forgot to mention breath of fire 3 haha that games awesome.
but fayth i said most ps2 rpgs i played suck not all could you list some of the good ones :o these are the ones ive played on ps2 dark cloud, dark cloud 2, castlevania lament of something,wild arms 3, summoner, summoner 2, kingdom hearts (bad game -_-), xenosaga ff 10 and ff 10-2. are there any good ps2 ones besides those?
FF Anthologies.
Nothing touches FF6.
And yeah, Chrono Trigger also rules (there was that PSX remake, I think it came with an FF4 remake)
United States4714 Posts
If you like games like final fantasy tactics then Phantom Brave, Disgea, and La Pucelle Tactics are all good choices.
And while some people dont like the breath of fire game because its too hard etc. I thought it was a great game. It had numerous unique ideas and the combat and story were both excellent.
51333 Posts
vandal hearts, suidoiken front mission is an RPG right?
MURICA15980 Posts
Xenogears FF7 FF8
Those are the first ones that come to mind when I think "PS-one RPG's." Sure, there are others, but for me, they top the list.
FF Anthologies was Good
Hands down most addictive had to be FFT... I remember playing if trying to max everyone... never happened So i have it on my Computer now still trying to max everyone lols
Had to Get Cloud his Basic skills were cool!!
Persona is one of my all time favorites. FF Tactics was also fun.
You kind of have to play suikoden before you play suikoden 2, not because its needed for the storyline, but because of all those moments when you are reminded of what happened in the first game. i got pretty nostalgic when i played the sequel a few years after having completed suikoden:p
i never got to finish xenogears, stranded somewhere in the desert and never turned it on again. i really regret that i've heard that it has the best storyline ever.
all final fantasy games are incredibly cool, great storylines, characters, music and a bunch of easter eggs. you are looking at at least 50+ hours of playing for each game if you want to get the most out of them, a lot more if you get into anything that has to do with chocobos or card games;)
a few others that rocked are chrono cross (oh so very very cool) and legend of mana, the latter can get very confusing at times though.
I think FF8>FF7 & FF8>FF9. I really love this game. I playing it on my pc now...
SNES > PS1 when it comes to rpg's Secret of Mana Chrono Trigger Bahamut Lagoon Secret of Evermore Tales of Phantasia Legend of Zelda Super Mario RPG Lufia 1 and 2 Front Mission Soul Blazer II Final Fantasy 1,2 and 3 Super Metroid Breatch of Fire 1 and 2 Metal Marines Dragon Ball Z RPG
PS1 Castlevania, Legend of Legia, Alundra, Tales of Destiny and Diablo lol... are the ones not mentioned.
these are the one's i have played long ago and there are still many to mention...
Final Fantasy VI.
51333 Posts
Diablo for PC > Diablo for PS
Canada9720 Posts
This topic shouldn't warrant his much discussion. Seriously, the answer is simple.
Xenogears Xenogears Xenogears
I've played every rpg ever on the ps1. nothing even comes close to the magnificence of that game.
anyone ever played Azure Dreams for ps1? I have it and its a weird repetitive pokemon type of game but its fun
Legend of Legaia was my favorite
I really enjoyed rpg's in the time there are no faqs and walkthrough. I remember playing Alundra it's one of the hardest rpg in the PS1 because of it's insane puzzles. It take me a whole day to solve some puzzles but it's very fun and challenging. I began to have less and less interest in rpg when I had access to internet and look for walkthrough but walkthrough are not bad if you want to find an ultra hidden secret in the game and to complete it 100%.
Anyone who's played Alundra for more then an hour knows its the one of the best PS1 RPGs ever.
Canada9720 Posts
alundra? are you guys joking? that half assed zelda wannabe shit game? well, to each their own i guess. i thought alundra was fucking terrible except in the first village you come to this house where 2 gyus live, and one of their names is "Phenus", and the other one had a homoerotic name as well. don't remember, but it was funny. sad that this is only redeeming feature of that crappy grame.
FF7 - My favourite FF8 - A lot of people hated this. "Most" of them because they got owned by the junction system. FF9 - Lots of fun Xenogears - This game relies heavily on story. There is an absolute mass of dialogue in this game. More than any other RPG I've played by a long mile. It's a pretty complicated plot too. Chrono Cross - Good game Star Ocean 2 - This is great. Not as good as Star Ocean 1 on the SNES imo, but it is still very good.
Is Kings field a RPG? It was kinda more like a FPS with a sword. So not sure what class it be in adventure game i guess.