[wow] Warlords of Draenor - Page 117
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1409 Posts
Right now Fishcakes (Rakaraka) and Farv are the ones potentially interested...anyone else? Has to be US, but with x-realms, server doesn't matter. Gear doesn't really matter either: just have maxed professions and at least ilvl 463 gear (doesn't scale up, but scales down). Edit: forgot to add, has to be Alliance. I'll be going disc on my priest since it's OP, so we'll need 3 more dps + 1 tank. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On July 30 2014 23:01 Serejai wrote: Everyone is quick to say they'd enjoy a progression server but Sony tried this with Everquest and basically there was a huge rush at first and then the novelty wore off and they stopped doing them. It would be even worse with WoW because 95% of the current player base would ragequit over vanilla mechanics. Alot of people play Feenix even though its progression, just released BT/MH i think. Illidan/Archimonde not out yet either. i thas like 2500~ or so i think active players during peak hours too. probably more during summer. also everything is scripted but leveling is made alot faster which is really amazing | ||
United States24572 Posts
On July 30 2014 23:01 Serejai wrote: Everyone is quick to say they'd enjoy a progression server but Sony tried this with Everquest and basically there was a huge rush at first and then the novelty wore off and they stopped doing them. It would be even worse with WoW because 95% of the current player base would ragequit over vanilla mechanics. I can't speak to Everquest, but it's particularly appealing to people who weren't around for early Wow (or in my case, vanilla through 2/3 of Cata lol) | ||
Norway3381 Posts
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United States23455 Posts
On July 30 2014 22:39 Cyro wrote: No, BM hunter with shaman gear because mend pet was channeled and you could solo elites for days with the extra spell power :D :D :D It's kinda awesome not being an idiot, but i'll always miss being a 12 year old BM hunter My grand plan when I was very new was to spec into enhancement up to dual wield then go resto with everything else and be a healer. Weapons have the most spell power of all the gear, so if I have two spell power weapons I'll be unstoppable! | ||
Norway3381 Posts
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Netherlands21354 Posts
On July 31 2014 06:58 Arnstein wrote: Can you send gold or bind on equip items cross-server? Only Bind on Account items can be send cross-server | ||
United States4051 Posts
On July 31 2014 04:44 arb wrote: Alot of people play Feenix even though its progression, just released BT/MH i think. Illidan/Archimonde not out yet either. i thas like 2500~ or so i think active players during peak hours too. probably more during summer. also everything is scripted but leveling is made alot faster which is really amazing My problem with Feenix BC server was the 600% XP thing. Not only do I not get to really level, but it's impossible to afford your skills since they don't give you any money to buy them and you'll be sitting at like 10c when you hit lvl 8. It's really, really awkward without friend/guild support from already-established players. | ||
6007 Posts
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United States2824 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On July 31 2014 09:17 deth2munkies wrote: My problem with Feenix BC server was the 600% XP thing. Not only do I not get to really level, but it's impossible to afford your skills since they don't give you any money to buy them and you'll be sitting at like 10c when you hit lvl 8. It's really, really awkward without friend/guild support from already-established players. Dunno I hit 70 did like 2-3 quests, and sold the trash gear i got while doing them and had plenty of extra money lol its not really difficult tbh On July 31 2014 10:39 TheFish7 wrote: Also I read that scripted encounters don't work. So no escort quests, some boss battles bug out, etc. If I'm playing vanilla I want vanilla, not vanilla + 600% exp Everything worked fine for me, some of the escort quests were ehhh but the rest worked fine. | ||
United Kingdom7236 Posts
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United Kingdom168 Posts
On November 09 2013 09:21 Roe wrote: I quit at the end of LK and considering coming back for WoD i know the feeling. il be sitting there thinking ' havent played wow ina while. look forward and il be on my toon in origammar.. i just log in without thinking lol. worst game to get addicted to. i mean with SC you rage at ladder and log out. and not wanna play. but wow. you can get lost for hours. | ||
United States25 Posts
On July 30 2014 07:27 Serejai wrote: I'm sorry but anyone who doesn't have the following as their top 5 leveling zones is just plain wrong and/or didn't play until they made leveling content irrelevant: In no particular order, The Barrens (if Horde) Eastern Plaguelands Nagrand Hillsbrad Foothills (if Horde) Stranglethorn Vale Pretty much every expansion post-BC has had horrible zones with mind-numbingly boring leveling because it's with WoTLK that they shifted focus of the game from a progression model to a "SKIP EVERYTHING AND RUSH TO ENDGAME" model. Each expansion literally had one passable zone (Storm Peaks for WoTLK because it was the only zone with any form of leveling progression, Hyjal for Cata because it's the only zone anyone even wanted, and Jade Forest for Pandland because quite frankly once you leveled out of that zone all of the novelty - such as asian-inspired artwork, beer kegs, and pandas - wore off and the rest of the leveling experience was just "When the fuck am I going to hit 90 so I can start playing the game?!". FLAME ON, NERDS. Edit: Scholozar was also a good zone but only really because of the world PvP, the incredibly easy mining, and the fact that it felt like two previous good zones combined (Un'Goro and Nagrand). Honorable mention. Edit 2: The one thing that has steadily improved in zones throughout the expansions is the level of detail, which in itself is a great thing... but hardly enough to stand on its own when you factor in the actual quests themselves have failed to evolve, world PvP has been butchered, mobs have been made easier, etc. I like this post, but I'm gonna be completely honest, even as die-hard Horde, I never got into Barrens or STV. Also, as unpopular as this opinion seems to be, Zangarmarsh may have been one of my favorite zones period (not that Nagrand or Hellfire were bad). I know BC gets a lot of love, but I preferred Northrend in terms of leveling, I really enjoyed the isolated feeling of it compared the chaotic setting of Outland. Made it feel