On July 30 2014 07:27 Serejai wrote: I'm sorry but anyone who doesn't have the following as their top 5 leveling zones is just plain wrong and/or didn't play until they made leveling content irrelevant:
In no particular order,
The Barrens (if Horde) Eastern Plaguelands Nagrand Hillsbrad Foothills (if Horde) Stranglethorn Vale
Pretty much every expansion post-BC has had horrible zones with mind-numbingly boring leveling because it's with WoTLK that they shifted focus of the game from a progression model to a "SKIP EVERYTHING AND RUSH TO ENDGAME" model. Each expansion literally had one passable zone (Storm Peaks for WoTLK because it was the only zone with any form of leveling progression, Hyjal for Cata because it's the only zone anyone even wanted, and Jade Forest for Pandland because quite frankly once you leveled out of that zone all of the novelty - such as asian-inspired artwork, beer kegs, and pandas - wore off and the rest of the leveling experience was just "When the fuck am I going to hit 90 so I can start playing the game?!".
Edit: Scholozar was also a good zone but only really because of the world PvP, the incredibly easy mining, and the fact that it felt like two previous good zones combined (Un'Goro and Nagrand). Honorable mention.
Edit 2: The one thing that has steadily improved in zones throughout the expansions is the level of detail, which in itself is a great thing... but hardly enough to stand on its own when you factor in the actual quests themselves have failed to evolve, world PvP has been butchered, mobs have been made easier, etc.
Storm Peaks has one of the best quest chains in the game, where you help Thorim out (it directly relates to Ulduar and the other dungeons in the zone).
I do agree that Cata and Pandaland are pretty damn bad. I stopped playing because of them, basically.
On July 30 2014 05:51 Ayaz2810 wrote: I'm guessing he has the same reasons I do: lack of community. About the time he stopped playing is about the time I stopped. Mostly because lfg and lfr ruined server communities. No rose tinted glasses, no subjective nonsense, and no anti blizzard rage. People play MMOs to interact with others, and I think we can all agree that getting to know people and playing with the same folks over and over is really awesome. When that went out the window, it killed it for me and probably a lot of others. I totally stand by what you just said, the game doesn't even feel like an MMO anymore, it feels like a glorified lobby. As I am a PvP type of player, I'll tell you what I didn't like about the changes in WoW from vanilla and tbc. I loved vanilla for the freedom and sense of community. Guilds were central to the server, and the top guilds and top players were actually famous across the server. I loved the massive world pvp fights early on in plaguelands/tarren mill/barrens, pretty much everywhere. If you wanted to PvP you just went out and killed people. As battlegrounds entered the game this diminished a lot, but there was still a lot of world PvP going on. In TBC killed PvP for me by making everything instanced, flying mounts and summoning stones removed the need for travelling on the ground, and arenas and battlegrounds became dominant, which were not only instanced, but also crossrealm, which meant that you would be playing against random people you didn't care about every time.
Another thing I hate is how important gear is now. As time went on and Blizzard introduced the epic sets, stats became more and more important. In vanilla it wasn't that bad, as for some classes tier 1 sets or even rare items could be better than tier 2, for example. Sometimes rare item were best far into BWL or would even do well in naxx if you made it that far. In PvP it was still possible for an ungeared character to kill an epic geared character. In TBC gear became even more important and pretty much the central part of the game. The gear you obtained in the previous 'level' of raids was always some linear amount weaker than the previous. The same for PvP. The season 2 set was just straight up better then the season 1 set, and the player in the season 2 set would usually win. I'd prefer if they had went the road of TF2, where unlocking new items just gives you more options, not the huge disparity in stats. I also hated the addition of resilience which made the PvP itself really boring for me.
Early on in WoW it had the amazing production value of 2004/2005 blizzard to it, and the warcraft lore to back it up. There was a mix of oldschool MMO ideas that Blizzard streamlined and modernized, and I genuinely enjoyed it a lot. The last time I played it was about one year ago, and everything was crossrealmed, automated, but felt meaningless. I didn't need to interact with anyone, I didn't feel infested in the random people in dungeon finder, I didn't care about the quests, I didn't care about the guilds on my server. For me MMO's are worth playing for the community and awesome social interactions that can result from it, not things like dungeon finders, battlegrounds/arenas remove the spontaneity and make me feel like a robot.
