Star Wars - The Old Republic - Page 70
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Denmark4608 Posts
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Canada355 Posts
On November 30 2011 06:29 ELA wrote: Anyone know when the servers will be back up for testing? The Bioware forums are terrible to navigate As part of the internal testing and deployment process, the game servers will remain unavailable for ongoing testers after the website is up at 12:00PM CST (18:00 London, 19:00 Paris/Berlin) on 11/29. While we do not currently have an ETA, we expect the servers to be available again this week. Note to weekend testers: Your phase of the Game Testing Program has now concluded, and you will no longer be able to play the game. This is what you see after you log into the client. | ||
United States2777 Posts
The story-telling and dialog choices really immerse you into the game. I actually genuinely felt some emotions while reading them - whether as simple as "I hate this guy, I want to screw him over as bad as possible" or initially fully planning on taking the dark side route, but then as I hear more of the story from the character, I start thinking I would rather take a more grey or light-side choice. That reminds me, I do have minor worries that the gear will be too heavily tailored towards full on light-side or dark-side points. I really don't like the melee combat in this game. I easily spent the most time on my Sith Inquisitor sorcerer since I found the strong Crowd Control (CC) abilities a lot of fun to work with, and though I only made it to level 20, I liked the variety of spells. I also healed the first two flashpoints Black Talon and Hammer Station while fully specced in sorcery dps. I even got accepted into a guild based on my healing (non-specced in healz) in Hammer Station! Well, and because I was good with CC and general movements and fight understanding (stay out of bad stuff etc). PvP was fun though really buggy at times. On the final beta test day I often would find myself instanced into PvP Huttball where the score was 5-0 with 0 seconds remaining, but the game would not end. I would leave the warzone and re-queue, and end up back in the bugged out game again! I eventually had to give up for an hour and try later, which usually worked out. I really like how the PvP stresses teamwork more than anything. People are still terrible at the game, and many probably are new to PvP entirely, but I imagine as time goes on people will make more use of teamwork to win. Like I imagine having people play Huttball tactically together as a team will be a lot of fun (especially considering the pass ball mechanic)! One gripe I had was some specs are way too strong in different game modes - like I remember doing Voidstar against some Bounty Hunter heavy team. You try to start arming the bomb, but it takes 10 seconds, so one shot of a pushback attack, like some Bounty Hunter abilities (exploding darts and other related stuff), would make you have to start back from 0s. It got really dumb at that point. There was a bunch of other things I liked or didn't like about the game, but none major and don't feel like typing them all out. I'm still undecided on pre-ordering the game because of the cost with paid subscriptions. $59.99 for digital download 30 days free $12.99/month if you purchase 6 months worth = $77.94 ------------------ $137.99 for 7 months of play time Hopefully GW2 will be out by then? I have a strong feeling I'll get bored of SW:TOR's end-game stuff quickly, and after doing all the stories once or twice I don't think I'll want to keep shelling out $13-16/month | ||
Chile282 Posts
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United States17423 Posts
On November 30 2011 10:51 Kfish wrote: Are there plans for a TeamLiquid guild? :O Hope so, the Blade must join some sort of guild and TL is the guild for me :D | ||
Chile282 Posts
Jedi or Sith? | ||
United States17423 Posts
On November 30 2011 11:01 Kfish wrote: I think a better question is not whether there will be one, but what faction will it be? Jedi or Sith? Both. One for the jedi (the superior one of course) and one for the inferior Sith :D | ||
685 Posts
On November 30 2011 08:54 EscPlan9 wrote: Hopefully GW2 will be out by then? I have a strong feeling I'll get bored of SW:TOR's end-game stuff quickly, and after doing all the stories once or twice I don't think I'll want to keep shelling out $13-16/month Do you know when does the GW2 Beta begins? or it has already started with a NDA? They said 2011 but we are almost on december and i dont think it'll start soon(ish?).. EDIT: On Topic Anyone knows how is the TOR balance doing faction wise? (population) | ||
Canada3238 Posts
