On July 29 2014 10:25 Acrofales wrote:Show nested quote +On July 29 2014 06:54 Arnstein wrote: I'm at level 73 with my warrior now, and sick of leveling. Is there any other way than questing and dungeons? Is PvP fast? I hear the Chinese will powerlevel your character for a small fee. E: also, if you're 73 you already did the hard part and made it through Outlands. Wrath was pretty fun to level through, and Cata and MoP are better still.
Yeah, I'm considering questing Wrath. It seems like the best expansion, and the whole mood is just awesome!
How much would it cost to get a chinese to level your character? Also, don't they ever steal your account? I'm not going to do it, just curious.
On July 26 2014 05:55 Emnjay808 wrote: Havent played WoW for a good 1-2 years. So Ive just been watching streams to get an idea of how LFR works. And I must admit, it looks really fun. I mean, Im definitely past that age where I can freely adjust my schedule around strict raiding times, so this is the next best thing for me. Obviously it wont be the same experience as "hardcore" or real raiding, but at least I wont be sitting in Thunder Bluff looking at my guild roster while they do a 25man raid and wonder what its like. This way I can get a pseudo feel for the content, at least.
I think this was enough to win me over to give WoD a legit shot.
As long as you don't mind getting occassional groups that make you question your faith in the human race...
But I'm totally in the same boat as you. Between work and school it's impossible to be on a real raiding roster, so LFR is pretty nice to still get in on the PvE content. Long-ish wait times sometimes but they can be pretty fun.
On July 29 2014 10:25 Acrofales wrote:Show nested quote +On July 29 2014 06:54 Arnstein wrote: I'm at level 73 with my warrior now, and sick of leveling. Is there any other way than questing and dungeons? Is PvP fast? E: also, if you're 73 you already did the hard part and made it through Outlands. Wrath was pretty fun to level through, and Cata and MoP are better still. Outlands is still my favorite! And actually might be the fastest with all the heirloom gear and buffs these days. Only place you can still have 10+ active quests easily and do them en masse.
I find Wrath the most boring nowadays. Cata can be slow too, but I'm fond of more of the zones.
Wrath was the best expansion. *drops mic*
But seriously though, the best zones in the game (both artistically and quest-wise) are in Wrath.
On July 30 2014 00:47 jeeeeohn wrote: Wrath was the best expansion. *drops mic*
But seriously though, the best zones in the game (both artistically and quest-wise) are in Wrath.
I hate an orange axe to kill people with, would agree. Still remember killing that full geared rank 1 gladiator priest on my charge stun once :')
Can't believe people are still playing wow, it was fun in vanilla and decent in tbc, but now it feels like such a mindless money grab, they're not even trying.
China6326 Posts
On July 30 2014 02:51 fmod wrote: Can't believe people are still playing wow, it was fun in vanilla and decent in tbc, but now it feels like such a mindless money grab, they're not even trying. You are not even trying to troll.
On July 30 2014 00:47 jeeeeohn wrote: Wrath was the best expansion. *drops mic*
But seriously though, the best zones in the game (both artistically and quest-wise) are in Wrath.
yo, I'm really happy for you, and imma let you finish, but Nagrand was the best leveling zone of all time.
Although I will give you that ZulDrak Grizzly Hills and Icecrown were badass as hell
On July 30 2014 02:54 digmouse wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2014 02:51 fmod wrote: Can't believe people are still playing wow, it was fun in vanilla and decent in tbc, but now it feels like such a mindless money grab, they're not even trying. You are not even trying to troll. No I'm not trying, it's my actual opinion. What is this comment supposed to mean?
On July 30 2014 03:59 TheFish7 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2014 00:47 jeeeeohn wrote: Wrath was the best expansion. *drops mic*
But seriously though, the best zones in the game (both artistically and quest-wise) are in Wrath. yo, I'm really happy for you, and imma let you finish, but Nagrand was the best leveling zone of all time. Although I will give you that ZulDrak Grizzly Hills and Icecrown were badass as hell
Was just going to type that. A brother from another continent indeed. Nagrand brings such memories, ah them feels. What a great zone it was. Love killing some Ogres so Warlords is going to be greatness.
My list would prob be:
Eastern Plague way back when. Nagrand. Netherstorm. Sholazar Basin.
Think everything else is pretty even.
Honorary "WORST ZONE EVER"-mention: Silithus. Then, now, forever.
Netherstorm was the coolest zone of all time. XD Although I do remember reaching Hellfire the first time and being very impressed.
I might go back to WoW eventually, but for now I'm glad I stopped playing near the end of WotLK.
On July 30 2014 03:59 TheFish7 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2014 00:47 jeeeeohn wrote: Wrath was the best expansion. *drops mic*
But seriously though, the best zones in the game (both artistically and quest-wise) are in Wrath. yo, I'm really happy for you, and imma let you finish, but Nagrand was the best leveling zone of all time. Although I will give you that ZulDrak Grizzly Hills and Icecrown were badass as hell
Can't really argue since I didn't technically "level" in Storm Peaks; I loved the zone so much I got the questing achievement for it after I'd already reached max level.