I absolutely agree with the above post. In Vanilla I had a core group of friends that I played with (a few I even befriended on Facebook later on). Some of them were my age, and I actually grew up with them because of WoW. Back then, the game felt like I was playing with friends; now it's just random ass rude people I don't care about, and won't have an opportunity to care about because the mechanics of the dungeon finder won't allow it. This continued into TBC, and partly into Wrath, but by then the game had changed to the point where it felt like I was continuously in a que for something instead of going out and doing the damn thing.
Oh well, nothing stays the same.
Edit: The Feenix server rekindled that same sense of community for me. I made some pretty good friends on that server, people I still talk to today from time to time. Try it out if you want.
On July 30 2014 08:20 jeeeeohn wrote: I absolutely agree with the above post. In Vanilla I had a core group of friends that I played with (a few I even befriended on Facebook later on). Some of them were my age, and I actually grew up with them because of WoW. Back then, the game felt like I was playing with friends; now it's just random ass rude people I don't care about, and won't have an opportunity to care about because the mechanics of the dungeon finder won't allow it. This continued into TBC, and partly into Wrath, but by then the game had changed to the point where it felt like I was continuously in a que for something instead of going out and doing the damn thing.
Oh well, nothing stays the same.
Edit: The Feenix server rekindled that same sense of community for me. I made some pretty good friends on that server, people I still talk to today from time to time. Try it out if you want. I've tried it actually, it was great for some time, in spite of it's (many) bugs and issues. Of course keeping playing vanilla is not a perfect solution in the long run, because the nature of most MMO's is that you need additional content to keep people playing. Once people have full naxx gear and rank 14 on multiple characters (slightly exaggerated), it becomes a little stale. This is also because of the direction that was taken even back then with WoW, that the players must always progress to some new goal to obtain some new gear or some new title or whatever.
United States24571 Posts
I've always wanted to play on a progression server... as someone who came to the game late seems like it would be a lot of fun.
On July 30 2014 08:38 fmod wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2014 08:20 jeeeeohn wrote: I absolutely agree with the above post. In Vanilla I had a core group of friends that I played with (a few I even befriended on Facebook later on). Some of them were my age, and I actually grew up with them because of WoW. Back then, the game felt like I was playing with friends; now it's just random ass rude people I don't care about, and won't have an opportunity to care about because the mechanics of the dungeon finder won't allow it. This continued into TBC, and partly into Wrath, but by then the game had changed to the point where it felt like I was continuously in a que for something instead of going out and doing the damn thing.
Oh well, nothing stays the same.
Edit: The Feenix server rekindled that same sense of community for me. I made some pretty good friends on that server, people I still talk to today from time to time. Try it out if you want. I've tried it actually, it was great for some time, in spite of it's (many) bugs and issues. Of course keeping playing vanilla is not a perfect solution in the long run, because the nature of most MMO's is that you need additional content to keep people playing. Once people have full naxx gear and rank 14 on multiple characters (slightly exaggerated), it becomes a little stale. This is also because of the direction that was taken even back then with WoW, that the players must always progress to some new goal to obtain some new gear or some new title or whatever.
I always found it satisfying to set my own goals in the game. For instance (on the Feenix server), I wanted to get Knight rank in pvp (which was one rank higher than I got on retail). So, I did that. Then I was like: "You know, I really want Sul'thraze, because it's badass." Sul'thraze is a two-handed level 40 something sword you get from Tanaris. You have to combine two blue swords you get from the dungeon there (Zul'farrak?). That shit took FOREVER, even at level 60, because of the drop rates and the many bugs with that particular dungeon. Tell you what though, I'm like one of three people on that server to have Sul'thraze.
Also, leveling with x1 XP and investing in crafting (I made all my own gear as a Paladin from 1-60), was a blast.
On July 30 2014 08:56 jeeeeohn wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2014 08:38 fmod wrote:On July 30 2014 08:20 jeeeeohn wrote: I absolutely agree with the above post. In Vanilla I had a core group of friends that I played with (a few I even befriended on Facebook later on). Some of them were my age, and I actually grew up with them because of WoW. Back then, the game felt like I was playing with friends; now it's just random ass rude people I don't care about, and won't have an opportunity to care about because the mechanics of the dungeon finder won't allow it. This continued into TBC, and partly into Wrath, but by then the game had changed to the point where it felt like I was continuously in a que for something instead of going out and doing the damn thing.