On November 30 2011 06:06 Fruscainte wrote: The Trinity is horrible because it puts reliance on far too little people, and spreads responsibility horrendously. If your guilds Main Tank doesn't show up for a raid, you can't raid. Anyone in a legit raiding guild in any time in WoW knows this for a fact -- I especially know this as I was a Main Tank. The same goes for healers. You sit around and look at charts all day healing people, and if you fuck up, at all, the ENTIRE raid suffers. If your main healer fucks up healing your main tank, the main tank dies, and those two people dying in a 25 man or 40 man raid spells doom almost instantly for the rest of the group. The same token for DPS'ers. They have almost no responsibility other than GET OUT OF THE FIRE. Sit there and do your predetermined rotations, and you're basically replaceable. If your main tank doesn't show up, the raid is done. If some rogue doesn't show up, you can just find another one. You see the point I'm getting at here? The trinity distorts the spreading of responsibility. 3-4 people shouldn't influence success or failure 100% of the time, the entire group should. It should be a group effort with responsibility evenly spread across. So to apply this logic to GW2, despite me not really wanting to in this thread, that's what they are doing. There is no real threat system, there is no "taunt" spell, there is no targeted healing spell. Everyone has a self heal, and there are some VERY minor AoE heals (think Holy Nova in WoW for scale for how much). Everyone is responsible for themselves and their own survival, and it comes to everyone working together to succeed. Yes, there is support. However, EVERYONE can support in different ways. The main thing they are going for, however, is making people have to proactively reduce, or stop damage from occurring to their allies instead of sitting there looking at charts and bars clicking on names and pressing Flash of Light. Now how does this work for bosses? Well, step 1 is to make every boss really god damn huge. The second step is to work on the previous notion of responsibility. Lots of AoE spells, lots of minions, lots of events going on. For instance, The Shatterer fight is people protecting the siege cannons from mobs and shit throughout the fight as the cannons, controlled by players, attack the fuck-huge dragon. All the while, ranged are shooting at its wings to keep it landed, melee are hitting at its feet (and proactively dodging its strikes) to be a nuisance and distract it, all while protecting the cannons and shit. If the cannons get taken out, the players have to retreat and escort more cannons up to the fight and continue the engagement. It feels more epic and feels more like a "boss" fight rather than a "sit there as you smash me with your hammer and my allies surround you and spam mutilate." Instead of boss' being run of the mill, it actually feels like you are accomplishing something as a group. Everyone contributed, and everyone gets a reward depending on how much they helped. That's just my take on the Trinity however. I played a disc priest in wow. Was the main healer. Any time I couldn't raid, the guild didn't raid, same happened with the tank. Good tanks and healers are so fucking hard to find and even if you do find a replacement for that night it can be a very very frustrating experiance for the guild whos used to your healing. I quit wow because the guild I was in fell apart due to being unable to find good healers and a second tank. On the plus side, I LOVED solo healing ICC10 heroics first 7 bosses back in wrath lol. God healers were so OP!!!! edit: something SW:OTR related. Gonna pre-order tomorrow and play as a Bounty Hunter Merc/Healer. I live to play healers in MMO's and its what I have always had the most fun as. | ||
4596 Posts
I have no idea where my friend got this from, but yeah. Some beta footage he(?) compiled in the past few days. Password is "vidya" to watch it. Honestly, I do hope they fix this shit. I really do want this game to succeed at the end of the day, because I love the notion of a Star Wars MMO --- however this kind of stuff just CAN'T fly. Either fix it, or just remove it; I never understood the premise of lots of cutscenes in an MMO. This kind of...I don't even know what to call it should not be in a game that should have the level of production value this game should. If that makes sense. And before someone pulls the "ITS IN BETA" card on me, remember this: Alpha is when the game is finished, Closed Beta is when the minor kinks are worked out and the bugs are for the most part fixed. Open Beta is 100% purely stress testing servers, or at least it -should- be. This game is released in less than what, 3 weeks? These kinds of glaring issues should not be in the game still =/ | ||
Canada3238 Posts
On November 30 2011 12:21 Fruscainte wrote: I have no idea where my friend got this from, but yeah. Some beta footage he(?) compiled in the past few days. Password is "vidya" to watch it. Honestly, I do hope they fix this shit. I really do want this game to succeed at the end of the day, because I love the notion of a Star Wars MMO --- however this kind of stuff just CAN'T fly. Either fix it, or just remove it; I never understood the premise of lots of cutscenes in an MMO. This kind of...I don't even know what to call it should not be in a game that should have the level of production value this game should. If that makes sense. And before someone pulls the "ITS IN BETA" card on me, remember this: Alpha is when the game is finished, Closed Beta is when the minor kinks are worked out and the bugs are for the most part fixed. Open Beta is 100% purely stress testing servers, or at least it -should- be. This game is released in less than what, 3 weeks? These kinds of glaring issues should not be in the game still =/ I hope your friend made bug reports on these issues. They don't seem all that big of a deal really. Very minor animation glitches that open beta is ment to catch. If they go unfixed then ya its bad but meh, it IS A beta. Lt. Jorgan in his very first cut scene is 1 inch tall lol! | ||
