see the Syrian army in the towns the SAA has taken from ISIS and al Nusra. Syria will have little to no problem holding onto whatever ground they take from whatever shade of terrorist. As for Saudi Arabia sending help... judging by how hard they are getting their butts kicked in Yemen they wont be in a position to help anyone very soon. In any case I won't be posting anymore in this thread, weather anyone agrees or disagrees with me, quote my post in February 2016 and see who was right. At least I got people talking about the war again. EDIT: @ImFromPortugal 2 posts below: What are you even talking about? Where did I say YPG were wahabi terrorists? The Kurds and Assad have the same goals, the very few secular opposition rebels left joined the YPG long ago though basically they are a non-factor in the war now. Assads power has always come from the religious minorities in Syria, the Shias, Kurds, Assyrian and other Christian communities, Palastinians as well as secular Sunnis ect. All these groups work together to prevent the Sunni Arabs who live in the in-land area of Syria (on the Euphrates river mainly) from going on massive genocidal sectarian rampages every few decades. This is not the first time the Sunni Arabs (who feel they are entitled to rule all this area) have tried massacring these minority groups. You can work this out by the fact the minorities all live in very mountainous areas (good places to hide), whereas the Sunni Arabs live on the good quality fertile land that surrounds the euphrates valley and goes all the way to Baghdad (Raqqa and Deir Azzour being the two largest cities on the Syrian section of the Euphratest). The Syrian government (all the Syrian minorities) and the Kurds are the only parties willing to fight against ISIS, why you would imply I was saying they are terrorists is beyond me. They are working together otherwise if they actually were terrorists Russia would be bombing them too. | ||
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