On November 02 2013 21:00 Skilledblob wrote: anybody got some good pvp videos? Saw the stuff from worstplayersever channel allready and now I am looking for more
Go to my youtube channel, 'ChessurSB' I have some videos updated there for you to watch.
On November 02 2013 21:00 Skilledblob wrote: anybody got some good pvp videos? Saw the stuff from worstplayersever channel allready and now I am looking for more
Go to my youtube channel, 'ChessurSB' I have some videos updated there for you to watch.
On November 02 2013 21:00 Skilledblob wrote: anybody got some good pvp videos? Saw the stuff from worstplayersever channel allready and now I am looking for more
Go to my youtube channel, 'ChessurSB' I have some videos updated there for you to watch.
I think he wrote good pvp, chessur.
Chessur and I engaged in some of the most elite of elite pvp.
On November 02 2013 21:00 Skilledblob wrote: anybody got some good pvp videos? Saw the stuff from worstplayersever channel allready and now I am looking for more
Go to my youtube channel, 'ChessurSB' I have some videos updated there for you to watch.
On November 02 2013 04:42 DefMatrixUltra wrote: LoadLibrary could potentially open an unopened library which is a severe abuse of user-given rights considering CCP is looking for a library they didn't write and possibly opening it in its entirety.
I don't think that "abuse of user-given rights" is the issue with calling LoadLibrary on a 3rd party library that might or might not be there, because applications do this all the time for legitimate reasons, and CCP's terms of service probably cover them in full for any anti-hack technology they wish to deploy.
As you pointed out between spoiler tags, the big problem with it is that it opens up a wide-open hole for attacks on the EVE client that do not require administrative access to install. Making such attacks easy enough could risk the style of mass malware-driven account theft that Blizzard has struggled with for years in WoW.
Edit: I noticed in the Reddit comments on this matter that Sreegs dusted off his Reddit account to assert that this exchange had nothing to do with his leaving the company. It's possible he was lying but more likely he wasn't.
The reason it's an abuse of user-given rights is because it opens up a huge security vulnerability when it should be a trusted program.
It's one thing for software to attempt to open and use a 3rd party library (most modular software does this at some point), but not only is it designed to do that (extra layers of checks built in to validate libraries etc.) and advertises that point (the user knows that they must also trust the 3rd party portions of the program they download), they're generally not trying to load libraries that they assume are foreign/malicious in nature.
I will try and upload more if i can. I admit I made a huge mistake in not frapsing the majority of what I did in Innia during a single 8 hour long PvP session in a cerb. 100+ kills. It was very nice
On November 03 2013 04:29 Ramiel wrote: I will try and upload more if i can. I admit I made a huge mistake in not frapsing the majority of what I did in Innia during a single 8 hour long PvP session in a cerb. 100+ kills. It was very nice
Those poor suckers, slaves are only good for caps / supers imo. Otherwise snakes all day, every day. Or edge implants, a set of those would also be pretty clutch.
I efted this, requieres a 2% pg implant, or genolutions.
[Maller, New Setup 1] Reactor Control Unit II Reactor Control Unit II Reactor Control Unit II Reactor Control Unit II Reactor Control Unit II Reactor Control Unit II
[empty med slot] [empty med slot] [empty med slot]
'Warhammer' Large EMP Smartbomb I 'Warhammer' Large EMP Smartbomb I 'Warhammer' Large EMP Smartbomb I 'Warhammer' Large EMP Smartbomb I 'Warhammer' Large EMP Smartbomb I
Medium Ancillary Current Router I Medium Ancillary Current Router I Medium Ancillary Current Router I
I am much more honorable than Santo and would never smartbomb gates.
I am only protecting the innocent from the depredations of the eve population (seriously every single one of these guys deserves to get podded). However I would not like this tactic to become too mainstream so I'll be ~opsec~ about it for now.
On November 04 2013 01:24 419 wrote: I am much more honorable than Santo and would never smartbomb gates.
I am only protecting the innocent from the depredations of the eve population (seriously every single one of these guys deserves to get podded). However I would not like this tactic to become too mainstream so I'll be ~opsec~ about it for now.
Why is it so hard to sell characters these days? No one wanted to buy both my 65m subcap pvp god and my 42m subcap pvp demigod. Maybe im advertising them wrong.
what are you selling? i am "playing" this game for a few month now, but all i do is making more isk. might actually be tempted to try and fly a ship for a change.