Oh well, nothing stays the same.
Edit: The Feenix server rekindled that same sense of community for me. I made some pretty good friends on that server, people I still talk to today from time to time. Try it out if you want. I've tried it actually, it was great for some time, in spite of it's (many) bugs and issues. Of course keeping playing vanilla is not a perfect solution in the long run, because the nature of most MMO's is that you need additional content to keep people playing. Once people have full naxx gear and rank 14 on multiple characters (slightly exaggerated), it becomes a little stale. This is also because of the direction that was taken even back then with WoW, that the players must always progress to some new goal to obtain some new gear or some new title or whatever. I always found it satisfying to set my own goals in the game. For instance (on the Feenix server), I wanted to get Knight rank in pvp (which was one rank higher than I got on retail). So, I did that. Then I was like: "You know, I really want Sul'thraze, because it's badass." Sul'thraze is a two-handed level 40 something sword you get from Tanaris. You have to combine two blue swords you get from the dungeon there (Zul'farrak?). That shit took FOREVER, even at level 60, because of the drop rates and the many bugs with that particular dungeon. Tell you what though, I'm like one of three people on that server to have Sul'thraze. Also, leveling with x1 XP and investing in crafting (I made all my own gear as a Paladin from 1-60), was a blast.
Exactly what I did with my Thunderfury. I wanted one so badly in vanilla/TBC. I farmed for 5 months to get the bindings in WoTLK. Then I spent thousands upon thousands of gold to buy elementium. When I got it, I used it to tank heroics and even ICC, and wouldn't you know it? The fucking thing was still awesome. Granted, I was geared to the tits, but it made me feel so good to accomplish that goal. I just didn't feel that desire to accomplish anything anymore. That, and everyone I knew started leaving because the social aspect was garbage. Makes me sad man.
This thread makes me so nostalgic lol. I miss WotLK the most, and then classic.
United States23455 Posts
On July 30 2014 08:40 micronesia wrote: I've always wanted to play on a progression server... as someone who came to the game late seems like it would be a lot of fun. Progression is often fun. I was super into progression for TBC and WotLK. Didn't play that much in Cata and in MoP I raided more slowly with friends in a guild which was fun as well.
I am looking to get back into progression in WoD with my Shaman although that my require me to switch realms.
United States24571 Posts
Oh I think I used the wrong word lol... sorry about that.
What do you call a server that starts in classic with a lvl 60 cap, then opens up BC content for a while, and slowly moves through all of the content?
United States23455 Posts
On July 30 2014 12:40 micronesia wrote: Oh I think I used the wrong word lol... sorry about that.
What do you call a server that starts in classic with a lvl 60 cap, then opens up BC content for a while, and slowly moves through all of the content? Ah that may be the right word, I didn't know those realms existed
United Kingdom20275 Posts
Then I was like: "You know, I really want Sul'thraze, because it's badass." Sul'thraze is a two-handed level 40 something sword you get from Tanaris. You have to combine two blue swords you get from the dungeon there (Zul'farrak?). That shit took FOREVER, even at level 60, because of the drop rates and the many bugs with that particular dungeon. Tell you what though, I'm like one of three people on that server to have Sul'thraze.
I got Sul'thraze in like 2006 before getting a single lvl 60..
...on my hunter
On July 30 2014 13:20 Cyro wrote:Show nested quote +Then I was like: "You know, I really want Sul'thraze, because it's badass." Sul'thraze is a two-handed level 40 something sword you get from Tanaris. You have to combine two blue swords you get from the dungeon there (Zul'farrak?). That shit took FOREVER, even at level 60, because of the drop rates and the many bugs with that particular dungeon. Tell you what though, I'm like one of three people on that server to have Sul'thraze. I got Sul'thraze in like 2006 before getting a single lvl 60.. ... ... ............ ...on my hunter
You are the embodiment of all that was evil with WoW. Damnit Huntard.
