United States41962 Posts
Another great month for the Hatchery, the latest in a string of best month evers. We destroyed nearly 54b of stuff at a staggering 89.3% efficiency, ridiculously high given that we didn't whore on out of corp kills by flying with blues etc. It would be higher still if it counted the caps that self destructed, we still got the kills but no killmails. Regarding loot, the loot which we took and could not use totalled a ridiculous 4.5b (with a lot more yet to be sold). What this means is that after insurance we PvPed profitably this month, the random faction loot we sell in Jita more than covers our total losses, and that's not including the vast amount of t2 mod loot we reused rather than sold.
In recognition of this achievement I'm happy to announce the second Hatchery monthly dividend. Our belief that we can pay our members to participate in PvP finally has the isk backing it deserves and we have 4.5b to give away. We took a lot of suggestions internally regarding how to split this up fairly, had some voting and will use the following convoluted system.
Our logistics pilots get 7% of the total as recognition of their efforts. They are Pangell, Tofucake Secundus and Apturan Reech. That's 105m to each of them.
Our probers get 5% of the total as recognitions of their efforts. They are firebolt, michael, ueber, weken and VoV. That's 45m to each of them.
Combat pilots get 65% of the total. Most probers and logistics are alts of our regular PvPers so the low totals above are just a topup on top of their combat isk. They have 2.925b to share out between them which will be awarded to the top 30 in order of merit, judged by score. They are in the following order. Ueberlisk - 10% - 292.5m Firebolt - 9% - 263.25m Karah - 8% - 234m Michael - 7% - 204.75m Tofucake - 6% - 175.5m Nejota - 5% - 146.25m KwarK - 5% - 146.25m Defmatrixultra - 5% - 146.25m (this was done in a rifter and he has lifetime combat losses <20m) Caelum Terra - 4% - 117m Pufftrees - 4% - 117m
I won't list them beyond the top 10 but 11th also got 4%, 12th to 14th got 3%, 15th to 19th got 2%, 20th to 25th got 1.5% and 26th to 30th got 1%. It's been a pleasure to fly with you gentlemen this month and we've seen a lot of competition for the top spots with some new faces establishing themselves. Let's hope the next month can exceed this although I'm not entirely sure how that could be possible.
I'm back in town, and after a few all day medical appointments over the next few days, I should be showing up again to splatter MSE Merlins against things like bugs on a windshield. Would log in tonight, but my brain is downclocked from travel, weird hours, and booze.
Hatchery Fighting!
Was a very enjoyable month, thanks to all the veteran pilots for helping me learn the ropes of PVP, with obviously much more to learn still. Extra thanks to Ueberlisk who probably probed 80% of the targets I killed <3
United States41962 Posts
We cruised down to Gusandall with a drake and two rifters. Upon arriving there were two mean corp kids in local. Not the mean corp vets who know us well enough to give us at least a little credit, if not mutual respect, but new guys who haven't learned what's what yet. Anyway, they were a little bm.