so much bigger. Icecrown was a lot more fun than I think people give it credit for. That all said, I quit before Cata came out and recently activated the 10-day MoP trial just to see the changes, which is why I responded to this one. Leveling doesn't seem fun anymore...? The talent system feels worse for leveling (can't speak for cap, but I liked the small reward every level and actually going to my trainer for skills), and giving everyone their big boom skills takes away anticipation. I know they wanted people to "feel like their spec," but I felt more like a paladin starting with Devotion Aura and Holy Light than I do with Crusader Strike and Avenger's Shield. Just feel like a warrior. I really don't wanna come off as someone just clinging to nostalgia, I just genuinely enjoyed the spread out rewards and constant, steady progression. With leveling actually being part of the game, rather than just a means to an end(game). I'm not necessarily angry that other people like different things, I mostly just feel like Blizzard didn't appease ME and it makes me grumpy. :D | ||
6007 Posts
As far as zones go... Barrens and STV were good for specific reasons. Barrens was an average zone with above average quests but what really made it great was the PvP and all the Crossroads raids. Same thing that made Hillsbrad great. With STV... The normal quests were average but the Nesingwary quests were great. Then you had the arena for PvP and if all else failed it was the best grinding zone in the game. Basically all vanilla and outland zones were good, though. Even the worst ones like Feralas and Azshara had their purposes. A lot of that also had to do with how open the world was. You had choices which meant zones felt dynamic based on where other players were. The last few expansions have been extremely linear (which further makes the already-handsoff leveling system feel even more scripted). | ||
Netherlands21354 Posts
On August 01 2014 10:21 Serejai wrote: Its not just the talent system that sucks for leveling now. You also don't have to train spells anymore. When you level up there is zero feeling of accomplishment or excitement because everything is automatically handed to you now. As you said... Leveling used to be a big part of the game but now its just something in your way to the "real" content. Because it was so much fun to stop leveling for 30 minutes so you could fly back to your capital. Buy skills and fly back to where you were question. Such engaging gameplay. Leveling was never a bigger part of the game. People just get tired of leveling only to be able to keep raiding/pvp which is their actual draw to the game so they rush through it more. | ||
4279 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
On August 01 2014 10:25 Gorsameth wrote: Because it was so much fun to stop leveling for 30 minutes so you could fly back to your capital. Buy skills and fly back to where you were question. Such engaging gameplay. Leveling was never a bigger part of the game. People just get tired of leveling only to be able to keep raiding/pvp which is their actual draw to the game so they rush through it more. Ya i dont see how you can be like "oh man leveling was so much more fun when i spent 15-30 minutes walking back to org/wherever to train 1 skill, then another 15-30 minutes going back to where i was leveling. it wasnt fun at all. I'd rather the skill system be like it is now. I played in Vanilla and BC and i honestly enjoyed the old world overhaul more than i did suffering through quests that were practically impossible to do solo, then hoping you could find someone to do the quest with you or calling a 70 friend and having them help me. It's like starting with Bloodthirst on a warrior now makes leveling actually bearable, rather than saying oh shit i pulled more than 1 mob and im not prot speced? go ahead and run now and save myself dying to them because victory rush didnt exist yet//sucked dick and shouldnt be used ever. tl;dr no one enjoyed flying back and spending a shitload of time/un needed gold to level fucking skills to get a 30 damage increase in order to kill mobs at your appropriate level On August 01 2014 08:33 chasemme wrote: I like this post, but I'm gonna be completely honest, even as die-hard Horde, I never got into Barrens or STV. Also, as unpopular as this opinion seems to be, Zangarmarsh may have been one of my favorite zones period (not that Nagrand or Hellfire were bad). I know BC gets a lot of love, but I preferred Northrend in terms of leveling, I really enjoyed the isolated feeling of it compared the chaotic setting of Outland. Made it feel so much bigger. Icecrown was a lot more fun than I think people give it credit for. That all said, I quit before Cata came out and recently activated the 10-day MoP trial just to see the changes, which is why I responded to this one. Leveling doesn't seem fun anymore...? The talent system feels worse for leveling (can't speak for cap, but I liked the small reward every level and actually going to my trainer for skills), and giving everyone their big boom skills takes away anticipation. I know they wanted people to "feel like their spec," but I felt more like a paladin starting with Devotion Aura and Holy Light than I do with Crusader Strike and Avenger's Shield. Just feel like a warrior. I really don't wanna come off as someone just clinging to nostalgia, I just genuinely enjoyed the spread out rewards and constant, steady progression. With leveling actually being part of the game, rather than just a means to an end(game). I'm not necessarily angry that other people like different things, I mostly just feel like Blizzard didn't appease ME and it makes me grumpy. :D I loved STV tbh. so much scenery/ such a nice zone imo. Zangarmarsh is 100% by far my favorite zone to quest/level in so easy on the eyes + the quest hubs are all pretty awesome(i.e alot of quests in one place etc) On August 01 2014 10:36 negativedge wrote: leveling in vanilla actually felt like a game with choices and purpose and progression and all that, but lets not look back with our rose colored glasses and pretend those zones were any good. most of them were awful. really bad. people basically only remember the barrens, hillsbrad, and STV, and that's because almost everything else sucked (even though a lot of the crappy zones were pretty. but that's never been a problem for wow). Leveling in Vanilla/bc actually felt like torture as a rogue/warrior tbh | ||
United States18818 Posts
Anyways, I got two weeks to waste before starting law school and I decided to resub and work on some alts for WoD. If anyone wants to do any end game raiding stuff and needs heals or tank, just lemme know. | ||
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