After the fight, we returned home and the surviving CVA fleet, still numbering around 160+, had entered the cynojammed G-5. After a cordial chat with their FC, we agreed not to cyno back in to 9-FOB if they entered, and let their fleet get their loot. Whilst doing that, it seems they engaged Team Liquid, who had mostly missed the main battle, and killed the TL Oracles (6 or so). RnK have no standing to TL but I'm led to understand they felt a little disappointed that we didn't jump back in for a gank - however, we'd given our word that CVA could loot the field, so ~e-honour~ and all that.
No one understands
At least the Minmatar one looks like some random backwater barge that some random salvage captain outfitted for battle. As it should be. Caldari one looks almost Gallente-ish
90% of RP has nothing to do with 'thees' and 'thous'. IN fact, you can just talk normally. Most people do. RP is far more about building a backstory for your character, and then playing their progressing through life (as a capsuleer), than it is about flowery language.
It's not even very difficult to RP. All you need is a backstory that will stand up to the lore, and a willingness to get involved in things that will move your story onwards.
Guys, I think our duties as the space police of Pure Blind officially classifies us as roleplayers.
Hey everyone, im on holidays now til Friday, but i want to thank you all for the messages of encouragement and support ive seen, and thanks to those that sponsored me. I have written a little report and look forward to learning EVE properly next week wen no training will be required
Friday night i went to the Ironman race briefing and was sat at tables with almost 1500 participants, 600 of us had never done an ironman before when the director stood up and announced"Welcome to Ironman Tenby. Officially the hardest course we have in the world." You could see the look of disbelief on peoples faces, and the aggghhh what have we done look. I remained calm, this is Ironman its meant to be tough, learned mantras started in my head, trained? Or untrained? Trained? Or untrained? Pain is weakness leaving the body. Train hard fight easy. Having only learned to swim 9 months ago, id tried a practice session earlier in the day, it wasnt anything compared to the lake, the taste of salt was in my mouth, fish were swimming underneath me on almost every stroke. At least I knew what to expect, or did i?
Saturday night i went to bed at 815pm, how rock n roll, was to no avail, theybhad a pparty on in the hotel, i could hear people peeing in the rooms around me and above, doors opening and closing, at 315ama firealarm went off. If i got 4 hours sleep i was lucky.
Down through the townthe competitors marched donned in their wetsuits, 1500 towards the seafront, the crowds were already out in their hundreds, cheering and shouting encouragement. Imagine what 1500 people waiting for the gun to go off on a cloudy seafront looks, when the gun finally went off it was a mass stampede into the water, but our hero Monkey wasnt getting involved, he calmly sat down on the sand and counted to thirty,then walked into the sea, rinsed his goggles, donned his swm hat and started off with plenty of room in front to calmly go his way. Whonsaid Monkeys cant swim? Monkey had done a half iron distance tri in June as practice and his swim time for 1.2 miles was 1:08 , he knew the cut off for the 2.4 miles was 2:20' this was a two lap course in the sea so would need to up his game. He exited the first lap and looked at his watch, 46 mins..His watch must be wrong, 46 mins on the first lap surely not. Back in the sea and the wind was picking up waves a plenty were bashing our hero around, but our hero was resolute in his mind set and held fast, one arm in front of the other. Exiting the water Monkey looked at his watch, 1:29' elation filled his heart, first stage over, now for a cheeky 1km run back to transition. Changed into his cycle gear our hero sets off without his raincoat knowing the forecast was wind and rain , pedals going pace set he was happy knowing the brutality of the course having ridden it in the pouring rain 4 weeks previously. Many people were out in force in the towns and countryside with brass bands a playing and some had discos in their gardens. The welsh really know how to throw a party. 56 miles into the bike and disaster strikes at a feed station. A helper hands me a powerade power bar and it was solid as a rock, as i bit into it Monkeys dental bridge hed had for 24 years snaps and now he has 3 teeth missing in the front, no way to eat solid food rest of the course, would need to man up and deal with the issue another day. The wind and the rain increased as did the severity of the hills, Monkeys legs were tiring so he resorted to the tactic he had stored up for such a time. Daydreaming and singing, day dreaming about his children, daydreaming about spaceships and the other world he inhabits at times called Eve, wondering if T5 had happened while he was away, dreaming of loved ships been and gone, the faithful proteus he once had which he lost to unnoble gankers with falcon support, we all the the scallion i refer to, too well. Next thing Monkey is off the bike, changing and out on the run. This was unchartered waters, having never run a marathon before with fresh legs let alone with tired legs. Disaster strikes a mile into the run, an old injury flares up, Monkeys left knee is racked with pain. Should he stop, no he should not!! M has plenty of time, he will just carry on. Traditionally all Ironman courses the marathon is flat, what makes Wales so hard is this course is 2 miles up hill, 2 miles down hill, just over 2 miles in the town,call this to be done 4 times. The steepest parts of the run course Monkey walked but still ran 5 miles per lap, the crowds in the town were now in their tens of thousands, people cheering from every window, pub garden, pathway imaginable, no wonder they shut the the towns roads for the day. Ignoring the pain Monkey runs on in his own little world, 5:14 later our hero approaches the red carpet and runs down, the noise from the crowd drowns out Monkeys thoughts, he is buoyed with hands in the air, with those famous words ringing in his ears. "SIMON MORGAN YOU ARE AN IRONMAN"
Big Monkey, you are a badass. Just learned to swim 9 months before doing an Ironman?! And so much more! I don't know what else to say. I just really hope your old injury and teeth are alright Congratulations !!!
On September 17 2012 03:22 KwarK wrote: Halfway through the run and the fucker is speeding up. Jesus. He's 12 hours into it now.