+ Show Spoiler [Mean kids] +[ 2011.05.31 02:29:24 ] swananai > hey hatchery [ 2011.05.31 02:29:29 ] swananai > i hear u fags wana join em [ 2011.05.31 02:29:30 ] KwarK uK > o/ [ 2011.05.31 02:29:34 ] KwarK uK > totally [ 2011.05.31 02:29:38 ] Blatherine > rawwr [ 2011.05.31 02:29:49 ] swananai > isnt' that a lil weird when ur pirates lol? [ 2011.05.31 02:30:03 ] KwarK uK > indeed [ 2011.05.31 02:30:10 ] swananai > -9 [ 2011.05.31 02:30:11 ] KwarK uK > it's possible there's a little more to it than you think [ 2011.05.31 02:30:23 ] swananai > well [ 2011.05.31 02:30:26 ] swananai > since ur both gay [ 2011.05.31 02:30:41 ] KwarK uK > lol [ 2011.05.31 02:31:04 ] swananai > are u showing ur freind [ 2011.05.31 02:31:07 ] swananai > how bad u bait? [ 2011.05.31 02:31:14 ] KwarK uK > did you see their ships? [ 2011.05.31 02:31:29 ] KwarK uK > me + 2 rifters [ 2011.05.31 02:31:32 ] KwarK uK > and you're scared [ 2011.05.31 02:31:37 ] swananai > well [ 2011.05.31 02:31:39 ] KwarK uK > rifters so scary! [ 2011.05.31 02:31:47 ] Blatherine > chances are you lying :p [ 2011.05.31 02:31:47 ] swananai > i know man [ 2011.05.31 02:32:01 ] KwarK uK > i thought you guys had better intel than that [ 2011.05.31 02:32:13 ] swananai > well [ 2011.05.31 02:32:14 ] swananai > tbh [ 2011.05.31 02:32:15 ] KwarK uK > never undock unless you know exactly what they have [02:32:16] swananai > ur bad bait [02:32:18] KwarK uK > or you might die! [02:32:20] KwarK uK > i'm not bait [02:32:21] KwarK uK > lol [02:32:28] KwarK uK > i'm just cruising here for a fight [02:32:31] swananai > ok [02:32:31] KwarK uK > with my rifter buddies [02:32:36] swananai > going to eifer gate [02:33:24] KwarK uK > lies! [02:33:30] swananai > o yes [02:33:32] swananai > im wrong [02:33:34] swananai > warp to [02:33:41] swananai > gus 7 [02:33:44] swananai > m5 [02:33:46] swananai > m1 [02:33:50] KwarK uK > lol [02:34:01] swananai > tbh [02:34:04] swananai > ur marked blue to us [02:34:05] swananai > so [02:34:11] swananai > the pos won't shoot u [02:34:27] swananai > give it will just shoot ur em fag buddies [02:34:31] swananai > give it a try m8 [02:34:41] KwarK uK > you're an angry man [02:34:52] KwarK uK > do some squats maybe [02:34:59] Blatherine > rawwr [02:41:51] swananai > hehe [02:50:39] DefMatrix Ultra > are you attacking a POS? [02:50:41] DefMatrix Ultra > i'll help [02:50:53] KwarK uK > R U BEAR IRL!? [02:51:17] swananai > yes [02:51:22] swananai > where attacking our own pos [02:51:30] swananai > inv me and blath into fleet
there was then 7 minutes of them chilling at their pos telling us it wasn't theirs and that they were shooting it and asking us to warp, despite the fact that we lived there for months. Eventually the phantasm gets bored and warps back to the station.
[02:59:06] swananai > fucking assholes [02:59:12] KwarK uK > gf [02:59:14] DefMatrix Ultra > gf [02:59:17] WRAWRAWRAWRA > gf http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9820763
It turns out the fleet boss can move you around in fleet when you try and dock. Session changes are a bitch. Who knew.
United States41962 Posts
Some guy showed up in a nanodrake and started fucking with us with a maxed out 5 year old npc corp linkloki hidden in local. I went for him under gate guns and couldn't disengage. Bad times. I could have gotten myself out with suicide scram rifter but I didn't ask the guy to orbit the drake and by the time it became apparent I'd need him (40k point) we were already 90k away and accelerating. I gfed local and jumped into my station brawling ham drake to fuck with him a bit. I let him know I had no prop mod etc and he fired a few pot shots. I then redocked, added some ODIs and got a scimitar on call. Upon undocking I started to approach at 950m/s. He stayed deaggressed within dock range forever but eventually decided he believed what I was telling him and went for it. Overheat went on and I hit 2300m/s and caught the scram because he was really bad at using his 14k web. Unfortunately I had no damage and being drakes it took forever to kill him but he didn't deaggress and dock for some reason. Instead he self destructed, then docked and ragequit.
[04:56:50] KwarK uK > re? [05:09:53] KwarK uK > gf [05:10:12] KwarK uK > links can't save you [05:10:23] Brutis Kahn > ahhh well [05:10:27] Brutis Kahn > enjoy the km [05:10:30] KwarK uK > ty [05:10:30] Brutis Kahn > oh wait
Lalalaland34483 Posts
[02:51:22] swananai > where attacking our own pos
These stories actually start to be come hilarious even 1 week in.
