On September 21 2012 02:35 engi wrote: Ok. what kind of quiz is there to succed at? Just watched . Games looks amazing from this perspective. I guess bigger corp battles are EVEn better!
Kool vid, how come we came in under mann'd? Other team outnumbered us, esp with the light tackle ships
I'm returning to EvE to take another stab at it, having done a trial once before but couldn't devote time to it due to school and family issues, but now I'm back and I'm ready. So I'll join the channel today and start my EvE career
On September 21 2012 02:35 engi wrote: Ok. what kind of quiz is there to succed at? Just watched http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5eaLwrdPmE . Games looks amazing from this perspective. I guess bigger corp battles are EVEn better!
Kool vid, how come we came in under mann'd? Other team outnumbered us, esp with the light tackle ships
Each type of ship has a point value allocated to it. Each team has a maximum number of points that they can use in any way. We chose to bring 4 ships that were equal in point value to their 8 or so ships (haven't rewatched the vid, can't remember how many they brought).
We should totally make one of those drama threads, just for shits and giggles. We can go something a long the lines of "THE EVE UNI PIGS BLOB THEIR WAY TO VICTORY. TO THIS WE SAY WE MUST FIGHT BACK BROTHERS! FOR GLORY! FOR HONOUR! FOR EPEEN!"
On September 21 2012 03:27 tofucake wrote: bigger corps fighting each other is boring
I shall give you the rundown of both sides' strategies:
Approach anchor F1 closest target (or) F1 alphabetically
that's it the entire battle plan of both fleets because who needs skill when you have a deathball?
Large bloc fleets need 10~15 guys who know what their doing/are pretty good at it (although it will normally be 3 guys running 5+ accounts each) and another 230 who have everything turned off and have expanded their WL and broadcast window to take up their entire screen. Get that and you're ready to roll.
Todays farmer pig story title: "NEXT TIME LET ME FUCKING DO MY MISSION" There i am, casually missioning in my tengu, not being scared of the locals, when suddenly a pirate tengu warps to my mission. Incidentally my mission is Roidiest Rage, the only one without a gate, which will be important later on. Anyway, i am not afraid of a single tengu, after all i can just tank him until mission is done and then warp out. But alas, he is not alone, only 10 seconds later a neutral talos warps in. I immediately send out a notice to bodyguard Tawa. He says he is 5 minutes away, so i decide to not finish the mission, but warp out before the tengu can point me so to not reveal my stabs. I immediately turn around and warp back in at range, cloaked. Unfortunately the tengu and talos already lost interest and left my mission. I decloak and continue running it, while tawa proceeds on his way. The hostiles however jump out of local and we are disappointed. But wait, theres more. Not even 30 seconds later, an Amarr fw cynabal warps to my mission! I inform tawa and he continues on his way. I, again, warp out and back in cloaked...only to see that the pirate tengu is now fighting the amarr fw cynabal, which is accompanied by a caldari FW cynabal. I beg them in local to move their hostilities to another location, so that i can finish my mission. + Show Spoiler +
But this is not all! The amarr cynabal gets reinforcements in form of a single jag, which lands at 0 on the beacon, exactly at the same time as the neutral talos form before, which was with the tengu, which now also has a neutral blackbird on his side. At some point, tawa finally arrives. The talos kills the jags and tawa tries to finish off the talos, but he gets jammed by the blackbird. I decide to decloak and participate in the fight. After some nice dance moves which include warping out while pointed by the tengu, we finally manage to break its tank and kill it, shortly followed by the caldari fw cynabal. http://eve.battleclinic.com/killboard/killmail.php?id=17542284 http://eve.battleclinic.com/killboard/killmail.php?id=17542283
On September 21 2012 04:59 Body_Shield wrote: Aww we weren't mentioned specifically
Edit: Also great troll thread
I don't think Hatchery is on their radar. Half the time I've poked around in Aldrat those U-MAD guys are camping the E-UNI HQ station with ten or more ships.
LooooooooooooooL. Chessur raps two songs, and Jed raps one starting at about 16 minutes. 30 Seconds into Jeds I got the song synced perfectly. It was a little off at the beginning. http://www.twitch.tv/theemulator1/b/332898233
edit: First song starts at 5:35
Edit 2: we should have Jed and Chessur do a rap duet