But yeah, since we're doing lists now (pretty much in arbitrary order since actually sitting down and deciding which is better would take way more effort than I personally feel like investing in this):
1. Storm Peaks 2. Vanilla Tanaris 3. Vanilla Stranglethorn Vale 4. Vanilla Eastern Plaguelands 5. Nagrand 6. Blade's Edge Mountains 7. Icecrown 8. Westfall 9. Dun Morogh 10. Duskwood 11. Searing Gorge 12. Blackrock Spire etc, etc.
I played alliance, if you can't tell by the list. Again, these are in no particular order, but a lot of good memories playing in the above zones. Tanaris is awesome and way underrated.
Edit: Worst zone ever: The Barrens. Fuck that place. It's the sole reason I stopped playing Horde.
Aww but Barrens chat was the greatest thing ever! I liked it mostly because it was always well populated, was close by to Org, and imo had a very large scale, open world feel to it which you didn't get in many games at the time. And the razorfen dungeons were pretty fun imo although WC was training grounds for newbies.
I must be the only person who liked Vash'jir and Silithus. I also like boring tundra and Desolace. Although Silithus was a way different experience when everyone in it was 60s. I had a huge crush on EPL also as well as 1k Needles.
Places I hated: Feralas Winterspring Azshara (vanilla) Ghostlands Hinterlands (as Horde it sucked, not so bad as alliance) Hillsbrad (as Horde leveling, it was amazing for PvP)
China6326 Posts
On July 30 2014 04:08 fmod wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2014 02:54 digmouse wrote:On July 30 2014 02:51 fmod wrote: Can't believe people are still playing wow, it was fun in vanilla and decent in tbc, but now it feels like such a mindless money grab, they're not even trying. You are not even trying to troll. No I'm not trying, it's my actual opinion. What is this comment supposed to mean? At least back it up with actual reasons.
I'm guessing he has the same reasons I do: lack of community. About the time he stopped playing is about the time I stopped. Mostly because lfg and lfr ruined server communities. No rose tinted glasses, no subjective nonsense, and no anti blizzard rage. People play MMOs to interact with others, and I think we can all agree that getting to know people and playing with the same folks over and over is really awesome. When that went out the window, it killed it for me and probably a lot of others.
On July 29 2014 19:33 Gorsameth wrote:Show nested quote +On July 29 2014 13:07 deth2munkies wrote: $15 for a bike and a shot at the beta (apparently they're only inviting people with active accounts), guess it's OK. Don't think I'm gonna bother tho. Not true I got beta access a while ago when they did the big hc garrosh invite wave (killed him before I quit). An active account has never been needed to get beta access.
That was the initial wave. Since then they released the critera they're using and one of them is how long your account has been currently active. Those with inactive accounts haven't been considered for the last few waves.
Ungoro because dinosaurs.
Also if you say the name quietly, like you are afraid, you sound like a tribesman warning someone of a curse.
I'm sorry but anyone who doesn't have the following as their top 5 leveling zones is just plain wrong and/or didn't play until they made leveling content irrelevant:
In no particular order,
The Barrens (if Horde) Eastern Plaguelands Nagrand Hillsbrad Foothills (if Horde) Stranglethorn Vale
Pretty much every expansion post-BC has had horrible zones with mind-numbingly boring leveling because it's with WoTLK that they shifted focus of the game from a progression model to a "SKIP EVERYTHING AND RUSH TO ENDGAME" model. Each expansion literally had one passable zone (Storm Peaks for WoTLK because it was the only zone with any form of leveling progression, Hyjal for Cata because it's the only zone anyone even wanted, and Jade Forest for Pandland because quite frankly once you leveled out of that zone all of the novelty - such as asian-inspired artwork, beer kegs, and pandas - wore off and the rest of the leveling experience was just "When the fuck am I going to hit 90 so I can start playing the game?!".
Edit: Scholozar was also a good zone but only really because of the world PvP, the incredibly easy mining, and the fact that it felt like two previous good zones combined (Un'Goro and Nagrand). Honorable mention.
Edit 2: The one thing that has steadily improved in zones throughout the expansions is the level of detail, which in itself is a great thing... but hardly enough to stand on its own when you factor in the actual quests themselves have failed to evolve, world PvP has been butchered, mobs have been made easier, etc.
On July 30 2014 06:50 Dapper_Cad wrote: Ungoro because dinosaurs.
Also if you say the name quietly, like you are afraid, you sound like a tribesman warning someone of a curse.
Holy fuck i still remember quitting for a brief moment in vanilla because of ungoro. So. fucking. awful. lol
I absolutely loved Duskwood though. And the first time i got to Westfall..
United States23455 Posts
Fuck it I'm playing Shaman in WoD. Haven't mained Shaman since TBC let's gooooooooo