Def#1 boss lol, Rifter god.
After this week I have three weeks off until classes resume, I should be around plenty to get myself into lots of ridiculous situations to share with you all. As a small morsel to tide you over until this time, I share the following:
It all started a few nights ago in Rens. I had a desire to try out some new ships and purchased, among other things, a few stabbers. We've gotten into a few situations where we've badly needed something that can burn down fast targets (Vagabonds, Cynabals, etc) and hold a scram on them until our damage dealers can catch up, and although the mighty rifter is excellent at the burn down part, it gets shredded in less than a second by the aforementioned ships. Our other tacticians would answer with more rifters. I, however, am an innovator. Armed with EFT, I began to hatch a plan. I dubbed my creation 'GTX.' With the ability to move at 4400 m/s without the assistance of implants or links, abuse a relatively small signature radius, take a substantial amount of flak - 14k EHP, while also contributing somewhat meaningfully to damage on a target - to the tune of around 185 dps from guns alone, while, additionally, bringing to the field a single small electronic warfare drone and two energy neutralizers, my brainchild was basically nothing less than messianic.
Fast forward to the early hours of May 31st, 2011. After returning to glorious Oddelulf in my hurricane, having just looped around Molden Heath only to find it utterly empty of anyone who wants to do anything but bait and blob, I am alerted by my directional scanners as to the presence of an Exequror in system. An Exe-what? After quickly referencing the market panel and realizing that it is a cruiser with bonuses to its cargohold, and, further, having already deduced that it was on an asteroid belt, I decide that we have a miner in our presence. The asteroids must be protected at all costs.
I quickly dock up in our home station and ponder which weapons with which to arm myself for the task at hand. Although the mining lasers my target is no doubt armed with devastate our environment, they are of no danger to a mighty pirate like myself. Instead of calculating my next move, I act on impulse, and choose the virgin 'GTX' to assist me in vanquishing this wrong-doer. A slight modification - swapping the warp scrambler for a disruptor - is made.
The station clears me to undock, and I align - in a fraction of a second - to Asteroid Belt VI - 1. As I begin to drop out of warp, I preheat my MWD and warp disruptor, ready to deal both first and last hand in what I assume will be nothing but a slaughter. To my dismay, as grid loads and predator and prey meet eyes, the supposed prey warps off instantaneously. I am disappointed, until I realize that he is still on grid, having warped 150km off in a random direction into open space. This, I think to myself, I am well equipped for. The distance is closed in the blink of an eye, as he pretends to be slowly aligning and failing to warp to a high-sec gate. Point. I sink into a wide orbit at 22km and lazily begin to chip away at his shields with my non-heated - there is no urgency here - 220mm cannons. Suddenly, two other people enter local - a Myrmidon and a Drake are now on D-Scan. The timing could not be coincidental, but it is of no worry, my target is defenseless and I will be able to easily disengage should I choose to. Four to five seconds pass and the two battlecruisers leave my scanner range. A few seconds later, local drops by two. Hah. No backup for you.
The above had all happened much more quickly than it sounds, and also due to the fact that I have somewhat lackluster skillpoints and was a fair distance from my target and using barrage ammunition, the Exequror was still in 45% shields and had yet to show any signs of combat prowess. I am impatient and aware of the fact that there are multiple gangs roaming about in the area, and that being on an asteroid belt makes me quite vulnerable. I go in for the kill. As I pulse my warpdrive, using a burst of speed to bring myself within 1km of my target, I suddenly find myself in a very undesirable situation. My speed has dropped substantially - I am being webbed and, oh, god, warp scrambled. A mix of potent hammerhead and hobgoblin combat drones are launched. A battery of previously hidden blasters begin to shell me. I am already below peak capacitor recharge from the long burn to catch my assailant, making my neutralizers completely worthless. I have few options. All power is directed to my autocannons - which are, unforunately, still loaded with barrage, as the 10 seconds to change to an appropriate munition would spell my doom. My shields drop at four times the rate of his now apparent massive armor buffer tank. My lone Hornet EC-300 is launched and my fingers are crossed.