On July 30 2014 13:20 Cyro wrote:Show nested quote +Then I was like: "You know, I really want Sul'thraze, because it's badass." Sul'thraze is a two-handed level 40 something sword you get from Tanaris. You have to combine two blue swords you get from the dungeon there (Zul'farrak?). That shit took FOREVER, even at level 60, because of the drop rates and the many bugs with that particular dungeon. Tell you what though, I'm like one of three people on that server to have Sul'thraze. I got Sul'thraze in like 2006 before getting a single lvl 60.. ... ... ............ ...on my hunter
Good thing everything isn't a hunter weapon anymore lol
United Kingdom20275 Posts
How was i supposed to know it wouldn't have stats? I was like 11 years old
Started playing on a new server with my rogue. God I'm sooo rusty
On July 30 2014 10:13 Ayaz2810 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2014 08:56 jeeeeohn wrote:On July 30 2014 08:38 fmod wrote:On July 30 2014 08:20 jeeeeohn wrote: I absolutely agree with the above post. In Vanilla I had a core group of friends that I played with (a few I even befriended on Facebook later on). Some of them were my age, and I actually grew up with them because of WoW. Back then, the game felt like I was playing with friends; now it's just random ass rude people I don't care about, and won't have an opportunity to care about because the mechanics of the dungeon finder won't allow it. This continued into TBC, and partly into Wrath, but by then the game had changed to the point where it felt like I was continuously in a que for something instead of going out and doing the damn thing.
Oh well, nothing stays the same.
Edit: The Feenix server rekindled that same sense of community for me. I made some pretty good friends on that server, people I still talk to today from time to time. Try it out if you want. I've tried it actually, it was great for some time, in spite of it's (many) bugs and issues. Of course keeping playing vanilla is not a perfect solution in the long run, because the nature of most MMO's is that you need additional content to keep people playing. Once people have full naxx gear and rank 14 on multiple characters (slightly exaggerated), it becomes a little stale. This is also because of the direction that was taken even back then with WoW, that the players must always progress to some new goal to obtain some new gear or some new title or whatever. I always found it satisfying to set my own goals in the game. For instance (on the Feenix server), I wanted to get Knight rank in pvp (which was one rank higher than I got on retail). So, I did that. Then I was like: "You know, I really want Sul'thraze, because it's badass." Sul'thraze is a two-handed level 40 something sword you get from Tanaris. You have to combine two blue swords you get from the dungeon there (Zul'farrak?). That shit took FOREVER, even at level 60, because of the drop rates and the many bugs with that particular dungeon. Tell you what though, I'm like one of three people on that server to have Sul'thraze. Also, leveling with x1 XP and investing in crafting (I made all my own gear as a Paladin from 1-60), was a blast. Exactly what I did with my Thunderfury. I wanted one so badly in vanilla/TBC. I farmed for 5 months to get the bindings in WoTLK. Then I spent thousands upon thousands of gold to buy elementium. When I got it, I used it to tank heroics and even ICC, and wouldn't you know it? The fucking thing was still awesome. Granted, I was geared to the tits, but it made me feel so good to accomplish that goal. I just didn't feel that desire to accomplish anything anymore. That, and everyone I knew started leaving because the social aspect was garbage. Makes me sad man. I used to go Arms in Firelands and use Sulfuras lolol
granted we had high enough dps to make up for it but i really didnt give a shit, and no one cared if i used it or not.
On July 30 2014 08:40 micronesia wrote: I've always wanted to play on a progression server... as someone who came to the game late seems like it would be a lot of fun. It's something that I miss in the private servers. Like Feenix, they are usually on the last patch of an expansion. (when the server first opens up, it's usually different). I wish there was some kind of server that'd reset every now and then or something. Personally, I'm not that attached to characters and their gear. It's more that I want to enjoy the ride of going through raids, during the time that they are the 'new hot thing'.
On July 30 2014 14:45 Cyro wrote:How was i supposed to know it wouldn't have stats? I was like 11 years old 
Raptor Strike spec amirite?
United Kingdom20275 Posts
On July 30 2014 22:27 deth2munkies wrote:Show nested quote +On July 30 2014 14:45 Cyro wrote:How was i supposed to know it wouldn't have stats? I was like 11 years old  Raptor Strike spec amirite?
No, BM hunter with shaman gear because mend pet was channeled and you could solo elites for days with the extra spell power
:D :D :D
It's kinda awesome not being an idiot, but i'll always miss being a 12 year old BM hunter