United States17423 Posts
On November 30 2011 12:21 Fruscainte wrote: I have no idea where my friend got this from, but yeah. Some beta footage he(?) compiled in the past few days. Password is "vidya" to watch it. Honestly, I do hope they fix this shit. I really do want this game to succeed at the end of the day, because I love the notion of a Star Wars MMO --- however this kind of stuff just CAN'T fly. Either fix it, or just remove it; I never understood the premise of lots of cutscenes in an MMO. This kind of...I don't even know what to call it should not be in a game that should have the level of production value this game should. If that makes sense. And before someone pulls the "ITS IN BETA" card on me, remember this: Alpha is when the game is finished, Closed Beta is when the minor kinks are worked out and the bugs are for the most part fixed. Open Beta is 100% purely stress testing servers, or at least it -should- be. This game is released in less than what, 3 weeks? These kinds of glaring issues should not be in the game still =/ If you didn't like how the game looks now its not going to change and I hope it doesn't as I love it now unless they made the fighting better. Otherwise this is awesome :D | ||
4596 Posts
On November 30 2011 12:54 Orcasgt24 wrote: I hope your friend made bug reports on these issues. They don't seem all that big of a deal really. Very minor animation glitches that open beta is ment to catch. If they go unfixed then ya its bad but meh, it IS A beta. Lt. Jorgan in his very first cut scene is 1 inch tall lol! Yes, of course he did. I just think it's rather...unprofessional, for the animations to be in this state this close to release. And of course I stick to my guns in thinking that saying "It's just Beta!" is the biggest cop-out ever. Also, some of that stuff was, by no means "minor." It was stuff that should not have even been allowed to still be an issue in the Alpha, let alone 3 weeks before release. On November 30 2011 12:54 blade55555 wrote: If you didn't like how the game looks now its not going to change and I hope it doesn't as I love it now unless they made the fighting better. Otherwise this is awesome :D I think you didn't even watch the video...? Unless you have an affinity for completely immersion breaking bugs and glitches. | ||
United States2777 Posts
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Canada3238 Posts
On November 30 2011 12:58 Fruscainte wrote: Yes, of course he did. I just think it's rather...unprofessional, for the animations to be in this state this close to release. And of course I stick to my guns in thinking that saying "It's just Beta!" is the biggest cop-out ever. I think you didn't even watch the video...? Unless you have an affinity for completely immersion breaking bugs and glitches. But it is a beta. What we played and some still get to play is not done yet. Sure the game is being sent out for packaging shipping already but that doesn't mean they cann't and won't fix the problems. If those problems exist into release then its a problem but as of right now, I am not concerened and stand behind Biowares fantastic track record for quality | ||
4596 Posts
On November 30 2011 13:04 Orcasgt24 wrote: But it is a beta. What we played and some still get to play is not done yet. Sure the game is being sent out for packaging shipping already but that doesn't mean they cann't and won't fix the problems. If those problems exist into release then its a problem but as of right now, I am not concerened and stand behind Biowares fantastic track record for quality It's common knowledge in the practice that 3 weeks before release Open Beta is not when you should be fixing glaring issues such as this. This is the time to stress test servers and make sure when you got 1 million people playing on Day 1 that your servers don't get fucked over and to make sure shit doesn't tear at the seams at release. This is some very basic and obvious syncing, glitching, and just outright unprofessional bugs that should not be in the game at this stage. If they fix them all by release? Yeah sure, great, good job Bioware. However, it does not bode well if these kinds of things are still (relatively) common this close to release. Also, you just essentially said "I don't care if the game is bad at release, I have faith in Bioware that they will release patches to fix the game!" Relying on day 1, 2, or 3 patches to fix the game and make it to a level that it should have been at release only hurts a company and a release as major as this. And Bioware's recent track record is not that great, either, unfortunately =/ And before someone jumps at my throat, I am not here to bash this game. I am providing in-game videos of these bugs in hopes of the community, and furthermore Bioware become aware of the state that some of the stuff in this game is STILL in. Some people have this fantasy that the word "Beta" means "Unfinished." No, Alpha and Pre-Alpha is the assembly. Beta is the paint job and polishing. | ||