Despite all these things working against me, hope glimmers, if only briefly, in the form of a response on our communications channel. One Kwark uK tells me he is in the area and will make his way to me at best speed. Some power is redirected from our weapons systems to structural integrity, as I place my fate in the hands of my ally, doing only what I can to hold on until he arrives.
My directional scanner gives me its final report: Kwark uK's Ibis has passed within a 14AU radius. My ship explodes and Kwark laughs at me for falling into such a trap. Sigh.
I am not the first to fall for these antics either it seems...
I wish I could remember m,y old account name, or at least still have access to my e-mail which hotmail won't return to me. I don't feel like grinding out 3 month of research to get back in this, AGAIN lol.
So, I spent about half of today watching videos and reading about Eve. How the hell did I not know how awesome this game looked earlier?
If I weren't defending my PhD dissertation soon I'd totally try to get in on this. Hell, I may still. How much grind is involved to go from new player to PvP-ready?
(Edit: Is it still the ~16 hours referenced in the OP?)
On May 31 2011 17:24 entropius wrote: So, I spent about half of today watching videos and reading about Eve. How the hell did I not know how awesome this game looked earlier?
If I weren't defending my PhD dissertation soon I'd totally try to get in on this. Hell, I may still. How much grind is involved to go from new player to PvP-ready?
(Edit: Is it still the ~16 hours referenced in the OP?)
The grinding isn't the main problem, it's the waiting time. You need to research everything in real life minutes. Sure you can get a cheap ship early on and be useful, but to truly enjoy the game, it will not take weeks, but months.
Killing pirates gets repetitive too(for the grinding part). Doing some market stuff is fun but it can ruin you if you don't know what your doing.
But it's really worth a try. Don't walk away from it without having tried it.
Netherlands19129 Posts
On May 31 2011 17:24 entropius wrote: So, I spent about half of today watching videos and reading about Eve. How the hell did I not know how awesome this game looked earlier?
If I weren't defending my PhD dissertation soon I'd totally try to get in on this. Hell, I may still. How much grind is involved to go from new player to PvP-ready?
(Edit: Is it still the ~16 hours referenced in the OP?) It's especially nice when finishing up your studies or promotion/PhD. This because you can be useful when you have some time to play in a rifter or a prober and in the meanwhile your skillpoints will just continue increasing while you work/study/do your real life thing . Getting into EVE while having a few months of hardcore work ahead of you is just the time to get into it imho so by the time you finish up your RL responsibilities you can fly a battlecruiser and/or some other fun stuff and get into the real deal. Meanwhile you'll be able to trade a bit and fight in your rifter when it suits you and stuff is going down.
Give it a try!
Lalalaland34483 Posts
On May 31 2011 17:24 entropius wrote: So, I spent about half of today watching videos and reading about Eve. How the hell did I not know how awesome this game looked earlier?
If I weren't defending my PhD dissertation soon I'd totally try to get in on this. Hell, I may still. How much grind is involved to go from new player to PvP-ready?
(Edit: Is it still the ~16 hours referenced in the OP?) When you start, you have to wait 16 hours after creating your character before you can pvp with us. You don't have to grind at all.
Wait, that guy is only carrying 150 cap boosters.... What the fuck is he expecting to do?
So I'm getting a phantasm or a zealot next month, fear me 90% efficiancy!
Maybe he is trying to make a terrible ship work somehow... Dont think phantasms will be good if they dont get their cap buffed somehow :|
Phantasms are decent but slightly expensive, but Zealots are amazing and worth every penny.
The Sansha ship that has the least issue with cap in pvp is the Nightmare.
