And then I convinced the faction next to me to join me in a Confederation...and I am like 50 gold in the black each turn.
Total War: Warhammer - Page 17
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United States7684 Posts
And then I convinced the faction next to me to join me in a Confederation...and I am like 50 gold in the black each turn. | ||
Germany537 Posts
One of my highlights was to get another tribe to join my confederation since they were a lot weaker than me in the ranking, only to realize I just tripled my territory. Took me a while to manage that. There apparently there is a bug where you get Azhag Crown but it magic-skill won’t recognize it. Azhag without spells is a bit of a lore-killer. Friend got the bug too, but he assumed it was because of a mod he is using but since I play without mods (next rum will be probably with the mod that keeps the AI-agents at bay) One of the things I didn’t like was that the battlefields often felt very much the same. Either it was me just not realizing the opportunities, but there weren’t many battles where the terrain made much difference. Woods were only a few times suitable to hide troops and otherwise it was just some hills. It was very rare that some obstacles like rocks etc. could be used. Like one map where I could use 2 farms as cover and one where the hill was so steep that I could sneak up on their ranged units. I was really disappointed by the vampireswamps after I realized that none of that bodies of water where deep enough to block units. Undead walking through it seemed like a cool mechanic at first, but after my goblins just di so as well I realized that the lakes didn't really matter. Again, on one map there was a deep enough lake but it was so far of the battlefield that it didn’t really matter. In general the battlefields could be a bit more unique. Battles with reinforcements sometimes have really weird entry points. Like their reinforcements will come in behind your forces while your reinforcements come from one weird other angle and so on. Lost a battle in which I would had a major advantage because the chaos-reinforcements spawned almost at the same position like my forced did which ended horribly as my units got basically fed to them piece by piece. That was the only time the game actually felt stupid since I am certain that I didn’t do anything wrong and couldn’t have done anything against it. But hey, if anything the tabletop should train you for getting screwed by random chance. Those spawning where probably a mandatory feature demanded by GW to keep it real. The game is still extremely fun, my next run I will probably try the vampires again, this time with a bit more plan and diplomacy. Being all friendly while messing their lands up via vampire corruption and when its ripe for the taking sacking it(unless this doesn’t get denied by AI cheating). Or chaos. I assume they spawn in the north and that region I found really cool while rampaging through it. The battlefield in the orclands are especially monotonous. I still got the feeling I often do more harm than good with my micro and slapping armies together by coolness and tabletop-knowledge rather than actually understanding the stats. I assumed that goblinspearmen would be useful against cavalry but either you need way too many or idk. I am still unsure if every unit has its place or if some are just outdated at some point, expect for the obvious upgrades like orc boys -> moschaz and so on. And I don’t understand why the enemy manages to get his troops out of combat in a timely fashion while mine seem to be glued to their enemies. Or goblin spider-archers in skirmish mode that get caught because individual models of on unit block each other. But I won’t put it past my incompetence to be responsible for it :D I know nothing and I am having fun. | ||
Canada1600 Posts
The orcs are all slaughtered or confederated, the Dwarves are cowering in their last few cities under siege, chaos has been held off. Kinda scared of empire/hoping that the vampires won't turn on me though. There is a sea of dead settlements surrounding my land, not sure if I should settle them or just ignore them. Black orc+giant spiders is strong :-). | ||
2933 Posts
I had to call it quits since I can't do anything when Aracheon the Ever Son of a Bitch came at me with 3 stacks of doom My best Undead units -- hex wraiths, vangulfs, black knights and grave guardians weren't even denting the chaos chosen infantries Damn how do you guys beat these Chaos bastards | ||
Germany2517 Posts
can you give me any advice on how to expand properly as a greenskin? I've had to restart the campaign like 4 times because I get completely stomped by endless armies. Whenever I kill a dwarven army there is another one waiting in line, so that I cant move my main army away from the north. My other army is neither strong enough to defend against multiple attack by the dwarves nor to attack the strong orks in the south... | ||
Italy12246 Posts
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Germany9118 Posts
not sure about big units vs dwarfs, maybe it works vs ai in campaign because they dont build their big unit killers? | ||
Spain10108 Posts
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Netherlands21354 Posts
On May 30 2016 22:32 Godwrath wrote: It's more that dwarf's big unit killers (slayers) suck. Atleast they stuck close to the actual game then ^^ I guess the real Large killers are cannons anyway. | ||
Germany537 Posts
