On July 22 2014 21:44 Westy wrote: So with the WoD pre order free level 90 thing I am going to test out a healer. Have only ever tanked or dps in raids before, so i was wondering. Druid healing looks fun to me, but are resto druids viable for raiding in MoP and WoD? Impossible to tell. Raid testing only started yesterday and they still need to even start with the tuning passes. But unless your playing in like the top 10 of raiding guilds every class is viable anyway so I would worry more about what you enjoy playing rather then what is the best.
On July 22 2014 21:44 Westy wrote: So with the WoD pre order free level 90 thing I am going to test out a healer. Have only ever tanked or dps in raids before, so i was wondering. Druid healing looks fun to me, but are resto druids viable for raiding in MoP and WoD? Unless you go for super mega hardcore raiding, pick whatever you please. As long as you do some research and play decently, you'll do well with any class.
Healers have been homogenized so much that they all feel the same and their raid viability is roughly the same as well. You should pick a healer based on offspec instead (ie pally if you want to tank, shammy if you want to melee, etc.)
If you can heal on one class you can heal on any other with minimal effort so switching classes later is also a viable option.
Again, with what the others have said all healers are mostly the same unless you are in the top tier of raiding. Resto druid are primarily HoT's based so if you would like other styles of healing such as just bombing out direct heals (mm not sure, but some classes do this) or putting shields on everyone to mitigate damage (disc priests) then you shouldn't roll a druid.
I just love my druid! Thinking of making it my main character. How many sets of gear do you have to be able to play all the different things? (melee dps, ranged dps, tank, healer)
Well, back in the good old days you needed about 20 sets of gear to play a Druid optimally.
These days you only need two sets if you're in a casual raid guild (one for resto+moonkin, one for feral+tank); if you're in a hardcore guild you need three sets (one for resto, one for moonkin, one for feral+tank). Next expansion you can probably get by with a single set of gear if you're casual.
On July 23 2014 02:31 Arnstein wrote: I just love my druid! Thinking of making it my main character. How many sets of gear do you have to be able to play all the different things? (melee dps, ranged dps, tank, healer) in WoD the raid sets will change depending on your spec so you dont need to carry multiple pants (assuming you got 5/5 tier) however you will still need stuff like trinkets/rings
Yay, got the legendary cloak! Well, I got the one you get in chapter 4, still need to upgrade it! How often can you fight the celestials on timeless isle? Is it a new one every 30 minutes?
On July 25 2014 02:43 Arnstein wrote: Yay, got the legendary cloak! Well, I got the one you get in chapter 4, still need to upgrade it! How often can you fight the celestials on timeless isle? Is it a new one every 30 minutes?
the Celestials is once a week regardless of which of the 4 you fight.
Italy12246 Posts
You can fight all of them each week, but you will only get look from the first one. Just oqueue a few groups for celestials and you'll be done in no time.
oqueue is the worst thing to happen to WoW since LFR.
Italy12246 Posts
It's useful for celestials on smallish servers that dont have groups constantly going, otherwise i can't really say because i fucking hate pugging
It was useful for farming Bloody Coins, I guess. Join a Celestials group on a PvP server, transform, and then slaughter the group over and over until they figure out what's happening and kick you.
I got 90% of my coins that way.
What I'm wondering is, if you kill Yu'lon, how long till the next one is ready to fight?
Italy12246 Posts
A few minutes i think; it's really quick. What i did was just go to the next oqueue group hoping to get a different one, and it took really little to do all 4
Yeah, but I was able to do them all without oqueue in 20 minutes or something so now I'm on my way to the Seat of Knowledge :D
Italy12246 Posts
On July 25 2014 03:04 Serejai wrote: oqueue is the worst thing to happen to WoW since LFR.
whats wrong with oqueue, i get into most of my groups that way
i also am a douchebag and pick and choose which bosses to kill when i gear my alts
is oqueue an addon? what's the difference to using the raid browser? for flex and celestials/ordos, that worked pretty well for me
oQueue is an addon that basically does what OpenRaid did, only they do it in-game where people cannot be accountable for their actions. It's essentially a Flex version of LFR (and occasionally you will find groups for old raids or group quests). It's also used for RBGs but I would avoid that like the plague. There are pros and cons to this.
You can find a group for pretty much anything within minutes
Anyone can find a group for pretty much anything within minutes (that means Rob the Retard will essentially be multiboxing 90% of your raid every time) No accountability for bad leaders or group members Nearly all group leaders are there to get carried (compared to OpenRaid where the person who puts together the group is generally very skilled and knowledgeable) This is just for me personally but compared to my average time it took to clear a raid wing on Normal difficulty, LFR was 2x as long and oQueue was 4x as long (with probably 70-80% of all runs ending in failure after the first boss)
The people you group with in oQueue are basically the same people you group with in LFR; sometimes even worse. If you use it I highly recommend you make your own groups (which is still a complete pain in the ass, but the lesser of two evils).
I just really, really would not recommend using oQueue for anything other than Celestials, rep farming, or oldschool raids (and even then I would use OpenRaid for anything Heroic).