On May 31 2011 16:29 JJoNeEightY wrote:After this week I have three weeks off until classes resume, I should be around plenty to get myself into lots of ridiculous situations to share with you all. As a small morsel to tide you over until this time, I share the following: It all started a few nights ago in Rens. I had a desire to try out some new ships and purchased, among other things, a few stabbers. We've gotten into a few situations where we've badly needed something that can burn down fast targets (Vagabonds, Cynabals, etc) and hold a scram on them until our damage dealers can catch up, and although the mighty rifter is excellent at the burn down part, it gets shredded in less than a second by the aforementioned ships. Our other tacticians would answer with more rifters. I, however, am an innovator. Armed with EFT, I began to hatch a plan. I dubbed my creation 'GTX.' With the ability to move at 4400 m/s without the assistance of implants or links, abuse a relatively small signature radius, take a substantial amount of flak - 14k EHP, while also contributing somewhat meaningfully to damage on a target - to the tune of around 185 dps from guns alone, while, additionally, bringing to the field a single small electronic warfare drone and two energy neutralizers, my brainchild was basically nothing less than messianic. Fast forward to the early hours of May 31st, 2011. After returning to glorious Oddelulf in my hurricane, having just looped around Molden Heath only to find it utterly empty of anyone who wants to do anything but bait and blob, I am alerted by my directional scanners as to the presence of an Exequror in system. An Exe-what? After quickly referencing the market panel and realizing that it is a cruiser with bonuses to its cargohold, and, further, having already deduced that it was on an asteroid belt, I decide that we have a miner in our presence. The asteroids must be protected at all costs. I quickly dock up in our home station and ponder which weapons with which to arm myself for the task at hand. Although the mining lasers my target is no doubt armed with devastate our environment, they are of no danger to a mighty pirate like myself. Instead of calculating my next move, I act on impulse, and choose the virgin 'GTX' to assist me in vanquishing this wrong-doer. A slight modification - swapping the warp scrambler for a disruptor - is made. The station clears me to undock, and I align - in a fraction of a second - to Asteroid Belt VI - 1. As I begin to drop out of warp, I preheat my MWD and warp disruptor, ready to deal both first and last hand in what I assume will be nothing but a slaughter. To my dismay, as grid loads and predator and prey meet eyes, the supposed prey warps off instantaneously. I am disappointed, until I realize that he is still on grid, having warped 150km off in a random direction into open space. This, I think to myself, I am well equipped for. The distance is closed in the blink of an eye, as he pretends to be slowly aligning and failing to warp to a high-sec gate. Point. I sink into a wide orbit at 22km and lazily begin to chip away at his shields with my non-heated - there is no urgency here - 220mm cannons. Suddenly, two other people enter local - a Myrmidon and a Drake are now on D-Scan. The timing could not be coincidental, but it is of no worry, my target is defenseless and I will be able to easily disengage should I choose to. Four to five seconds pass and the two battlecruisers leave my scanner range. A few seconds later, local drops by two. Hah. No backup for you. The above had all happened much more quickly than it sounds, and also due to the fact that I have somewhat lackluster skillpoints and was a fair distance from my target and using barrage ammunition, the Exequror was still in 45% shields and had yet to show any signs of combat prowess. I am impatient and aware of the fact that there are multiple gangs roaming about in the area, and that being on an asteroid belt makes me quite vulnerable. I go in for the kill. As I pulse my warpdrive, using a burst of speed to bring myself within 1km of my target, I suddenly find myself in a very undesirable situation. My speed has dropped substantially - I am being webbed and, oh, god, warp scrambled. A mix of potent hammerhead and hobgoblin combat drones are launched. A battery of previously hidden blasters begin to shell me. I am already below peak capacitor recharge from the long burn to catch my assailant, making my neutralizers completely worthless. I have few options. All power is directed to my autocannons - which are, unforunately, still loaded with barrage, as the 10 seconds to change to an appropriate munition would spell my doom. My shields drop at four times the rate of his now apparent massive armor buffer tank. My lone Hornet EC-300 is launched and my fingers are crossed. Despite all these things working against me, hope glimmers, if only briefly, in the form of a response on our communications channel. One Kwark uK tells me he is in the area and will make his way to me at best speed. Some power is redirected from our weapons systems to structural integrity, as I place my fate in the hands of my ally, doing only what I can to hold on until he arrives. My directional scanner gives me its final report: Kwark uK's Ibis has passed within a 14AU radius. My ship explodes and Kwark laughs at me for falling into such a trap. Sigh. http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9821455I am not the first to fall for these antics either it seems... http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9815358
Don't Engage random cruisers. They are always bait.