On May 30 2016 19:03 JoeCool wrote: @Artesimo, can you give me any advice on how to expand properly as a greenskin? I've had to restart the campaign like 4 times because I get completely stomped by endless armies. Whenever I kill a dwarven army there is another one waiting in line, so that I cant move my main army away from the north. My other army is neither strong enough to defend against multiple attack by the dwarves nor to attack the strong orks in the south... I don't think I am very good at the game and so far only played on normal, so take everything with a grain of salt. Let the northern dwarfs be and focus on the south/south-east. There you can acquire a nice pocket of cities that are relatively easy to defend due to their location. When going for the deep dwarfcity in said pocket, remember that you can use the tunnels to prevent attrition from the terrain (this comes in handy when traveling through vampire/chaos-corruption as well. Mind that you can get intercepted though which can be a death sentence to you army if you fight against dwarfs with artillery on the wrong map. There is one where it is just 2 giant hills and if the dwarfs have a proper army with cannons I am almost certain that a single greenskin army no matter the composition is unable to defeat them unless you find a way to force them to move). If the dwarfs take the city north of you which you are asked to capture, I found it much better to leave them be as long as they aren't pushing further. Otherwise you will most likely spend the next rounds playing cat and mouse with mister Thorgrim "ass to holy for regular furniture" Grudgebearer and jump rope with the border of your territories and to complete the province you would need a even deeper located city anyways. Try to get a WAAGH! going as soon as possible and use it to your advantage. Keep in mind that the looting stance fills the WAAGH!-meter as well and keeps it from depleting. You can use your WAAGH! to either assist in battles or to siege cities for you, however if you plan to attack a city together with your WAAGH!-army, be sure that you are the first there, otherwise either the WAAGH! or the garrison will determine when it is time to battle unless you remove the WAAGH!-target. Only fight the dwarfs when you either have a Waagh! and are willing to abuse autoresolve early on(against dwarfs it seems to always get much better results/the calculation of the dwarf armyvalue is broken), otherwise wait until you get the right tools. Overall orc is probably best if you abuse the WAAGH!-mechanic. As soon as you manage to have multiple armies, learn to match the timing of their WAAGH! and then gank up on your foes. Here I am fairly certain no matter the difficulty, there is no break on the WAAGH!-train. At least as long as you field at least double the amount of reinforcements into the battle because it can happen that one will be wiped by the enemy reinforcements due to stupid spawnpoints. | ||
United States7684 Posts
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Poland17187 Posts
On May 31 2016 13:21 Jerubaal wrote: How do Black Orcs and Big 'Uns fare against Chaos? I've played a few sieges where I had to get on top of walls against several units of the orc heavy infantry and it's stupid easy to break through with Longbeards and Hammerers. Black Orcs are fairly versatile. They don't do a lot of damage but can hurt anything and have tons of tank. Regular Big 'Uns aren't very good, savage orc Big 'Uns (SOBUS) on the other hand can shred through most things (especially when they frenzy). That being said Chaos Warriors and Chosen are the most elite infantry there is so you can't really tackle them with orc units 1v1 and will need to use the numbers advantage. | ||
Spain10108 Posts
I am having way bigger problems when playing vampire counts, their basic troops are such a big crap that makes them really hard to play on harder settings. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
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Germany537 Posts
At the same time, Manfred and his varghulf won me pretty much singehandedly a battle against tempelhof by good lord sniping and hit and run. 236 kills on the varghulf, about 130 on manfred only 2 survivors of the match. I still feel like I am shit at the game and don't know what I do, but battlereports claim otherwise :D. Only thing I still struggle with is just accepting at times that a city is lost and rather then retaking it you should simply make up for the lost territory in the opposite direction. Next I will try chaos even though I feel I will fail a lot. Vampires where very fun since I played them a bit role-play like, trying to befriend neighbours and corrupt them, then take the cities that get burned down from rebels. Traiding is a absolute bitch as vampires though... wanted to try it after playing as orcs but it just doesnt seem woth the effort. If you killed your vampireneighbours you can basically wait till someone other then the dwarfes is willing to trade after you kicked a few orcs. Profits are very smal though. | ||
United Kingdom608 Posts
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Spain10108 Posts
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United States7684 Posts
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Denmark1225 Posts
It causes a temporary effect of -40 to diplomacy for all other races of your type, and -8 public order in all your provinces for 5 turns, also disallowing any confederating during the time of the debuff. If it causes any permanent diplomatic penalty after that, I'm not sure and I didn't feel it in any of my 2 campaigns so far. Maybe that's simply because of the Shield of Civilization buff being so massive that any penalty was insignificant next to it, but I'm just not sure. Edit. It might be penalized more heavily on higher difficulties, I don't know personally. | ||
Poland17187 Posts
![]() 463 kills on hexwraiths is pretty damn nice ![]() | ||
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