On August 15 2014 03:25 farvacola wrote: The wallpapers are wrong; it is customary among those seeking membership in the Shattered Hand clan to give up their left hand in tribute and sacrifice. Source: old wc2 stuff I have lying around :D The big WoD banner is mirrored yes. Kilrogs eye is the wrong one aswell on it.
This isn't the first time they've messed up their left and right. One of the WoD loading screens - eastern kingdoms I think? - has something reversed. I think it was an eyepatch on the wrong eye?
On August 15 2014 03:17 Redox wrote: Seems like this trailer is more for the hardcore fans. As someone who doesnt follow the lore I have no idea what is going on. :D Our timeline
Guldan talked to demons. Got the Orcs of Draenor to drink demon blood (the green stuff he wants Grom to drink in the cinematic) after which they became enslaved to the Burning Legion (the demons) and they send them to invade Azeroth (our world). 2 wars later during WC 3 Grom then kills mannoroth (the big demon from the cinematic) and frees the Orcs from demonic influence. Next up all the WoW stuff happens and Garrosh (Grom's son) is defeated at the end of MoP. He escapes and with the help of the bronze dragonflight gos back in time. There he meets up with his dad Grom and stops them from drinking the demon blood. Which is what we see happening in the cinematic.
Anyways, though, the WoD cinematic was fucking awesome. Probably the best one they have done yet. The little scene with Grom about to die by the fires of a destroyed Mannoroth hence referencing the Orc ending back in Warcraft 3 :D
Basically saw a hint of the past in that scene and also history changing before our eyes because they don't drink Mannoroths blood.
I liked the BC and WOTLK cinematics. The BC cinematic was basically only cool because Illidan. The WOTLK cinematic was cool mainly because of the huge amount of lore behind Arthas/Lich King and him just raising a dead dragon so other then that there wasn't really much going on in both of those cinematics. WOTLK was more epic then BC no doubt. Cataclysm was cool other then that still nothing going on. Same for MoP. Cool and a bit comical but nothing really going on. WoD cinematic there is something going on which was the changing of history(for that timeline at least but not ours) with action and etc
Did anyone else notice Garrosh looked exactly like Metzen? I thought it was funny :D
I guess I'm the only one who thinks the vanilla trailer was the best. All of the expansion trailers are essentially glorified boss introductions which, if they do the questing properly, we get in-game anyway. The original cinematic was just raw. You didn't know what you were going to be doing, where you were going to go, and who you were going to fight along the way. There were absolutely no expectations set by it.
I actually think the TBC cinematic was the worst. It was hyped because of the "YOU ARE NOT PREPARED" catch phrase and the fact it was Illidan, but also disappointing because the cinematic (and expansion in general) set Illidan up as the big boss but it ended up being Kil'Jaeden instead. It set an expectation that Illidan was the end-all be-all of the expansion and that turned out to be false (and really he wasn't even hyped up in-game much; there was more lore surrounding the other raid tiers and BT felt more like we were only going there because there's a big name bad guy).
I'd have to put the WoTLK cinematic as #2 simply because, although it lays everything out in front of you, the in-game experience actually delivered and matched up with it.
On August 15 2014 03:43 ViperPL wrote: Did anyone else notice Garrosh looked exactly like Metzen? I thought it was funny :D
Well Metzen does do the voice acting for Garrosh so... it might not be all that much of a coincidence :o
On August 15 2014 03:44 Serejai wrote: I guess I'm the only one who thinks the vanilla trailer was the best. All of the expansion trailers are essentially glorified boss introductions which, if they do the questing properly, we get in-game anyway. The original cinematic was just raw. You didn't know what you were going to be doing, where you were going to go, and who you were going to fight along the way. There were absolutely no expectations set by it.
I actually think the TBC cinematic was the worst. It was hyped because of the "YOU ARE NOT PREPARED" catch phrase and the fact it was Illidan, but also disappointing because the cinematic (and expansion in general) set Illidan up as the big boss but it ended up being Kil'Jaeden instead. It set an expectation that Illidan was the end-all be-all of the expansion and that turned out to be false (and really he wasn't even hyped up in-game much; there was more lore surrounding the other raid tiers and BT felt more like we were only going there because there's a big name bad guy).
