stop lying/cheating petey
are you using INTERNET EXPLORER?
Forum Index > General Games |
13196 Posts
October 18 2009 06:50 GMT
stop lying/cheating petey are you using INTERNET EXPLORER? | ||
United States4991 Posts
October 18 2009 06:51 GMT
b) I'm serious. Why would I lie about something retarded c) I'm not stupid, and even if I were lying you wouldn't catch me out with something like that ![]() d) Yes, I'm using IE8 | ||
13196 Posts
October 18 2009 06:53 GMT
![]() edit: okay why would you use ie8!??!?!?!/1/ i'm gonna put it back just to spite you ![]() | ||
United States4991 Posts
October 18 2009 06:54 GMT
![]() I don't know specifically why it slows it down. I assume it's something to do with rendering so many images repeatedly hundreds of times, but I don't really know what the cause is. It is definitely noticeable. When I open the PM thread we had, it also shows the same delay because the | ||
13196 Posts
October 18 2009 06:57 GMT
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United States16096 Posts
October 18 2009 06:57 GMT
![]() | ||
United States4991 Posts
October 18 2009 06:57 GMT
edit: thx ![]() | ||
13196 Posts
October 18 2009 06:59 GMT
can't believe i'm catering to you ie8 users -_- | ||
Canada5652 Posts
October 18 2009 07:06 GMT
maybe about 0.5-1 second difference but i did notice it ![]() ff hereee ^__^ | ||
United States7166 Posts
October 18 2009 08:16 GMT
![]() not to mention that you get to see some new threads and stuff instead of the same OP that you dont pay attention to or you could just bookmark¤tpage=last | ||
2349 Posts
October 18 2009 08:21 GMT
#11571 | ||
Canada11084 Posts
October 18 2009 08:43 GMT
I just can't. ;o | ||
United States5095 Posts
October 18 2009 09:44 GMT
!? | ||
United States7166 Posts
October 18 2009 10:01 GMT
also the the all major roles have been cast for A Game of Thrones latest casting: Khal Drogo is played by Jason Momoa ![]() | ||
Iraq1796 Posts
October 18 2009 10:48 GMT
it's like the koreans for starcraft | ||
Pika Chu
Romania2510 Posts
October 18 2009 11:13 GMT
On October 18 2009 19:48 Avius wrote: russians seem to love dota on iccup, check the ladder it's like the koreans for starcraft It's been opened for the russians/ukraineans for a couple of weeks now. Only opened today for the rest. Looks very promising honestly. | ||
Canada3642 Posts
October 18 2009 12:40 GMT
On October 18 2009 20:13 Pika Chu wrote: Show nested quote + On October 18 2009 19:48 Avius wrote: russians seem to love dota on iccup, check the ladder it's like the koreans for starcraft It's been opened for the russians/ukraineans for a couple of weeks now. Only opened today for the rest. Looks very promising honestly. Sucks that only that side of the world can play without lag ![]() I just tried out a game and had about 3 seconds of delay but I don't know if its just me or if it would be all of North America. Anyone else test it out yet? | ||
Japan6199 Posts
October 18 2009 13:37 GMT
I never managed to get into Dota for whatever reason, so i wanted to give HON a shot because everyone seems to switch to that one instead, but i found it's invite only? how do i score an invite?! | ||
Canada186 Posts
October 18 2009 14:52 GMT
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United States98 Posts
October 18 2009 15:17 GMT
===== "I have 3 major concerns for the future state of HoN. The first is the blink rape fest where 3/5 or more heroes have some sort of blink/leap/instantly get in to battle ability. The second is how many heroes have AoE abilities and how that sets a difficult precedence for newly introduced heroes. Finally, magic immunity and it's worthlessness. Blink There are many heroes with a blink mechanic (leap/blink/tp/charge...) and many more that get portal key as a core item. This changes something fundamental in terms of gameplay because distances and physical blocks become less relevant. This produces X issues in terms of balance: An entire team can go from not close enough to the battle to right on top of your head. This allows for unprecedented ease of ganking. Wards can't save you when 2 or more of them can just appear on you from any direction. (especially when it only takes one person to stun you, a friend and maybe other friends for 5 seconds). Heroes are balanced in terms of their strength and weaknesses. Many of the strongest heroes are those with the best AoE/Ults. However, their issue is getting in to the thick of things to get them off. Portal key is a free pass. Low HP heroes need to spend far more than 2200 to gain a lot more hp to cover their weakness. Mana dependent heroes need to farm big items to have a decent pool/regen. DPS heroes spend truckloads more than 2200 to get their damage rolling. Heroes without these ability or that benefit little from them become far less useful in HoN. Movement and positioning is the biggest issue in Dotaesque games. No point having the super