Denmark4608 Posts
On November 30 2011 13:10 Fruscainte wrote: It's common knowledge in the practice that 3 weeks before release Open Beta is not when you should be fixing glaring issues such as this. This is the time to stress test servers and make sure when you got 1 million people playing on Day 1 that your servers don't get fucked over and to make sure shit doesn't tear at the seams at release. This is some very basic and obvious syncing, glitching, and just outright unprofessional bugs that should not be in the game at this stage. If they fix them all by release? Yeah sure, great, good job Bioware. However, it does not bode well if these kinds of things are still (relatively) common this close to release. Also, you just essentially said "I don't care if the game is bad at release, I have faith in Bioware that they will release patches to fix the game!" Relying on day 1, 2, or 3 patches to fix the game and make it to a level that it should have been at release only hurts a company and a release as major as this. And Bioware's recent track record is not that great, either, unfortunately =/ And before someone jumps at my throat, I am not here to bash this game. I am providing in-game videos of these bugs in hopes of the community, and furthermore Bioware become aware of the state that some of the stuff in this game is STILL in. Some people have this fantasy that the word "Beta" means "Unfinished." No, Alpha and Pre-Alpha is the assembly. Beta is the paint job and polishing. Look at a game like Battlefield 3 and the bugs that was in the release - Physics, models, animations etc - No, really, try looking it up on Youtube - They are actually hillarious =))) Alot of great games have shipped with these kind of bugs, they will be ironed out Im sure. I have logged about 50 hours in the beta so far, and I can't say that I've come across any bugs as major as the ones in that video | ||
United States17423 Posts
On November 30 2011 12:58 Fruscainte wrote: Yes, of course he did. I just think it's rather...unprofessional, for the animations to be in this state this close to release. And of course I stick to my guns in thinking that saying "It's just Beta!" is the biggest cop-out ever. Also, some of that stuff was, by no means "minor." It was stuff that should not have even been allowed to still be an issue in the Alpha, let alone 3 weeks before release. I think you didn't even watch the video...? Unless you have an affinity for completely immersion breaking bugs and glitches. No I didn't, but I played the beta all weekend and didn't see many bugs. The only bug I saw really was last day on a space station where if i attacked on that station that was that when I attacked my guy stopped moving until the battle was over. Other then that I really saw no other bugs xD | ||
4596 Posts
Then, I must inquire, why did you comment on a video...if you did not watch the video? *confused* | ||
United States4853 Posts
On November 30 2011 13:10 Fruscainte wrote: It's common knowledge in the practice that 3 weeks before release Open Beta is not when you should be fixing glaring issues such as this. This is the time to stress test servers and make sure when you got 1 million people playing on Day 1 that your servers don't get fucked over and to make sure shit doesn't tear at the seams at release. This is some very basic and obvious syncing, glitching, and just outright unprofessional bugs that should not be in the game at this stage. If they fix them all by release? Yeah sure, great, good job Bioware. However, it does not bode well if these kinds of things are still (relatively) common this close to release. Also, you just essentially said "I don't care if the game is bad at release, I have faith in Bioware that they will release patches to fix the game!" Relying on day 1, 2, or 3 patches to fix the game and make it to a level that it should have been at release only hurts a company and a release as major as this. And Bioware's recent track record is not that great, either, unfortunately =/ And before someone jumps at my throat, I am not here to bash this game. I am providing in-game videos of these bugs in hopes of the community, and furthermore Bioware become aware of the state that some of the stuff in this game is STILL in. Some people have this fantasy that the word "Beta" means "Unfinished." No, Alpha and Pre-Alpha is the assembly. Beta is the paint job and polishing. You do beta tests when you feel software is fully functional and are looking for bugs which cause annoyance. I haven't had time to watch the video, but as long as the game is playable, they're fine. Plus, who's to say many of these bugs weren't created or exacerbated by the open beta itself? Either way, I don't think you even have solid ground to criticize and are just trying to create a ruckus. | ||
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