I'd have to put the WoTLK cinematic as #2 simply because, although it lays everything out in front of you, the in-game experience actually delivered and matched up with it.
I actually agree in that I like the vanilla cinematic the most still. I think a big part of that is the music though, no other soundtrack came close to that epicness <3
On August 15 2014 03:46 Serejai wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2014 03:43 ViperPL wrote: Did anyone else notice Garrosh looked exactly like Metzen? I thought it was funny :D Well Metzen does do the voice acting for Garrosh so... it might not be all that much of a coincidence :o
Metzen doesn't voice Garrosh. Patrick Seitz does.
On August 15 2014 03:44 Serejai wrote: I guess I'm the only one who thinks the vanilla trailer was the best. All of the expansion trailers are essentially glorified boss introductions which, if they do the questing properly, we get in-game anyway. The original cinematic was just raw. You didn't know what you were going to be doing, where you were going to go, and who you were going to fight along the way. There were absolutely no expectations set by it.
I actually think the TBC cinematic was the worst. It was hyped because of the "YOU ARE NOT PREPARED" catch phrase and the fact it was Illidan, but also disappointing because the cinematic (and expansion in general) set Illidan up as the big boss but it ended up being Kil'Jaeden instead. It set an expectation that Illidan was the end-all be-all of the expansion and that turned out to be false (and really he wasn't even hyped up in-game much; there was more lore surrounding the other raid tiers and BT felt more like we were only going there because there's a big name bad guy).
I'd have to put the WoTLK cinematic as #2 simply because, although it lays everything out in front of you, the in-game experience actually delivered and matched up with it. Best thing imo about the Wotlk one was the way the narration of the king lined up with what arthus was doing but in a totally reversed/corrupted way. otherwise mostly agree, aside from illidan the tbc one just wasn't interesting.
On August 15 2014 03:49 Disengaged wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2014 03:46 Serejai wrote:On August 15 2014 03:43 ViperPL wrote: Did anyone else notice Garrosh looked exactly like Metzen? I thought it was funny :D Well Metzen does do the voice acting for Garrosh so... it might not be all that much of a coincidence :o Metzen doesn't voice Garrosh. Patrick Seitz does.
Metzen has voice acted Garrosh prior to MoP so I guess they switched to a new voice actor. Apparently he only does Thrall and Varian Wrynn now.
On August 15 2014 04:02 Serejai wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2014 03:49 Disengaged wrote:On August 15 2014 03:46 Serejai wrote:On August 15 2014 03:43 ViperPL wrote: Did anyone else notice Garrosh looked exactly like Metzen? I thought it was funny :D Well Metzen does do the voice acting for Garrosh so... it might not be all that much of a coincidence :o Metzen doesn't voice Garrosh. Patrick Seitz does. Metzen has voice acted Garrosh prior to MoP so I guess they switched to a new voice actor. Apparently he only does Thrall and Varian Wrynn now.
Patrick Seitz has voiced Garrosh since WOTLK.
On August 15 2014 03:33 Disengaged wrote: Anyways, though, the WoD cinematic was fucking awesome. Probably the best one they have done yet. The little scene with Grom about to die by the fires of a destroyed Mannoroth hence referencing the Orc ending back in Warcraft 3 :D
this was the best part... im still waiting for WC4
On August 15 2014 04:19 Disengaged wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2014 04:02 Serejai wrote:On August 15 2014 03:49 Disengaged wrote:On August 15 2014 03:46 Serejai wrote:On August 15 2014 03:43 ViperPL wrote: Did anyone else notice Garrosh looked exactly like Metzen? I thought it was funny :D Well Metzen does do the voice acting for Garrosh so... it might not be all that much of a coincidence :o Metzen doesn't voice Garrosh. Patrick Seitz does. Metzen has voice acted Garrosh prior to MoP so I guess they switched to a new voice actor. Apparently he only does Thrall and Varian Wrynn now. Patrick Seitz has voiced Garrosh since WOTLK.