ult when you can't get it off. Basically, this changes the entire dynamic of the game. Many skillful items (juke spots, cliffs, LoS spots etc.) become irrelevant against blinks. Proper positioning to pull off a great initiation is moot. Just blink in and slide your finger from r to q. Blink dumbs down the game and makes so many great features irrelevant. I think we could see a higher level of play from a game with limited blink (10% of heroes) than our current 50%. That's ultimately my point with blink: it removes many important features and changes the balance dynamic. Stuns and silences become all important while mez/slow are worthless. Natural barriers are ignored. Initiating is a one button affair instead of a skillful position scheme. An ult like hellbringer's is a great example of a good initiating skill. However, if it is misplaced, you are down that skill for 2 minutes. Miss the blink rape train? give it 20 seconds, we'll go again. Are they on top of the hill, next to their tower with natural defensive advantages that make pushing harder? Np, blink in and blow your load. Finally, the issue isn't bunching up. The issue is that throughout the game you can go from safe, with creeps around and near your tower to "I'm a skinny white boy in a prison cell with 3 brothers." Or "We just had a huge team fight and they are running, let's pick them off - oh wait, they just blinked into darkness." Conclusion: Few heroes should have blink. Very few. Games should limit how many portal keys are for sale as well, in my opinion. "It's fine in dota" and "don't bunch up noob" are not arguments towards making this a deeper, more skill dependent game. Just like my next point on AoE, the more blink heroes there are, the less useful the other heroes and NEW heroes will be. AREA OF EFFECT Introduction/gist of problem: I think AoE is great on certain heroes like pyromancer, pollywog, torturer and pebbles. Their physical damage output is limited and their AoE damage becomes less significant as the game goes on. These are nukers whose damage output is entirely reliant on their nukes. So why is it that agility heroes, whose damage output is mostly physical, have some very good AoE abilities? Of the 16 agi heroes, 13 of them have AoE. Most of them are nukes. Of 16 str heroes, warbeast is the only one without an AoE! By allowing all heroes to have an aoe nuke and some heroes to have AoE stuns, we are setting an uncomfortable precedent for future heroes because to stay up to speed, they will need AoE abilities. Soon, no hero will not have an AoE ability. All team fights will be just one giant spam of AoE. Picking targets won't even matter, just point and click. Pyro and torturer need to cast and aim their stuns, making them dodgeable and making them do much better with a partner. However, hammerstorm (one of my favorites) doesn't need to aim his ranged aoe stun, pebbles barely has to (insta cast). Let's not even bring behemoth into the equation. Why does madman enjoy an AoE stun on top of his Aoe stalk/invis/phase/max move speed? Pest at least has a low damage stun that is cast at POINT BLANK. etc etc. The point: Some heroes have obvious weaknesses to have as much AoE as they do. Strong aoe stuns are balanced by the fact that you can dodge them and they have cast time. However, many heroes have ranged insta cast aoe stuns and slows. These are not int heroes that get weak as time goes on. These are str heroes that get stronger as time goes on. Let's take a look at DotA/HoN: Soul stealer has AoE and raw single target damage. You need to aim his nukes and the distance (skill required). He has no slow/stun/cc or ESCAPE. You build him to cover that weakness by getting shrunken/shroud. Moonqueen has a ministun and her random ult. No natural escape, AoE nuke/cc and her ult is situationally AoE useful on a long cooldown. Troll warlord has a chance on hit to stun, no AoE, no escape. Andromeda has a single target stun and an aoe debuff (no damage). Madman has an escape/maxspeed/invis/phase/aoe damage ability and an AOE stun on an agi carry hero. Conclusion: Some heroes pay for their AoE abilities with other weaknesses. Most don't. Almost every hero has an AoE ability: this makes items less significant. This makes single target heroes less "strong". New heroes need more AoE to keep up. "Get headdresses, get wards, get barrier idol, get shrunken" are not valid arguments. These heroes come into the game with all their damage and utility by simply leveling up whereas you need to farm and deviate your build to soft counter them and lose damage by doing so. Don't stand together is not realistic. Once a fight starts and you're focusing heroes, you are no longer dodging aoe nukes. My issue: Some heroes have very good aoe stuns on low cool downs that don't need any skill/aim to use. Other heroes are harder to keep alive, farm AND have a much more difficult stun/AoE to use (maybe even with a significant cooldown). Heroes that don't rely on their nukes as a main damage source have nukes, sometimes AoE AND they deal great physical damage and provide other skills. Too much AoE means heroes without it are not as strong. Why does one agi hero carry have a single target 300 nuke while another has an aoe 300 dmg STUN!? Yes, they have other skills that might make them interesting heroes. But who picks slither instead of Valk? Who takes nighthound instead of madman? I'd rather have all heroes be useful/pay for their buffs/be competitive than just 15% of them. As with blink, I think too much AoE dumbs down the game and makes it less interesting. Too many overlapping abilities, and heroes with more late game potential with better nukes than true nukers with less late game potential. Magic Immunity There is too much unnecessary confusion over what goes through or doesn't go through magic immunity. We know that magic damage doesn't affect you during magic immunity, but some effects/most ults do. So what's the point of farming a shrunken head? When I turn it on, I want to get in tempest's face. However, there I am being pulled in to his ult. So I'm not taking the pitiful ult damage, but I certainly am feeling his predator friend have a field day on me. Same thing with many ults that might not damage you with shrunken head on but the disable is just as bad. If the item isn't going to keep me safe from abilities, what is the point? Some ults have big damage and disable, some only have the disable. However, it is better for them to not do damage than to not disable because they can still attack you while you are disabled AND YOU ARE NOT DEALING DAMAGE DURING THIS TIME. The problem arises because of how many AoE ults/disables there are in the game (see point 2). The more you add, the more important shrunken head becomes. But the more you add, the more heroes there are that become hard countered by one item. If your ult has a longer cooldown than shrunken head, then it is useless if it is a channeling spell because everyone has an interrupt and key players have immunity to counter you when you use it. Sheepstick can get a carry off your back for a few seconds or prolong the disables you have saved for him. Nullfire blade can counter jere's magic shield and many self buffs like madman or hammer's ult. Geometer's can dispell debuffs during a split and savage mace can give you true strike against evasion heroes. All useful single hero counters. But how do you build an item to counter AoE? This is a problem because of game design from point 2. Conclusion: There needs to be a clear and readable list of skills that go through/don't magic immunity. Saying "superior magic" is not enough for new players. When you highlight the recipe, it should tell you "of all the heroes you are currently facing, it will not work against the following:". Additionally, magic immunity needs to be buffed or AoE/Ults need to be nerfed. I'd rather have the ults be nerfed so that every game doesn't turn in to a blink aoe fest with no counter where everyone is running around with shaman's headdress, blink dagger and/or shrunken head. Conclusion Thanks for making it this far. I think blink is a hard counter to basic mechanics in the game and many skills and hero dynamics. I think it dumbs down the game and fewer heroes need to have it/be able to buy it (1 portal key per game, imo). Too many blink heroes have the advantages of point 2. The ones that don't go on to grab a portal key. If the game plan is to shift so that every hero has AoE, then fine. If that's how you want to develop the game, so be it. But I think the game would be more challenging if AoE was a luxury instead of a commodity and that the AoEs that heroes have become balanced against each other (no more "my aoe stun does 325 and is instant" while someone else has 280 damage with aim and cast time). Magic immunity is on off-shoot of point 2. I think magic immunity should do just that - immune to everything that doesn't involve a hammer to your head for 5 seconds. Five seconds is only long when facing ults, it won't save you from constant nukes. My opinion: Before anyone throws in "valk was fine in dota, l2p" or "blink is fine in league dota", I just want to let you know that I have played dota for many years and competed in it. I don't believe that 20 out of 80 heroes being competitive is good game design. I don't think whole teams should have blinks/leaps/TPs or be able to buy them. And I certainly don't think team fights should be one massive spam of aoe abilities instead of intelligent disable of strong heroes while you pick off squishy healers/nukers/agi. Positioning, experienced split-second choices and general skill should be the deciding factor in lane control, ganking, pushing, team fights and base defense." | ||
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