Odd. I definitely remember Metzen doing Garrosh at some point. Maybe it was just something unofficial at a Blizzcon or something.
I like how Blizzard said that the final boss of WoD isn't going to be an Orc.
Turns out to be another Orc.
Grom Hellscream.
I feel like ever since WoTLK they've ran out of people for us to fight. Or rather, they're trying to save them for the Warcraft 4 storyline so instead we get some new/random ones. I mean look at vanilla... we fought the black dragonflight, the old gods, and a massive troll empire. In TBC we fought the burning legion, Lady Vash'j, and Illidan. For WoTLK we had the liches, the nerubians, and Arthas.
Meanwhile in Cata we had Deathwing which felt rushed, and in MoP we have a bunch of brand new bad guys with Garrosh randomly going crazy at the end.
It's probably a good idea for us to not kill all of the big names from Warcraft 1-3, but at the same time it would indeed feel more epic to fight someone like Archimonde. Orcs are the new Trolls when it comes to instances.
On August 15 2014 07:42 Serejai wrote: I feel like ever since WoTLK they've ran out of people for us to fight. Or rather, they're trying to save them for the Warcraft 4 storyline so instead we get some new/random ones. I mean look at vanilla... we fought the black dragonflight, the old gods, and a massive troll empire. In TBC we fought the burning legion, Lady Vash'j, and Illidan. For WoTLK we had the liches, the nerubians, and Arthas.
Meanwhile in Cata we had Deathwing which felt rushed, and in MoP we have a bunch of brand new bad guys with Garrosh randomly going crazy at the end.
It's probably a good idea for us to not kill all of the big names from Warcraft 1-3, but at the same time it would indeed feel more epic to fight someone like Archimonde. Orcs are the new Trolls when it comes to instances. I doubt they are saving for WC 4 but the premise I agree with, just feels its more a case of once we kill Kil'Jaeden/Sargeras what is left in the universe that we could possibly fear.
Personally I dont care much who we fight so long as the fights themselves are fun :p
and im 99% sure they will find a way to fit a Troll instance in somewhere.
And yes Grom as end boss is a massive letdown. I was hoping for something like killing the remaining warlords 2e raid tier and the 3e is about the Legion coming around to get revenge for Mannoroths death and we end up killing alternate timeline Archimonde.
On August 15 2014 07:42 Serejai wrote: I feel like ever since WoTLK they've ran out of people for us to fight. Or rather, they're trying to save them for the Warcraft 4 storyline so instead we get some new/random ones. I mean look at vanilla... we fought the black dragonflight, the old gods, and a massive troll empire. In TBC we fought the burning legion, Lady Vash'j, and Illidan. For WoTLK we had the liches, the nerubians, and Arthas.
Meanwhile in Cata we had Deathwing which felt rushed, and in MoP we have a bunch of brand new bad guys with Garrosh randomly going crazy at the end.
It's probably a good idea for us to not kill all of the big names from Warcraft 1-3, but at the same time it would indeed feel more epic to fight someone like Archimonde. Orcs are the new Trolls when it comes to instances.
Really the only move they are going to have left is to make more of our heroes into villains. Jaina is already well on her way. There is enough inter-faction animosity for there to be threads they can pull on in any case.
Also, why is everyone saying Grom will be the end boss?
Seeing how Blizzard said that the end of WoD is going to lead into the next still leaves me to be hopeful. Maybe Grom is going to become influenced by the Burning Legion either by drinking the blood or by getting even more power rather then the blood from some Burning Legion higher up(maybe Archimonde?) after his Iron Horde gets their ass kicked. I know thats basically the samething from the Garrosh storyline+fight with the heart of Y'shaarj.
The sudden death of Mannoroth in that timeline surely won't go unnoticed.
Everyone is saying Grom is the end boss because they confirmed it at Gamescom and its on MMO Champion.
Really? Grom for final boss? I don't want to kill Grom.